[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev - enthought-plan.txt: enthought-rfp.txt: policies.txt: pysource.dtd: pysource.txt: release.txt: semantics.txt: testing.txt: todo.txt: website.txt:

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Fri Oct 29 15:08:17 EDT 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv23727/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev

Added Files:
      Tag: Zope-2_7-branch
	enthought-plan.txt enthought-rfp.txt policies.txt pysource.dtd 
	pysource.txt release.txt semantics.txt testing.txt todo.txt 
Log Message:
moved docutils to lib/python/third_party

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev/enthought-plan.txt ===
 Plan for Enthought API Documentation Tool

:Author: David Goodger
:Contact: goodger at python.org
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:16 $
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Copyright: 2004 by `Enthought, Inc. <http://www.enthought.com>`_
:License: `Enthought License`_ (BSD-style)

.. _Enthought License: http://docutils.sf.net/licenses/enthought.txt

This document should be read in conjunction with the `Enthought API
Documentation Tool RFP`__ prepared by Janet Swisher.

__ enthought-rfp.html

.. contents::
.. sectnum::


In March 2004 at I met Eric Jones, president and CTO of `Enthought,
Inc.`_, at `PyCon 2004`_ in Washington DC.  He told me that Enthought
was using reStructuredText_ for source code documentation, but they
had some issues.  He asked if I'd be interested in doing some work on
a customized API documentation tool.  Shortly after PyCon, Janet
Swisher, Enthought's senior technical writer, contacted me to work out
details.  Some email, a trip to Austin in May, and plenty of Texas
hospitality later, we had a project.  This document will record the
details, milestones, and evolution of the project.

In a nutshell, Enthought is sponsoring the implementation of an open
source API documentation tool that meets their needs.  Fortuitously,
their needs coincide well with the "Python Source Reader" description
in `PEP 258`_.  In other words, Enthought is funding some significant
improvements to Docutils, improvements that were planned but never
implemented due to time and other constraints.  The implementation
will take place gradually over several months, on a part-time basis.

This is an ideal example of cooperation between a corporation and an
open-source project.  The corporation, the project, I personally, and
the community all benefit.  Enthought, whose commitment to open source
is also evidenced by their sponsorship of SciPy_, benefits by
obtaining a useful piece of software, much more quickly than would
have been possible without their support.  Docutils benefits directly
from the implementation of one of its core subsystems.  I benefit from
the funding, which allows me to justify the long hours to my wife and
family.  All the corporations, projects, and individuals that make up
the community will benefit from the end result, which will be great.

All that's left now is to actually do the work!

.. _PyCon 2004: http://pycon.org/dc2004/
.. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sf.net/rst.html
.. _SciPy: http://www.scipy.org/

Development Plan

1. Analyze prior art, most notably Epydoc_ and HappyDoc_, to see how
   they do what they do.  I have no desire to reinvent wheels
   unnecessarily.  I want to take the best ideas from each tool,
   combined with the outline in `PEP 258`_ (which will evolve), and
   build at least the foundation of the definitive Python
   auto-documentation tool.

   .. _Epydoc: http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/
   .. _HappyDoc: http://happydoc.sourceforge.net/
   .. _PEP 258:

2. Decide on a base platform.  The best way to achieve Enthought's
   goals in a reasonable time frame may be to extend Epydoc or
   HappyDoc.  Or it may be necessary to start fresh.

3. Extend the reStructuredText parser.  See `Proposed Changes to
   reStructuredText`_ below.

4. Depending on the base platform chosen, build or extend the
   docstring & doc comment extraction tool.  This may be the biggest
   part of the project, but I won't be able to break it down into
   details until more is known.


If possible, all software and documentation files will be stored in
the CVS repository of Docutils and/or the base project, which are all
publicly-available via anonymous pserver access.

The Docutils project is very open about granting CVS write access; so
far, everyone who asked has been given access.  Any Enthought staff
member who would like CVS write access will get it.

If either Epydoc or HappyDoc is chosen as the base platform, I will
ask the project's administrator for CVS access for myself and any
Enthought staff member who wants it.  If sufficient access is not
granted -- although I doubt that there would be any problem -- we may
have to begin a fork, which could be hosted on SourceForge, on
Enthought's Subversion server, or anywhere else deemed appropriate.

Copyright & License

Most existing Docutils files have been placed in the public domain, as

    :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.

This is in conjunction with the "Public Domain Dedication" section of

__ http://docutils.sourceforge.net/COPYING.html

The code and documentation originating from Enthought funding will
have Enthought's copyright and license declaration.  While I will try
to keep Enthought-specific code and documentation separate from the
existing files, there will inevitably be cases where it makes the most
sense to extend existing files.

I propose the following:

1. New files related to this Enthought-funded work will be identified
   with the following field-list headers::

       :Copyright: 2004 by Enthought, Inc.
       :License: Enthought License (BSD Style)

   The license field text will be linked to the license file itself.

2. For significant or major changes to an existing file (more than 10%
   change), the headers shall change as follows (for example)::

       :Copyright: 2001-2004 by David Goodger
       :Copyright: 2004 by Enthought, Inc.
       :License: BSD-style

   If the Enthought-funded portion becomes greater than the previously
   existing portion, Enthought's copyright line will be shown first.

3. In cases of insignificant or minor changes to an existing file
   (less than 10% change), the public domain status shall remain

A section describing all of this will be added to the Docutils
`COPYING`__ instructions file.

If another project is chosen as the base project, similar changes
would be made to their files, subject to negotiation.

