[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/TAL/tests - test_htmltalparser.py: test_talinterpreter.py:

Godefroid Chapelle gotcha at swing.be
Fri Aug 15 11:15:16 EDT 2003

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/TAL/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv14077/tests

Modified Files:
      Tag: Zope-2_7-branch
	test_htmltalparser.py test_talinterpreter.py 
Log Message:
merge from gotcha-talz3_backport-branch

backport of TAL fixes from z3

- i18n and metal interactions

- fix handling of nested translations with tal:content/replace and i18n:name

some reformatting to ease comparisons between 2.x and 3

=== Zope/lib/python/TAL/tests/test_htmltalparser.py => ===
--- Zope/lib/python/TAL/tests/test_htmltalparser.py:	Tue Jul 22 10:52:21 2003
+++ Zope/lib/python/TAL/tests/test_htmltalparser.py	Fri Aug 15 10:14:40 2003
@@ -614,6 +614,38 @@
   ('rawtextColumn', ('</span>\n', 0))
+    def test_i18n_name_with_content(self):
+        self._run_check('<div i18n:translate="">This is text for '
+            '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="bar" i18n:name="bar_name"/>.'
+            '</div>', [
+('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': ''}),
+('startTag', ('div', [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n')])),
+ ('',
+  [('rawtextOffset', ('This is text for ', 17)),
+   ('setPosition', (1, 40)),
+   ('beginScope',
+    {'tal:content': 'bar', 'i18n:name': 'bar_name', 'i18n:translate': ''}),
+   ('i18nVariable',
+       ('bar_name',
+        [('startTag',
+           ('span',
+            [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n'),
+             ('tal:content', 'bar', 'tal'),
+             ('i18n:name', 'bar_name', 'i18n')])),
+         ('insertTranslation',
+           ('',
+             [('insertText', ('$bar$', []))])),
+         ('rawtextOffset', ('</span>', 7))],
+      None)),
+   ('endScope', ()),
+   ('rawtextOffset', ('.', 1))])),
+('endScope', ()),
+('rawtextOffset', ('</div>', 6)) 
+  ])
     def check_i18n_name_implicit_value(self):
         # input/test22.html
@@ -725,31 +757,38 @@
     def check_i18n_data_with_name(self):
         # input/test29.html
-At the tone the time will be
+<div i18n:translate="">At the tone the time will be
 <span i18n:data="here/currentTime"
-      i18n:name="time">2:32 pm</span>... beep!
-''', [
-  ('rawtextBeginScope',
-   ('At the tone the time will be\n',
-    0,
-    (2, 0),
-    0,
-    {'i18n:data': 'here/currentTime',
-     'i18n:name': 'time',
-     'i18n:translate': 'timefmt'})),
-  ('insertTranslation',
-   ('timefmt',
-    [('startTag',
-      ('span',
-       [('i18n:data', 'here/currentTime', 'i18n'),
-        ('i18n:translate', 'timefmt', 'i18n'),
-        ('i18n:name', 'time', 'i18n')])),
-     ('i18nVariable', ('time', [], None))],
-    '$here/currentTime$')),
-  ('endScope', ()),
-  ('rawtextColumn', ('... beep!\n', 0))
-  ])
+      i18n:name="time">2:32 pm</span>... beep!</div>
+[('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': ''}),
+ ('startTag', ('div', [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+  ('',
+   [('rawtextBeginScope',
+     ('At the tone the time will be\n',
+      0,
+      (2, 0),
+      0,
+      {'i18n:data': 'here/currentTime',
+       'i18n:name': 'time',
+       'i18n:translate': 'timefmt'})),
+    ('insertTranslation',
+     ('timefmt',
+      [('startTag',
+        ('span',
+         [('i18n:data', 'here/currentTime', 'i18n'),
+          ('i18n:translate', 'timefmt', 'i18n'),
+          ('i18n:name', 'time', 'i18n')])),
+       ('i18nVariable', ('time', [], None))],
+      '$here/currentTime$')),
+    ('endScope', ()),
+    ('rawtextOffset', ('... beep!', 9))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('</div>\n', 0))]
     def check_i18n_explicit_msgid_with_name(self):
         # input/test26.html

