[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/Controller - Directives.py: Main.py: directives.csv: directives.gnumeric: makeconfigfile.py:

Chris McDonough chrism@zope.com
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 01:49:43 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/Controller
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv7838/lib/python/Controller

Modified Files:
      Tag: chrism-install-branch
	Directives.py Main.py directives.csv directives.gnumeric 
Log Message:
Removed now-unnecessary files including z2.py, wo_pcgi.py, w_pcgi.py,
and several files in the inst directory.

Server ports may now be disabled by using the 'off' argument to their
respective directives.

Python module compilation now happens in the 'make install' step inside
the destination directory.  This prevents tracebacks from containing
the filenames of the files in the build directory.

=== Zope/lib/python/Controller/Directives.py => ===
--- Zope/lib/python/Controller/Directives.py:	Tue Sep 10 00:15:59 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/Controller/Directives.py	Mon Sep 16 01:49:42 2002
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@
     pjoin = os.path.join
     dirname = os.path.dirname
     split = os.path.split
-    ZOPE_HOME = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(
-        sys.modules[__name__].__file__))))
+    ZOPE_HOME = dirname(dirname(dirname(HERE)))
     SOFTWARE_HOME = pjoin(ZOPE_HOME, 'lib', 'python')
     INSTANCE_HOME = os.getcwd()
     CLIENT_HOME = pjoin(INSTANCE_HOME, 'var')
@@ -252,7 +251,11 @@
     return f
 def getConfigFromURL(url):
-    return urllib2.urlopen(url)
+    try:
+        return urllib2.urlopen(url)
+    except:
+        import traceback; traceback.print_exc()
+        raise 'Cannot open url %s' % url
 DirectiveRegistry = DirectiveRegistry()

=== Zope/lib/python/Controller/Main.py => ===
--- Zope/lib/python/Controller/Main.py:	Tue Sep 10 00:15:59 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/Controller/Main.py	Mon Sep 16 01:49:42 2002
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
 def server_info(l, default_ip='', offset=0):
     out = []
-    if l is None:
+    if l is None or l == ['off']:
         return out
     for v in l:
         # interpret v as a port or address/port and get new value

=== Zope/lib/python/Controller/directives.csv => ===
--- Zope/lib/python/Controller/directives.csv:	Tue Sep 10 00:15:59 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/Controller/directives.csv	Mon Sep 16 01:49:42 2002
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
 general	0	zope_home	The 'top-level' Zope software directory (home of the Zserver directory, the doc directory, the utilities directory, etc.)	env	path	ZOPE_HOME	The directory in which the 'zope.py' file (or other executable file used to start Zope) lives.	ZOPE_HOME	/home/chrism/software/Trunk
-general	1	instance_home	The path to the data files, local product files, import directory, and Extensions directory used by Zope.	env	path	INSTANCE_HOME	The current working directory when Zope is started.	INSTANCE_HOME	/home/chrism/projects/sessions
-general	2	software_home	The path to the majority of the Python software files used by Zope.  One software_home can support many instance_homes.	env	path	SOFTWARE_HOME	ZOPE_HOME/lib/python	SOFTWARE_HOME	/home/chrism/software/Trunk/lib/python
-general	3	client_home	The directory in which a running Zope's process identifier files are placed.	env	path	CLIENT_HOME	INSTANCE_HOME/var	CLIENT_HOME	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/var
-general	4	python_path	Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable with the value of this directive.  The PYTHONPATH represents a list of directories which are prefixed to the default list of directories searched by Python when it attempts to look up module names.  See the Python documentation for more information on PYTHONPATH.  It must be a colon-separated list of directory names.	env	string	PYTHONPATH	unset	None	/home/chrism/opt/Python-2.1.3:/usr/lib/python
-admin	5	debug_mode	If this directive is set to 'on', it causes the Zope process to not detach from the controlling terminal after it is run.  It also influences the behavior of some Zope objects at runtime (for example, when debug mode is "on", you are able to view changes made to DTMLFile and PageTemplateFile objects immediately; When it is 'off', you must restart the server to see the changes.  Additionally, event log and other log output will not be sent to the console when this directive is set to 'off'. Setting this to 'off' when Zope is in a production environment is encouraged, as it speeds execution.	env_switch	onoff	Z_DEBUG_MODE	on	1	on
-admin	6	effective_user	If you intend to run Zope as the "root" user, you must supply this directive with an effective username or userid number to which Zope will 'suid' after the server ports are bound.  This directive only works under UNIX and if Zope is started as the root user.	cmd	string	-u	unset	None	chrism
