[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/Products/MailHost - MailHost.py:

Torped Strategy and Communications info@torped.se
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 05:25:50 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/Products/MailHost
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv22295/lib/python/Products/MailHost

Modified Files:
      Tag: regebro-case_177-branch
Log Message:
Fix of collector case #177: Now handles bcc-tag properly, updated header/parameter handling. 

=== Zope/lib/python/Products/MailHost/MailHost.py 1.70 => ===
 """SMTP mail objects
 __version__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2]
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@
 from smtplib import SMTP
 from AccessControl.Role import RoleManager
 from operator import truth
-import Acquisition, sys, types, mimetools
+import Acquisition, sys, string, types, mimetools
 import OFS.SimpleItem, re, quopri, rfc822
 from cStringIO import StringIO
 from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
@@ -68,7 +67,9 @@
         self.id = id
         self.title = title
         self.smtp_host = str( smtp_host )
-        self.smtp_port = str( smtp_port )
+        if type(smtp_port) is not type(1):
+            smtp_port=string.atoi(smtp_port)
+        self.smtp_port = smtp_port
     # staying for now... (backwards compatibility)
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@
         if type(smtp_port) is not type(1):
-            smtp_port=int(smtp_port)
+            smtp_port=string.atoi(smtp_port)
@@ -104,16 +105,9 @@
         'render a mail template, then send it...'
         mtemplate = getattr(self, messageTemplate)
         messageText = mtemplate(self, trueself.REQUEST)
+        messageText, mto, mfrom = _mungeHeaders( messageText, mto, mfrom)
         messageText=_encode(messageText, encode)
-        headers = extractheaders(messageText)
-        if mto: headers['to'] = mto
-        if mfrom: headers['from'] = mfrom
-        for requiredHeader in ('to', 'from'):
-            if not headers.has_key(requiredHeader):
-                raise MailHostError,"Message missing SMTP Header '%s'"\
-                      % requiredHeader
-        self._send( headers, messageText )
+        self._send(mfrom, mto, messageText)
         if not statusTemplate: return "SEND OK"
@@ -127,78 +121,30 @@
     security.declareProtected( use_mailhost_services, 'send' )
     def send(self, messageText, mto=None, mfrom=None, subject=None,
-        headers = extractheaders(messageText)
-        messageText = messageText.lstrip()
-        if not headers['subject'] and len(headers)==0:
-            messageText="subject: %s\n\n%s" % (subject or '[No Subject]',
-                                             messageText)
-        elif not headers['subject']: 
-            messageText="subject: %s\n%s" % (subject or '[No Subject]',
-                                             messageText)
-        if mto:
-            if type(mto) is type('s'):
-                mto=[ x.strip() for x in mto.split(',')]
-            headers['to'] = filter(None, mto)
-        if mfrom:
-            headers['from'] = mfrom
-        for requiredHeader in ('to', 'from'):
-            if not headers.has_key(requiredHeader):
-                raise MailHostError,"Message missing SMTP Header '%s'"\
-                % requiredHeader
-        messageText=_encode(messageText, encode)
-        self._send( headers, messageText )
+        messageText, mto, mfrom = _mungeHeaders( messageText, mto, mfrom, subject)
+        messageText = _encode(messageText, encode)
+        self._send(mfrom, mto, messageText)
+    # This is here for backwards compatibility only. Possibly it could be used to send messages
+    # at a sceduled future time, or via a mail queue?
     security.declareProtected( use_mailhost_services, 'scheduledSend' )
-    def scheduledSend(self, messageText, mto=None, mfrom=None, subject=None,
-                      encode=None):
-        """Looks like the same function as send() - scheduledSend() is nowhere 