=== Zope/lib/python/TAL/tests/test_talinterpreter.py => ===
--- Zope/lib/python/TAL/tests/test_talinterpreter.py:	Wed Jul 30 18:19:29 2003
+++ Zope/lib/python/TAL/tests/test_talinterpreter.py	Fri Aug 15 10:14:40 2003
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
 from StringIO import StringIO
-from TAL.TALDefs import METALError
+from TAL.TALDefs import METALError, I18NError
 from TAL.HTMLTALParser import HTMLTALParser
 from TAL.TALInterpreter import TALInterpreter
+from TAL.DummyEngine import DummyEngine, DummyTranslationService
 from TAL.TALInterpreter import interpolate
-from TAL.DummyEngine import DummyEngine
 class TestCaseBase(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -60,6 +60,130 @@
         self.macro[0] = ("version", "duh")
+class I18NCornerTestCase(TestCaseBase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.engine = DummyEngine()
+        self.engine.setLocal('bar', 'BaRvAlUe')
+    def _check(self, program, expected):
+        result = StringIO()
+        self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, self.engine,
+                                          stream=result)
+        self.interpreter()
+        self.assertEqual(expected, result.getvalue())
+    def test_content_with_messageid_and_i18nname_and_i18ntranslate(self):
+        # Let's tell the user this is incredibly silly!
+        self.assertRaises(
+            I18NError, self._compile,
+            '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="bar" i18n:name="bar_name"/>')
+    def test_content_with_plaintext_and_i18nname_and_i18ntranslate(self):
+        # Let's tell the user this is incredibly silly!
+        self.assertRaises(
+            I18NError, self._compile,
+            '<span i18n:translate="" i18n:name="color_name">green</span>')
+    def test_translate_static_text_as_dynamic(self):
+        program, macros = self._compile(
+            '<div i18n:translate="">This is text for '
+            '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="bar" i18n:name="bar_name"/>.'
+            '</div>')
+        self._check(program,
+                    '<div>THIS IS TEXT FOR <span>BARVALUE</span>.</div>\n')
+    def test_translate_static_text_as_dynamic_from_bytecode(self):
+        program =  [('version', '1.4'),
+ ('mode', 'html'),
+('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': ''}),
+('startTag', ('div', [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n')])),
+ ('',
+  [('rawtextOffset', ('This is text for ', 17)),
+   ('setPosition', (1, 40)),
+   ('beginScope',
+    {'tal:content': 'bar', 'i18n:name': 'bar_name', 'i18n:translate': ''}),
+   ('i18nVariable',
+       ('bar_name',
+        [('startTag',
+           ('span',
+            [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n'),
+             ('tal:content', 'bar', 'tal'),
+             ('i18n:name', 'bar_name', 'i18n')])),
+         ('insertTranslation',
+           ('',
+             [('insertText', ('$bar$', []))])),
+         ('rawtextOffset', ('</span>', 7))],
+      None)),
+   ('endScope', ()),
+   ('rawtextOffset', ('.', 1))])),
+('endScope', ()),
+('rawtextOffset', ('</div>', 6)) 
+        self._check(program,
+                    '<div>THIS IS TEXT FOR <span>BARVALUE</span>.</div>\n')
+    def test_for_correct_msgids(self):
+        class CollectingTranslationService(DummyTranslationService):
+            data = []
+            def translate(self, domain, msgid, mapping=None,
+                          context=None, target_language=None, default=None):
+                self.data.append(msgid)
+                return DummyTranslationService.translate(
+                    self,
+                    domain, msgid, mapping, context, target_language, default)
+        xlatsvc = CollectingTranslationService()
+        self.engine.translationService = xlatsvc
+        result = StringIO()
+        program, macros = self._compile(
+            '<div i18n:translate="">This is text for '
+            '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="bar" '
+            'i18n:name="bar_name"/>.</div>')
+        self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, self.engine,
+                                          stream=result)
+        self.interpreter()
+        self.assert_('BaRvAlUe' in xlatsvc.data)
+        self.assert_('This is text for ${bar_name}.' in
+                     xlatsvc.data)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            '<div>THIS IS TEXT FOR <span>BARVALUE</span>.</div>\n',
+            result.getvalue())
+class I18NErrorsTestCase(TestCaseBase):
+    def _check(self, src, msg):
+        try:
+            self._compile(src)
+        except I18NError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            self.fail(msg)
+    def test_id_with_replace(self):
+        self._check('<p i18n:id="foo" tal:replace="string:splat"></p>',
+                    "expected i18n:id with tal:replace to be denied")
+    def test_missing_values(self):
+        self._check('<p i18n:attributes=""></p>',
+                    "missing i18n:attributes value not caught")
+        self._check('<p i18n:data=""></p>',
+                    "missing i18n:data value not caught")
+        self._check('<p i18n:id=""></p>',
+                    "missing i18n:id value not caught")
+    def test_id_with_attributes(self):
+        self._check('''<input name="Delete"
+                       tal:attributes="name string:delete_button"
+                       i18n:attributes="name message-id">''',
+            "expected attribute being both part of tal:attributes" +
+            " and having a msgid in i18n:attributes to be denied")
 class OutputPresentationTestCase(TestCaseBase):
     def check_attribute_wrapping(self):
@@ -159,6 +283,7 @@
     suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(MacroErrorsTestCase, "check_"))
     suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(OutputPresentationTestCase, "check_"))
     suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(InterpolateTestCase, "check_"))
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(I18NCornerTestCase))
     return suite

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