[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output - test19.html: test20.html: test21.html: test22.html: test23.html: test24.html: test25.html: test26.html: test27.html: test28.html: test29.html: test30.html: test31.html: test32.html:
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 15:44:38 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv30230/output
Added Files:
Tag: Zope-2_7-development-branch
test19.html test20.html test21.html test22.html test23.html
test24.html test25.html test26.html test27.html test28.html
test29.html test30.html test31.html test32.html
Log Message:
Add tests 19-32 (mostly I18N tests). These all pass, but had not been
included in the backport of the I18N feature.
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test19.html ===
<span>REPLACE THIS</span>
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test20.html ===
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test21.html ===
<span>Lomax WAS BORN IN Antarctica.</span>
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test22.html ===
<span><b>Jim</b> WAS BORN IN the USA.</span>
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test23.html ===
<span>59 minutes after 6 PM</span>
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test24.html ===
<input name="DELETE_BUTTON">
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test25.html ===
<input name="DELETE">
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test26.html ===
<span>7 is the JOB NUMBER</span>
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test27.html ===
<p>Your contact email address is recorded as <a href="mailto:user@example.com">aperson@dom.ain</a></p>
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test28.html ===
<p>Your contact email address is recorded as <a href="mailto:user@example.com">aperson@dom.ain</a></p>
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test29.html ===
At the tone the time will be
59 minutes after 6 PM... beep!
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test30.html ===
<p>Your contact email address is recorded as <a href="mailto:${request/submitter}">aperson@dom.ain</a></p>
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test31.html ===
<p>Your contact email address is recorded as <a href="mailto:${request/submitter}">aperson@dom.ain</a></p>
=== Added File Zope27/lib/python/TAL/tests/output/test32.html ===
<span><span>Lomax</span> was born in <span>Antarctica</span></span>