__ http://docutils.sf.net/COPYING.html

Proposed Changes to reStructuredText

Doc Comment Syntax

The "traits" construct is implemented as dictionaries, where
standalone strings would be Python syntax errors.  Therefore traits
require documentation in comments.  We also need a way to
differentiate between ordinary "internal" comments and documentation
comments (doc comments).

Javadoc uses the following syntax for doc comments::

     * The first line of a multi-line doc comment begins with a slash
     * and *two* asterisks.  The doc comment ends normally.

Python doesn't have multi-line comments; only single-line.  A similar
convention in Python might look like this::

    # The first line of a doc comment begins with *two* hash marks.
    # The doc comment ends with the first non-comment line.
    'data' : AnyValue,

    ## The double-hash-marks could occur on the first line of text,
    #  saving a line in the source.
    'data' : AnyValue,

How to indicate the end of the doc comment? ::

    # The first line of a doc comment begins with *two* hash marks.
    # The doc comment ends with the first non-comment line, or another
    # double-hash-mark.
    # This is an ordinary, internal, non-doc comment.
    'data' : AnyValue,

    ## First line of a doc comment, terse syntax.
    #  Second (and last) line.  Ends here: ##
    # This is an ordinary, internal, non-doc comment.
    'data' : AnyValue,

Or do we even need to worry about this case?  A simple blank line
could be used::

    ## First line of a doc comment, terse syntax.
    #  Second (and last) line.  Ends with a blank line.

    # This is an ordinary, internal, non-doc comment.
    'data' : AnyValue,

Other possibilities::

    #" Instead of double-hash-marks, we could use a hash mark and a
    #  quotation mark to begin the doc comment.
    'data' : AnyValue,

    ## We could require double-hash-marks on every line.  This has the
    ## added benefit of delimiting the *end* of the doc comment, as
    ## well as working well with line wrapping in Emacs
    ## ("fill-paragraph" command).
    # Ordinary non-doc comment.
    'data' : AnyValue,

    #" A hash mark and a quotation mark on each line looks funny, and
    #" it doesn't work well with line wrapping in Emacs.
    'data' : AnyValue,

These styles (repeated on each line) work well with line wrapping in

    ##  #>  #|  #-  #%  #!  #*

These styles do *not* work well with line wrapping in Emacs::

    #"  #'  #:  #)  #.  #/  #@  #$  #^  #=  #+  #_  #~

The style of doc comment indicator used could be a runtime, global
and/or per-module setting.  That may add more complexity than it's
worth though.


I recommend adopting "#*" on every line::

    # This is an ordinary non-doc comment.

    #* This is a documentation comment, with an asterisk after the
    #* hash marks on every line.
    'data' : AnyValue,

I initially recommended adopting double-hash-marks::

    # This is an ordinary non-doc comment.

    ## This is a documentation comment, with double-hash-marks on
    ## every line.
    'data' : AnyValue,

But Janet Swisher rightly pointed out that this could collide with
ordinary comments that are then block-commented.  This applies to
double-hash-marks on the first line only as well.  So they're out.

Docstring Density & Whitespace Minimization

One problem with extensively documented classes & functions, is that
there is a lot of screen space wasted on whitespace.  Here's some
current Enthought code (from lib/cp/fluids/gassmann.py)::

    def max_gas(temperature, pressure, api, specific_gravity=.56):
        Computes the maximum dissolved gas in oil using Batzle and
        Wang (1992).

        temperature : sequence
            Temperature in degrees Celsius
        pressure: sequence
            Pressure in MPa
        api : sequence
            Stock tank oil API
        specific_gravity : sequence
            Specific gravity of gas at STP, default is .56

        max_gor : sequence
            Maximum dissolved gas in liters/liter

        This estimate is based on equations given by Mavko, Mukerji,
        and Dvorkin, (1998, pp. 218-219, or 2003, p. 236) obtained
        originally from Batzle and Wang (1992).

The docstring is 24 lines long.

Rather than using subsections, field lists (which exist now) can save
5 lines::

    def max_gas(temperature, pressure, api, specific_gravity=.56):
        Computes the maximum dissolved gas in oil using Batzle and
        Wang (1992).

            temperature : sequence
                Temperature in degrees Celsius
            pressure: sequence
                Pressure in MPa
            api : sequence
                Stock tank oil API
            specific_gravity : sequence
                Specific gravity of gas at STP, default is .56
            max_gor : sequence
                Maximum dissolved gas in liters/liter
            This estimate is based on equations given by Mavko,
            Mukerji, and Dvorkin, (1998, pp. 218-219, or 2003, p. 236)
            obtained originally from Batzle and Wang (1992).

The output for field lists is typically a table structure.  For

        temperature : sequence
            Temperature in degrees Celsius
        pressure: sequence
            Pressure in MPa
        api : sequence
            Stock tank oil API
        specific_gravity : sequence
            Specific gravity of gas at STP, default is .56
        max_gor : sequence
            Maximum dissolved gas in liters/liter
        This estimate is based on equations given by Mavko,
        Mukerji, and Dvorkin, (1998, pp. 218-219, or 2003, p. 236)
        obtained originally from Batzle and Wang (1992).

But the definition lists describing the parameters and return values
are still wasteful of space.  There are a lot of half-filled lines.

Definition lists are currently defined as::

    term : classifier

Where the classifier part is optional.

* We could allow multiple classifiers::

      term : classifier one : two : three ...

