[Zope-Checkins] CVS: ZODB3/Tools - zodbload.py:1.2 zeoserverlog.py:1.2 timeout.py:1.2 README.txt:1.2 zeoup.py:1.14 zeoreplay.py:1.4 zeoqueue.py:1.5 zeopack.py:1.9 repozo.py:1.6 parsezeolog.py:1.5 netspace.py:1.2 migrate.py:1.2 fstest.py:1.10 fsrefs.py:1.8 checkbtrees.py:1.2 analyze.py:1.2 space.py:NONE

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at zope.com
Mon Sep 15 12:29:51 EDT 2003

Update of /cvs-repository/ZODB3/Tools
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv29167/Tools

Modified Files:
	zeoup.py zeoreplay.py zeoqueue.py zeopack.py repozo.py 
	parsezeolog.py netspace.py migrate.py fstest.py fsrefs.py 
	checkbtrees.py analyze.py 
Added Files:
	zodbload.py zeoserverlog.py timeout.py README.txt 
Removed Files:
Log Message:
Merge changes from ZODB3-3_2-branch to Zope-2_7-branch.

Please make all future changes on the Zope-2_7-branch instead.

=== ZODB3/Tools/zodbload.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Mon Sep 15 12:29:51 2003
+++ ZODB3/Tools/zodbload.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Test script for testing ZODB under a heavy zope-like load.
+Note that, to be as realistic as possible with ZEO, you should run this
+script multiple times, to simulate multiple clients.
+Here's how this works.
+The script starts some number of threads.  Each thread, sequentially
+executes jobs.  There is a job producer that produces jobs.
+Input data are provided by a mail producer that hands out message from
+a mailbox.
+Execution continues until there is an error, which will normally occur
+when the mailbox is exhausted.
+Command-line options are used to provide job definitions. Job
+definitions have perameters of the form name=value.  Jobs have 2
+standard parameters:
+  frequency=integer
+     The frequency of the job. The default is 1.
+  sleep=float
+     The number os seconds to sleep before performing the job. The
+     default is 0.
+Usage: loadmail2 [options]
+  Options:
+    -edit [frequency=integer] [sleep=float]
+       Define an edit job. An edit job edits a random already-saved
+       email message, deleting and inserting a random number of words.
+       After editing the message, the message is (re)cataloged.
+    -insert [number=int] [frequency=integer] [sleep=float]
+       Insert some number of email messages.
+    -index [number=int] [frequency=integer] [sleep=float]
+       Insert and index (catalog) some number of email messages.
+    -search [terms='word1 word2 ...'] [frequency=integer] [sleep=float]
+       Search the catalog. A query is givem with one or more terms as
+       would be entered into a typical seach box.  If no query is
+       given, then queries will be randomly selected based on a set of
+       built-in word list.
+    -setup
+       Set up the database. This will delete any existing Data.fs
+       file.  (Of course, this may have no effect, if there is a
+       custom_zodb that defined a different storage.) It also adds a
+       mail folder and a catalog.
+    -options file
+       Read options from the given file. Th efile should be a python
+       source file that defines a sequence of options named 'options'.
+    -threads n
+       Specify the number of threads to execute. If not specified (< 2),
+       then jobs are run in a single (main) thread.
+    -mbox filename
+       Specify the mailbox for getting input data.
+import mailbox
+import math
+import os
+import random
+import re
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+class JobProducer:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.jobs = []
+    def add(self, callable, frequency, sleep, repeatp=0):
+        self.jobs.extend([(callable, sleep, repeatp)] * int(frequency))
+        random.shuffle(self.jobs)
+    def next(self):
+        factory, sleep, repeatp = random.choice(self.jobs)
+        time.sleep(sleep)
+        callable, args = factory.create()
+        return factory, callable, args, repeatp
+    def __nonzero__(self):
+        return not not self.jobs
+class MBox:
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        if ' ' in filename:
+            filename, min, max = filename.split()
+            min = int(min)
+            max = int(max)
+        else:
+            min = max = 0
+        if filename.endswith('.bz2'):
+            f = os.popen("bunzip2 <"+filename, 'r')
+            filename = filename[-4:]
+        else:
+            f = open(filename)
+        self._mbox = mb = mailbox.UnixMailbox(f)
+        self.number = min
+        while min:
+            mb.next()
+            min -= 1
+        self._lock = threading.Lock()
+        self.__name__ = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filename)[1])[0]
+        self._max = max
+    def next(self):
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if self._max > 0 and self.number >= self._max:
+                raise IndexError(self.number + 1)
+            message = self._mbox.next()
+            message.body = message.fp.read()
+            message.headers = list(message.headers)
+            self.number += 1
+            message.number = self.number
+            message.mbox = self.__name__
+            return message
+        finally:
+            self._lock.release()
+bins = 9973
+#bins = 11
+def mailfolder(app, mboxname, number):
+    mail = getattr(app, mboxname, None)
+    if mail is None:
+        app.manage_addFolder(mboxname)
+        mail = getattr(app, mboxname)
+        from BTrees.Length import Length
+        mail.length = Length()
+        for i in range(bins):
+            mail.manage_addFolder('b'+str(i))
+    bin = hash(str(number))%bins
+    return getattr(mail, 'b'+str(bin))
+def VmSize():
+    try:
+        f = open('/proc/%s/status' % os.getpid())
+    except:
+        return 0
+    else:
+        l = filter(lambda l: l[:7] == 'VmSize:', f.readlines())
+        if l:
+            l = l[0][7:].strip().split()[0]
+            return int(l)
+    return 0
+def setup(lib_python):
+    try:
+        os.remove(os.path.join(lib_python, '..', '..', 'var', 'Data.fs'))
+    except:
+        pass
+    import Zope
+    import Products
+    import AccessControl.SecurityManagement
+    app=Zope.app()
+    Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog.manage_addZCatalog(app, 'cat', '')
+    from Products.ZCTextIndex.ZCTextIndex import PLexicon
+    from Products.ZCTextIndex.Lexicon import Splitter, CaseNormalizer
+    app.cat._setObject('lex',
+                       PLexicon('lex', '', Splitter(), CaseNormalizer())
+                       )
+    class extra:
+        doc_attr = 'PrincipiaSearchSource'
+        lexicon_id = 'lex'
+        index_type = 'Okapi BM25 Rank'
+    app.cat.addIndex('PrincipiaSearchSource', 'ZCTextIndex', extra)
+    get_transaction().commit()
+    system = AccessControl.SpecialUsers.system
+    AccessControl.SecurityManagement.newSecurityManager(None, system)
+    app._p_jar.close()
+def do(db, f, args):
+    """Do something in a transaction, retrying of necessary
+    Measure the speed of both the compurartion and the commit
+    """
+    from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
+    wcomp = ccomp = wcommit = ccommit = 0.0
+    rconflicts = wconflicts = 0
+    start = time.time()
+    while 1:
+        connection = db.open()
+        try:
+            get_transaction().begin()
+            t=time.time()
+            c=time.clock()
+            try:
+                try:
+                    r = f(connection, *args)
+                except ConflictError:
+                    rconflicts += 1
+                    get_transaction().abort()
+                    continue
+            finally:
+                wcomp += time.time() - t
+                ccomp += time.clock() - c
+            t=time.time()
+            c=time.clock()
+            try:
+                try:
+                    get_transaction().commit()
+                    break
+                except ConflictError:
+                    wconflicts += 1
+                    get_transaction().abort()
+                    continue
+            finally:
+                wcommit += time.time() - t
+                ccommit += time.clock() - c
+        finally:
+            connection.close()
+    return start, wcomp, ccomp, rconflicts, wconflicts, wcommit, ccommit, r
+def run1(tid, db, factory, job, args):
+    (start, wcomp, ccomp, rconflicts, wconflicts, wcommit, ccommit, r
+     ) = do(db, job, args)
+    start = "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d" % time.localtime(start)[:6]
+    print "%s %s %8.3g %8.3g %s %s\t%8.3g %8.3g %s %r" % (
+        start, tid, wcomp, ccomp, rconflicts, wconflicts, wcommit, ccommit,
+        factory.__name__, r)
+def run(jobs, tid=''):
+    import Zope
+    while 1:
+        factory, job, args, repeatp = jobs.next()
+        run1(tid, Zope.DB, factory, job, args)
+        if repeatp:
+            while 1:
+                i = random.randint(0,100)
+                if i > repeatp:
+                    break
+                run1(tid, Zope.DB, factory, job, args)
+def index(connection, messages, catalog):
+    app = connection.root()['Application']
+    for message in messages:
+        mail = mailfolder(app, message.mbox, message.number)
+        docid = 'm'+str(message.number)
+        mail.manage_addDTMLDocument(docid, file=message.body)
+        # increment counted
+        getattr(app, message.mbox).length.change(1)
+        doc = mail[docid]
+        for h in message.headers:
+            h = h.strip()
+            l = h.find(':')
+            if l <= 0:
+                continue
+            name = h[:l].lower()
+            if name=='subject':
+                name='title'
+            v = h[l+1:].strip()
+            type='string'
+            if name=='title':
+                doc.manage_changeProperties(title=h)
+            else:
+                try:
