[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/docutils/readers/python -
__init__.py: moduleparser.py:
Andreas Jung
cvs-admin at zope.org
Sun Nov 30 11:05:26 EST 2003
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/docutils/readers/python
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv9303/readers/python
Added Files:
Tag: Zope-2_7-branch
__init__.py moduleparser.py
Log Message:
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/docutils/readers/python/__init__.py ===
# Author: David Goodger
# Contact: goodger at users.sourceforge.net
# Revision: $Revision: $
# Date: $Date: 2003/11/30 16:05:25 $
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
This package contains the Python Source Reader modules.
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
import sys
import docutils.readers
class Reader(docutils.readers.Reader):
config_section = 'python reader'
config_section_dependencies = ('readers',)
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/docutils/readers/python/moduleparser.py ===
# Author: David Goodger
# Contact: goodger at users.sourceforge.net
# Revision: $Revision: $
# Date: $Date: 2003/11/30 16:05:25 $
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
Parser for Python modules.
The `parse_module()` function takes a module's text and file name, runs it
through the module parser (using compiler.py and tokenize.py) and produces a
"module documentation tree": a high-level AST full of nodes that are
interesting from an auto-documentation standpoint. For example, given this
module (x.py)::
# comment
'''Additional docstring'''
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
a = 1
'''Attribute docstring'''
class C(Super):
'''C's docstring'''
class_attribute = 1
'''class_attribute's docstring'''
def __init__(self, text=None):
'''__init__'s docstring'''
self.instance_attribute = (text * 7
+ ' whaddyaknow')
'''instance_attribute's docstring'''
def f(x, # parameter x
y=a*5, # parameter y
*args): # parameter args
'''f's docstring'''
return [x + item for item in args]
f.function_attribute = 1
'''f.function_attribute's docstring'''
The module parser will produce this module documentation tree::
<Module filename="test data">
<Comment lineno=1>
<Docstring lineno="5">
Additional docstring
<Attribute lineno="7" name="__docformat__">
<Expression lineno="7">
<Attribute lineno="9" name="a">
<Expression lineno="9">
<Docstring lineno="10">
Attribute docstring
<Class bases="Super" lineno="12" name="C">
<Docstring lineno="12">
C's docstring
<Attribute lineno="16" name="class_attribute">
<Expression lineno="16">
<Docstring lineno="17">
class_attribute's docstring
<Method lineno="19" name="__init__">
<Docstring lineno="19">
__init__'s docstring
<ParameterList lineno="19">
<Parameter lineno="19" name="self">
<Parameter lineno="19" name="text">
<Default lineno="19">
<Attribute lineno="22" name="self.instance_attribute">
<Expression lineno="22">
(text * 7 + ' whaddyaknow')
<Docstring lineno="24">
instance_attribute's docstring
<Function lineno="27" name="f">
<Docstring lineno="27">
f's docstring
<ParameterList lineno="27">
<Parameter lineno="27" name="x">
# parameter x
<Parameter lineno="27" name="y">
<Default lineno="27">
a * 5
# parameter y
<ExcessPositionalArguments lineno="27" name="args">
# parameter args
<Attribute lineno="33" name="f.function_attribute">
<Expression lineno="33">
<Docstring lineno="34">
f.function_attribute's docstring
(Comments are not implemented yet.)
compiler.parse() provides most of what's needed for this doctree, and
"tokenize" can be used to get the rest. We can determine the line number from
the compiler.parse() AST, and the TokenParser.rhs(lineno) method provides the
The Docutils Python reader component will transform this module doctree into a
Python-specific Docutils doctree, and then a `stylist transform`_ will
further transform it into a generic doctree. Namespaces will have to be
compiled for each of the scopes, but I'm not certain at what stage of
It's very important to keep all docstring processing out of this, so that it's
a completely generic and not tool-specific.
> Why perform all of those transformations? Why not go from the AST to a
> generic doctree? Or, even from the AST to the final output?
I want the docutils.readers.python.moduleparser.parse_module() function to
produce a standard documentation-oriented tree that can be used by any tool.
We can develop it together without having to compromise on the rest of our
design (i.e., HappyDoc doesn't have to be made to work like Docutils, and
vice-versa). It would be a higher-level version of what compiler.py provides.
The Python reader component transforms this generic AST into a Python-specific
doctree (it knows about modules, classes, functions, etc.), but this is
specific to Docutils and cannot be used by HappyDoc or others. The stylist
transform does the final layout, converting Python-specific structures
("class" sections, etc.) into a generic doctree using primitives (tables,
sections, lists, etc.). This generic doctree does *not* know about Python
structures any more. The advantage is that this doctree can be handed off to
any of the output writers to create any output format we like.
