[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/App - ApplicationManager.py: CacheManager.py:

Shane Hathaway shane@cvs.zope.org
Fri, 31 May 2002 16:23:52 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/App
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv30758/lib/python/App

Modified Files:
      Tag: shane-activity-monitoring-branch
	ApplicationManager.py CacheManager.py 
Log Message:
Added an activity monitor to the Database control panel.  It is a bar graph
that shows how many objects have been loaded and stored recently.  It's
good for:

- discovering excessive loading, meaning you should raise the cache size;

- discovering excessive storing, meaning your application may be writing too
  often; and

- getting a general handle on the activity of your database.

=== Zope/lib/python/App/ApplicationManager.py 1.78 => ===
         {'label':'Database', 'action':'manage_main',
+        {'label':'Activity', 'action':'manage_activity'},
         {'label':'Cache Parameters', 'action':'manage_cacheParameters',
         {'label':'Flush Cache', 'action':'manage_cacheGC',
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@
     # These need to be here rather to make tabs work correctly. This
     # needs to be revisited.
+    manage_activity=Globals.DTMLFile('dtml/activity', globals())
     manage_cacheParameters=Globals.DTMLFile('dtml/cacheParameters', globals())
     manage_cacheGC=Globals.DTMLFile('dtml/cacheGC', globals())

=== Zope/lib/python/App/CacheManager.py 1.24 => ===
 import Globals, time, sys
+from DateTime import DateTime
 class CacheManager:
     """Cache management mix-in
@@ -25,10 +26,15 @@
+    _history_length = 3600  # Seconds
     manage_cacheParameters=Globals.DTMLFile('dtml/cacheParameters', globals())
     manage_cacheGC=Globals.DTMLFile('dtml/cacheGC', globals())
+    transparent_bar = Globals.ImageFile('www/transparent_bar.gif', globals())
+    store_bar = Globals.ImageFile('www/store_bar.gif', globals())
+    load_bar = Globals.ImageFile('www/load_bar.gif', globals())
     def cache_length(self):
         try: db=self._p_jar.db()
@@ -185,6 +191,9 @@
+            am = self._getActivityMonitor()
+            if am is not None:
+                am.setHistoryLength(self._history_length)
     def cache_detail(self, REQUEST=None):
@@ -238,6 +247,119 @@
             # raw
             return detail
+    def _getActivityMonitor(self):
+        db = self._p_jar.db()
+        if not hasattr(db, 'getActivityMonitor'):
+            return None
+        am = db.getActivityMonitor()
+        if am is None:
+            return None
+        return am
+    def getHistoryLength(self):
+        am = self._getActivityMonitor()
+        if am is None:
+            return 0
+        return am.getHistoryLength()
+    def manage_setHistoryLength(self, length, REQUEST=None):
+        """Change the length of the activity monitor history.
+        """
+        am = self._getActivityMonitor()
+        length = int(length)
+        if length < 0:
+            raise ValueError, 'length can not be negative'
+        if am is not None:
+            am.setHistoryLength(length)
+        self._history_length = length  # Restore on startup
+        if REQUEST is not None:
+            response = REQUEST['RESPONSE']
+            response.redirect(REQUEST['URL1'] + '/manage_activity')
+    def getActivityChartData(self, segment_height, REQUEST=None):
+        """Returns information for generating an activity chart.
+        """
+        am = self._getActivityMonitor()
+        if am is None:
+            return None
+        if REQUEST is not None:
+            start = float(REQUEST.get('chart_start', 0))
+            end = float(REQUEST.get('chart_end', 0))
+            divisions = int(REQUEST.get('chart_divisions', 10))
+            analysis = am.getActivityAnalysis(start, end, divisions)
+        else:
+            analysis = am.getActivityAnalysis()
+        total_load_count = 0
+        total_store_count = 0
+        limit = 0
+        divs = []
+        for div in analysis:
+            total_store_count = total_store_count + div['stores']
+            total_load_count = total_load_count + div['loads']
+            sum = div['stores'] + div['loads']
+            if sum > limit:
+                limit = sum
+        if analysis:
+            segment_time = analysis[0]['end'] - analysis[0]['start']
+        else:
+            segment_time = 0
+        for div in analysis:
+            stores = div['stores']
+            if stores > 0:
+                store_len = max(int(segment_height * stores / limit), 1)
+            else:
+                store_len = 0
+            loads = div['loads']
+            if loads > 0:
+                load_len = max(int(segment_height * loads / limit), 1)
+            else:
+                load_len = 0
+            t = div['end'] - analysis[-1]['end']  # Show negative numbers.
+            if segment_time >= 3600:
+                # Show hours.
+                time_offset = '%dh' % (t / 3600)
+            elif segment_time >= 60:
+                # Show minutes.
+                time_offset = '%dm' % (t / 60)
+            elif segment_time >= 1:
+                # Show seconds.
+                time_offset = '%ds' % t
+            else:
+                # Show fractions.
+                time_offset = '%.2fs' % t
+            divs.append({
+                'store_len': store_len,
+                'load_len': load_len,
+                'trans_len': max(segment_height - store_len - load_len, 0),
+                'store_count': div['stores'],
+                'load_count': div['loads'],
+                'start': div['start'],
+                'end': div['end'],
+                'time_offset': time_offset,
+                })
+        if analysis:
+            start_time = DateTime(divs[0]['start']).aCommonZ()
+            end_time = DateTime(divs[-1]['end']).aCommonZ()
+        else:
+            start_time = ''
+            end_time = ''
+        res = {'start_time': start_time,
+               'end_time': end_time,
+               'divs': divs,
+               'total_store_count': total_store_count,
+               'total_load_count': total_load_count,
+               }
+        return res