+                    doc.manage_addProperty(name, v, type)
+                except:
+                    pass
+        if catalog:
+            app.cat.catalog_object(doc)
+    return message.number
+class IndexJob:
+    needs_mbox = 1
+    catalog = 1
+    prefix = 'index'
+    def __init__(self, mbox, number=1):
+        self.__name__ = "%s%s_%s" % (self.prefix, number, mbox.__name__)
+        self.mbox, self.number = mbox, int(number)
+    def create(self):
+        messages = [self.mbox.next() for i in range(self.number)]
+        return index, (messages, self.catalog)
+class InsertJob(IndexJob):
+    catalog = 0
+    prefix = 'insert'
+wordre = re.compile(r'(\w{3,20})')
+stop = 'and', 'not'
+def edit(connection, mbox, catalog=1):
+    app = connection.root()['Application']
+    mail = getattr(app, mbox.__name__, None)
+    if mail is None:
+        time.sleep(1)
+        return "No mailbox %s" % mbox.__name__
+    nmessages = mail.length()
+    if nmessages < 2:
+        time.sleep(1)
+        return "No messages to edit in %s" % mbox.__name__
+    # find a message to edit:
+    while 1:
+        number = random.randint(1, nmessages-1)
+        did = 'm' + str(number)
+        mail = mailfolder(app, mbox.__name__, number)
+        doc = getattr(mail, did, None)
+        if doc is not None:
+            break
+    text = doc.raw.split()
+    norig = len(text)
+    if norig > 10:
+        ndel = int(math.exp(random.randint(0, int(math.log(norig)))))
+        nins = int(math.exp(random.randint(0, int(math.log(norig)))))
+    else:
+        ndel = 0
+        nins = 10
+    for j in range(ndel):
+        j = random.randint(0,len(text)-1)
+        word = text[j]
+        m = wordre.search(word)
+        if m:
+            word = m.group(1).lower()
+            if (not wordsd.has_key(word)) and word not in stop:
+                words.append(word)
+                wordsd[word] = 1
+        del text[j]
+    for j in range(nins):
+        word = random.choice(words)
+        text.append(word)
+    doc.raw = ' '.join(text)
+    if catalog:
+        app.cat.catalog_object(doc)
+    return norig, ndel, nins
+class EditJob:
+    needs_mbox = 1
+    prefix = 'edit'
+    catalog = 1
+    def __init__(self, mbox):
+        self.__name__ = "%s_%s" % (self.prefix, mbox.__name__)
+        self.mbox = mbox
+    def create(self):
+        return edit, (self.mbox, self.catalog)
+class ModifyJob(EditJob):
+    prefix = 'modify'
+    catalog = 0
+def search(connection, terms, number):
+    app = connection.root()['Application']
+    cat = app.cat
+    n = 0
+    for i in number:
+        term = random.choice(terms)
+        results = cat(PrincipiaSearchSource=term)
+        n += len(results)
+        for result in results:
+            did = result.getObject().getId()
+    return n
+class SearchJob:
+    def __init__(self, terms='', number=10):
+        if terms:
+            terms = terms.split()
+            self.__name__ = "search_" + '_'.join(terms)
+            self.terms = terms
+        else:
+            self.__name__ = 'search'
+            self.terms = words
+        number = min(int(number), len(self.terms))
+        self.number = range(number)
+    def create(self):
+        return search, (self.terms, self.number)
+words=['banishment', 'indirectly', 'imprecise', 'peeks',
+'opportunely', 'bribe', 'sufficiently', 'Occidentalized', 'elapsing',
+'fermenting', 'listen', 'orphanage', 'younger', 'draperies', 'Ida',
+'cuttlefish', 'mastermind', 'Michaels', 'populations', 'lent',
+'cater', 'attentional', 'hastiness', 'dragnet', 'mangling',
+'scabbards', 'princely', 'star', 'repeat', 'deviation', 'agers',
+'fix', 'digital', 'ambitious', 'transit', 'jeeps', 'lighted',
+'Prussianizations', 'Kickapoo', 'virtual', 'Andrew', 'generally',
+'boatsman', 'amounts', 'promulgation', 'Malay', 'savaging',
+'courtesan', 'nursed', 'hungered', 'shiningly', 'ship', 'presides',
+'Parke', 'moderns', 'Jonas', 'unenlightening', 'dearth', 'deer',
+'domesticates', 'recognize', 'gong', 'penetrating', 'dependents',
+'unusually', 'complications', 'Dennis', 'imbalances', 'nightgown',
+'attached', 'testaments', 'congresswoman', 'circuits', 'bumpers',
+'braver', 'Boreas', 'hauled', 'Howe', 'seethed', 'cult', 'numismatic',
+'vitality', 'differences', 'collapsed', 'Sandburg', 'inches', 'head',
+'rhythmic', 'opponent', 'blanketer', 'attorneys', 'hen', 'spies',
+'indispensably', 'clinical', 'redirection', 'submit', 'catalysts',
+'councilwoman', 'kills', 'topologies', 'noxious', 'exactions',
+'dashers', 'balanced', 'slider', 'cancerous', 'bathtubs', 'legged',
+'respectably', 'crochets', 'absenteeism', 'arcsine', 'facility',
+'cleaners', 'bobwhite', 'Hawkins', 'stockade', 'provisional',
+'tenants', 'forearms', 'Knowlton', 'commit', 'scornful',
+'pediatrician', 'greets', 'clenches', 'trowels', 'accepts',
+'Carboloy', 'Glenn', 'Leigh', 'enroll', 'Madison', 'Macon', 'oiling',
+'entertainingly', 'super', 'propositional', 'pliers', 'beneficiary',
+'hospitable', 'emigration', 'sift', 'sensor', 'reserved',
+'colonization', 'shrilled', 'momentously', 'stevedore', 'Shanghaiing',
+'schoolmasters', 'shaken', 'biology', 'inclination', 'immoderate',
+'stem', 'allegory', 'economical', 'daytime', 'Newell', 'Moscow',
+'archeology', 'ported', 'scandals', 'Blackfoot', 'leery', 'kilobit',
+'empire', 'obliviousness', 'productions', 'sacrificed', 'ideals',
+'enrolling', 'certainties', 'Capsicum', 'Brookdale', 'Markism',
+'unkind', 'dyers', 'legislates', 'grotesquely', 'megawords',
+'arbitrary', 'laughing', 'wildcats', 'thrower', 'sex', 'devils',
+'Wehr', 'ablates', 'consume', 'gossips', 'doorways', 'Shari',
+'advanced', 'enumerable', 'existentially', 'stunt', 'auctioneers',
+'scheduler', 'blanching', 'petulance', 'perceptibly', 'vapors',
+'progressed', 'rains', 'intercom', 'emergency', 'increased',
+'fluctuating', 'Krishna', 'silken', 'reformed', 'transformation',
+'easter', 'fares', 'comprehensible', 'trespasses', 'hallmark',
+'tormenter', 'breastworks', 'brassiere', 'bladders', 'civet', 'death',
+'transformer', 'tolerably', 'bugle', 'clergy', 'mantels', 'satin',
+'Boswellizes', 'Bloomington', 'notifier', 'Filippo', 'circling',
+'unassigned', 'dumbness', 'sentries', 'representativeness', 'souped',
+'Klux', 'Kingstown', 'gerund', 'Russell', 'splices', 'bellow',
+'bandies', 'beefers', 'cameramen', 'appalled', 'Ionian', 'butterball',
+'Portland', 'pleaded', 'admiringly', 'pricks', 'hearty', 'corer',
+'deliverable', 'accountably', 'mentors', 'accorded',
+'acknowledgement', 'Lawrenceville', 'morphology', 'eucalyptus',
+'Rena', 'enchanting', 'tighter', 'scholars', 'graduations', 'edges',
+'Latinization', 'proficiency', 'monolithic', 'parenthesizing', 'defy',
+'shames', 'enjoyment', 'Purdue', 'disagrees', 'barefoot', 'maims',
+'flabbergast', 'dishonorable', 'interpolation', 'fanatics', 'dickens',
+'abysses', 'adverse', 'components', 'bowl', 'belong', 'Pipestone',
+'trainees', 'paw', 'pigtail', 'feed', 'whore', 'conditioner',
+'Volstead', 'voices', 'strain', 'inhabits', 'Edwin', 'discourses',
+'deigns', 'cruiser', 'biconvex', 'biking', 'depreciation', 'Harrison',
+'Persian', 'stunning', 'agar', 'rope', 'wagoner', 'elections',
+'reticulately', 'Cruz', 'pulpits', 'wilt', 'peels', 'plants',
+'administerings', 'deepen', 'rubs', 'hence', 'dissension', 'implored',
+'bereavement', 'abyss', 'Pennsylvania', 'benevolent', 'corresponding',
+'Poseidon', 'inactive', 'butchers', 'Mach', 'woke', 'loading',
+'utilizing', 'Hoosier', 'undo', 'Semitization', 'trigger', 'Mouthe',
+'mark', 'disgracefully', 'copier', 'futility', 'gondola', 'algebraic',
+'lecturers', 'sponged', 'instigators', 'looted', 'ether', 'trust',
+'feeblest', 'sequencer', 'disjointness', 'congresses', 'Vicksburg',
+'incompatibilities', 'commend', 'Luxembourg', 'reticulation',
+'instructively', 'reconstructs', 'bricks', 'attache', 'Englishman',
+'provocation', 'roughen', 'cynic', 'plugged', 'scrawls', 'antipode',
+'injected', 'Daedalus', 'Burnsides', 'asker', 'confronter',
+'merriment', 'disdain', 'thicket', 'stinker', 'great', 'tiers',
+'oust', 'antipodes', 'Macintosh', 'tented', 'packages',
+'Mediterraneanize', 'hurts', 'orthodontist', 'seeder', 'readying',
+'babying', 'Florida', 'Sri', 'buckets', 'complementary',
+'cartographer', 'chateaus', 'shaves', 'thinkable', 'Tehran',
+'Gordian', 'Angles', 'arguable', 'bureau', 'smallest', 'fans',
+'navigated', 'dipole', 'bootleg', 'distinctive', 'minimization',
+'absorbed', 'surmised', 'Malawi', 'absorbent', 'close', 'conciseness',
+'hopefully', 'declares', 'descent', 'trick', 'portend', 'unable',
+'mildly', 'Morse', 'reference', 'scours', 'Caribbean', 'battlers',
+'astringency', 'likelier', 'Byronizes', 'econometric', 'grad',
+'steak', 'Austrian', 'ban', 'voting', 'Darlington', 'bison', 'Cetus',
+'proclaim', 'Gilbertson', 'evictions', 'submittal', 'bearings',
+'Gothicizer', 'settings', 'McMahon', 'densities', 'determinants',
+'period', 'DeKastere', 'swindle', 'promptness', 'enablers', 'wordy',
+'during', 'tables', 'responder', 'baffle', 'phosgene', 'muttering',
+'limiters', 'custodian', 'prevented', 'Stouffer', 'waltz', 'Videotex',
+'brainstorms', 'alcoholism', 'jab', 'shouldering', 'screening',
+'explicitly', 'earner', 'commandment', 'French', 'scrutinizing',
+'Gemma', 'capacitive', 'sheriff', 'herbivore', 'Betsey', 'Formosa',
+'scorcher', 'font', 'damming', 'soldiers', 'flack', 'Marks',
+'unlinking', 'serenely', 'rotating', 'converge', 'celebrities',
+'unassailable', 'bawling', 'wording', 'silencing', 'scotch',
+'coincided', 'masochists', 'graphs', 'pernicious', 'disease',
+'depreciates', 'later', 'torus', 'interject', 'mutated', 'causer',
+'messy', 'Bechtel', 'redundantly', 'profoundest', 'autopsy',
+'philosophic', 'iterate', 'Poisson', 'horridly', 'silversmith',
+'millennium', 'plunder', 'salmon', 'missioner', 'advances', 'provers',
+'earthliness', 'manor', 'resurrectors', 'Dahl', 'canto', 'gangrene',
