[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests - ConflictResolution.py: MTStorage.py: TransactionalUndoStorage.py: testTransaction.py: testZODB.py:
Jeremy Hylton
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 16:13:59 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv27252/lib/python/ZODB/tests
Modified Files:
Tag: Zope-2_6-branch
ConflictResolution.py MTStorage.py TransactionalUndoStorage.py
testTransaction.py testZODB.py
Log Message:
Sync Zope 2.6 and ZODB 3.1 release branches.
ZODB deadlock prevention code.
Bug in ConflictResolution bad_classes handling.
Don't let exceptions propagate out of ConflictResolution.
Add data_txn atribute to records returned by storage iterators.
Other sundry changes.
=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/ConflictResolution.py 1.8 => ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/ConflictResolution.py:1.8 Wed Aug 14 18:07:09 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/ConflictResolution.py Tue Nov 12 16:13:58 2002
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
# pickle is to commit two different transactions relative to
# revid1 that add two to _value.
revid2 = self._dostoreNP(oid, revid=revid1, data=zodb_pickle(obj))
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
+ self.assertRaises(ConflictError,
oid, revid=revid1, data=zodb_pickle(obj))
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
# pickle is to commit two different transactions relative to
# revid1 that add two to _value.
revid2 = self._dostoreNP(oid, revid=revid1, data=zodb_pickle(obj))
- self.assertRaises(TypeError,
+ self.assertRaises(ConflictError,
oid, revid=revid1, data=zodb_pickle(obj))
=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py 1.4 => ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py:1.4 Wed Aug 14 18:07:09 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/MTStorage.py Tue Nov 12 16:13:58 2002
@@ -170,9 +170,9 @@
for t in threads:
for t in threads:
- t.join(10)
+ t.join(60)
for t in threads:
- self.failIf(t.isAlive())
+ self.failIf(t.isAlive(), "thread failed to finish in 60 seconds")
def check2ZODBThreads(self):
db = ZODB.DB(self._storage)
=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py 1.21 => ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py:1.21 Wed Aug 14 18:07:09 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py Tue Nov 12 16:13:58 2002
@@ -2,19 +2,25 @@
Any storage that supports transactionalUndo() must pass these tests.
+from __future__ import nested_scopes
import time
import types
from ZODB import POSException
from ZODB.Transaction import Transaction
from ZODB.referencesf import referencesf
-from ZODB.utils import u64
+from ZODB.utils import u64, p64
+from ZODB import DB
+from Persistence import Persistent
from ZODB.tests.MinPO import MinPO
from ZODB.tests.StorageTestBase import zodb_pickle, zodb_unpickle
ZERO = '\0'*8
+class C(Persistent):
+ pass
class TransactionalUndoStorage:
def _transaction_begin(self):
@@ -52,6 +58,17 @@
newrevs[oid] = self._transaction_newserial(oid)
return newrevs
+ def _iterate(self):
+ """Iterate over the storage in its final state."""
+ # This is testing that the iterator() code works correctly.
+ # The hasattr() guards against ZEO, which doesn't support iterator.
+ if not hasattr(self._storage, "iterator"):
+ return
+ iter = self._storage.iterator()
+ for txn in iter:
+ for rec in txn:
+ pass
def checkSimpleTransactionalUndo(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
oid = self._storage.new_oid()
@@ -112,6 +129,7 @@
eq(oids[0], oid)
data, revid = self._storage.load(oid, '')
eq(zodb_unpickle(data), MinPO(23))
+ self._iterate()
def checkUndoCreationBranch1(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
@@ -142,6 +160,7 @@
eq(len(oids), 1)
eq(oids[0], oid)
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._storage.load, oid, '')
+ self._iterate()
def checkUndoCreationBranch2(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
@@ -173,6 +192,7 @@
eq(oids[0], oid)
data, revid = self._storage.load(oid, '')
eq(zodb_unpickle(data), MinPO(12))
+ self._iterate()
def checkTwoObjectUndo(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
@@ -226,6 +246,7 @@
eq(zodb_unpickle(data), MinPO(31))
data, revid2 = self._storage.load(oid2, '')
eq(zodb_unpickle(data), MinPO(51))
+ self._iterate()
def checkTwoObjectUndoAtOnce(self):
# Convenience
@@ -296,6 +317,7 @@
eq(zodb_unpickle(data), MinPO(32))
data, revid2 = self._storage.load(oid2, '')
eq(zodb_unpickle(data), MinPO(52))
+ self._iterate()
