[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher - BeforeTraverse.py: Converters.py: HTTPRequest.py: HTTPResponse.py:
Casey Duncan
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 15:52:02 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv22094/lib/python/ZPublisher
Modified Files:
Tag: casey-death_to_index_html-branch
BeforeTraverse.py Converters.py HTTPRequest.py HTTPResponse.py
Log Message:
Updating branch to head for testing
=== Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/BeforeTraverse.py 1.7 => ===
"""BeforeTraverse interface and helper classes"""
+from zLOG import LOG, ERROR
# Interface
def registerBeforeTraverse(container, object, app_handle, priority=99):
@@ -96,7 +98,11 @@
if prior is not None:
prior(container, request)
for cob in self._list:
- cob(container, request)
+ try:
+ cob(container, request)
+ except TypeError:
+ LOG('MultiHook', ERROR, '%s call %s failed.' % (
+ `self._hookname`, `cob`), error=sys.exc_info())
def add(self, cob):
=== Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Converters.py 1.14 => ===
return v
+class _unicode_converter:
+ def __call__(self,v):
+ # Convert a regular python string. This probably doesnt do what you want,
+ # whatever that might be. If you are getting exceptions below, you
+ # probably missed the encoding tag from a form field name. Use:
+ # <input name="description:utf8:ustring" .....
+ # rather than
+ # <input name="description:ustring" .....
+ if hasattr(v,'read'): v=v.read()
+ v = unicode(v)
+ return self.convert_unicode(v)
+ def convert_unicode(self,v):
+ raise NotImplementedError('convert_unicode')
+class field2ustring(_unicode_converter):
+ def convert_unicode(self,v):
+ return v
+field2ustring = field2ustring()
+class field2utokens(_unicode_converter):
+ def convert_unicode(self,v):
+ return v.split()
+field2utokens = field2utokens()
+class field2utext(_unicode_converter):
+ def convert_unicode(self,v):
+ return unicode(field2text(v.encode('utf8')),'utf8')
+field2utext = field2utext()
+class field2ulines(_unicode_converter):
+ def convert_unicode(self,v):
+ return field2utext.convert_unicode(v).split('\n')
+field2ulines = field2ulines()
type_converters = {
'float': field2float,
'int': field2int,
@@ -123,7 +158,11 @@
'tokens': field2tokens,
'lines': field2lines,
'text': field2text,
- 'boolean': field2boolean,
+ 'boolean': field2boolean,
+ 'ustring': field2ustring,
+ 'utokens': field2utokens,
+ 'ulines': field2ulines,
+ 'utext': field2utext,
=== Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/HTTPRequest.py 1.62 => ===
-import re, sys, os, urllib, time, whrandom, cgi
+import re, sys, os, urllib, time, whrandom, cgi, codecs
from BaseRequest import BaseRequest
from HTTPResponse import HTTPResponse
from cgi import FieldStorage, escape
@@ -384,6 +384,7 @@
+ character_encoding = ''
# Loop through the different types and set
# the appropriate flags
@@ -431,6 +432,8 @@
elif type_name == 'ignore_empty':
if not item: flags=flags|EMPTY
+ elif has_codec(type_name):
+ character_encoding = type_name
if l < 0: break
@@ -456,7 +459,17 @@
# defer conversion
if flags&CONVERTED:
- item=converter(item)
+ if character_encoding:
+ # We have a string with a specified character encoding.
+ # This gets passed to the converter either as unicode, if it can
+ # handle it, or crunched back down to latin-1 if it can not.