+'gabler', 'ashore', 'frictionless', 'expansionism', 'emphasis',
+'preservations', 'Duane', 'descend', 'isolated', 'firmware',
+'dynamites', 'scrawled', 'cavemen', 'ponder', 'prosperity', 'squaw',
+'vulnerable', 'opthalmic', 'Simms', 'unite', 'totallers', 'Waring',
+'enforced', 'bridge', 'collecting', 'sublime', 'Moore', 'gobble',
+'criticizes', 'daydreams', 'sedate', 'apples', 'Concordia',
+'subsequence', 'distill', 'Allan', 'seizure', 'Isadore', 'Lancashire',
+'spacings', 'corresponded', 'hobble', 'Boonton', 'genuineness',
+'artifact', 'gratuities', 'interviewee', 'Vladimir', 'mailable',
+'Bini', 'Kowalewski', 'interprets', 'bereave', 'evacuated', 'friend',
+'tourists', 'crunched', 'soothsayer', 'fleetly', 'Romanizations',
+'Medicaid', 'persevering', 'flimsy', 'doomsday', 'trillion',
+'carcasses', 'guess', 'seersucker', 'ripping', 'affliction',
+'wildest', 'spokes', 'sheaths', 'procreate', 'rusticates', 'Schapiro',
+'thereafter', 'mistakenly', 'shelf', 'ruination', 'bushel',
+'assuredly', 'corrupting', 'federation', 'portmanteau', 'wading',
+'incendiary', 'thing', 'wanderers', 'messages', 'Paso', 'reexamined',
+'freeings', 'denture', 'potting', 'disturber', 'laborer', 'comrade',
+'intercommunicating', 'Pelham', 'reproach', 'Fenton', 'Alva', 'oasis',
+'attending', 'cockpit', 'scout', 'Jude', 'gagging', 'jailed',
+'crustaceans', 'dirt', 'exquisitely', 'Internet', 'blocker', 'smock',
+'Troutman', 'neighboring', 'surprise', 'midscale', 'impart',
+'badgering', 'fountain', 'Essen', 'societies', 'redresses',
+'afterwards', 'puckering', 'silks', 'Blakey', 'sequel', 'greet',
+'basements', 'Aubrey', 'helmsman', 'album', 'wheelers', 'easternmost',
+'flock', 'ambassadors', 'astatine', 'supplant', 'gird', 'clockwork',
+'foxes', 'rerouting', 'divisional', 'bends', 'spacer',
+'physiologically', 'exquisite', 'concerts', 'unbridled', 'crossing',
+'rock', 'leatherneck', 'Fortescue', 'reloading', 'Laramie', 'Tim',
+'forlorn', 'revert', 'scarcer', 'spigot', 'equality', 'paranormal',
+'aggrieves', 'pegs', 'committeewomen', 'documented', 'interrupt',
+'emerald', 'Battelle', 'reconverted', 'anticipated', 'prejudices',
+'drowsiness', 'trivialities', 'food', 'blackberries', 'Cyclades',
+'tourist', 'branching', 'nugget', 'Asilomar', 'repairmen', 'Cowan',
+'receptacles', 'nobler', 'Nebraskan', 'territorial', 'chickadee',
+'bedbug', 'darted', 'vigilance', 'Octavia', 'summands', 'policemen',
+'twirls', 'style', 'outlawing', 'specifiable', 'pang', 'Orpheus',
+'epigram', 'Babel', 'butyrate', 'wishing', 'fiendish', 'accentuate',
+'much', 'pulsed', 'adorned', 'arbiters', 'counted', 'Afrikaner',
+'parameterizes', 'agenda', 'Americanism', 'referenda', 'derived',
+'liquidity', 'trembling', 'lordly', 'Agway', 'Dillon', 'propellers',
+'statement', 'stickiest', 'thankfully', 'autograph', 'parallel',
+'impulse', 'Hamey', 'stylistic', 'disproved', 'inquirer', 'hoisting',
+'residues', 'variant', 'colonials', 'dequeued', 'especial', 'Samoa',
+'Polaris', 'dismisses', 'surpasses', 'prognosis', 'urinates',
+'leaguers', 'ostriches', 'calculative', 'digested', 'divided',
+'reconfigurer', 'Lakewood', 'illegalities', 'redundancy',
+'approachability', 'masterly', 'cookery', 'crystallized', 'Dunham',
+'exclaims', 'mainline', 'Australianizes', 'nationhood', 'pusher',
+'ushers', 'paranoia', 'workstations', 'radiance', 'impedes',
+'Minotaur', 'cataloging', 'bites', 'fashioning', 'Alsop', 'servants',
+'Onondaga', 'paragraph', 'leadings', 'clients', 'Latrobe',
+'Cornwallis', 'excitingly', 'calorimetric', 'savior', 'tandem',
+'antibiotics', 'excuse', 'brushy', 'selfish', 'naive', 'becomes',
+'towers', 'popularizes', 'engender', 'introducing', 'possession',
+'slaughtered', 'marginally', 'Packards', 'parabola', 'utopia',
+'automata', 'deterrent', 'chocolates', 'objectives', 'clannish',
+'aspirin', 'ferociousness', 'primarily', 'armpit', 'handfuls',
+'dangle', 'Manila', 'enlivened', 'decrease', 'phylum', 'hardy',
+'objectively', 'baskets', 'chaired', 'Sepoy', 'deputy', 'blizzard',
+'shootings', 'breathtaking', 'sticking', 'initials', 'epitomized',
+'Forrest', 'cellular', 'amatory', 'radioed', 'horrified', 'Neva',
+'simultaneous', 'delimiter', 'expulsion', 'Himmler', 'contradiction',
+'Remus', 'Franklinizations', 'luggage', 'moisture', 'Jews',
+'comptroller', 'brevity', 'contradictions', 'Ohio', 'active',
+'babysit', 'China', 'youngest', 'superstition', 'clawing', 'raccoons',
+'chose', 'shoreline', 'helmets', 'Jeffersonian', 'papered',
+'kindergarten', 'reply', 'succinct', 'split', 'wriggle', 'suitcases',
+'nonce', 'grinders', 'anthem', 'showcase', 'maimed', 'blue', 'obeys',
+'unreported', 'perusing', 'recalculate', 'rancher', 'demonic',
+'Lilliputianize', 'approximation', 'repents', 'yellowness',
+'irritates', 'Ferber', 'flashlights', 'booty', 'Neanderthal',
+'someday', 'foregoes', 'lingering', 'cloudiness', 'guy', 'consumer',
+'Berkowitz', 'relics', 'interpolating', 'reappearing', 'advisements',
+'Nolan', 'turrets', 'skeletal', 'skills', 'mammas', 'Winsett',
+'wheelings', 'stiffen', 'monkeys', 'plainness', 'braziers', 'Leary',
+'advisee', 'jack', 'verb', 'reinterpret', 'geometrical', 'trolleys',
+'arboreal', 'overpowered', 'Cuzco', 'poetical', 'admirations',
+'Hobbes', 'phonemes', 'Newsweek', 'agitator', 'finally', 'prophets',
+'environment', 'easterners', 'precomputed', 'faults', 'rankly',
+'swallowing', 'crawl', 'trolley', 'spreading', 'resourceful', 'go',
+'demandingly', 'broader', 'spiders', 'Marsha', 'debris', 'operates',
+'Dundee', 'alleles', 'crunchier', 'quizzical', 'hanging', 'Fisk']
+wordsd = {}
+for word in words:
+    wordsd[word] = 1
+def collect_options(args, jobs, options):
+    while args:
+        arg = args.pop(0)
+        if arg.startswith('-'):
+            name = arg[1:]
+            if name == 'options':
+                fname = args.pop(0)
+                d = {}
+                execfile(fname, d)
+                collect_options(list(d['options']), jobs, options)
+            elif options.has_key(name):
+                v = args.pop(0)
+                if options[name] != None:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        "Duplicate values for %s, %s and %s"
+                        % (name, v, options[name])
+                        )
+                options[name] = v
+            elif name == 'setup':
+                options['setup'] = 1
+            elif globals().has_key(name.capitalize()+'Job'):
+                job = name
+                kw = {}
+                while args and args[0].find("=") > 0:
+                    arg = args.pop(0).split('=')
+                    name, v = arg[0], '='.join(arg[1:])
+                    if kw.has_key(name):
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            "Duplicate parameter %s for job %s"
+                            % (name, job)
+                            )
+                    kw[name]=v
+                if kw.has_key('frequency'):
+                    frequency = kw['frequency']
+                    del kw['frequency']
+                else:
+                    frequency = 1
+                if kw.has_key('sleep'):
+                    sleep = float(kw['sleep'])
+                    del kw['sleep']
+                else:
+                    sleep = 0.0001
+                if kw.has_key('repeat'):
+                    repeatp = float(kw['repeat'])
+                    del kw['repeat']
+                else:
+                    repeatp = 0
+                jobs.append((job, kw, frequency, sleep, repeatp))
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("not an option or job", name)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Expected an option", arg)
+def find_lib_python():
+    for b in os.getcwd(), os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]:
+        for i in range(6):
+            d = ['..']*i + ['lib', 'python']
+            p = os.path.join(b, *d)
+            if os.path.isdir(p):
+                return p
+    raise ValueError("Couldn't find lib/python")
+def main(args=None):
+    lib_python = find_lib_python()
+    sys.path.insert(0, lib_python)
+    if args is None:
+        args = sys.argv[1:]
+    if not args:
+        print __doc__
+        sys.exit(0)
+    print args
+    random.seed(hash(tuple(args))) # always use the same for the given args
+    options = {"mbox": None, "threads": None}
+    jobdefs = []
+    collect_options(args, jobdefs, options)
+    mboxes = {}
+    if options["mbox"]:
+        mboxes[options["mbox"]] = MBox(options["mbox"])
+    if options.has_key('setup'):
+        setup(lib_python)
+    else:
+        import Zope
+        Zope.startup()
+    #from ThreadedAsync.LoopCallback import loop
+    #threading.Thread(target=loop, args=(), name='asyncore').start()
+    jobs = JobProducer()
+    for job, kw, frequency, sleep, repeatp in jobdefs:
+        Job = globals()[job.capitalize()+'Job']
+        if getattr(Job, 'needs_mbox', 0):
+            if not kw.has_key("mbox"):
+                if not options["mbox"]:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        "no mailbox (mbox option) file  specified")
+                kw['mbox'] = mboxes[options["mbox"]]
+            else:
+                if not mboxes.has_key[kw["mbox"]]:
+                    mboxes[kw['mbox']] = MBox[kw['mbox']]
+                kw["mbox"] = mboxes[kw['mbox']]
+        jobs.add(Job(**kw), frequency, sleep, repeatp)
+    if not jobs:
+        print "No jobs to execute"
+        return
+    threads = int(options['threads'] or '0')
+    if threads > 1:
+        threads = [threading.Thread(target=run, args=(jobs, i), name=str(i))
+                   for i in range(threads)]
+        for thread in threads:
+            thread.start()
+        for thread in threads:
+            thread.join()
+    else:
+        run(jobs)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