The latter two transforms are separate because I want to be able to have
multiple independent layout styles (multiple runtime-selectable "stylist
transforms"). Each of the existing tools (HappyDoc, pydoc, epydoc, Crystal,
etc.) has its own fixed format. I personally don't like the tables-based
format produced by these tools, and I'd like to be able to customize the
format easily. That's the goal of stylist transforms, which are independent
from the Reader component itself. One stylist transform could produce
HappyDoc-like output, another could produce output similar to module docs in
the Python library reference manual, and so on.
It's for exactly this reason:
>> It's very important to keep all docstring processing out of this, so that
>> it's a completely generic and not tool-specific.
.. but it goes past docstring processing. It's also important to keep style
decisions and tool-specific data transforms out of this module parser.
* At what point should namespaces be computed? Should they be part of the
basic AST produced by the ASTVisitor walk, or generated by another tree
* At what point should a distinction be made between local variables &
instance attributes in __init__ methods?
* Docstrings are getting their lineno from their parents. Should the
TokenParser find the real line no's?
* Comments: include them? How and when? Only full-line comments, or
parameter comments too? (See function "f" above for an example.)
* Module could use more docstrings & refactoring in places.
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
import sys
import compiler
import compiler.ast
import tokenize
import token
from compiler.consts import OP_ASSIGN
from compiler.visitor import ASTVisitor
from types import StringType, UnicodeType, TupleType
def parse_module(module_text, filename):
"""Return a module documentation tree from `module_text`."""
ast = compiler.parse(module_text)
token_parser = TokenParser(module_text)
visitor = ModuleVisitor(filename, token_parser)
compiler.walk(ast, visitor, walker=visitor)
return visitor.module
class Node:
Base class for module documentation tree nodes.
def __init__(self, node):
self.children = []
"""List of child nodes."""
self.lineno = node.lineno
"""Line number of this node (or ``None``)."""
def __str__(self, indent=' ', level=0):
return ''.join(['%s%s\n' % (indent * level, repr(self))] +
[child.__str__(indent, level+1)
for child in self.children])
def __repr__(self):
parts = [self.__class__.__name__]
for name, value in self.attlist():
parts.append('%s="%s"' % (name, value))
return '<%s>' % ' '.join(parts)
def attlist(self, **atts):
if self.lineno is not None:
atts['lineno'] = self.lineno
attlist = atts.items()
return attlist
def append(self, node):
def extend(self, node_list):
class TextNode(Node):
def __init__(self, node, text):
Node.__init__(self, node)
self.text = trim_docstring(text)
def __str__(self, indent=' ', level=0):
prefix = indent * (level + 1)
text = '\n'.join([prefix + line for line in self.text.splitlines()])
return Node.__str__(self, indent, level) + text + '\n'
class Module(Node):
def __init__(self, node, filename):
Node.__init__(self, node)
self.filename = filename
def attlist(self):
return Node.attlist(self, filename=self.filename)
class Docstring(TextNode): pass
class Comment(TextNode): pass
class Import(Node):
def __init__(self, node, names, from_name=None):
Node.__init__(self, node)
self.names = names
self.from_name = from_name
def __str__(self, indent=' ', level=0):
prefix = indent * (level + 1)
lines = []
for name, as in self.names:
if as:
lines.append('%s%s as %s' % (prefix, name, as))
lines.append('%s%s' % (prefix, name))
text = '\n'.join(lines)
return Node.__str__(self, indent, level) + text + '\n'
def attlist(self):
if self.from_name:
atts = {'from': self.from_name}
atts = {}
return Node.attlist(self, **atts)
class Attribute(Node):
def __init__(self, node, name):
Node.__init__(self, node)
self.name = name
def attlist(self):
return Node.attlist(self, name=self.name)
class AttributeTuple(Node):
def __init__(self, node, names):
Node.__init__(self, node)
self.names = names
def attlist(self):
return Node.attlist(self, names=' '.join(self.names))
class Expression(TextNode):
def __str__(self, indent=' ', level=0):
prefix = indent * (level + 1)
return '%s%s%s\n' % (Node.__str__(self, indent, level),
prefix, self.text.encode('unicode-escape'))
class Function(Attribute): pass
class ParameterList(Node): pass
class Parameter(Attribute): pass
class ParameterTuple(AttributeTuple):
def attlist(self):
return Node.attlist(self, names=normalize_parameter_name(self.names))