-admin	7	inhibit_product_installation	If this  directive is set, the 'product installation' step performed by Zope at startup is prevented.  This can speed Zope startup time, but it can also cause your Control_Panel Product list to become desynchronized with the contents of your Products directories.  If the 'zeo_client_name' directive is set, and this directive is unset, this directive will be implicitly turned on.  By default, it is off.	env_switch	revonoff	FORCE_PRODUCT_LOAD	off	0	on
-admin	8	locale	Enable locale (internationalization) support by supplying a locale name to be used.  See your operating system documentation for locale information specific to your system.  If your Python module does not support the locale module, or if the requested locale is not supported by your system, an error will be raised and Zope will not start.	cmd	string	-L	unset	None	fr_FR
-admin	9	number_of_threads	Specify the number of threads that Zope will use to service requests.  The default is 4.	cmd	int	-t	4	None	10
-admin	10	python_check_interval	Specify an integer representing the Python interpreter "check interval"  This interval determines how often the interpreter checks for perioding things such as thread switches and signal handlers.  The Zope default is 500, but you may want to experiment with other values in order to attempt to increae performance in your particular environment.	cmd	int	-i	500	500	1000
-admin	11	use_daemon_process	If this directive is set to 'on', Zope will be managed by a 'daemon' process which will restart the Zope process if it dies unexpectedly.	cmd	onoff	-Z	on	1	on
-admin	12	zserver_read_only_mode	If this directive is set to 'on', it will cause Zope to inhibit the creation of log files and pid files.  Access and event log files will be presented on standard output.  Setting this directive 'on' causes pcgi, fastcgi, and daemon-related directives to have no effect.	cmd	onoff	-r	off	None	on
-admin	13	pid_filename	The path to the file in which the Zope process id(s) will be written.  This defaults to client_home/Z2.pid.	cmd	path	special (admin)	CLIENT_HOME/Z2.pid	pjoin(reg_get('client_home'), 'Z2.pid')	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/var/Z2.pid
-log	14	acccess_syslog_facility	Same as 'event_syslog_facility', only for the "access" log data (z2.log data).	env	string	ZSYSLOG_ACCESS_FACILITY	unset	None	local7
-log	15	access_log_filename	The file path of the Zope 'access' log (z2.log) which is written in the combined logfile format.  The access log will be printed to standard output if the 'zserver_read_only' directive is set to 'on', regardless of this setting.	cmd	string	-I	CLIENT_HOME/z2.log	pjoin(reg_get('client_home'), 'Z2.log')	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/z2.log
-log	16	access_syslog_path	Same as event_syslog_path, only for the "access" log data (z2.log data).	env	path	ZSYSLOG_ACCESS	unset	None	/dev/log
-log	17	access_syslog_server	Same as event_syslog_path, only for the 'access' data (z2.log data).	env	string	ZSYSLOG_ACCESS_SERVER	unset	None	syslog.example.com:514
-log	18	event_log_filename	Path to the Zope event log for debugging information.	env	path	EVENT_LOG_FILE	standard output ('-')	''	/home/chrism/projects/var/event.log
-log	19	event_log_severity	Filter events that can be written to the event log by priority.  A higher priority means fewer events will be written.  Choose one of (300, 200, 100, 0, -100, -200, or -300).  Descriptions of the integer levels are as follows: 300=PANIC, 200=ERROR, 100=WARNING, 0=INFO, -100=BLATHER, -200=DEBUG, -300=TRACE).	env	int	EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY	0	0	100
-log	20	event_syslog_facility	The facility used when the event log is being written to syslog (when 'event_syslog_path' or 'event_syslog_server' is set).	env	string	ZSYSLOG_FACILITY	user	None	local7
-log	21	event_syslog_path	Setting this directive will cause Zope to write the event log to syslog on the named UNIX domain socket on the local host.  This only works on UNIX.  It is overridden by specifying 'event_syslog_server'.	env	path	ZSYSLOG	unset	None	/dev/log
-log	22	event_syslog_server	Specify a machine and udp port to send event data to over syslog.  The format of this directive should be 'machine_name:port'.	env	string	ZSYSLOG_SERVER	unset	None	syslog.example.com:514
-log	23	trace_log_filename	The file path of the Zope 'trace' log which contains detailed request information which can later be interpreted by the requestprofiler.py script in the utilities directory. 	cmd	string	-M	unset	None	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/trace.log
-misc	24	default_structured_text_header_level	Set the default starting HTML header level for structured text documents.  The default is 3, which implies that  top-level headers will be created with an <H3> tag.	env	int	STX_DEFAULT_LEVEL	3	3	1
-misc	25	maximum_security_manager_stack_size	This variable allows you to customize the size of the Zope SecurityManager stack.  You shouldn't change this unless you know what it means.	env	int	Z_MAX_STACK_SIZE	100	100	200