* We could allow the definition on the same line as the term, but only
  in limited and well-known contexts::

      term -- definition

  This is the syntax used by StructuredText (one of reStructuredText's
  predecessors).  It was not adopted for reStructuredText because it
  is ambiguous -- people often use "--" in their text, as I just did.
  But given a constrained context, the ambiguity would be acceptable.
  That context would be: in docstrings, within a field list, perhaps
  only with certain well-defined field names (parameters, returns).


Combining these ideas, the function definition becomes::

    def max_gas(temperature, pressure, api, specific_gravity=.56):
        Computes the maximum dissolved gas in oil using Batzle and
        Wang (1992).

            temperature : sequence -- Temperature in degrees Celsius
            pressure: sequence -- Pressure in MPa
            api : sequence -- Stock tank oil API
            specific_gravity : sequence -- Specific gravity of gas at
                STP, default is .56
            max_gor : sequence -- Maximum dissolved gas in liters/liter
            This estimate is based on equations given by Mavko,
            Mukerji, and Dvorkin, (1998, pp. 218-219, or 2003, p. 236)
            obtained originally from Batzle and Wang (1992).

The docstring is reduced to 15 lines, from the original 24.  For
longer docstrings with many parameters and return values, the
difference would be more significant.

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev/enthought-rfp.txt ===
 Enthought API Documentation Tool
 Request for Proposals

:Author: Janet Swisher, Senior Technical Writer
:Organization: `Enthought, Inc. <http://www.enthought.com>`_
:Copyright: 2004 by Enthought, Inc.
:License: `Enthought License`_ (BSD Style)

.. _Enthought License: http://docutils.sf.net/licenses/enthought.txt

The following is excerpted from the full RFP, and is published here
with permission from `Enthought, Inc.`_  See the `Plan for Enthought
API Documentation Tool`__.

__ enthought-plan.html

.. contents::
.. sectnum::


The documentation tool will address the following high-level goals:

Documentation Extraction

1. Documentation will be generated directly from Python source code,
   drawing from the code structure, docstrings, and possibly other

2. The tool will extract logical constructs as appropriate, minimizing
   the need for comments that are redundant with the code structure.
   The output should reflect both documented and undocumented

Source Format

1. The docstrings will be formatted in as terse syntax as possible.
   Required tags, syntax, and white space should be minimized.

2. The tool must support the use of Traits.  Special comment syntax
   for Traits may be necessary.  Information about the Traits package
   is available at http://old.scipy.org/site_content/traits.  In the
   following example, each trait definition is prefaced by a plain

       __traits__ = {

       # The current selection within the frame.
       'selection' : Trait([], TraitInstance(list)),

       # The frame has been activated or deactivated.
       'activated' : TraitEvent(),

       'closing' : TraitEvent(),

       # The frame is closed.
       'closed' : TraitEvent(),

3. Support for ReStructuredText (ReST) format is desirable, because
   much of the existing docstrings uses ReST.  However, the complete
   ReST specification need not be supported, if a subset can achieve
   the project goals.  If the tool does not support ReST, the
   contractor should also provide a tool or path to convert existing

Output Format

1. Documentation will be output as a navigable suite of HTML

2. The style of the HTML files will be customizable by a cascading
   style sheet and/or a customizable template.

3. Page elements such as headers and footer should be customizable, to
   support differing requirements from one documentation project to
   the next.

Output Structure and Navigation

1. The navigation scheme for the HTML files should not rely on frames,
   and should harmonize with conversion to Microsoft HTML Help (.chm)

2. The output should be structured to make navigable the architecture
   of the Python code.  Packages, modules, classes, traits, and
   functions should be presented in clear, logical hierarchies.
   Diagrams or trees for inheritance, collaboration, sub-packaging,
   etc. are desirable but not required.

3. The output must include indexes that provide a comprehensive view
   of all packages, modules, and classes.  These indexes will provide
   readers with a clear and exhaustive view of the code base.  These
   indexes should be presented in a way that is easily accessible and
   allows easy navigation.

4. Cross-references to other documented elements will be used
   throughout the documentation, to enable the reader to move quickly
   relevant information.  For example, where type information for an
   element is available, the type definition should be

5. The HTML suite should provide consistent navigation back to the
   home page, which will include the following information:

   * Bibliographic information

     - Author
     - Copyright
     - Release date
     - Version number

   * Abstract

   * References

     - Links to related internal docs (i.e., other docs for the same

     - Links to related external docs (e.g., supporting development
       docs, Python support docs, docs for included packages)

   It should be possible to specify similar information at the top
   level of each package, so that packages can be included as
   appropriate for a given application.


Enthought intends to release the software under an open-source
("BSD-style") license.

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev/policies.txt ===
 Docutils Project Policies

:Author: David Goodger; open to all Docutils developers
:Contact: goodger at python.org
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:16 $
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.

.. contents::

A few quotes sum up the policies of the Docutils project.  The IETF's
classic credo (by MIT professor Dave Clark) is an ideal we can aspire

    We reject: kings, presidents, and voting.  We believe in: rough
    consensus and running code.

As architect, chief cook and bottle-washer, I currently function as
BDFN (Benevolent Dictator For Now), but I would happily abdicate the
throne given a suitable candidate.  Any takers?

Eric S. Raymond, anthropologist of the hacker subculture, writes in
his essay `The Magic Cauldron`_:

    The number of contributors [to] projects is strongly and inversely
    correlated with the number of hoops each project makes a user go
    through to contribute.

