[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/DateTime/tests - testDateTime.py:1.17
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 11:02:03 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/DateTime/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv867
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Clean up:
- determine the directory containing the supplemental data file in the
normal way
- don't use assert statements; use the appropriate self.assert*()
methods consistently
- organize imports in Python Normal Form
- whitespace cleanup
=== Zope/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py 1.16 => 1.17 ===
--- Zope/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py:1.16 Thu Oct 17 06:14:55 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py Thu Oct 17 11:02:03 2002
@@ -2,23 +2,33 @@
# To run these tests, use:
# python unittest.py DateTime.tests.suite
-import unittest
-from DateTime import DateTime
-import string
import math
+import os
import time
+import unittest
+from DateTime import DateTime
+ __file__
+except NameError:
+ import sys
+ f = sys.argv[0]
+ f = __file__
+DATADIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(f))
+del f
-import os
-__basedir__ = os.getcwd()
-class DateTimeTests (unittest.TestCase):
+class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
def _compare(self, dt1, dt2, ms=1):
'''Compares the internal representation of dt1 with
the representation in dt2. Allows sub-millisecond variations.
Primarily for testing.'''
if ms:
- self.assertEqual(dt1.millis(),dt2.millis())
+ self.assertEqual(dt1.millis(), dt2.millis())
self.assertEqual(math.floor(dt1._t * 1000.0),
math.floor(dt2._t * 1000.0))
self.assertEqual(math.floor(dt1._d * 86400000.0),
@@ -29,22 +39,25 @@
def testBug1203(self):
'''01:59:60 occurred in old DateTime'''
dt = DateTime(7200, 'GMT')
- assert string.find(str(dt), '60') < 0, dt
+ self.assert_(str(dt).find('60') < 0, dt)
def testDSTInEffect(self):
'''Checks GMT offset for a DST date in the US/Eastern time zone'''
dt = DateTime(2000, 5, 9, 15, 0, 0, 'US/Eastern')
- assert dt.toZone('GMT').hour() == 19, (dt, dt.toZone('GMT'))
+ self.assertEqual(dt.toZone('GMT').hour(), 19,
+ (dt, dt.toZone('GMT')))
def testDSTNotInEffect(self):
'''Checks GMT offset for a non-DST date in the US/Eastern time zone'''
dt = DateTime(2000, 11, 9, 15, 0, 0, 'US/Eastern')
- assert dt.toZone('GMT').hour() == 20, (dt, dt.toZone('GMT'))
+ self.assertEqual(dt.toZone('GMT').hour(), 20,
+ (dt, dt.toZone('GMT')))
def testAddPrecision(self):
'''Precision of serial additions'''
dt = DateTime()
- assert str(dt + 0.10 + 3.14 + 6.76 - 10) == str(dt), dt
+ self.assertEqual(str(dt + 0.10 + 3.14 + 6.76 - 10), str(dt),
+ dt)
def testConstructor3(self):
'''Constructor from date/time string'''
@@ -72,7 +85,7 @@
'''Constructor from time float and timezone'''
dt = DateTime()
dt1 = DateTime(float(dt), dt.timezone())
- assert str(dt) == str(dt1), (dt, dt1)
+ self.assertEqual(str(dt), str(dt1), (dt, dt1))
def testConstructor6(self):
'''Constructor from year and julian date'''
@@ -95,19 +108,19 @@
# Compare representations as it's the
# only way to compare the dates to the same accuracy
- self.assertEqual(repr(dt),repr(dt1))
+ self.assertEqual(repr(dt), repr(dt1))
def testDayOfWeek(self):
'''strftime() used to always be passed a day of week of 0.'''