-misc	26	publisher_profile_file	Causing this directive to point to a file on the filesystem will cause Zope's profiling capabilities to be enabled.  For more information, see the Debug -> Profiling tab of the Control_Panel.	env	path	PROFILE_PUBLISHER	unset	None	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/var/profile.dat
-misc	27	webdav_source_user_agents	Setting this directive enabls the retrieval of the *source* of Zope documents through the standard HTTP port instead of via a WebDAV source port (which are enabled via the 'webdav_source_server_ports' directive).   The value should be a regular expression that is matched against the user-agent string of the client.  Only clients which have a user-agent which match this regex will obain the source of the document via DAV on the normal HTTP port.	env	string	WEBDAV_SOURCE_PORT_CLIENTS	unset	None	cadaver.*
-network	28	dns_server_address	Specify the ip address of your DNS server in order to cause resolved hostnames to be written to Zope's access log.  By default, Zope will not resolve hostnames unless this is set.	cmd	string	-d	unset	None
-network	29	ip_address	The IP address on which Zope's various server protocol iimplementations will listen for requests.  If this is unset, Zope will listen on all IP addresses supported by the machine.	cmd	string	-a	unset	None
-protocol	30	default_http_realm	The HTTP "Realm" header value sent by this Zope instance.  This value often shows up in basic authentication dialogs.	env	string	Z_REALM	Zope	'Zope'	Slipknot
-protocol	31	fastcgi_resource_path_or_port	Either a path (for unix domain sockets) or port number (for inet sockets) for the FastCGI server. 	cmd	string	-F	unset	None	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/fastcgi.soc
-protocol	32	force_http_connection_close	If set to on, this directive causes Zope to close all HTTP connections regardless of the 'Connection:' header (or lack thereof) specified by the client.	cmd	onoff	-C	off	0	on
-protocol	33	http_server_ports	A space-separated list of TCP port numbers on which Zope will listen for HTTP requests.  Any value in the list may also be an IP addresses/port number specification in the form "an.ip.address:portnum".	cmd	stringlist	-w	8080	[8080]	8080 80
-protocol	34	ftp_server_ports	A space-separated list of TCP port numbers on which Zope will listen for FTP requests.  Any value in the list may also be an IP addresses/port number specification in the form "an.ip.address:portnum".	cmd	stringlist	-f	8021	[8021]	8021 21
-protocol	35	icp_server_ports	A space-separated list of TCP port numbers on which Zope will listen for ICP requests.  Any value in the list may also be an IP addresses/port number specification in the form "an.ip.address:portnum".	cmd	stringlist	--icp	unset	None	3130
-protocol	36	monitor_server_ports	A space-separated list of TCP port numbers on which Zope will listen for Medusa monitor requests.  Any value in the list may also be an IP addresses/port number specification in the form "an.ip.address:portnum".  Connections to a medusa monitor port using the medusa monitor client allow a developer to remotely debug a running Zope.  It is dangerous to enable this for this reason.	cmd	stringlist	-m	unset	None	8090 90
-protocol	37	webdav_source_server_ports	A space-separated list of TCP port numbers on which Zope will listen for HTTP/WebDAV 'source' requests.  Any value in the list may also be an IP addresses/port number specification in the form "an.ip.address:portnum".  The source of the Zope object requested will be returned when requests are made to this set of ports, as opposed to the rendered version which is returned when the normal HTTP port is consulted.	cmd	stringlist	-W	9800	[9800]	9800 9801
-protocol	38	pcgi_resource_path	Path to the PCGI 'resource' file.  If the directive is left unset or the file doesn't exist, PCGI is disabled.	cmd	path	-p	unset	None	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/Zope.cgi
-security	39	automatically_quote_dtml_request_data	Set this directive to 'off' in order to disable the autoquoting of implicitly retrieved REQUEST data by DTML code which contains a '<' when used in <dtml-var> construction.  When this directive is 'on', all data implicitly retrieved from the REQUEST in DTML (as opposed to addressing REQUEST.somevarname directly) that contains a '<' will be HTML-quoted when interpolated via a <dtml-var> or &dtml- construct.   This mitigates the possibility that DTML programmers will leave their sites open to a "client-side trojan" attack.	env	onoff	ZOPE_DTML_REQUEST_AUTOQUOTE	on	1	on
-security	40	skip_authentication_checking	Set this directive to 'on' to cause Zope to allow unauthenticated access to all resources.  DANGEROUS.  Only works if security_policy_implementation is C	env_switch	onoff	ZSP_AUTHENTICATED_SKIP	off	None	on
-security	41	skip_ownership_checking	Set this directive to 'on' to cause Zope to ignore ownership checking when attempting to execute "through the web" code.  By default, this directive is on in order to prevent 'trojan horse' security problems whereby a user with less privilege can cause a user with more privilege to execute dangerous code.	env_switch	onoff	ZSP_OWNEROUS_SKIP	off	None	on