    .. _The Magic Cauldron:

Therefore, we will endeavour to keep the barrier to entry as low as
possible.  The policies below should not be thought of as barriers,
but merely as a codification of experience to date.  These are "best
practices", not absolutes; exceptions are expected, tolerated, and
used as a source of improvement.

As for control issues, Emmett Plant (CEO of the Xiph.org Foundation,
originators of Ogg Vorbis) put it well when he said:

    Open source dictates that you lose a certain amount of control
    over your codebase, and that's okay with us.

Python Coding Conventions

These are the conventions I use in my own code.  Contributed code will
not be refused merely because it does not strictly adhere to these
conditions; as long as it's internally consistent, clean, and correct,
it probably will be accepted.  But don't be surprised if the
"offending" code gets fiddled over time to conform to these

The Docutils project shall follow the generic coding conventions as
specified in the `Style Guide for Python Code`_ and `Docstring
Conventions`_ PEPs, with the following clarifications (from most to
least important):

* 4 spaces per indentation level.  No tabs.

* Use only ASCII, no 8-bit strings.  See `Docutils

* No one-liner compound statements (i.e., no ``if x: return``: use two
  lines & indentation), except for degenerate class or method
  definitions (i.e., ``class X: pass`` is O.K.).

* Lines should be no more than 78 characters long.

* Use "StudlyCaps" for class names (except for element classes in

* Use "lowercase" or "lowercase_with_underscores" for function,
  method, and variable names.  For short names, maximum two words,
  joined lowercase may be used (e.g. "tagname").  For long names with
  three or more words, or where it's hard to parse the split between
  two words, use lowercase_with_underscores (e.g.,
  "note_explicit_target", "explicit_target").  If in doubt, use

* Use 'single quotes' for string literals, and """triple double
  quotes""" for docstrings.

.. _Style Guide for Python Code:
.. _Docstring Conventions: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0257.html
.. _Docutils Internationalization: ../howto/i18n.html#python-code

Copyrights and Licensing

The majority of the Docutils project code and documentation has been
placed in the public domain.  Unless clearly and explicitly indicated
otherwise, any patches (modifications to existing files) submitted to
the project for inclusion (via CVS, SourceForge trackers, mailing
lists, or private email) are assumed to be in the public domain as

Any new files contributed to the project should clearly state their
intentions regarding copyright, in one of the following ways:

* Public domain (preferred): include the statement "This
  module/document has been placed in the public domain."

* Copyright & open source license: include a copyright notice, along
  with either an embedded license statement, a reference to an
  accompanying license file, or a license URL.

One of the goals of the Docutils project, once complete, is to be
incorporated into the Python standard library.  At that time copyright
of the Docutils code will be assumed by or transferred to the Python
Software Foundation (PSF), and will be released under Python's
license.  If the copyright/license option is chosen for new files, the
license should be compatible with Python's current license, and the
author(s) of the files should be willing to assign copyright to the

CVS Check-ins

Instructions for CVS access can be found at
http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=38414.  Anyone can access the CVS
repository anonymously.  Only project developers can make changes.
See `Setting Up For Docutils Development`_ below for more info.

Unless you really *really* know what you're doing, please limit your
CVS commands to ``cvs checkout``, ``cvs commit/checkin``, and ``cvs
add``.  Do **NOT** use ``cvs import`` unless you're absolutely sure
you know what you're doing.  Even then, grab a copy of the `nightly
CVS tarball`_, set it up on your own machine, and experiment *there*

The `main source tree`_ ("docutils" CVS module) should always be kept
in a stable state (usable and as problem-free as possible).  The
Docutils project shall follow the `Python Check-in Policies`_ (as
applicable), with particular emphasis as follows:

* Before checking in any changes, run the entire Docutils test suite
  to be sure that you haven't broken anything.  From a shell::

      cd docutils/test

  Docutils currently supports Python 2.1 [1]_ or later, with some
  things only working (and being tested) on 2.3.  Therefore, you
  should actually have Pythons 2.1 [1]_, 2.2 and 2.3 installed and
  always run the tests on all of them.  (A good way to do that is to
  always run the test suite through a short script that runs
  ``alltests.py`` under each version of Python.)  If you can't afford
  intalling 3 Python versions, the edge cases (2.1 and 2.3) should
  cover most of it.

  .. [1] Python 2.1 may be used providing the compiler package is
     installed.  The compiler package can be found in the Tools/
     directory of Python 2.1's source distribution.

  Good resources covering the differences between Python versions:

  * `What's New in Python 2.2`__
  * `What's New in Python 2.3`__
  * `What's New in Python 2.4`__
  * `PEP 290 - Code Migration and Modernization`__

  __ http://www.python.org/doc/2.2.3/whatsnew/whatsnew22.html
  __ http://www.python.org/doc/2.3.4/whatsnew/whatsnew23.html
  __ http://www.python.org/dev/doc/devel/whatsnew/whatsnew24.html
  __ http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0290.html

  Note that there are currently some known issues with development
  versions of Python 2.4-to-be (see the thread about `Python 2.4
  compatibility`_ for details).  There is no need to pass the test
  suite under it, unless you wish to tackle these issues...

  .. _Python 2.4 compatibility:
* When adding new functionality (or fixing bugs), be sure to add test
  cases to the test suite.  Practise test-first programming; it's fun,
  it's addictive, and it works!

* The `sandbox CVS directory`_ is the place to put new, incomplete or
  experimental code.  See `Additions to Docutils`_ and `The Sandbox`_

* For bugs or omissions that have an obvious fix and can't possibly
  mess up anything else, go right ahead and check it in directly.