+ item = unicode(item,character_encoding)
+ if hasattr(converter,'convert_unicode'):
+ item = converter.convert_unicode(item)
+ else:
+ item = converter(item.encode('latin1'))
+ else:
+ item=converter(item)
if (not item and not (flags&DEFAULT) and
@@ -965,6 +978,13 @@
return name, password
+def has_codec(x):
+ try:
+ codecs.lookup(x)
+ except LookupError:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
=== Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/HTTPResponse.py 1.53 => ===
-import types, sys, re
+import types, os, sys, re
from string import translate, maketrans
-from types import StringType, InstanceType, LongType
+from types import StringType, InstanceType, LongType, UnicodeType
from BaseResponse import BaseResponse
from zExceptions import Unauthorized
@@ -92,6 +92,17 @@
accumulate_header={'set-cookie': 1}.has_key
+tb_style = os.environ.get('HTTP_TRACEBACK_STYLE', '').lower()
+if tb_style == 'none':
+ tb_delims = None, None
+elif tb_style == 'js':
+ tb_delims = ('''<pre onclick="this.firstChild.data=this.lastChild.data">
+ §<!--''', '--></pre>')
+elif tb_style == 'plain':
+ tb_delims = '<pre>', '</pre>'
+ tb_delims = '<!--', '-->'
class HTTPResponse(BaseResponse):
An object representation of an HTTP response.
@@ -230,7 +241,16 @@
if hasattr(body,'asHTML'):
- body=str(body)
+ if type(body) is UnicodeType:
+ body = self._encode_unicode(body)
+ elif type(body) is StringType:
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ body = str(body)
+ except UnicodeError:
+ body = _encode_unicode(unicode(body))
if ((l < 200) and body[:1]=='<' and body.find('>')==l-1 and
bogus_str_search(body) is not None):
@@ -265,6 +285,16 @@
return self
+ def _encode_unicode(self,body,charset_re=re.compile(r'text/[0-9a-z]+\s*;\s*charset=([-_0-9a-z]+)(?:(?:\s*;)|\Z)',re.IGNORECASE)):
+ # Encode the Unicode data as requested
+ if self.headers.has_key('content-type'):
+ match = charset_re.match(self.headers['content-type'])
+ if match:
+ encoding = match.group(1)
+ return body.encode(encoding)
+ # Use the default character encoding
+ return body.encode('latin1','replace')
def setBase(self,base):
'Set the base URL for the returned document.'
if base[-1:] != '/':
@@ -399,9 +429,9 @@
tb = '\n'.join(tb)
tb = self.quoteHTML(tb)
if self.debug_mode: _tbopen, _tbclose = '<PRE>', '</PRE>'
- else: _tbopen, _tbclose = '''<pre
- onclick="this.firstChild.data=this.lastChild.data">
- §<!--''', '--></pre>'
+ else: _tbopen, _tbclose = tb_delims
+ if _tbopen is None:
+ return ''
return "\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (_tbopen, tb, _tbclose)
def redirect(self, location, status=302, lock=0):
@@ -583,23 +613,28 @@
'Zope has exited normally.<p>' + self._traceback(t, v, tb)),
- elif type(b) is not types.StringType or tag_search(b) is None:
- body = self.setBody(
- (str(t),
- 'Sorry, a site error occurred.<p>'
- + self._traceback(t, v, tb)),
- is_error=1)
- elif b.strip().lower()[:6]=='<html>' or \
- b.strip().lower()[:14]=='<!doctype html':
- # error is an HTML document, not just a snippet of html
- body = self.setBody(b + self._traceback(t, '(see above)', tb),
- is_error=1)
- body = self.setBody((str(t),
- b + self._traceback(t,'(see above)', tb)),
- is_error=1)
- del tb
- return body
+ try:
+ match = tag_search(b)
+ except TypeError:
+ match = None
+ if match is None:
+ body = self.setBody(
+ (str(t),
+ 'Sorry, a site error occurred.<p>'
+ + self._traceback(t, v, tb)),
+ is_error=1)
+ elif b.strip().lower()[:6]=='<html>' or \
+ b.strip().lower()[:14]=='<!doctype html':
+ # error is an HTML document, not just a snippet of html
+ body = self.setBody(b + self._traceback(t, '(see above)', tb),
+ is_error=1)
+ else:
+ body = self.setBody((str(t),
+ b + self._traceback(t,'(see above)', tb)),
+ is_error=1)
+ del tb
+ return body
@@ -693,4 +728,5 @@