-security	42	security_policy_implementation	Set this directive to 'PYTHON' to use a pure-Python implementation of Zope's default security policy.  The default value for this directive is 'C".  Setting it to PYTHON causes Zope to run more slowly, but it can be helpful when attempting to debug security-related application failures.	env	string	ZOPE_SECURITY_POLICY	C	'C'	PYTHON
-sessions	43	maximum_number_of_session_objects	An integer value representing the number of items to use as a "maximum number of subobjects" value of the '/temp_folder/session_data' transient object container.	env	int	ZSESSION_OBJECT_LIMIT	1000	1000	10000
-sessions	44	session_add_notify_script_path	An optional fill Zope path name of a callable object to be set as the "script to call on object addition" of the sessioN_data transient object container created in the /temp_folder folder at startup.	env	path	ZSESSION_ADD_NOTIFY	unset	None	/scripts/add_notifier
-sessions	45	session_delete_notify_script_path	An optional fill Zope path name of a callable object to be set as the "script to call on object deletion" of the sessioN_data transient object container created in the /temp_folder folder at startup.	env	path	ZSESSION_DEL_NOTIFY	unset	None	/scripts/del_notifier
-sessions	46	session_timeout_minutes	An integer value representing the number of minutes to be used as the "data object timeout" of the '/temp_folder/session_data' transient object container.	env	int	ZSESSION_TIMEOUT_MINS	20	20	30
-url	47	suppress_all_access_rules 	If this directive is set to on, no access rules in your Zope site will be executed.  This is useful if you "lock yourself out" of a particular part of your site by setting an improper access rule.	env_switch	onoff	SUPPRESS_ACCESRULE	off	None	on
-url	48	suppress_all_site_roots	If this directive is set to on, no site roots in your Zope site will be effective.  This is useful if you "lock yourself out" of a particular part of your site by setting an improper site root.	env_switch	onoff	SUPPRESS_SITEROOT	off	None	on
-zodb	49	zodb_filestorage_filepath	Provide an absolute file path to the file which should be used as the default ZODB FileStorage.  If you leave this unset, it will default to INSTANCE_HOME/var/Data.fs.	cmd	path	special (custom_zodb.py)	CLIENT_HOME/Data.fs	pjoin(reg_get('client_home'), 'Data.fs')	/home/chrism/somedirectory/Data.fs
-zodb	50	zodb_db_cache_size	The target number of objects that will be stored in the local ZODB "pickle cache" (as per the Control_Panel -> Database tab).  The default is 5000.	cmd	int	special (custom_zodb.py)	5000	5000	
-zodb	51	zodb_db_pool_size	The number of ZODB database connections used by a ZODB.DB instance.  The default is 7.	cmd	int	special (custom_zodb.py)	7	7	
-zodb	52	database_quota_size	Set this directive to an integer in bytes in order to place a hard limit on the size which the default FileStorage-backed Zope database can grow.  Additions to the database will not be permitted once this filesize is exceeded.	env	int	ZOPE_DATABASE_QUOTA	unset	None	1000000
-zodb	53	read_only_database	This causes the main Zope FileStorage-backed ZODB to be opened in read-only mode.	env_switch	onoff	ZOPE_READ_ONLY	off	0	on
-zodb	54	use_zeo_server	Specifying this option will cause Zope to use a ZEO server to obtain ZODB data instead of the 'default' FileStorage specified via 'zodb_filestorage_filepath'.   You must install the ZEO software before using this directive successfully.	cmd	onoff	special (custom_zodb.py)	off	0	on
-zodb	55	zeo_client_name	Provide a string value to uniquely identify the local cache files created if this Zope is a ZEO client.  Setting this directive implies setting 'inhibit_product_installation' to 'on' if 'inhibit_product_installation' is left unset.	env	string	ZEO_CLIENT	unset	None	zeo1
-zodb	56	zeo_storage_server_hostname	Provide a an IP address or hostname to specify a ZEO server which serves the "main" ZODB database for this Zope instance.  This directive will be ignored if you use a filepath for 'zeo_storage_server_path_or_port' (localhost is assumed in this case).	cmd	string	special (custom_zodb.py)	unset	None	storage.zope.com
-zodb	57	zeo_storage_server_path_or_port	Specify either a TCP port number (e.g. 2199) or a UNIX domain socket filename (e.g. /home/chrism/zeo.soc) to use as an argument to the ZEO ClientStorage constructor.  If you specify a TCP port number, you must have also specified a storage server name via 'zeo_storage_server_name'.  	cmd	string	special (custom_zodb.py)	unset	None	/home/chrism/zope/var/zeo.soc or 2199
-zodb	58	zeo_storage_server_storagename	Specifies a "storage name" to use under a ZEO-backed configuration.  The "typical" storage name is "1" (this is what ZEO defaults to when it serves only one storage).	cmd	string	special (custom_zodb.py)	unset	'1'	1 or Main
-zodb	59	zeo_client_cache_size	Specifies the size in bytes allocated to the ZEO client disk cache.  The default is 200,000,000 (200MB) bytes if this is left unset.	cmd	int	special (custom_zodb.py)	unset	200000000	20000000
-zodb	60	zeo_client_debug	If this is set to "on", the ZEO ClientStorage will output debugging information to the event log.	cmd	onoff	special (custom_zodb.py)	off	0	on