* For larger changes, use your best judgement.  If you're unsure of
  the impact, or feel that you require advice or approval, patches or
  `the sandbox`_ are the way to go.

Docutils will pursue an open and trusting policy for as long as
possible, and deal with any aberrations if (and hopefully not when)
they happen.  I'd rather see a torrent of loose contributions than
just a trickle of perfect-as-they-stand changes.  The occasional
mistake is easy to fix.  That's what CVS is for.

.. _main source tree:
.. _Python Check-in Policies: http://www.python.org/dev/tools.html
.. _sandbox CVS directory:
.. _nightly CVS tarball:

Additions to Docutils

Additions to the project, such as new components, should be developed
in the `sandbox CVS directory`_ until they're in `good shape`_,
usable_, documented_, and `reasonably complete`_.  Adding to the `main
source tree`_ or to a `parallel project`_ implies a commitment to the
Docutils user community.

* Why the sandbox?

  Developers should be able to try out new components while they're
  being developed for addition to main source tree.  See `The
  Sandbox`_ below.

* _`Good shape` means that the component code is clean, readable, and
  free of junk code (unused legacy code; by analogy with "junk DNA").

* _`Usable` means that the code does what it claims to do.  An "XYZ
  Writer" should produce reasonable XYZ.

* _`Documented`: The more the better.  The modules/files must be at
  least minimally documented internally.  `Docutils Front-End Tools`_
  should have a new section for any front-end tool that is added.
  `Docutils Configuration Files`_ should be modified with any
  settings/options defined.

* _`Reasonably complete` means that the code must handle all input.
  Here "handle" means that no input can cause the code to fail (cause
  an exception, or silently and incorrectly produce nothing).
  "Reasonably complete" does not mean "finished" (no work left to be
  done).  For example, a writer must handle every standard element
  from the Docutils document model; for unimplemented elements, it
  must *at the very least* warn that "Output for element X is not yet
  implemented in writer Y".

If you really want to check code into the main source tree, you can,
but you'll have to be prepared to work on it intensively and complete
it quickly.  People will start to use it and they will expect it to
work!  If there are any issues with your code, or if you only have
time for gradual development, you should put it in the sandbox first.
It's easy to move code over to the main source tree once it's closer
to completion.

.. _Docutils Front-End Tools: ../user/tools.html
.. _Docutils Configuration Files: ../user/config.html

CVS Startup File

In your ~/.cvsrc file, make sure you have a line like this::

    update -dP

This ensures that new directories are created and empty directories
are pruned (removed) from your working copy.  In addition, these lines
are useful::

    cvs -q -z3
    diff -u

``cvs -q`` suppresses many non-essential messages.  ``-z3`` compresses
data between client and server.  ``diff -u`` creates "unified diffs";
specify ``diff -c`` if you prefer context diffs.

Setting Up For Docutils Development

When making changes to the code, good developers always test their
changes.  That means running the code to check that it produces the
expected results, and running the test suite too.  The modified
Docutils code has to be accessible to Python for the tests to have any
meaning.  There are two ways to keep the Docutils code accessible:

* Update your ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable so that Python picks
  up your local working copy of the code.  This is the recommended

  For the bash shell and Docutils checked out from CVS in
  ``~/projects/docutils/``, add this to your ``~/.profile``::

      export PYTHONPATH

  The first line points to the directory containing the ``docutils``
  package.  The second line adds the directory containing the
  third-party modules Docutils depends on.  The third line exports
  this environment variable.  You may also wish to add the ``tools``
  directory to your ``PATH``::


* Before you run anything, every time you make a change, reinstall

      python setup.py install

  .. CAUTION::

     This method is **not** recommended for day-to-day development;
     it's too easy to forget.  Confusion inevitably ensues.

     If you install Docutils this way, Python will always pick up the
     last-installed copy of the code.  If you ever forget to reinstall
     the "docutils" package, Python won't see your latest changes.

Mailing Lists

Developers should subscribe to the mailing lists:

* The `Python Documentation Special Interest Group (Doc-SIG) mailing
  list`__ for high-level discussions on syntax, strategy, and design
  (email to Doc-SIG at python.org).
* Docutils-develop__, for implementation discussions
  (email to docutils-develop at lists.sourceforge.net).
* Docutils-checkins__, to monitor CVS checkin messages (automatically
  generated; normally read-only).
* Docutils-users__, to monitor and help out with usage issues and bug

__ http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/doc-sig
__ http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/docutils-develop
__ http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/docutils-checkins
__ http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/docutils-users

The Sandbox

The `sandbox CVS directory`_ is a place to play around, to try out and
share ideas.  It's a part of the CVS repository but it isn't
distributed as part of Docutils releases.  Feel free to check in code
to the CVS sandbox; that way people can try it out but you won't have
to worry about it working 100% error-free, as is the goal of the `main
source tree`_.  Each developer who wants to play in the sandbox should
create either a project-specific subdirectory or personal subdirectory
(suggested name: SourceForge ID, nickname, or given name + family
initial).  It's OK to make a mess!  But please, play nice.

Please update the `sandbox README`_ file with links and a brief
description of your work.

In order to minimize the work necessary for others to install and try
out new, experimental components, the following sandbox directory
structure is recommended::

        project_name/ # For a project where you invite contributions.
                      # Structure as in userid/component_name below.
        userid/       # For personal space.
            component_name/ # A verbose name is best.
                README.txt  # Please explain requirements,
                            # purpose/goals, and usage.
                component.py    # The component is a single module.
                            # *OR* (but *not* both)
                component/  # The component is a package.
                    __init__.py  # Contains the Reader/Writer class.
                    other1.py    # Other modules and data files used
                    data.txt     # by this component.
                test/       # Test suite.
                tools/      # For front ends etc.
                setup.py    # Use Distutils to install the component
                            # code and tools/ files into the right
                            # places in Docutils.

