[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope - configure.bat:

Chris McDonough chrism@zope.com
09 Oct 2002 12:57:22 -0400

Thanks a lot, Guido!

On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 11:26, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Update of /cvs-repository/Zope
> In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv27664
> Modified Files:
>       Tag: chrism-install-branch
> 	configure.bat 
> Log Message:
> Convert line endings to default.
> === Zope/configure.bat => ===
> --- Zope/configure.bat:	Wed Oct  9 00:58:11 2002
> +++ Zope/configure.bat	Wed Oct  9 11:26:18 2002
> @@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
> -@echo off
> -
> -rem Zope source configure script for Win2K.
> -rem To make and compile Zope you will need MS VC++ 6.0
> -
> -rem Assumes youre running on 2000/XP (known to not work under Win98/ME,
> -rem thanks Tim!).  It *might* work under WinNT, but it hasn't been tested.
> -
> -rem To specify a Python interpreter to use instead of accepting the
> -rem result of this 'configure' script's autocheck, issue the command
> -rem "set PYTHON=\path\to\your\python" before running the configure script.
> -
> -rem If this script doesnt work for you for some reason, instead just run
> -rem "YOUR_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE inst\configure.py --prefix=ZOPE_TARGET_DIR"
> -rem to build Zope.
> -
> -rem $Id$
> -rem $Revision$
> -
> -echo.
> -
> -:getpythonfromenv
> - if "%PYTHON%"=="" goto findpython
> - if not exist "%PYTHON%" goto nosuchexecutable
> -
> -:configure
> - "%FOUND_PYTHON%" inst\configure.py %1 %2 %3 %4
> - if not errorlevel 1 goto :EOF
> -
> -:usage
> - echo configure [--prefix=target_dir] [--ignore-largefile] [--ignore-zlib] 
> - echo.
> - echo Creates a Makefile suitable for building and installing Zope with Visual C++
> - echo.
> - echo   Options:
> - echo     --prefix            the directory in which you wish to install Zope
> - echo                         (e.g. --prefix=c:\Program Files\Zope)
> - echo                         defaults to c:\Zope
> - echo     --ignore-largefile  ignore large file support warnings
> - echo     --ignore-zlib       ignore warnings about zlib
> - echo.
> - echo   Special:
> - echo     To specify a Python interpreter to use, issue the command
> - echo     "set PYTHON=\path\to\your\python\executable" before running
> - echo     this script.
> - echo.
> - goto :EOF
> -
> -:findpython
> - echo Finding a Python interpreter
> - regedit /E "%Temp%\python-for-zope.reg" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Python.exe"
> - if not exist "%Temp%\python-for-zope.reg" goto nopython
> - for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A IN ('TYPE %Temp%\python-for-zope.reg ^| FIND "Python.exe"') DO set FOUND_PYTHON=%%B
> - echo A Python interpreter was found at %FOUND_PYTHON%
> - if errorlevel 1 goto badpython
> - del %Temp%\python-for-zope.reg
> - goto configure
> -
> -:badpython
> - echo.
> - echo !! ERROR !!
> - echo The version of Python you've installed on your computer at
> - echo %FOUND_PYTHON% is not capable of running Zope.  Use Python
> - echo version %PYTHON_TARGET_VER% instead.  Download and install it
> - echo from http://www.python.org.
> - echo.
> - goto usage
> -
> -:nosuchexecutable
> - echo.
> - echo !! ERROR !!
> - echo The Python interpreter you've specified ("%PYTHON%") via the PYTHON
> - echo environment variable does not appear to exist.
> - echo.
> - goto usage
> -
> -:nopython
> - echo.
> - echo !! ERROR !!
> - echo Python is not installed on your computer, please install it first
> - echo by downloading it from http://www.python.org.  Alternately,
> - echo specify the Python interpreter you wish to use via the PYTHON
> - echo environment variable.
> - echo.
> - goto usage
> -
> -:EOF
> - 
> +@echo off
> +
> +rem Zope source configure script for Win2K.
> +rem To make and compile Zope you will need MS VC++ 6.0
> +
> +rem Assumes youre running on 2000/XP (known to not work under Win98/ME,
> +rem thanks Tim!).  It *might* work under WinNT, but it hasn't been tested.
> +
> +rem To specify a Python interpreter to use instead of accepting the
> +rem result of this 'configure' script's autocheck, issue the command
> +rem "set PYTHON=\path\to\your\python" before running the configure script.
> +
> +rem If this script doesnt work for you for some reason, instead just run
> +rem "YOUR_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE inst\configure.py --prefix=ZOPE_TARGET_DIR"
> +rem to build Zope.
> +
> +rem $Id$
> +rem $Revision$
> +
> +echo.
> +
> +:getpythonfromenv
> + if "%PYTHON%"=="" goto findpython
> + if not exist "%PYTHON%" goto nosuchexecutable
> +
> +:configure
> + "%FOUND_PYTHON%" inst\configure.py %1 %2 %3 %4
> + if not errorlevel 1 goto :EOF
> +
> +:usage
> + echo configure [--prefix=target_dir] [--ignore-largefile] [--ignore-zlib] 
> + echo.
> + echo Creates a Makefile suitable for building and installing Zope with Visual C++
> + echo.
> + echo   Options:
> + echo     --prefix            the directory in which you wish to install Zope
> + echo                         (e.g. --prefix=c:\Program Files\Zope)
> + echo                         defaults to c:\Zope
> + echo     --ignore-largefile  ignore large file support warnings
> + echo     --ignore-zlib       ignore warnings about zlib
> + echo.
> + echo   Special:
> + echo     To specify a Python interpreter to use, issue the command
> + echo     "set PYTHON=\path\to\your\python\executable" before running
> + echo     this script.
> + echo.
> + goto :EOF
> +
> +:findpython
> + echo Finding a Python interpreter
> + regedit /E "%Temp%\python-for-zope.reg" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Python.exe"
> + if not exist "%Temp%\python-for-zope.reg" goto nopython
> + for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A IN ('TYPE %Temp%\python-for-zope.reg ^| FIND "Python.exe"') DO set FOUND_PYTHON=%%B
> + echo A Python interpreter was found at %FOUND_PYTHON%
> + if errorlevel 1 goto badpython
> + del %Temp%\python-for-zope.reg
> + goto configure
> +
> +:badpython
> + echo.
> + echo !! ERROR !!
> + echo The version of Python you've installed on your computer at
> + echo %FOUND_PYTHON% is not capable of running Zope.  Use Python
> + echo version %PYTHON_TARGET_VER% instead.  Download and install it
> + echo from http://www.python.org.
> + echo.
> + goto usage
> +
> +:nosuchexecutable
> + echo.
> + echo !! ERROR !!
> + echo The Python interpreter you've specified ("%PYTHON%") via the PYTHON
> + echo environment variable does not appear to exist.
> + echo.
> + goto usage
> +
> +:nopython
> + echo.
> + echo !! ERROR !!
> + echo Python is not installed on your computer, please install it first
> + echo by downloading it from http://www.python.org.  Alternately,
> + echo specify the Python interpreter you wish to use via the PYTHON
> + echo environment variable.
> + echo.
> + goto usage
> +
> +:EOF
> + 
> _______________________________________________
> Zope-Checkins maillist  -  Zope-Checkins@zope.org
> http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-checkins