-zodb	61	zeo_client_cache_directory	Specify a directory in which the ZEO client cache files should be stored.  Defaults to INSTANCE_HOME/var.	cmd	onoff	special (custom_zodb.py)	INSTANCE_HOME/var/	reg_get('client_home')	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/var
-zodb	62	zeo_client_min_disconnect_poll	The minimum number of seconds that a ClientStorage will wait before retrying a connection after a failure.  The default is 5 if this is left unset.	cmd	int	special (custom_zodb.py)	5	5	10
-zodb	63	zeo_client_max_disconnect_poll	The maximum number of seconds that a ClientStorage will wait before retrying a connection after a failure.  The default is 300 if this is left unset.	cmd	int	special (custom_zodb.py)	300	300	300
-zodb	64	zeo_client_wait_for_server_on_startup	If this is set to "on", the ZEO ClientStorage will wait for a connection to its storage before serving data.  If this is set to "off", the ZEO ClientStorage will attempt to serve data out of its cache file at startup even if it cannot make a connection to a storage server.	cmd	onoff	special (custom_zodb.py)	off	0	on
+general	5	instance_home	The path to the data files, local product files, import directory, and Extensions directory used by Zope.	env	path	INSTANCE_HOME	The current working directory when Zope is started.	INSTANCE_HOME	/home/chrism/projects/sessions
+general	10	software_home	The path to the majority of the Python software files used by Zope.  One software_home can support many instance_homes.	env	path	SOFTWARE_HOME	ZOPE_HOME/lib/python	SOFTWARE_HOME	/home/chrism/software/Trunk/lib/python
+general	15	client_home	The directory in which a running Zope's process identifier files are placed.	env	path	CLIENT_HOME	INSTANCE_HOME/var	CLIENT_HOME	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/var
+general	20	python_path	Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable with the value of this directive.  The PYTHONPATH represents a list of directories which are prefixed to the default list of directories searched by Python when it attempts to look up module names.  See the Python documentation for more information on PYTHONPATH.  It must be a colon-separated list of directory names.	env	string	PYTHONPATH	unset	None	/home/chrism/opt/Python-2.1.3:/usr/lib/python
+admin	25	debug_mode	If this directive is set to 'on', it causes the Zope process to not detach from the controlling terminal after it is run.  It also influences the behavior of some Zope objects at runtime (for example, when debug mode is "on", you are able to view changes made to DTMLFile and PageTemplateFile objects immediately; When it is 'off', you must restart the server to see the changes.  Additionally, event log and other log output will not be sent to the console when this directive is set to 'off'. Setting this to 'off' when Zope is in a production environment is encouraged, as it speeds execution.	env_switch	onoff	Z_DEBUG_MODE	on	1	on
+admin	30	effective_user	If you intend to run Zope as the "root" user, you must supply this directive with an effective username or userid number to which Zope will 'suid' after the server ports are bound.  This directive only works under UNIX and if Zope is started as the root user.	cmd	string		unset	None	chrism
+admin	35	inhibit_product_installation	If this  directive is set, the 'product installation' step performed by Zope at startup is prevented.  This can speed Zope startup time, but it can also cause your Control_Panel Product list to become desynchronized with the contents of your Products directories.  If the 'zeo_client_name' directive is set, and this directive is unset, this directive will be implicitly turned on.  By default, it is off.	env_switch	revonoff	FORCE_PRODUCT_LOAD	off	0	on
+admin	40	locale	Enable locale (internationalization) support by supplying a locale name to be used.  See your operating system documentation for locale information specific to your system.  If your Python module does not support the locale module, or if the requested locale is not supported by your system, an error will be raised and Zope will not start.	cmd	string		unset	None	fr_FR
+admin	45	number_of_threads	Specify the number of threads that Zope will use to service requests.  The default is 4.	cmd	int		4	None	10
+admin	50	python_check_interval	Specify an integer representing the Python interpreter "check interval"  This interval determines how often the interpreter checks for perioding things such as thread switches and signal handlers.  The Zope default is 500, but you may want to experiment with other values in order to attempt to increae performance in your particular environment.	cmd	int		500	500	1000
+admin	55	use_daemon_process	If this directive is set to 'on', Zope will be managed by a 'daemon' process which will restart the Zope process if it dies unexpectedly.	cmd	onoff		on	1	on
+admin	60	zserver_read_only_mode	If this directive is set to 'on', it will cause Zope to inhibit the creation of log files and pid files.  Access and event log files will be presented on standard output.  Setting this directive 'on' causes pcgi, fastcgi, and daemon-related directives to have no effect.	cmd	onoff		off	None	on