class ExcessPositionalArguments(Parameter): pass
class ExcessKeywordArguments(Parameter): pass
class Default(Expression): pass
class Class(Node):
def __init__(self, node, name, bases=None):
Node.__init__(self, node)
self.name = name
self.bases = bases or []
def attlist(self):
atts = {'name': self.name}
if self.bases:
atts['bases'] = ' '.join(self.bases)
return Node.attlist(self, **atts)
class Method(Function): pass
class BaseVisitor(ASTVisitor):
def __init__(self, token_parser):
self.token_parser = token_parser
self.context = []
self.documentable = None
def default(self, node, *args):
self.documentable = None
#print 'in default (%s)' % node.__class__.__name__
#ASTVisitor.default(self, node, *args)
def default_visit(self, node, *args):
#print 'in default_visit (%s)' % node.__class__.__name__
ASTVisitor.default(self, node, *args)
class DocstringVisitor(BaseVisitor):
def visitDiscard(self, node):
if self.documentable:
def visitConst(self, node):
if self.documentable:
if type(node.value) in (StringType, UnicodeType):
self.documentable.append(Docstring(node, node.value))
self.documentable = None
def visitStmt(self, node):
class AssignmentVisitor(DocstringVisitor):
def visitAssign(self, node):
visitor = AttributeVisitor(self.token_parser)
compiler.walk(node, visitor, walker=visitor)
if visitor.attributes:
if len(visitor.attributes) == 1:
self.documentable = visitor.attributes[0]
self.documentable = None
class ModuleVisitor(AssignmentVisitor):
def __init__(self, filename, token_parser):
AssignmentVisitor.__init__(self, token_parser)
self.filename = filename
self.module = None
def visitModule(self, node):
self.module = module = Module(node, self.filename)
if node.doc is not None:
module.append(Docstring(node, node.doc))
self.documentable = module
def visitImport(self, node):
self.context[-1].append(Import(node, node.names))
self.documentable = None
def visitFrom(self, node):
Import(node, node.names, from_name=node.modname))
self.documentable = None
def visitFunction(self, node):
visitor = FunctionVisitor(self.token_parser)
compiler.walk(node, visitor, walker=visitor)
def visitClass(self, node):
visitor = ClassVisitor(self.token_parser)
compiler.walk(node, visitor, walker=visitor)
class AttributeVisitor(BaseVisitor):
def __init__(self, token_parser):
BaseVisitor.__init__(self, token_parser)
self.attributes = []
def visitAssign(self, node):
# Don't visit the expression itself, just the attribute nodes:
for child in node.nodes:
expression_text = self.token_parser.rhs(node.lineno)
expression = Expression(node, expression_text)
for attribute in self.attributes:
def visitAssName(self, node):
self.attributes.append(Attribute(node, node.name))
def visitAssTuple(self, node):
attributes = self.attributes
self.attributes = []
names = [attribute.name for attribute in self.attributes]
att_tuple = AttributeTuple(node, names)
att_tuple.lineno = self.attributes[0].lineno
self.attributes = attributes
def visitAssAttr(self, node):
self.default_visit(node, node.attrname)
def visitGetattr(self, node, suffix):
self.default_visit(node, node.attrname + '.' + suffix)
def visitName(self, node, suffix):
self.attributes.append(Attribute(node, node.name + '.' + suffix))
class FunctionVisitor(DocstringVisitor):
in_function = 0
function_class = Function
def visitFunction(self, node):
if self.in_function:
self.documentable = None
# Don't bother with nested function definitions.
self.in_function = 1
self.function = function = self.function_class(node, node.name)
if node.doc is not None:
function.append(Docstring(node, node.doc))
self.documentable = function
def parse_parameter_list(self, node):
parameters = []
special = []
argnames = list(node.argnames)
if node.kwargs:
special.append(ExcessKeywordArguments(node, argnames[-1]))
if node.varargs:
special.append(ExcessPositionalArguments(node, argnames[-1]))
defaults = list(node.defaults)
defaults = [None] * (len(argnames) - len(defaults)) + defaults
function_parameters = self.token_parser.function_parameters(
#print >>sys.stderr, function_parameters
for argname, default in zip(argnames, defaults):
if type(argname) is TupleType:
parameter = ParameterTuple(node, argname)
argname = normalize_parameter_name(argname)
parameter = Parameter(node, argname)
if default:
parameter.append(Default(node, function_parameters[argname]))
if parameters or special:
parameter_list = ParameterList(node)
class ClassVisitor(AssignmentVisitor):
in_class = 0
def __init__(self, token_parser):
AssignmentVisitor.__init__(self, token_parser)
self.bases = []
def visitClass(self, node):
if self.in_class:
