[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/tests/input - importer.conf: importsections.conf: impsections1.conf: include.conf: simple.conf: simplesections.conf:
Chris McDonough
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 14:29:13 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/tests/input
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv2630/tests/input
Added Files:
Tag: chrism-install-branch
importer.conf importsections.conf impsections1.conf
include.conf simple.conf simplesections.conf
Log Message:
Using "repolinked" ZConfig package rather than one checked directly in
to this branch.
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/tests/input/importer.conf ===
import simple.conf
var1 def
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/tests/input/importsections.conf ===
<section a (b)>
var 1
<section b (c)>
var 2
import impsections1.conf
<override over-a>
var a-2
<override over-b (over-a)/>
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/tests/input/impsections1.conf ===
<section c>
var 3
cvar value
<override over-a>
var a-1
var2 should-not-be-visible
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/tests/input/include.conf ===
var2 value2
include simple.conf
var3 value3
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/tests/input/simple.conf ===
var1 abc
int-var 12
float-var 12.02
neg-int -2
true-var-1 true
true-var-2 on
true-var-3 yes
false-var-1 false
false-var-2 off
false-var-3 no
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/tests/input/simplesections.conf ===
var foo
var-0 foo-0
<section name (delegate)>
var bar
var-one splat
var-1 foo-1
<section delegate>
var spam
var-two stuff
var-2 foo-2
<section another>
var quack!
var-three yet
var-3 foo-3
# An anonymous empty section that delegates:
<section (delegate) />
var-4 foo-4
# A fairly trivial section:
var triv
var-5 foo-5
# A minimal section:
var-6 foo-6