-        used in Zope. No idea if it is still needed/used (ajung)
-        """
-        headers = extractheaders(messageText)
-        if not headers['subject']:
-            messageText="subject: %s\n%s" % (subject or '[No Subject]',
-                                             messageText)
-        if mto:
-            if type(mto) is type('s'):
-                mto=[ x.strip() for x in mto.split(',')]
-            headers['to'] = filter(truth, mto)
-        if mfrom:
-            headers['from'] = mfrom
-        for requiredHeader in ('to', 'from'):
-            if not headers.has_key(requiredHeader):
-                raise MailHostError,"Message missing SMTP Header '%s'"\
-                % requiredHeader
-        messageText=_encode(messageText, encode)
-        self._send( headers, messageText )
+    scheduledSend = send
     security.declareProtected( use_mailhost_services, 'simple_send' )
     def simple_send(self, mto, mfrom, subject, body):
-        body="from: %s\nto: %s\nsubject: %s\n\n%s" % (
+        body="From: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s" % (
             mfrom, mto, subject, body)
-        headers = {}
-        headers['from'] = mfrom
-        headers['to'] = mto
-        self._send( headers, body )
+        self._send( mto, mfrom, body )
     security.declarePrivate( '_send' )
-    def _send( self, headers, body ):
+    def _send( self, mfrom, mto, messageText ):
         """ Send the message """
-        smtpserver = SMTP( self.smtp_host, int( self.smtp_port ) )
-        smtpserver.sendmail( headers['from'], headers['to'], body )
+        smtpserver = SMTP( self.smtp_host, self.smtp_port )
+        smtpserver.sendmail( mfrom, mto, messageText )
@@ -215,7 +161,7 @@
     if mo.getencoding() != '7bit': 
         raise MailHostError, 'Message already encoded'
-    newmfile.write(''.join(mo.headers))
+    newmfile.write(string.joinfields(mo.headers, ''))
     newmfile.write('Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s\n' % encode)
     if not mo.has_key('Mime-Version'):
         newmfile.write('Mime-Version: 1.0\n')
@@ -224,20 +170,45 @@
     return newmfile.getvalue()
-def extractheaders(message):
-    # return headers of message
-    mfile=StringIO(message.strip())
+def _mungeHeaders( messageText, mto=None, mfrom=None, subject=None):
+    """Sets missing message headers, and deletes Bcc.
+       returns fixed message, fixed mto and fixed mfrom"""
+    mfile=StringIO(string.strip(messageText))
-    hd={}
-    hd['to']=[]
-    for header in (mo.getaddrlist('to'),
-                   mo.getaddrlist('cc'),
-                   mo.getaddrlist('bcc')):
-        if not header: continue
-        for name, addr in header:
-            hd['to'].append(addr)
-    hd['from']=mo.getaddr('from')[1]
-    hd['subject']=mo.getheader('subject') or ''
-    return hd
+    # Parameters given will *always* override headers in the messageText.
+    # This is so that you can't override or add to them by adding them to
+    # the message text.
+    if subject:
+        mo['Subject'] = subject
+    elif not mo.getheader('Subject'):
+        mo['Subject'] = '[No Subject]'
+    if mto:
+        if type(mto) is type('s'):
+            mto=map(string.strip, string.split(mto,','))
+        mo['To'] = string.join(mto, ',')
+    else:
+        if not mo.getheader('To'):
+            raise MailHostError,"Message missing SMTP Header 'To'"
+        mto = map(string.strip, string.split(mo['To'],','))
+        if mo.getheader('Cc'):
+            mto = mto + map(string.strip, string.split(mo['Cc'],','))
+        if mo.getheader('Bcc'):
+            mto = mto + map(string.strip, string.split(mo['Bcc'],','))
+    if mfrom:
+        mo['From'] = mfrom
+    else:
+        if mo.getheader('From') is None:
+            raise MailHostError,"Message missing SMTP Header 'From'"
+        mfrom = mo['From']
+    if mo.getheader('Bcc'):
+        mo.__delitem__('Bcc')
+    mo.rewindbody()
+    finalmessage = mo
+    finalmessage = mo.__str__() + '\n' + mfile.read()
+    mfile.close()
+    return finalmessage, mto, mfrom