[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/ Create a directive for configuring the large file threshold where temp files are created and use it for NullResource.PUT.

Sidnei da Silva sidnei at awkly.org
Wed Nov 3 15:27:26 EST 2004

Log message for revision 28335:
  Create a directive for configuring the large file threshold where temp files are created and use it for NullResource.PUT.

  U   Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/ZServer/HTTPServer.py
  U   Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/ZServer/__init__.py
  U   Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/Zope/Startup/handlers.py
  U   Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/Zope/Startup/zopeschema.xml
  U   Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/webdav/NullResource.py
  U   Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/skel/etc/zope.conf.in

Modified: Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/ZServer/HTTPServer.py
--- Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/ZServer/HTTPServer.py	2004-11-03 20:17:35 UTC (rev 28334)
+++ Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/ZServer/HTTPServer.py	2004-11-03 20:27:25 UTC (rev 28335)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 from asyncore import compact_traceback, dispatcher
-from ZServer import requestCloseOnExec
+from ZServer import requestCloseOnExec, LARGE_FILE_THRESHOLD
 from zLOG import LOG, register_subsystem, BLATHER, INFO, WARNING, ERROR
 import DebugLogger
 from medusa import logger
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
     def __init__(self, handler, request, size):
         self.handler = handler
         self.request = request
-        if size > 524288:
+        if size > LARGE_FILE_THRESHOLD:
             # write large upload data to a file
             from tempfile import TemporaryFile
             self.data = TemporaryFile('w+b')

Modified: Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/ZServer/__init__.py
--- Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/ZServer/__init__.py	2004-11-03 20:17:35 UTC (rev 28334)
+++ Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/ZServer/__init__.py	2004-11-03 20:27:25 UTC (rev 28335)
@@ -21,13 +21,18 @@
 exit_code = 0
 # the ZServer version number
 # the maximum number of incoming connections to ZServer
-CONNECTION_LIMIT=1000 # may be reset by max_listen_sockets handler in Zope
+CONNECTION_LIMIT = 1000 # may be reset by max_listen_sockets handler in Zope
+# request bigger than this size get saved into a
+# temporary file instead of being read completely into memory
+LARGE_FILE_THRESHOLD = 1 << 19 # may be reset by large_file_threshold
+                               # handler in Zope
 # the Zope version string
+ZOPE_VERSION = utils.getZopeVersion()
 # backwards compatibility aliases
 from utils import requestCloseOnExec

Modified: Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/Zope/Startup/handlers.py
--- Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/Zope/Startup/handlers.py	2004-11-03 20:17:35 UTC (rev 28334)
+++ Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/Zope/Startup/handlers.py	2004-11-03 20:27:25 UTC (rev 28335)
@@ -91,6 +91,10 @@
     value and _setenv('REST_LANGUAGE_CODE' , value)
     return value
+def large_file_threshold(value):
+    import ZServer
+    ZServer.LARGE_FILE_THRESHOLD = value
 # server handlers
 def root_handler(config):

Modified: Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/Zope/Startup/zopeschema.xml
--- Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/Zope/Startup/zopeschema.xml	2004-11-03 20:17:35 UTC (rev 28334)
+++ Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/Zope/Startup/zopeschema.xml	2004-11-03 20:27:25 UTC (rev 28335)
@@ -734,8 +734,9 @@
-  <!-- max-listen-sockets should really go into the ZServer package, but
-       I can't quite figure out how to put it there -->
+  <!-- max-listen-sockets and large-file-threshold should really go
+       into the ZServer package, but I can't quite figure out how to
+       put it there -->
   <key name="max-listen-sockets" datatype="integer"
@@ -745,6 +746,14 @@
+  <key name="large-file-threshold" datatype="byte-size"
+       handler="large_file_threshold" default="512KB">
+     <description>
+       Requests bigger than this size get saved into a temporary file
+       instead of being read completely into memory.
+     </description>
+  </key>
   <multisection type="ZServer.server" name="*" attribute="servers"/>
   <key name="port-base" datatype="integer" default="0">

Modified: Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/webdav/NullResource.py
--- Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/webdav/NullResource.py	2004-11-03 20:17:35 UTC (rev 28334)
+++ Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/lib/python/webdav/NullResource.py	2004-11-03 20:27:25 UTC (rev 28335)
@@ -81,13 +81,16 @@
             ob=File(name, '', body, content_type=typ)
         return ob
-    PUT__roles__=('Anonymous',)
+    PUT__roles__ = ('Anonymous',)
     def PUT(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
-        """Create a new non-collection resource."""
+        """Create a new non-collection resource.
+        """
+        from ZServer import LARGE_FILE_THRESHOLD
         self.dav__init(REQUEST, RESPONSE)
-        name=self.__name__
-        parent=self.__parent__
+        name = self.__name__
+        parent = self.__parent__
         ifhdr = REQUEST.get_header('If', '')
         if WriteLockInterface.isImplementedBy(parent) and parent.wl_isLocked():
@@ -101,17 +104,40 @@
             # There was an If header, but the parent is not locked
             raise PreconditionFailed
-        body=REQUEST.get('BODY', '')
+        # SDS: Only use BODY if the file size is smaller than
+        # bytes from the file which should be enough to trigger
+        # content_type detection, and possibly enough for CMF's
+        # content_type_registry too.
+        #
+        # Note that body here is really just used for detecting the
+        # content type and figuring out the correct factory. The correct
+        # file content will be uploaded on ob.PUT(REQUEST, RESPONSE) after
+        # the object has been created.
+        #
+        # A problem I could see is content_type_registry predicates
+        # that do depend on the whole file being passed here as an
+        # argument. There's none by default that does this though. If
+        # they really do want to look at the file, they should use
+        # REQUEST['BODYFILE'] directly and try as much as possible not
+        # to read the whole file into memory.
+            file = REQUEST['BODYFILE']
+            body = file.read(LARGE_FILE_THRESHOLD)
+            file.seek(0)
+        else:
+            body = REQUEST.get('BODY', '')
         typ=REQUEST.get_header('content-type', None)
         if typ is None:
             typ, enc=OFS.content_types.guess_content_type(name, body)
         factory = getattr(parent, 'PUT_factory', self._default_PUT_factory )
         ob = factory(name, typ, body)
-        ob = (ob is None and
-              self._default_PUT_factory(name, typ, body) or
-              ob
-              )
+        if ob is None:
+            ob = self._default_PUT_factory(name, typ, body)
         # We call _verifyObjectPaste with verify_src=0, to see if the
         # user can create this type of object (and we don't need to
         # check the clipboard.
@@ -122,9 +148,11 @@
             raise Forbidden, sys.exc_info()[1]
-        # Delegate actual PUT handling to the new object.
+        # Delegate actual PUT handling to the new object,
+        # SDS: But just *after* it has been stored.
+        self.__parent__._setObject(name, ob)
+        ob = self.__parent__._getOb(name)
-        self.__parent__._setObject(name, ob)

Modified: Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/skel/etc/zope.conf.in
--- Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/skel/etc/zope.conf.in	2004-11-03 20:17:35 UTC (rev 28334)
+++ Zope/branches/dc-large_file-branch/skel/etc/zope.conf.in	2004-11-03 20:27:25 UTC (rev 28335)
@@ -781,7 +781,19 @@
 #    max-listen-sockets 500
+# Directive: large-file-threshold
+# Description:
+#     Requests bigger than this size get saved into a temporary file
+#     instead of being read completely into memory.
+# Default: 512K
+# Example:
+#    large-file-threshold 1Mb
 # Directives: servers
 # Description:

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