+admin	65	pid_filename	The path to the file in which the Zope process id(s) will be written.  This defaults to client_home/Z2.pid.	cmd	path		CLIENT_HOME/Z2.pid	pjoin(reg_get('client_home'), 'Z2.pid')	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/var/Z2.pid
+log	70	acccess_syslog_facility	Same as 'event_syslog_facility', only for the "access" log data (z2.log data).	env	string	ZSYSLOG_ACCESS_FACILITY	unset	None	local7
+log	75	access_log_filename	The file path of the Zope 'access' log (z2.log) which is written in the combined logfile format.  The access log will be printed to standard output if the 'zserver_read_only' directive is set to 'on', regardless of this setting.	cmd	string		CLIENT_HOME/z2.log	pjoin(reg_get('client_home'), 'Z2.log')	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/z2.log
+log	80	access_syslog_path	Same as event_syslog_path, only for the "access" log data (z2.log data).	env	path	ZSYSLOG_ACCESS	unset	None	/dev/log
+log	85	access_syslog_server	Same as event_syslog_path, only for the 'access' data (z2.log data).	env	string	ZSYSLOG_ACCESS_SERVER	unset	None	syslog.example.com:514
+log	90	event_log_filename	Path to the Zope event log for debugging information.	env	path	EVENT_LOG_FILE	standard output ('-')	''	/home/chrism/projects/var/event.log
+log	95	event_log_severity	Filter events that can be written to the event log by priority.  A higher priority means fewer events will be written.  Choose one of (300, 200, 100, 0, -100, -200, or -300).  Descriptions of the integer levels are as follows: 300=PANIC, 200=ERROR, 100=WARNING, 0=INFO, -100=BLATHER, -200=DEBUG, -300=TRACE).	env	int	EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY	0	0	100
+log	100	event_syslog_facility	The facility used when the event log is being written to syslog (when 'event_syslog_path' or 'event_syslog_server' is set).	env	string	ZSYSLOG_FACILITY	user	None	local7
+log	105	event_syslog_path	Setting this directive will cause Zope to write the event log to syslog on the named UNIX domain socket on the local host.  This only works on UNIX.  It is overridden by specifying 'event_syslog_server'.	env	path	ZSYSLOG	unset	None	/dev/log
+log	110	event_syslog_server	Specify a machine and udp port to send event data to over syslog.  The format of this directive should be 'machine_name:port'.	env	string	ZSYSLOG_SERVER	unset	None	syslog.example.com:514
+log	115	trace_log_filename	The file path of the Zope 'trace' log which contains detailed request information which can later be interpreted by the requestprofiler.py script in the utilities directory. 	cmd	string		unset	None	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/trace.log
+misc	120	default_structured_text_header_level	Set the default starting HTML header level for structured text documents.  The default is 3, which implies that  top-level headers will be created with an <H3> tag.	env	int	STX_DEFAULT_LEVEL	3	3	1
+misc	125	maximum_security_manager_stack_size	This variable allows you to customize the size of the Zope SecurityManager stack.  You shouldn't change this unless you know what it means.	env	int	Z_MAX_STACK_SIZE	100	100	200
+misc	130	publisher_profile_file	Causing this directive to point to a file on the filesystem will cause Zope's profiling capabilities to be enabled.  For more information, see the Debug -> Profiling tab of the Control_Panel.	env	path	PROFILE_PUBLISHER	unset	None	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/var/profile.dat
+misc	135	webdav_source_user_agents	Setting this directive enabls the retrieval of the *source* of Zope documents through the standard HTTP port instead of via a WebDAV source port (which are enabled via the 'webdav_source_server_ports' directive).   The value should be a regular expression that is matched against the user-agent string of the client.  Only clients which have a user-agent which match this regex will obain the source of the document via DAV on the normal HTTP port.	env	string	WEBDAV_SOURCE_PORT_CLIENTS	unset	None	cadaver.*
+network	140	dns_server_address	Specify the ip address of your DNS server in order to cause resolved hostnames to be written to Zope's access log.  By default, Zope will not resolve hostnames unless this is set.	cmd	string		unset	None
+network	145	ip_address	The IP address on which Zope's various server protocol iimplementations will listen for requests.  If this is unset, Zope will listen on all IP addresses supported by the machine.	cmd	string		unset	None
+protocol	150	default_http_realm	The HTTP "Realm" header value sent by this Zope instance.  This value often shows up in basic authentication dialogs.	env	string	Z_REALM	Zope	'Zope'	Slipknot
+protocol	155	fastcgi_resource_path_or_port	Either a path (for unix domain sockets) or port number (for inet sockets) for the FastCGI server. 	cmd	string		unset	None	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/fastcgi.soc
+protocol	160	force_http_connection_close	If set to on, this directive causes Zope to close all HTTP connections regardless of the 'Connection:' header (or lack thereof) specified by the client.	cmd	onoff		off	0	on
