[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/inst - Makefile.win.in:1.2 configure.py:1.4
Chris McDonough
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 12:02:43 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/inst
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv13219/inst
Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
Rudimentary support for building and installing under Windows.
=== Zope/inst/Makefile.win.in 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null Sat Mar 22 12:02:43 2003
+++ Zope/inst/Makefile.win.in Sat Mar 22 12:02:12 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Zope2 build and install Makefile for win32 (nmake-style).
+# We do as much as possible in Python in order to avoid needing to
+# learn autoconf or some other awful thing. ;-)
+BUILD_FLAGS=--build-base="$(BUILD_BASE)" \
+ --build-lib="$(BUILD_BASE)\$(BUILD_SUBDIR)" \
+ --build-scripts="$(BUILD_BASE)\$(BUILD_SUBDIR)\build_scripts.tmp" \
+ --build-temp="$(BUILD_BASE)\$(BUILD_SUBDIR)\build_temp.tmp"
+RM=del /f /q
+!IF ("$(OS)" == "Windows_NT")
+RMRF=rmdir /s /q
+RMRF=deltree /y
+XCOPY=xcopy /i /s /e /y
+.PHONY : clean install uninstall instance untestinst testinst
+default: build
+ $(PYTHON) "$(BASE_DIR)\inst\setup.py" \
+ @ echo.
+ @ echo Zope built. Next, do 'nmake install' (or 'nmake instance'
+ @ echo to run a Zope instance directly from the build directory).
+ @ echo.
+install: build
+ $(PYTHON) "$(BASE_DIR)\inst\setup.py" $(DISTUTILS_OPTS) install \
+ @ echo.
+ @ echo Zope binaries installed successfully.
+ @ echo Now run '$(PYTHON) $(PREFIX)\bin\mkzopeinstance'
+instance: build
+ $(PYTHON) "$(BASE_DIR)\inst\setup.py" $(DISTUTILS_OPTS) build_ext -i
+ $(PYTHON) "$(BASE_DIR)\bin\mkzopeinstance" .
+# testinst makes an instance home in the build directory without asking
+# any questions. this is useful when testing. instances made with
+# this can be removed via "make untestinst"
+testinst: build
+ $(PYTHON) "$(BASE_DIR)\inst\setup.py" $(DISTUTILS_OPTS) build_ext -i
+ $(PYTHON) "$(BASE_DIR)\bin\mkzopeinstance" --user=admin:admin .
+# remove the instance files made with testinst (w/ prejudice)
+ $(RM) "$(BASE_DIR)/bin/zopectl.py"
+ $(RM) "$(BASE_DIR)/bin/ntservice.py"
+ $(RMRF) "$(BASE_DIR)/etc"
+ $(RMRF) "$(BASE_DIR)/log"
+ $(RMRF) "$(PREFIX)"
+TESTOPTS=-v1 -d lib/python
+test: build
+ $(PYTHON) "$(BASE_DIR)\utilities\testrunner.py" $(TESTOPTS)
+ $(CD) "$(BASE_DIR)
+ $(RM) /s *.pyc *pyo
+clobber: clean untestinst
+ $(RM) /s *.obj *.pyd
=== Zope/inst/configure.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Zope/inst/configure.py:1.3 Fri Mar 21 16:35:03 2003
+++ Zope/inst/configure.py Sat Mar 22 12:02:12 2003
@@ -102,6 +102,8 @@
+ --quiet suppress nonessential output
--ignore-zlib allow configuration to proceeed if
Python zlib module is not found.