=== ZODB3/Tools/zeoserverlog.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Mon Sep 15 12:29:51 2003
+++ ZODB3/Tools/zeoserverlog.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Tools for analyzing ZEO Server logs.
+This script contains a number of commands, implemented by command
+functions. To run a command, give the command name and it's arguments
+as arguments to this script.
+  blocked_times file threshold
+     Output a summary of episodes where thransactions were blocked
+     when the episode lasted at least threshold seconds.
+     The file may be a file name or - to read from standard input.
+     The file may also be a command:
+       script blocked_times 'bunzip2 <foo.log.bz2' 60
+     If the file is a command, it must contain at least a single
+     space.
+     The columns of output are:
+     - The time the episode started
+     - The seconds from the start of the episode until the blocking
+       transaction finished.
+     - The client id (host and port) of the blocking transaction.
+     - The seconds from the start of the episode until the end of the
+       episode.
+  time_calls file threshold
+     Time how long calls took. Note that this is normally combined
+     with grep to time just a particulat kind of call:
+       script time_calls 'bunzip2 <foo.log.bz2 | grep tpc_finish' 10
+       time_trans threshold
+     The columns of output are:
+     - The time of the call invocation
+     - The seconds from the call to the return
+     - The client that made the call.
+  time_trans file threshold
+    Output a summary of transactions that held the global transaction
+    lock for at least threshold seconds. (This is the time from when
+    voting starts until the transaction is completed by the server.)
+    The columns of output are:
+    - time that the vote started.
+    - client id
+    - number of objects written / number of objects updated
+    - seconds from tpc_begin to vote start
+    - seconds spent voting
+    - vote status: n=normal, d=delayed, e=error
+    - seconds wating between vote return and finish call
+    - time spent finishing or 'abort' if the transaction aborted
+  minute file
+    Compute production statistics by minute
+    The columns of output are:
+    - date/time
+    - Number of active clients
+    - number of reads
+    - number of stores
+    - number of commits (finish)
+    - number of aborts
+    - number of transactions (commits + aborts)
+    Summary statistics are printed at the end
+  minutes file
+    Show just the summary statistics for production by minute.
+  hour file
+    Compute production statistics by hour
+  hours file
+    Show just the summary statistics for production by hour.
+  day file
+    Compute production statistics by day
+  days file
+    Show just the summary statistics for production by day.
+  verify file
+    Compute verification statistics
+    The columns of output are:
+    - client id
+    - verification start time
+    - number of object's verified
+    - wall time to verify
+    - average miliseconds to verify per object.
+import datetime, sys, re, os
+def time(line):
+    d = line[:10]
+    t = line[11:19]
+    y, mo, d = map(int, d.split('-'))
+    h, mi, s = map(int, t.split(':'))
+    return datetime.datetime(y, mo, d, h, mi, s)
+def sub(t1, t2):
+    delta = t2 - t1
+    return delta.days*86400.0+delta.seconds+delta.microseconds/1000000.0
+waitre = re.compile(r'Clients waiting: (\d+)')
+idre = re.compile(r' ZSS:\d+/(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+:\d+) ')
+def blocked_times(args):
+    f, thresh = args
+    t1 = t2 = cid = blocking = waiting = 0
+    last_blocking = False
+    thresh = int(thresh)
+    for line in xopen(f):
+        line = line.strip()
+        if line.endswith('Blocked transaction restarted.'):
+            blocking = False
+            waiting = 0
+        else:
+            s = waitre.search(line)
+            if not s:
+                continue
+            waiting = int(s.group(1))
+            blocking = line.find(
+                'Transaction blocked waiting for storage') >= 0
+        if blocking and waiting == 1:
+            t1 = time(line)
+            t2 = t1
+        if not blocking and last_blocking:
+            last_wait = 0
+            t2 = time(line)
+            cid = idre.search(line).group(1)
+        if waiting == 0:
+            d = sub(t1, time(line))
+            if d >= thresh:
+                print t1, sub(t1, t2), cid, d
+            t1 = t2 = cid = blocking = waiting = last_wait = max_wait = 0
+        last_blocking = blocking
+connidre = re.compile(r' zrpc-conn:(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+:\d+) ')
+def time_calls(f):
+    f, thresh = f
+    if f == '-':
+        f = sys.stdin
+    else:
+        f = xopen(f)
+    thresh = float(thresh)
+    t1 = None
+    maxd = 0
+    for line in f:
+        line = line.strip()
+        if ' calling ' in line:
+            t1 = time(line)
+        elif ' returns ' in line and t1 is not None:
+            d = sub(t1, time(line))
+            if d >= thresh:
+                print t1, d, connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            maxd = max(maxd, d)
+            t1 = None
+    print maxd
+def xopen(f):
+    if f == '-':
+        return sys.stdin
+    if ' ' in f:
+        return os.popen(f, 'r')
+    return open(f)
+def time_tpc(f):
+    f, thresh = f
+    if f == '-':
+        f = sys.stdin
+    else:
+        f = xopen(f)
+    thresh = float(thresh)
+    transactions = {}
+    for line in f:
+        line = line.strip()
+        if ' calling vote(' in line:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            transactions[cid] = time(line),
+        elif ' vote returns None' in line:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            transactions[cid] += time(line), 'n'
+        elif ' vote() raised' in line:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            transactions[cid] += time(line), 'e'
+        elif ' vote returns ' in line:
+            # delayed, skip
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            transactions[cid] += time(line), 'd'
+        elif ' calling tpc_abort(' in line:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            if cid in transactions:
+                t1, t2, vs = transactions[cid]
+                t = time(line)
+                d = sub(t1, t)
+                if d >= thresh:
+                    print 'a', t1, cid, sub(t1, t2), vs, sub(t2, t)
+                del transactions[cid]
+        elif ' calling tpc_finish(' in line:
+            if cid in transactions:
+                cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+                transactions[cid] += time(line),
+        elif ' tpc_finish returns ' in line:
+            if cid in transactions:
+                t1, t2, vs, t3 = transactions[cid]
+                t = time(line)
+                d = sub(t1, t)
+                if d >= thresh:
+                    print 'c', t1, cid, sub(t1, t2), vs, sub(t2, t3), sub(t3, t)
+                del transactions[cid]
+newobre = re.compile(r"storea\(.*, '\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00")
+def time_trans(f):
+    f, thresh = f
+    if f == '-':
+        f = sys.stdin
+    else:
+        f = xopen(f)
+    thresh = float(thresh)
+    transactions = {}
+    for line in f:
+        line = line.strip()
+        if ' calling tpc_begin(' in line:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            transactions[cid] = time(line), [0, 0]
+        if ' calling storea(' in line:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            if cid in transactions:
+                transactions[cid][1][0] += 1
+                if not newobre.search(line):
+                    transactions[cid][1][1] += 1
+        elif ' calling vote(' in line:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            if cid in transactions:
+                transactions[cid] += time(line),
+        elif ' vote returns None' in line:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            if cid in transactions:
+                transactions[cid] += time(line), 'n'
+        elif ' vote() raised' in line:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            if cid in transactions:
+                transactions[cid] += time(line), 'e'
+        elif ' vote returns ' in line:
+            # delayed, skip
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            if cid in transactions:
+                transactions[cid] += time(line), 'd'
+        elif ' calling tpc_abort(' in line:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            if cid in transactions:
+                try:
+                    t0, (stores, old), t1, t2, vs = transactions[cid]
+                except ValueError:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    t = time(line)
+                    d = sub(t1, t)
+                    if d >= thresh:
+                        print t1, cid, "%s/%s" % (stores, old), \
+                              sub(t0, t1), sub(t1, t2), vs, \
+                              sub(t2, t), 'abort'
+                del transactions[cid]
+        elif ' calling tpc_finish(' in line:
+            if cid in transactions:
+                cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+                transactions[cid] += time(line),
+        elif ' tpc_finish returns ' in line:
+            if cid in transactions:
+                t0, (stores, old), t1, t2, vs, t3 = transactions[cid]
+                t = time(line)
+                d = sub(t1, t)
+                if d >= thresh:
+                    print t1, cid, "%s/%s" % (stores, old), \
+                          sub(t0, t1), sub(t1, t2), vs, \
+                          sub(t2, t3), sub(t3, t)
+                del transactions[cid]
+def minute(f, slice=16, detail=1, summary=1):
+    f, = f
+    if f == '-':
+        f = sys.stdin
+    else:
+        f = xopen(f)
+    mlast = r = s = c = a = cl = None
+    rs = []
+    ss = []
+    cs = []
+    as = []
+    ts = []
+    cls = []
+    for line in f:
+        line = line.strip()
+        if (line.find('returns') > 0
+            or line.find('storea') > 0
+            or line.find('tpc_abort') > 0
+            ):
+            client = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            m = line[:slice]
+            if m != mlast:
+                if mlast:
+                    if detail:
+                        print mlast, len(cl), r, s, c, a, a+c
+                    cls.append(len(cl))
+                    rs.append(r)
+                    ss.append(s)
+                    cs.append(c)
+                    as.append(a)
+                    ts.append(c+a)
+                mlast = m
+                r = s = c = a = 0
+                cl = {}
+            if line.find('zeoLoad') > 0:
+                r += 1
+                cl[client] = 1
+            elif line.find('storea') > 0:
+                s += 1
+                cl[client] = 1
+            elif line.find('tpc_finish') > 0:
+                c += 1
+                cl[client] = 1
+            elif line.find('tpc_abort') > 0:
+                a += 1
+                cl[client] = 1
+    if mlast:
+        if detail:
+            print mlast, len(cl), r, s, c, a, a+c
+        cls.append(len(cl))
+        rs.append(r)
+        ss.append(s)
+        cs.append(c)
+        as.append(a)
+        ts.append(c+a)
+    if summary:
+        print
+        print 'Summary:     \t', '\t'.join(('min', '10%', '25%', 'med',
+                                            '75%', '90%', 'max', 'mean'))
+        print "n=%6d\t" % len(cls), '-'*62
+        print 'Clients: \t', '\t'.join(map(str,stats(cls)))
+        print 'Reads:   \t', '\t'.join(map(str,stats( rs)))
+        print 'Stores:  \t', '\t'.join(map(str,stats( ss)))
+        print 'Commits: \t', '\t'.join(map(str,stats( cs)))
+        print 'Aborts:  \t', '\t'.join(map(str,stats( as)))
+        print 'Trans:   \t', '\t'.join(map(str,stats( ts)))
+def stats(s):
+    s.sort()
+    min = s[0]
+    max = s[-1]
+    n = len(s)
+    out = [min]
+    ni = n + 1
+    for p in .1, .25, .5, .75, .90:
+        lp = ni*p
+        l = int(lp)
+        if lp < 1 or lp > n:
+            out.append('-')
+        elif abs(lp-l) < .00001:
+            out.append(s[l-1])
+        else:
+            out.append(int(s[l-1] + (lp - l) * (s[l] - s[l-1])))
+    mean = 0.0
+    for v in s:
+        mean += v
+    out.extend([max, int(mean/n)])
+    return out
+def minutes(f):
+    minute(f, 16, detail=0)
+def hour(f):
+    minute(f, 13)
+def day(f):
+    minute(f, 10)
+def hours(f):
+    minute(f, 13, detail=0)
+def days(f):
+    minute(f, 10, detail=0)
+new_connection_idre = re.compile(r"new connection \('(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)', (\d+)\):")
+def verify(f):
+    f, = f
+    if f == '-':
+        f = sys.stdin
+    else:
+        f = xopen(f)
+    t1 = None
+    nv = {}
+    for line in f:
+        if line.find('new connection') > 0:
+            m = new_connection_idre.search(line)
+            cid = "%s:%s" % (m.group(1), m.group(2))
+            nv[cid] = [time(line), 0]
+        elif line.find('calling zeoVerify(') > 0:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            nv[cid][1] += 1
+        elif line.find('calling endZeoVerify()') > 0:
+            cid = connidre.search(line).group(1)
+            t1, n = nv[cid]
+            if n:
+                d = sub(t1, time(line))
+                print cid, t1, n, d, n and (d*1000.0/n) or '-'
+def recovery(f):
+    f, = f
+    if f == '-':
+        f = sys.stdin
+    else:
+        f = xopen(f)
+    last = ''
+    trans = []
+    n = 0
+    for line in f:
+        n += 1
+        if line.find('RecoveryServer') < 0:
+            continue
+        l = line.find('sending transaction ')
+        if l > 0 and last.find('sending transaction ') > 0:
+            trans.append(line[l+20:].strip())
+        else:
+            if trans:
+                if len(trans) > 1:
+                    print "  ... %s similar records skipped ..." % (
+                        len(trans) - 1)
+                    print n, last.strip()
+                trans=[]
+            print n, line.strip()
+        last = line
+    if len(trans) > 1:
+        print "  ... %s similar records skipped ..." % (
+            len(trans) - 1)
+        print n, last.strip()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    globals()[sys.argv[1]](sys.argv[2:])