+protocol	165	http_server_ports	A space-separated list of TCP port numbers on which Zope will listen for HTTP requests.  Any value in the list may also be an IP addresses/port number specification in the form "an.ip.address:portnum".  Use the word "off" as the argument to the directive to disable this feature.	cmd	stringlist		8080	[8080]	8080 80
+protocol	170	ftp_server_ports	A space-separated list of TCP port numbers on which Zope will listen for FTP requests.  Any value in the list may also be an IP addresses/port number specification in the form "an.ip.address:portnum".  Use the word "off" as the argument to the directive to disable this feature.	cmd	stringlist		8021	[8021]	8021 21
+protocol	175	icp_server_ports	A space-separated list of TCP port numbers on which Zope will listen for ICP requests.  Any value in the list may also be an IP addresses/port number specification in the form "an.ip.address:portnum".  Use the word "off" as the argument to the directive to disable this feature.	cmd	stringlist		off	['off']	3130
+protocol	180	monitor_server_ports	A space-separated list of TCP port numbers on which Zope will listen for Medusa monitor requests.  Any value in the list may also be an IP addresses/port number specification in the form "an.ip.address:portnum".  Connections to a medusa monitor port using the medusa monitor client allow a developer to remotely debug a running Zope.  It is dangerous to enable this for this reason.  Use the word "off" as the argument to the directive to disable this feature.	cmd	stringlist		off	['off']	8090 90
+protocol	185	webdav_source_server_ports	A space-separated list of TCP port numbers on which Zope will listen for HTTP/WebDAV 'source' requests.  Any value in the list may also be an IP addresses/port number specification in the form "an.ip.address:portnum".  The source of the Zope object requested will be returned when requests are made to this set of ports, as opposed to the rendered version which is returned when the normal HTTP port is consulted.  Use the word "off" as the argument to the directive to disable this feature.	cmd	stringlist		9800	[9800]	9800 9801
+protocol	190	pcgi_resource_path	Path to the PCGI 'resource' file.  If the directive is left unset or the file doesn't exist, PCGI is disabled.	cmd	path		unset	None	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/Zope.cgi
+security	195	automatically_quote_dtml_request_data	Set this directive to 'off' in order to disable the autoquoting of implicitly retrieved REQUEST data by DTML code which contains a '<' when used in <dtml-var> construction.  When this directive is 'on', all data implicitly retrieved from the REQUEST in DTML (as opposed to addressing REQUEST.somevarname directly) that contains a '<' will be HTML-quoted when interpolated via a <dtml-var> or &dtml- construct.   This mitigates the possibility that DTML programmers will leave their sites open to a "client-side trojan" attack.	env	onoff	ZOPE_DTML_REQUEST_AUTOQUOTE	on	1	on
+security	200	skip_authentication_checking	Set this directive to 'on' to cause Zope to allow unauthenticated access to all resources.  DANGEROUS.  Only works if security_policy_implementation is C	env_switch	onoff	ZSP_AUTHENTICATED_SKIP	off	None	on
+security	205	skip_ownership_checking	Set this directive to 'on' to cause Zope to ignore ownership checking when attempting to execute "through the web" code.  By default, this directive is on in order to prevent 'trojan horse' security problems whereby a user with less privilege can cause a user with more privilege to execute dangerous code.	env_switch	onoff	ZSP_OWNEROUS_SKIP	off	None	on
+security	210	security_policy_implementation	Set this directive to 'PYTHON' to use a pure-Python implementation of Zope's default security policy.  The default value for this directive is 'C".  Setting it to PYTHON causes Zope to run more slowly, but it can be helpful when attempting to debug security-related application failures.	env	string	ZOPE_SECURITY_POLICY	C	'C'	PYTHON
+sessions	215	maximum_number_of_session_objects	An integer value representing the number of items to use as a "maximum number of subobjects" value of the '/temp_folder/session_data' transient object container.	env	int	ZSESSION_OBJECT_LIMIT	1000	1000	10000
+sessions	220	session_add_notify_script_path	An optional fill Zope path name of a callable object to be set as the "script to call on object addition" of the sessioN_data transient object container created in the /temp_folder folder at startup.	env	path	ZSESSION_ADD_NOTIFY	unset	None	/scripts/add_notifier
+sessions	225	session_delete_notify_script_path	An optional fill Zope path name of a callable object to be set as the "script to call on object deletion" of the sessioN_data transient object container created in the /temp_folder folder at startup.	env	path	ZSESSION_DEL_NOTIFY	unset	None	/scripts/del_notifier
+sessions	230	session_timeout_minutes	An integer value representing the number of minutes to be used as the "data object timeout" of the '/temp_folder/session_data' transient object container.	env	int	ZSESSION_TIMEOUT_MINS	20	20	30