dt = DateTime('2000/6/16')
s = dt.strftime('%A')
- assert s == 'Friday', (dt, s)
+ self.assertEqual(s, 'Friday', (dt, s))
def testOldDate(self):
'''Fails when an 1800 date is displayed with negative signs'''
dt = DateTime('1830/5/6 12:31:46.213 pm')
dt1 = dt.toZone('GMT+6')
- assert string.find(str(dt1), '-') < 0, (dt, dt1)
+ self.assert_(str(dt1).find('-') < 0, (dt, dt1))
def testSubtraction(self):
'''Reconstruction of a DateTime from its parts, with subtraction'''
@@ -121,25 +134,25 @@
dt3 = dt2 - 3.141592653
- assert dt1 == dt3, (dt, dt1, dt2, dt3)
+ self.assertEqual(dt1, dt3, (dt, dt1, dt2, dt3))
def testTZ1add(self):
'''Time zone manipulation: add to a date'''
dt = DateTime('1997/3/8 1:45am GMT-4')
dt1 = DateTime('1997/3/9 1:45pm GMT+8')
- assert dt + 1.0 == dt1, (dt, dt1)
+ self.assertEqual(dt + 1.0, dt1, (dt, dt1))
def testTZ1sub(self):
'''Time zone manipulation: subtract from a date'''
dt = DateTime('1997/3/8 1:45am GMT-4')
dt1 = DateTime('1997/3/9 1:45pm GMT+8')
- assert dt1 - 1.0 == dt, (dt, dt1)
+ self.assertEqual(dt1 - 1.0, dt, (dt, dt1))
def testTZ1diff(self):
'''Time zone manipulation: diff two dates'''
dt = DateTime('1997/3/8 1:45am GMT-4')
dt1 = DateTime('1997/3/9 1:45pm GMT+8')
- assert dt1 - dt == 1.0, (dt, dt1)
+ self.assertEqual(dt1 - dt, 1.0, (dt, dt1))
def testCompareMethods(self):
'''Compare two dates using several methods'''
@@ -179,32 +192,29 @@
dt1 = dt.toZone('GMT')
s = dt.second()
s1 = dt1.second()
- assert s == s1, (dt, dt1, s, s1)
+ self.assertEqual(s, s1, (dt, dt1, s, s1))
def testTZDiffDaylight(self):
'''Diff dates across daylight savings dates'''
dt = DateTime('2000/6/8 1:45am US/Eastern')
dt1 = DateTime('2000/12/8 12:45am US/Eastern')
- assert dt1 - dt == 183, (dt, dt1, dt1 - dt)
+ self.assertEqual(dt1 - dt, 183, (dt, dt1, dt1 - dt))
def testY10KDate(self):
'''Comparison of a Y10K date and a Y2K date'''
dt = DateTime('10213/09/21')
dt1 = DateTime(2000, 1, 1)
- dsec = ( dt.millis() - dt1.millis() ) / 1000.0
- ddays = math.floor( ( dsec / 86400.0 ) + 0.5 )
+ dsec = (dt.millis() - dt1.millis()) / 1000.0
+ ddays = math.floor((dsec / 86400.0) + 0.5)
- assert ddays == 3000000L, ddays
+ self.assertEqual(ddays, 3000000L, ddays)
def test_tzoffset(self):
- '''Test time-zone given as an offset
- '''
- from time import gmtime
+ '''Test time-zone given as an offset'''
dt = DateTime('Tue, 24 Jul 2001 09:41:03 -0400')
- self.assertEqual(gmtime(dt.timeTime())[:6],
- (2001,7,24,13,41,3))
+ self.assertEqual(time.gmtime(dt.timeTime())[:6],
+ (2001, 7, 24, 13, 41, 3))
def testISO8601(self):
''' iso 8601 dates '''
@@ -229,8 +239,8 @@
print "Warning: testJulianWeek disabled: module gzip not found"
return 0
- lines = gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(__basedir__,
- 'julian_testdata.txt.gz')).readlines()
+ fn = os.path.join(DATADIR, 'julian_testdata.txt.gz')
+ lines = gzip.GzipFile(fn).readlines()
for line in lines:
d = DateTime(line[:10])
@@ -244,21 +254,21 @@
offset = time.altzone
offset = time.timezone
- rfc822zone = "%+03d%02d" % divmod( (-offset/60), 60)
- wrongzone = "%+03d:%02d" % divmod( (60-offset/60), 60) #one hour off, ISO format
+ rfc822zone = "%+03d%02d" % divmod((-offset/60), 60)
+ wrongzone = "%+03d:%02d" % divmod((60-offset/60), 60) #one hour off, ISO format
# Create a local DateTime and test
dt = DateTime(2002, 5, 2, 8, 0, 0)
- self.assertEqual(dt.rfc822(), 'Thu, 02 May 2002 08:00:00' + ' ' + rfc822zone)
+ self.assertEqual(dt.rfc822(), 'Thu, 02 May 2002 08:00:00' + ' ' + rfc822zone)
# Create a non-local date time and test
dt = DateTime('2002-05-02T08:00:00Z'+wrongzone)
- self.assertEqual(dt.rfc822(), 'Thu, 02 May 2002 08:00:00 -0000')
+ self.assertEqual(dt.rfc822(), 'Thu, 02 May 2002 08:00:00 -0000')
def test_suite():
return unittest.makeSuite(DateTimeTests)
if __name__=="__main__":
- unittest.TextTestRunner().run(test_suite())
+ unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')