Some sandbox projects are destined to become Docutils components once
completed.  Others, such as add-ons to Docutils or applications of
Docutils, graduate to become `parallel projects`_.

.. _sandbox README: http://docutils.sf.net/sandbox/README.html

.. _parallel project:

Parallel Projects

Parallel projects contain useful code that is not central to the
functioning of Docutils.  Examples are specialized add-ons or
plug-ins, and applications of Docutils.  They use Docutils, but
Docutils does not require their presence to function.

An official parallel project will have its own CVS directory beside
(or parallel to) the main Docutils CVS directory.  It can have its own
web page in the docutils.sourceforge.net domain, its own file releases
and downloadable CVS snapshots, and even a mailing list if that proves
useful. However, an official parallel project has implications: it is
expected to be maintained and continue to work with changes to the
core Docutils.

A parallel project requires a project leader, who must commit to
coordinate and maintain the implementation:

* Answer questions from users and developers.
* Review suggestions, bug reports, and patches.
* Monitor changes and ensure the quality of the code and
* Coordinate with Docutils to ensure interoperability.
* Put together official project releases.

Of course, related projects may be created independently of Docutils.
The advantage of a parallel project is that the SourceForge
environment and the developer and user communities are already
established.  Core Docutils developers are available for consultation
and may contribute to the parallel project.  It's easier to keep the
projects in sync when there are changes made to the core Docutils

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   mode: indented-text
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   fill-column: 70

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev/pysource.dtd ===
    Docutils Python Source DTD
:Author: David Goodger
:Contact: goodger at users.sourceforge.net
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:16 $
:Copyright: This DTD has been placed in the public domain.
:Filename: pysource.dtd

This DTD (document type definition) extends the Generic DTD (see

More information about this DTD and the Docutils project can be found
at http://docutils.sourceforge.net/.  The latest version of this DTD
is available from

The formal public identifier for this DTD is::

    +//IDN docutils.sourceforge.net//DTD Docutils Python Source//EN//XML

    Parameter Entity Overrides

<!ENTITY % additional.section.elements
  " | package_section | module_section | class_section
    | method_section | function_section
    | module_attribute_section | function_attribute_section
    | class_attribute_section | instance_attribute_section ">

<!ENTITY % additional.inline.elements
  " | package | module | class | method | function
    | variable | parameter | type | attribute
    | module_attribute | class_attribute | instance_attribute
    | exception_class | warning_class ">

    Generic DTD

This DTD extends the Docutils Generic DTD, available from

<!ENTITY % docutils PUBLIC
    "+//IDN python.org//DTD Docutils Generic//EN//XML"

    Additional Section Elements

<!ELEMENT package_section
    (package, fullname?, import_list?, %structure.model;)>
<!ATTLIST package_section %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT module_section
    (module, fullname?, import_list?, %structure.model;)>
<!ATTLIST module_section %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT class_section
    (class, inheritance_list?, fullname?, subclasses?,
<!ATTLIST class_section %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT method_section
    (method, parameter_list?, fullname?, overrides?,
<!ATTLIST method_section %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT function_section
    (function, parameter_list?, fullname?, %structure.model;)>
<!ATTLIST function_section %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT module_attribute_section
    (attribute, initial_value?, fullname?, %structure.model;)>
<!ATTLIST module_attribute_section %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT function_attribute_section
    (attribute, initial_value?, fullname?, %structure.model;)>
<!ATTLIST function_attribute_section %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT class_attribute_section
    (attribute, initial_value?, fullname?, overrides?,
<!ATTLIST class_attribute_section %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT instance_attribute_section
    (attribute, initial_value?, fullname?, overrides?,
<!ATTLIST instance_attribute_section %basic.atts;>

    Section Subelements

<!ELEMENT fullname
    (package | module | class | method | function | attribute)+>
<!ATTLIST fullname %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT import_list (import_item+)>
<!ATTLIST import_list %basic.atts;>

Support ``import module``, ``import module as alias``, ``from module
import identifier``, and ``from module import identifier as alias``.
<!ELEMENT import_item (fullname, identifier?, alias?)>
<!ATTLIST import_item %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT inheritance_list (class+)>
<!ATTLIST inheritance_list %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT subclasses (class+)>
<!ATTLIST subclasses %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT parameter_list
    ((parameter_item+, optional_parameters*) | optional_parameters+)>
<!ATTLIST parameter_list %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT parameter_item
    ((parameter | parameter_tuple), parameter_default?)>
<!ATTLIST parameter_item %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT optional_parameters (parameter_item+, optional_parameters*)>
<!ATTLIST optional_parameters %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT parameter_tuple (parameter | parameter_tuple)+>
<!ATTLIST parameter_tuple %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT parameter_default (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST parameter_default %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT overrides (fullname+)>
<!ATTLIST overrides %basic.atts;>

<!ELEMENT initial_value (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST initial_value %basic.atts;>

    Additional Inline Elements

<!-- Also used as the `package_section` identifier/title. -->
<!ELEMENT package (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST package

<!-- Also used as the `module_section` identifier/title. -->
<!ELEMENT module (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST module

Also used as the `class_section` identifier/title, and in the
`inheritance` element.
<!ELEMENT class (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST class

<!-- Also used as the `method_section` identifier/title. -->
<!ELEMENT method (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST method

<!-- Also used as the `function_section` identifier/title. -->
<!ELEMENT function (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST function

??? Use this instead of the ``*_attribute`` elements below?  Add a
"type" attribute to differentiate?