=== ZODB3/Tools/timeout.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Mon Sep 15 12:29:51 2003
+++ ZODB3/Tools/timeout.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+"""Transaction timeout test script.
+This script connects to a storage, begins a transaction, calls store()
+and tpc_vote(), and then sleeps forever.  This should trigger the
+transaction timeout feature of the server.
+usage: timeout.py address delay [storage-name]
+import sys
+import time
+from ZODB.Transaction import Transaction
+from ZODB.tests.MinPO import MinPO
+from ZODB.tests.StorageTestBase import zodb_pickle
+from ZEO.ClientStorage import ClientStorage
+ZERO = '\0'*8
+def main():
+    if len(sys.argv) not in (3, 4):
+        sys.stderr.write("Usage: timeout.py address delay [storage-name]\n" %
+                         sys.argv[0])
+        sys.exit(2)
+    hostport = sys.argv[1]
+    delay = float(sys.argv[2])
+    if sys.argv[3:]:
+        name = sys.argv[3]
+    else:
+        name = "1"
+    if "/" in hostport:
+        address = hostport
+    else:
+        if ":" in hostport:
+            i = hostport.index(":")
+            host, port = hostport[:i], hostport[i+1:]
+        else:
+            host, port = "", hostport
+        port = int(port)
+        address = (host, port)
+    print "Connecting to %s..." % repr(address)
+    storage = ClientStorage(address, name)
+    print "Connected.  Now starting a transaction..."
+    oid = storage.new_oid()
+    version = ""
+    revid = ZERO
+    data = MinPO("timeout.py")
+    pickled_data = zodb_pickle(data)
+    t = Transaction()
+    t.user = "timeout.py"
+    storage.tpc_begin(t)
+    storage.store(oid, revid, pickled_data, version, t)
+    print "Stored.  Now voting..."
+    storage.tpc_vote(t)
+    print "Voted; now sleeping %s..." % delay
+    time.sleep(delay)
+    print "Done."
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