def checkTwoObjectUndoAgain(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
@@ -366,6 +388,7 @@
eq(zodb_unpickle(data), MinPO(33))
data, revid2 = self._storage.load(oid2, '')
eq(zodb_unpickle(data), MinPO(54))
+ self._iterate()
def checkNotUndoable(self):
@@ -423,6 +446,7 @@
tid, t)
+ self._iterate()
def checkTransactionalUndoAfterPack(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
@@ -461,3 +485,148 @@
data, revid = self._storage.load(oid, '')
# The object must now be at the second state
eq(zodb_unpickle(data), MinPO(52))
+ self._iterate()
+ def checkTransactionalUndoAfterPackWithObjectUnlinkFromRoot(self):
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ db = DB(self._storage)
+ conn = db.open()
+ root = conn.root()
+ o1 = C()
+ o2 = C()
+ root['obj'] = o1
+ o1.obj = o2
+ txn = get_transaction()
+ txn.note('o1 -> o2')
+ txn.commit()
+ now = packtime = time.time()
+ while packtime <= now:
+ packtime = time.time()
+ o3 = C()
+ o2.obj = o3
+ txn = get_transaction()
+ txn.note('o1 -> o2 -> o3')
+ txn.commit()
+ o1.obj = o3
+ txn = get_transaction()
+ txn.note('o1 -> o3')
+ txn.commit()
+ log = self._storage.undoLog()
+ eq(len(log), 4)
+ for entry in zip(log, ('o1 -> o3', 'o1 -> o2 -> o3',
+ 'o1 -> o2', 'initial database creation')):
+ eq(entry[0]['description'], entry[1])
+ self._storage.pack(packtime, referencesf)
+ log = self._storage.undoLog()
+ for entry in zip(log, ('o1 -> o3', 'o1 -> o2 -> o3')):
+ eq(entry[0]['description'], entry[1])
+ tid = log[0]['id']
+ db.undo(tid)
+ txn = get_transaction()
+ txn.note('undo')
+ txn.commit()
+ # undo does a txn-undo, but doesn't invalidate
+ conn.sync()
+ log = self._storage.undoLog()
+ for entry in zip(log, ('undo', 'o1 -> o3', 'o1 -> o2 -> o3')):
+ eq(entry[0]['description'], entry[1])
+ eq(o1.obj, o2)
+ eq(o1.obj.obj, o3)
+ self._iterate()
+ def checkTransactionalUndoIterator(self):
+ # check that data_txn set in iterator makes sense
+ if not hasattr(self._storage, "iterator"):
+ return
+ s = self._storage
+ orig = []
+ for i in range(BATCHES):
+ t = Transaction()
+ tid = p64(i + 1)
+ s.tpc_begin(t, tid)
+ for j in range(OBJECTS):
+ oid = s.new_oid()
+ obj = MinPO(i * OBJECTS + j)
+ revid = s.store(oid, None, zodb_pickle(obj), '', t)
+ orig.append((tid, oid, revid))
+ s.tpc_vote(t)
+ s.tpc_finish(t)
+ i = 0
+ for tid, oid, revid in orig:
+ self._dostore(oid, revid=revid, data=MinPO(revid),
+ description="update %s" % i)
+ # Undo the OBJECTS transactions that modified objects created
+ # in the ith original transaction.
+ def undo(i):
+ info = s.undoInfo()
+ t = Transaction()
+ s.tpc_begin(t)
+ base = i * OBJECTS + i
+ for j in range(OBJECTS):
+ tid = info[base + j]['id']
+ s.transactionalUndo(tid, t)
+ s.tpc_vote(t)
+ s.tpc_finish(t)
+ for i in range(BATCHES):
+ undo(i)
+ # There are now (2 + OBJECTS) * BATCHES transactions:
+ # BATCHES original transactions, followed by
+ # OBJECTS * BATCHES modifications, followed by
+ # BATCHES undos
+ iter = s.iterator()
+ offset = 0
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ for i in range(BATCHES):
+ txn = iter[offset]
+ offset += 1
+ tid = p64(i + 1)
+ eq(txn.tid, tid)
+ L1 = [(rec.oid, rec.serial, rec.data_txn) for rec in txn]
+ L2 = [(oid, revid, None) for _tid, oid, revid in orig
+ if _tid == tid]
+ eq(L1, L2)
+ for i in range(BATCHES * OBJECTS):
+ txn = iter[offset]
+ offset += 1
+ eq(len([rec for rec in txn if rec.data_txn is None]), 1)
+ for i in range(BATCHES):
+ txn = iter[offset]
+ offset += 1
+ # The undos are performed in reverse order.
+ otid = p64(BATCHES - i)
+ L1 = [(rec.oid, rec.data_txn) for rec in txn]
+ L2 = [(oid, otid) for _tid, oid, revid in orig
+ if _tid == otid]
+ L1.sort()
+ L2.sort()
+ eq(L1, L2)
+ self.assertRaises(IndexError, iter.__getitem__, offset)
=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/testTransaction.py 1.11 => ===
=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/testZODB.py 1.4 => ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/testZODB.py:1.4 Wed Aug 14 18:07:09 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/tests/testZODB.py Tue Nov 12 16:13:58 2002
@@ -94,6 +94,16 @@
+ def checkVersionOnly(self):
+ # Make sure the changes to make empty transactions a no-op
+ # still allow things like abortVersion(). This should work
+ # because abortVersion() calls tpc_begin() itself.
+ r = self._db.open("version").root()
+ r[1] = 1
+ get_transaction().commit()
+ self._db.abortVersion("version")
+ get_transaction().commit()
def test_suite():
return unittest.makeSuite(ZODBTests, 'check')