Also used as the identifier/title for `module_attribute_section`,
`class_attribute_section`, and `instance_attribute_section`.
<!ELEMENT attribute (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST attribute

Also used as the `module_attribute_section` identifier/title. A module
attribute is an exported module-level global variable.
<!ELEMENT module_attribute (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST module_attribute

<!-- Also used as the `class_attribute_section` identifier/title. -->
<!ELEMENT class_attribute (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST class_attribute

Also used as the `instance_attribute_section` identifier/title.
<!ELEMENT instance_attribute (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST instance_attribute

<!ELEMENT variable (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST variable

<!-- Also used in `parameter_list`. -->
<!ELEMENT parameter (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST parameter
    excess_positional  %yesorno;  #IMPLIED
    excess_keyword     %yesorno;  #IMPLIED>

<!ATTLIST type

<!ELEMENT exception_class (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST exception_class

<!ELEMENT warning_class (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST warning_class

Local Variables:
mode: sgml
indent-tabs-mode: nil
fill-column: 70

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev/pysource.txt ===
 Python Source Reader
:Author: David Goodger
:Contact: goodger at users.sourceforge.net
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:16 $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.

This document explores issues around extracting and processing
docstrings from Python modules.

For definitive element hierarchy details, see the "Python Plaintext
Document Interface DTD" XML document type definition, pysource.dtd_
(which modifies the generic docutils.dtd_).  Descriptions below list
'DTD elements' (XML 'generic identifiers' or tag names) corresponding
to syntax constructs.

.. contents::


The Python Source Reader ("PySource") model that's evolving in my mind
goes something like this:

1. Extract the docstring/namespace [#]_ tree from the module(s) and/or

   .. [#] See `Docstring Extractor`_ below.

2. Run the parser on each docstring in turn, producing a forest of
   doctrees (per nodes.py).

3. Join the docstring trees together into a single tree, running

   - merge hyperlinks
   - merge namespaces
   - create various sections like "Module Attributes", "Functions",
     "Classes", "Class Attributes", etc.; see pysource.dtd_
   - convert the above special sections to ordinary doctree nodes

4. Run transforms on the combined doctree.  Examples: resolving
   cross-references/hyperlinks (including interpreted text on Python
   identifiers); footnote auto-numbering; first field list ->
   bibliographic elements.

   (Or should step 4's transforms come before step 3?)

5. Pass the resulting unified tree to the writer/builder.

I've had trouble reconciling the roles of input parser and output
writer with the idea of modes ("readers" or "directors").  Does the
mode govern the tranformation of the input, the output, or both?
Perhaps the mode should be split into two.

For example, say the source of our input is a Python module.  Our
"input mode" should be the "Python Source Reader".  It discovers (from
``__docformat__``) that the input parser is "reStructuredText".  If we
want HTML, we'll specify the "HTML" output formatter.  But there's a
piece missing.  What *kind* or *style* of HTML output do we want?
PyDoc-style, LibRefMan style, etc.  (many people will want to specify
and control their own style).  Is the output style specific to a
particular output format (XML, HTML, etc.)?  Is the style specific to
the input mode?  Or can/should they be independent?

I envision interaction between the input parser, an "input mode" , and
the output formatter.  The same intermediate data format would be used
between each of these, being transformed as it progresses.

Docstring Extractor

We need code that scans a parsed Python module, and returns an ordered
tree containing the names, docstrings (including attribute and
additional docstrings), and additional info (in parentheses below) of
all of the following objects:

- packages
- modules
- module attributes (+ values)
- classes (+ inheritance)
- class attributes (+ values)
- instance attributes (+ values)
- methods (+ formal parameters & defaults)
- functions (+ formal parameters & defaults)

(Extract comments too?  For example, comments at the start of a module
would be a good place for bibliographic field lists.)

In order to evaluate interpreted text cross-references, namespaces for
each of the above will also be required.

See python-dev/docstring-develop thread "AST mining", started on

Interpreted Text

DTD elements: package, module, class, method, function,
module_attribute, class_attribute, instance_attribute, variable,
parameter, type, exception_class, warning_class.

To classify identifiers explicitly, the role is given along with the
identifier in either prefix or suffix form::

    Use :method:`Keeper.storedata` to store the object's data in

The role may be one of 'package', 'module', 'class', 'method',
'function', 'module_attribute', 'class_attribute',
'instance_attribute', 'variable', 'parameter', 'type',
'exception_class', 'exception', 'warning_class', or 'warning'.  Other
roles may be defined.

.. _pysource.dtd: pysource.dtd
.. _docutils.dtd: ../ref/docutils.dtd

   Local Variables:
   mode: indented-text
   indent-tabs-mode: nil
   fill-column: 70

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev/release.txt ===
 Docutils_ Release Procedure
:Author: David Goodger; open to all Docutils developers
:Contact: goodger at python.org
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:16 $
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.

.. _Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/

1. Edit the version number in the following files:

   * docutils:

     - setup.py
     - HISTORY.txt
     - docutils/__init__.py

   * web: index.txt

2. Run the test suite: ``cd test ; alltests.py``.

3. Isolate from outside influence:

   (a) Remove the old installation from site-packages (including
       roman.py, and optparse.py, textwrap.py for pre-2.3

   (b) Clear/unset the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

4. Create the release tarball:

   (a) Create a new empty directory and ``cd`` into it.