=== ZODB3/Tools/README.txt 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Mon Sep 15 12:29:51 2003
+++ ZODB3/Tools/README.txt	Mon Sep 15 12:29:20 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+This directory contains a collect of utilities for managing ZODB
+databases.  Some are more useful than others.  If you install ZODB
+using distutils ("python setup.py install"), fsdump.py, fstest.py,
+repozo.py, and zeopack.py will be installed in /usr/local/bin.
+Unless otherwise noted, these scripts are invoked with the name of the
+Data.fs file as their only argument.  Example: checkbtrees.py data.fs.
+analyze.py -- A transaction analyzer for FileStorage
+Reports on the data in a FileStorage.  The report is organized by
+class.  It shows total data, as well as separate reports for current
+and historical revisions of objects.
+checkbtrees.py -- Checks BTrees in a FileStorage for corruption.
+Attempts to find all the BTrees contained in a Data.fs and calls their
+_check() methods.
+fsdump.py -- Summarize FileStorage contents, one line per revision.
+Prints a report of FileStorage contents, with one line for each
+transaction and one line for each data record in that transaction.
+Includes time stamps, file positions, and class names.
+fstest.py -- Simple consistency checker for FileStorage
+usage: fstest.py [-v] data.fs
+The fstest tool will scan all the data in a FileStorage and report an
+error if it finds any corrupt transaction data.  The tool will print a
+message when the first error is detected an exit.
+The tool accepts one or more -v arguments.  If a single -v is used, it
+will print a line of text for each transaction record it encounters.
+If two -v arguments are used, it will also print a line of text for
+each object.  The objects for a transaction will be printed before the
+transaction itself.
+Note: It does not check the consistency of the object pickles.  It is
+possible for the damage to occur only in the part of the file that
+stores object pickles.  Those errors will go undetected.
+netspace.py -- Hackish attempt to report on size of objects
+usage: netspace.py [-P | -v] data.fs
+-P: do a pack first
+-v: print info for all objects, even if a traversal path isn't found
+Traverses objects from the database root and attempts to calculate
+size of object, including all reachable subobjects.
+parsezeolog.py -- Parse BLATHER logs from ZEO server.
+This script may be obsolete.  It has not been tested against the
+current log output of the ZEO server.
+Reports on the time and size of transactions committed by a ZEO
+server, by inspecting log messages at BLATHER level.
+repozo.py -- Incremental backup utility for FileStorage.
+Run the script with the -h option to see usage details.
+timeout.py -- Script to test transaction timeout
+usage: timeout.py address delay [storage-name]
+This script connects to a storage, begins a transaction, calls store()
+and tpc_vote(), and then sleeps forever.  This should trigger the
+transaction timeout feature of the server.
+zeopack.py -- Script to pack a ZEO server.
+The script connects to a server and calls pack() on a specific
+storage.  See the script for usage details.
+zeoreplay.py -- Experimental script to replay transactions from a ZEO log.
+Like parsezeolog.py, this may be obsolete because it was written
+against an earlier version of the ZEO server.  See the script for
+usage details.
+Usage: zeoup.py [options]
+The test will connect to a ZEO server, load the root object, and
+attempt to update the zeoup counter in the root.  It will report
+success if it updates to counter or if it gets a ConflictError.  A
+ConflictError is considered a success, because the client was able to
+start a transaction.
+See the script for details about the options.
+zodbload.py - exercise ZODB under a heavy synthesized Zope-like load
+See the module docstring for details.  Note that this script requires
+Zope.  New in ZODB3 3.1.4.
+zeoserverlog.py - analyze ZEO server log for performance statistics
+See the module docstring for details; there are a large number of
+options.  New in ZODB3 3.1.4.
\ No newline at end of file