+url	235	suppress_all_access_rules 	If this directive is set to on, no access rules in your Zope site will be executed.  This is useful if you "lock yourself out" of a particular part of your site by setting an improper access rule.	env_switch	onoff	SUPPRESS_ACCESRULE	off	None	on
+url	240	suppress_all_site_roots	If this directive is set to on, no site roots in your Zope site will be effective.  This is useful if you "lock yourself out" of a particular part of your site by setting an improper site root.	env_switch	onoff	SUPPRESS_SITEROOT	off	None	on
+zodb	245	zodb_filestorage_filepath	Provide an absolute file path to the file which should be used as the default ZODB FileStorage.  If you leave this unset, it will default to INSTANCE_HOME/var/Data.fs.	cmd	path		CLIENT_HOME/Data.fs	pjoin(reg_get('client_home'), 'Data.fs')	/home/chrism/somedirectory/Data.fs
+zodb	250	zodb_db_cache_size	The target number of objects that will be stored in the local ZODB "pickle cache" (as per the Control_Panel -> Database tab).  The default is 5000.	cmd	int		5000	5000	
+zodb	255	zodb_db_pool_size	The number of ZODB database connections used by a ZODB.DB instance.  The default is 7.	cmd	int		7	7	
+zodb	260	database_quota_size	Set this directive to an integer in bytes in order to place a hard limit on the size which the default FileStorage-backed Zope database can grow.  Additions to the database will not be permitted once this filesize is exceeded.	env	int	ZOPE_DATABASE_QUOTA	unset	None	1000000
+zodb	265	read_only_database	This causes the main Zope FileStorage-backed ZODB to be opened in read-only mode.	env_switch	onoff	ZOPE_READ_ONLY	off	0	on
+zodb	270	use_zeo_server	Specifying this option will cause Zope to use a ZEO server to obtain ZODB data instead of the 'default' FileStorage specified via 'zodb_filestorage_filepath'.   You must install the ZEO software before using this directive successfully.	cmd	onoff		off	0	on
+zodb	275	zeo_client_name	Provide a string value to uniquely identify the local cache files created if this Zope is a ZEO client.  Setting this directive implies setting 'inhibit_product_installation' to 'on' if 'inhibit_product_installation' is left unset.	env	string	ZEO_CLIENT	unset	None	zeo1
+zodb	280	zeo_storage_server_hostname	Provide a an IP address or hostname to specify a ZEO server which serves the "main" ZODB database for this Zope instance.  This directive will be ignored if you use a filepath for 'zeo_storage_server_path_or_port' (localhost is assumed in this case).	cmd	string		unset	None	storage.zope.com
+zodb	285	zeo_storage_server_path_or_port	Specify either a TCP port number (e.g. 2199) or a UNIX domain socket filename (e.g. /home/chrism/zeo.soc) to use as an argument to the ZEO ClientStorage constructor.  If you specify a TCP port number, you must have also specified a storage server name via 'zeo_storage_server_name'.  	cmd	string		unset	None	/home/chrism/zope/var/zeo.soc or 2199
+zodb	290	zeo_storage_server_storagename	Specifies a "storage name" to use under a ZEO-backed configuration.  The "typical" storage name is "1" (this is what ZEO defaults to when it serves only one storage).	cmd	string		unset	'1'	1 or Main
+zodb	295	zeo_client_cache_size	Specifies the size in bytes allocated to the ZEO client disk cache.  The default is 200,000,000 (200MB) bytes if this is left unset.	cmd	int		unset	200000000	20000000
+zodb	300	zeo_client_debug	If this is set to "on", the ZEO ClientStorage will output debugging information to the event log.	cmd	onoff		off	0	on
+zodb	305	zeo_client_cache_directory	Specify a directory in which the ZEO client cache files should be stored.  Defaults to INSTANCE_HOME/var.	cmd	onoff		INSTANCE_HOME/var/	reg_get('client_home')	/home/chrism/projects/sessions/var
+zodb	310	zeo_client_min_disconnect_poll	The minimum number of seconds that a ClientStorage will wait before retrying a connection after a failure.  The default is 5 if this is left unset.	cmd	int		5	5	10
+zodb	315	zeo_client_max_disconnect_poll	The maximum number of seconds that a ClientStorage will wait before retrying a connection after a failure.  The default is 300 if this is left unset.	cmd	int		300	300	300
+zodb	320	zeo_client_wait_for_server_on_startup	If this is set to "on", the ZEO ClientStorage will wait for a connection to its storage before serving data.  If this is set to "off", the ZEO ClientStorage will attempt to serve data out of its cache file at startup even if it cannot make a connection to a storage server.	cmd	onoff		off	0	on

=== Zope/lib/python/Controller/directives.gnumeric => ===

=== Zope/lib/python/Controller/makeconfigfile.py => ===
--- Zope/lib/python/Controller/makeconfigfile.py:	Mon Sep  2 14:38:46 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/Controller/makeconfigfile.py	Mon Sep 16 01:49:42 2002
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
         if not line:
         stuff = line.split('\t')
-        (category, name, desc, type, valtype, influences, meta_default,
+        (category, pri, name, desc, type, valtype, influences, meta_default,
          default, example) = [ x.strip() for x in stuff ]
         desc = format(desc, 70).split('\n')
         meta_default = format(meta_default, 70).split('\n')