self.documentable = None
# Don't bother with nested class definitions.
self.in_class = 1
#import mypdb as pdb
for base in node.bases:
self.klass = klass = Class(node, node.name, self.bases)
if node.doc is not None:
klass.append(Docstring(node, node.doc))
self.documentable = klass
def visitGetattr(self, node, suffix=None):
if suffix:
name = node.attrname + '.' + suffix
name = node.attrname
self.default_visit(node, name)
def visitName(self, node, suffix=None):
if suffix:
name = node.name + '.' + suffix
name = node.name
def visitFunction(self, node):
if node.name == '__init__':
visitor = InitMethodVisitor(self.token_parser)
visitor = MethodVisitor(self.token_parser)
compiler.walk(node, visitor, walker=visitor)
class MethodVisitor(FunctionVisitor):
function_class = Method
class InitMethodVisitor(MethodVisitor, AssignmentVisitor): pass
class TokenParser:
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = text + '\n\n'
self.lines = self.text.splitlines(1)
self.generator = tokenize.generate_tokens(iter(self.lines).next)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
self.token = self.generator.next()
self.type, self.string, self.start, self.end, self.line = self.token
return self.token
def goto_line(self, lineno):
while self.start[0] < lineno:
return token
def rhs(self, lineno):
Return a whitespace-normalized expression string from the right-hand
side of an assignment at line `lineno`.
while self.string != '=':
self.stack = None
while self.type != token.NEWLINE and self.string != ';':
if self.string == '=' and not self.stack:
self.tokens = []
self.stack = []
self._type = None
self._string = None
self._backquote = 0
text = ''.join(self.tokens)
return text.strip()
closers = {')': '(', ']': '[', '}': '{'}
openers = {'(': 1, '[': 1, '{': 1}
del_ws_prefix = {'.': 1, '=': 1, ')': 1, ']': 1, '}': 1, ':': 1, ',': 1}
no_ws_suffix = {'.': 1, '=': 1, '(': 1, '[': 1, '{': 1}
def note_token(self):
if self.type == tokenize.NL:
del_ws = self.del_ws_prefix.has_key(self.string)
append_ws = not self.no_ws_suffix.has_key(self.string)
if self.openers.has_key(self.string):
if (self._type == token.NAME
or self.closers.has_key(self._string)):
del_ws = 1
elif self.closers.has_key(self.string):
assert self.stack[-1] == self.closers[self.string]
elif self.string == '`':
if self._backquote:
del_ws = 1
assert self.stack[-1] == '`'
append_ws = 0
self._backquote = not self._backquote
if del_ws and self.tokens and self.tokens[-1] == ' ':
del self.tokens[-1]
self._type = self.type
self._string = self.string
if append_ws:
self.tokens.append(' ')
def function_parameters(self, lineno):
Return a dictionary mapping parameters to defaults
(whitespace-normalized strings).
while self.string != 'def':
while self.string != '(':
name = None
default = None
parameter_tuple = None
self.tokens = []
parameters = {}
self.stack = [self.string]
while 1:
if len(self.stack) == 1:
if parameter_tuple:
# Just encountered ")".
#print >>sys.stderr, 'parameter_tuple: %r' % self.tokens
name = ''.join(self.tokens).strip()
self.tokens = []
parameter_tuple = None
if self.string in (')', ','):
if name:
if self.tokens:
default_text = ''.join(self.tokens).strip()
default_text = None
parameters[name] = default_text
self.tokens = []
name = None
default = None
if self.string == ')':
elif self.type == token.NAME:
if name and default:
assert name is None, (
'token=%r name=%r parameters=%r stack=%r'
% (self.token, name, parameters, self.stack))
name = self.string
#print >>sys.stderr, 'name=%r' % name
elif self.string == '=':
assert name is not None, 'token=%r' % (self.token,)
assert default is None, 'token=%r' % (self.token,)
assert self.tokens == [], 'token=%r' % (self.token,)
default = 1
self._type = None
self._string = None
self._backquote = 0
elif name:
elif self.string == '(':
parameter_tuple = 1
self._type = None
self._string = None
self._backquote = 0
else: # ignore these tokens:
assert (self.string in ('*', '**', '\n')
or self.type == tokenize.COMMENT), (
'token=%r' % (self.token,))
return parameters
def trim_docstring(text):
Trim indentation and blank lines from docstring text & return it.
See PEP 257.
if not text:
return text
# Convert tabs to spaces (following the normal Python rules)
# and split into a list of lines:
lines = text.expandtabs().splitlines()
# Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count):
indent = sys.maxint
for line in lines[1:]:
stripped = line.lstrip()
if stripped:
indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped))
# Remove indentation (first line is special):
trimmed = [lines[0].strip()]
if indent < sys.maxint:
for line in lines[1:]:
# Strip off trailing and leading blank lines:
while trimmed and not trimmed[-1]:
while trimmed and not trimmed[0]:
# Return a single string:
return '\n'.join(trimmed)
def normalize_parameter_name(name):
Converts a tuple like ``('a', ('b', 'c'), 'd')`` into ``'(a, (b, c), d)'``
if type(name) is TupleType:
return '(%s)' % ', '.join([normalize_parameter_name(n) for n in name])
return name
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