=== ZODB3/Tools/zeoup.py 1.13 => 1.14 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/zeoup.py:1.13	Tue Dec 10 13:44:41 2002
+++ ZODB3/Tools/zeoup.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
 """Make sure a ZEO server is running.
-Usage: zeoup.py [options]
+usage: zeoup.py [options]
 The test will connect to a ZEO server, load the root object, and attempt to
 update the zeoup counter in the root.  It will report success if it updates
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
     -p port -- port to connect to
     -h host -- host to connect to (default is current host)
     -S storage -- storage name (default '1')
     -U path -- Unix-domain socket to connect to
     --nowrite -- Do not update the zeoup counter.

=== ZODB3/Tools/zeoreplay.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/zeoreplay.py:1.3	Wed Dec 18 17:15:03 2002
+++ ZODB3/Tools/zeoreplay.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 """Parse the BLATHER logging generated by ZEO, and optionally replay it.
 Usage: zeointervals.py [options]
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@
         meth = getattr(txn, 'tpc_begin', None)
         if meth is not None:
             meth(when, args, client)
     def storea(self, when, args, client):
         txn = self.__curtxn.get(client)
         if txn is None:
@@ -221,7 +222,7 @@
         print '%s %s %4d %10d %s %s' % (
             txn._begintime, txn._finishtime - txn._begintime,
-            bytes, 
+            bytes,
@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@
     if replay:
         storage = FileStorage(storagefile)
-	#storage = BDBFullStorage(storagefile)
+        #storage = BDBFullStorage(storagefile)
         #storage = PrimaryStorage('yyz', storage, RS_PORT)
     t0 = now()
     p = ZEOParser(maxtxns, report, storage)

=== ZODB3/Tools/zeoqueue.py 1.4 => 1.5 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/zeoqueue.py:1.4	Wed Feb  5 15:45:01 2003
+++ ZODB3/Tools/zeoqueue.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
 """Report on the number of currently waiting clients in the ZEO queue.
 Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] logfile

=== ZODB3/Tools/zeopack.py 1.8 => 1.9 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/zeopack.py:1.8	Tue Jan 28 16:20:40 2003
+++ ZODB3/Tools/zeopack.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
 """Connect to a ZEO server and ask it to pack.
 Usage: zeopack.py [options]
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
     -p port -- port to connect to
     -h host -- host to connect to (default is current host)
     -U path -- Unix-domain socket to connect to
     -S name -- storage name (default is '1')
     -d days -- pack objects more than days old

=== ZODB3/Tools/repozo.py 1.5 => 1.6 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/repozo.py:1.5	Mon Apr  7 17:51:36 2003
+++ ZODB3/Tools/repozo.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -1,64 +1,65 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
 # repozo.py -- incremental and full backups of a Data.fs file.
 # Originally written by Anthony Baxter
 # Significantly modified by Barry Warsaw
-# TODO:
-#    allow gzipping of backup files.
-#    allow backup files in subdirectories.
 """repozo.py -- incremental and full backups of a Data.fs file.
 Usage: %(program)s [options]
+    Exactly one of -B or -R must be specified:
     -B / --backup
-        backup current ZODB file
+        Backup current ZODB file.
     -R / --recover
-        restore a ZODB file from a backup
+        Restore a ZODB file from a backup.
     -v / --verbose
-        Verbose mode
+        Verbose mode.
     -h / --help
-        Print this text and exit
+        Print this text and exit.
     -r dir
-        Repository directory containing the backup files
+        Repository directory containing the backup files.  This argument
+        is required.
-Flags for --backup:
+Options for -B/--backup:
     -f file
-        Source Data.fs file
+        Source Data.fs file.  This argument is required.
     -F / --full
-        Force a full backup
+        Force a full backup.  By default, an incremental backup is made
+        if possible (e.g., if a pack has occurred since the last
+        incremental backup, a full backup is necessary).
     -Q / --quick
         Verify via md5 checksum only the last incremental written.  This
         significantly reduces the disk i/o at the (theoretical) cost of
-        inconsistency.
+        inconsistency.  This is a probabilistic way of determining whether
+        a full backup is necessary.
     -z / --gzip
         Compress with gzip the backup files.  Uses the default zlib
-        compression level.
+        compression level.  By default, gzip compression is not used.
-Flags for --recover:
+Options for -R/--recover:
     -D str
-        Recover state as at this date.  str is in the format
-        yyyy-mm-dd[-hh[-mm]]
-    -o file
-    --output=file
-        Write recovered ZODB to given file.  If not given, the file will be
+        Recover state as of this date.  str is in the format
+            yyyy-mm-dd[-hh[-mm]]
+        By default, current time is used.
+    -o filename
+    --output=filename
+        Write recovered ZODB to given file.  By default, the file is
         written to stdout.
-One of --backup or --recover is required.
 from __future__ import nested_scopes
@@ -120,14 +121,14 @@
         usage(1, msg)
     class Options:
-        mode = None
-        file = None
-        repository = None
-        full = False
-        date = None
-        output = None
-        quick = False
-        gzip = False
+        mode = None         # BACKUP or RECOVER
+        file = None         # name of input Data.fs file
+        repository = None   # name of directory holding backups
+        full = False        # True forces full backup
+        date = None         # -D argument, if any
+        output = None       # where to write recovered data; None = stdout
+        quick = False       # -Q flag state
+        gzip = False        # -z flag state
     options = Options()
@@ -158,6 +159,8 @@
             options.output = arg
         elif opt in ('-z', '--gzip'):
             options.gzip = True
+        else:
+            assert False, (opt, arg)
     # Any other arguments are invalid
     if args:
@@ -184,20 +187,26 @@
-# Do something with a run of bytes from a file
+# Read bytes (no more than n, or to EOF if n is None) in chunks from the
+# current position in file fp.  Pass each chunk as an argument to func().
+# Return the total number of bytes read == the total number of bytes
+# passed in all to func().  Leaves the file position just after the
+# last byte read.
 def dofile(func, fp, n=None):
-    bytesread = 0
-    stop = False
-    chunklen = READCHUNK
-    while not stop:
-        if n is not None and chunklen + bytesread > n:
-            chunklen = n - bytesread
-            stop = True
-        data = fp.read(chunklen)
+    bytesread = 0L
+    while n is None or n > 0:
+        if n is None:
+            todo = READCHUNK
+        else:
+            todo = min(READCHUNK, n)
+        data = fp.read(todo)
         if not data:
-        bytesread += len(data)
+        nread = len(data)
+        bytesread += nread
+        if n is not None:
+            n -= nread
     return bytesread
@@ -223,9 +232,10 @@
     def func(data):
-    dofile(func, ifp, n)
+    ndone = dofile(func, ifp, n)
+    assert ndone == n
     return sum.hexdigest()
@@ -296,30 +306,34 @@
         log('no files found')
     return needed
+# Scan the .dat file corresponding to the last full backup performed.
+# Return
+#     filename, startpos, endpos, checksum
+# of the last incremental.  If there is no .dat file, or the .dat file
+# is empty, return
+#     None, None, None, None
 def scandat(repofiles):
-    # Scan the .dat file corresponding to the last full backup performed.
-    # Return the filename, startpos, endpos, and sum of the last incremental.
-    # If all is a list, then append file name and md5sums to the list.
     fullfile = repofiles[0]
     datfile = os.path.splitext(fullfile)[0] + '.dat'
-    # If the .dat file is missing, we have to do a full backup
-    fn = startpos = endpos = sum = None
+    fn = startpos = endpos = sum = None # assume .dat file missing or empty
         fp = open(datfile)
     except IOError, e:
         if e.errno <> errno.ENOENT:
-        while True:
-            line = fp.readline()
-            if not line:
-                break
-            # We only care about the last one
-            fn, startpos, endpos, sum = line.split()
+        # We only care about the last one.
+        lines = fp.readlines()
-    startpos = long(startpos)
-    endpos = long(endpos)
+        if lines:
+            fn, startpos, endpos, sum = lines[-1].split()
+            startpos = long(startpos)
+            endpos = long(endpos)
     return fn, startpos, endpos, sum
@@ -364,7 +378,7 @@
         print >> sys.stderr, 'Cannot overwrite existing file:', dest
     log('writing incremental: %s bytes to %s',  pos-reposz, dest)
-    sum = copyfile(options, dest, reposz, pos)
+    sum = copyfile(options, dest, reposz, pos - reposz)
     # The first file in repofiles points to the last full backup.  Use this to
     # get the .dat file and append the information for this incrementatl to
     # that file.
@@ -398,14 +412,18 @@
         # Now check the md5 sum of the source file, from the last
         # incremental's start and stop positions.
-        srcfp = open(options.file)
+        srcfp = open(options.file, 'rb')
         srcsum = checksum(srcfp, endpos-startpos)
+        srcfp.close()
         log('last incremental file: %s', fn)
         log('last incremental checksum: %s', sum)
         log('source checksum range: [%s..%s], sum: %s',
             startpos, endpos, srcsum)
         if sum == srcsum:
+            if srcsz == endpos:
+                log('No changes, nothing to do')
+                return
             log('doing incremental, starting at: %s', endpos)
             do_incremental_backup(options, endpos, repofiles)
@@ -421,7 +439,7 @@
         # Get the md5 checksum of the source file, up to two file positions:
         # the entire size of the file, and up to the file position of the last
         # incremental backup.
-        srcfp = open(options.file)
+        srcfp = open(options.file, 'rb')
         srcsum = checksum(srcfp, srcsz)
         srcsum_backedup = checksum(srcfp, reposz)

