[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/Configuration - metameta.zcml:
R. David Murray
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 18:55:27 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/Configuration
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv7845
Added Files:
Tag: rdmurray-metameta-branch
Log Message:
This is the zcml that overrides the bootstrap metaconfiguration
definitions with the new ones from metametaConfiguration.py.
This will need to be included before any other zcml meta files are
=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/Configuration/metameta.zcml ===
<zopeConfigure xmlns='http://namespaces.zope.org/zope'>
<directives namespace="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">
<!-- Modify the bootstrap meta configuration directives
Note that the order we do this is important because we are
modifying the handlers we are using to process the text
that is triggering the modifications.
The first section here modifies the "directive" top-level
directive, which we aren't using in this file. The second
section modifies the "directives" directive, which is the
directive used to trigger the modification. So the handler
doesn't get changed until after it has already been called, and
all is well.
This file is perhaps a little bit too magical, since it depends
on the bootstrap registry's recursive data structure for
'subdirective' (the thing that allows subdirectives to be
defined to any desired nesting level). But it's really pretty
straightforward: we only need to modify the definition of
subdirective once, and that changes it both places it gets
used (directives/directive/subdirective and directive/subdirective)
and of course all the possible nested calls as well.
The handler routines called out by the declarations in this
file simply ignore the additional information provided by the
modified directives, which at the moment is what we want
done during normal running of zope.
XXX: In the current implementation of the bootstrap code, the
'attributes' attribute doesn't actually do anything. I include
it anyway in case the bootstrap code gets modified to actually
do something with attributes. This however seems unlikely,
since it would make more sense to modify the attribute subdirective
we are introducing here. So after people are comfortable with
this meta-meta configuration, we could simplify the bootstrap
by doing away with 'attributes' in the bootstrap code and here.
attributes="namespace name handler attributes description"
attributes="name description required" />
attributes="name attributes namespace handler_method description"
attributes="name description required" />
attributes="namespace name handler attributes description"
attributes="namespace name handler attributes description"
attributes="name description required" />
<!-- subdirective was already modified above -->