=== ZODB3/Tools/parsezeolog.py 1.4 => 1.5 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/parsezeolog.py:1.4	Thu Dec 12 16:34:37 2002
+++ ZODB3/Tools/parsezeolog.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 """Parse the BLATHER logging generated by ZEO2.
 An example of the log format is:
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@
     fields = ("time", "vote", "done", "user", "path")
     fmt = "%-24s %5s %5s %-15s %s"
     hdr = fmt % fields
     def report(self):
         """Print a report about the transaction"""
         t = time.ctime(self.begin)
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@
         except KeyError:
             print "uknown tid", repr(tid)
             return None
     def tpc_finish(self, time, args):
         t = self.get_txn(args)
         if t is None:

=== ZODB3/Tools/netspace.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/netspace.py:1.1	Fri May  3 16:33:22 2002
+++ ZODB3/Tools/netspace.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 """Report on the net size of objects counting subobjects.
 usage: netspace.py [-P | -v] data.fs
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@
         keys = filter(paths.has_key, keys)
     fmt = "%8s %5d %8d %s %s.%s"
     for oid in keys:
         data, serialno = fs.load(oid, '')
         mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata(data)

=== ZODB3/Tools/migrate.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/migrate.py:1.1	Tue Jan 14 12:22:59 2003
+++ ZODB3/Tools/migrate.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
 # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.

=== ZODB3/Tools/fstest.py 1.9 => 1.10 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/fstest.py:1.9	Tue Apr 22 13:58:24 2003
+++ ZODB3/Tools/fstest.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
 # All Rights Reserved.
 # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
 # Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
 """Simple consistency checker for FileStorage.
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
     It also leaves the file pointer set to pos.  The path argument is
     used for generating error messages.
     h = file.read(TREC_HDR_LEN)
     if not h:
         return None, None
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
         raise FormatError("%s truncated possibly because of"
                           " damaged records at %s" % (path, pos))
     if status == Status.checkpoint:
-        raise FormatError("%s checkpoint flag was not cleared at %s" 
+        raise FormatError("%s checkpoint flag was not cleared at %s"
                           % (path, pos))
     if status not in ' up':
         raise FormatError("%s has invalid status '%s' at %s" %

=== ZODB3/Tools/fsrefs.py 1.7 => 1.8 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/fsrefs.py:1.7	Fri May 23 17:30:31 2003
+++ ZODB3/Tools/fsrefs.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:19 2003
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
 # All Rights Reserved.
 # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
 # Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
 """Check FileStorage for dangling references.
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
             # that refer to this one, we won't get error reports from
             # them.  We could fix this by making two passes over the
             # storage, but that seems like overkill.
         refs = get_refs(data)
         missing = [] # contains 3-tuples of oid, klass-metadata, reason
         for info in refs:

=== ZODB3/Tools/checkbtrees.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/checkbtrees.py:1.1	Thu Jun 20 18:49:50 2002
+++ ZODB3/Tools/checkbtrees.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:20 2003
@@ -1,20 +1,35 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
 """Check the consistency of BTrees in a Data.fs
 usage: checkbtrees.py data.fs
-Try to find all the BTrees in a Data.fs and call their _check() methods.
+Try to find all the BTrees in a Data.fs, call their _check() methods,
+and run them through BTrees.check.check().
 from types import IntType
 import ZODB
 from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
+from BTrees.check import check
+# Set of oids we've already visited.  Since the object structure is
+# a general graph, this is needed to prevent unbounded paths in the
+# presence of cycles.  It's also helpful in eliminating redundant
+# checking when a BTree is pointed to by many objects.
+oids_seen = {}
+# Append (obj, path) to L if and only if obj is a persistent object
+# and we haven't seen it before.
+def add_if_new_persistent(L, obj, path):
+    global oids_seen
-def add_if_persistent(L, obj, path):
     getattr(obj, '_', None) # unghostify
     if hasattr(obj, '_p_oid'):
-        L.append((obj, path))
+        oid = obj._p_oid
+        if not oids_seen.has_key(oid):
+            L.append((obj, path))
+            oids_seen[oid] = 1
 def get_subobjects(obj):
     getattr(obj, '_', None) # unghostify
@@ -25,7 +40,7 @@
         attrs = ()
     for pair in attrs:
     # what if it is a mapping?
         items = obj.items()
@@ -54,7 +69,7 @@
     cn = ZODB.DB(fs).open()
     rt = cn.root()
     todo = []
-    add_if_persistent(todo, rt, '')
+    add_if_new_persistent(todo, rt, '')
     found = 0
     while todo:
@@ -75,6 +90,13 @@
                     print msg
                     print "*" * 60
+                try:
+                    check(obj)
+                except AssertionError, msg:
+                    print "*" * 60
+                    print msg
+                    print "*" * 60
         if found % 100 == 0:
@@ -84,7 +106,7 @@
                 newpath = "%s%s" % (path, k)
                 newpath = "%s.%s" % (path, k)
-            add_if_persistent(todo, v, newpath)
+            add_if_new_persistent(todo, v, newpath)
     print "total", len(fs._index), "found", found

=== ZODB3/Tools/analyze.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- ZODB3/Tools/analyze.py:1.1	Mon Aug 26 14:29:58 2002
+++ ZODB3/Tools/analyze.py	Mon Sep 15 12:29:20 2003
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
 # Based on a transaction analyzer by Matt Kromer.
 import pickle
@@ -137,4 +137,3 @@
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     path = sys.argv[1]

=== Removed File ZODB3/Tools/space.py ===

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