   (b) Get a clean snapshot of the CVS files::

           cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/docutils \
               export -rHEAD docutils

   (c) Use Distutils to create the release tarball::

           cd docutils
           python setup.py sdist

5. Expand and install the release tarball **in isolation** (as per
   step 3 above):

   (a) Expand the tarball in a new location, not over any existing

   (b) Install from expanded directory::

           cd docutils-X.Y
           python setup.py install

       The "install" command may require root permissions.

6. Run the test suite from the expanded archive directory: ``cd test ;

7. Run ``cd tools ; buildhtml.py ..`` to confirm that there are no
   unexpected issues with the docs.

8. Upload the release tarball::

       $ ftp upload.sourceforge.net
       Connected to osdn.dl.sourceforge.net.
       Name (upload.sourceforge.net:david): anonymous
       331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
       230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply.
       ftp> bin
       200 Type set to I.
       ftp> cd /incoming
       250 CWD command successful.
       ftp> put filename

9. Log in to the SourceForge web interface.

10. Access the file release system on SourceForge (Admin interface).
    Fill in the fields:

        :Package ID:      docutils
        :Release Name:    <use release number only, e.g. 0.3>
        :Release Date:    <today's date>
        :Status:          Active
        :File Name:       <select the file just uploaded>
        :File Type:       Source .gz
        :Processor Type:  Platform-Independent
        :Release Notes:   <insert README.txt file here>
        :Change Log:      <insert summary from announcement>

        Also check the "Preserve my pre-formatted text" box.

11. Wait up to 30 minutes for the file to become available on

12. Download the release tarball and verify its integrity by walking
    through an installation, as outlined above (steps 5, 6, & 7).

13. Add a SourceForge News item, with title "Docutils 0.x released"
    and containing the release tarball's download URL.

14. Send announcement email to:

    * docutils-develop at lists.sourceforge.net
    * docutils-users at lists.sourceforge.net
    * doc-sig at python.org
    * python-list at python.org
    * python-announce at python.org

15. Register

    (a) with PyPI (Fill in details.  ``python setup.py register``?
        How to log in?)
    (b) with Vaults of Parnassus
    (c) with FreshMeat?

   Local Variables:
   mode: indented-text
   indent-tabs-mode: nil
   sentence-end-double-space: t
   fill-column: 70

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev/semantics.txt ===
 Docstring Semantics
:Author: David Goodger
:Contact: goodger at users.sourceforge.net
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:16 $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.

These are notes for a possible future PEP providing the final piece of
the Python docstring puzzle: docstring semantics or documentation
methodology.  `PEP 257`_, Docstring Conventions, sketches out some
guidelines, but does not get into methodology details.

I haven't explored documentation methodology more because, in my
opinion, it is a completely separate issue from syntax, and it's even
more controversial than syntax.  Nobody wants to be told how to lay
out their documentation, a la JavaDoc_.  I think the JavaDoc way is
butt-ugly, but it *is* an established standard for the Java world.
Any standard documentation methodology has to be formal enough to be
useful but remain light enough to be usable.  If the methodology is
too strict, too heavy, or too ugly, many/most will not want to use it.

I think a standard methodology could benefit the Python community, but
it would be a hard sell.  A PEP would be the place to start.  For most
human-readable documentation needs, the free-form text approach is
adequate.  We'd only need a formal methodology if we want to extract
the parameters into a data dictionary, index, or summary of some kind.


(Not to be confused with Daniel Larsson's pythondoc_ project.)

A Python version of the JavaDoc_ semantics (not syntax).  A set of
conventions which are understood by the Docutils.  What JavaDoc has
done is to establish a syntax that enables a certain documentation
methodology, or standard *semantics*.  JavaDoc is not just syntax; it
prescribes a methodology.

- Use field lists or definition lists for "tagged blocks".  By this I
  mean that field lists can be used similarly to JavaDoc's ``@tag``
  syntax.  That's actually one of the motivators behind field lists.
  For example, we could have::

          - `lines`: a list of one-line strings without newlines.
          - `until_blank`: Stop collecting at the first blank line if
            true (1).
          - `strip_indent`: Strip common leading indent if true (1,

          - a list of indented lines with mininum indent removed;
          - the amount of the indent;
          - whether or not the block finished with a blank line or at
            the end of `lines`.

  This is taken straight out of docutils/statemachine.py, in which I
  experimented with a simple documentation methodology.  Another
  variation I've thought of exploits the Grouch_-compatible
  "classifier" element of definition lists.  For example::

          `lines` : [string]
              List of one-line strings without newlines.
          `until_blank` : boolean
              Stop collecting at the first blank line if true (1).
          `strip_indent` : boolean
              Strip common leading indent if true (1, default).

- Field lists could even be used in a one-to-one correspondence with
  JavaDoc ``@tags``, although I doubt if I'd recommend it.  Several
  ports of JavaDoc's ``@tag`` methodology exist in Python, most
  recently Ed Loper's "epydoc_".

Other Ideas

- Can we extract comments from parsed modules?  Could be handy for
  documenting function/method parameters::

      def method(self,
                 source,        # path of input file
                 dest           # path of output file

  This would save having to repeat parameter names in the docstring.

  Idea from Mark Hammond's 1998-06-23 Doc-SIG post, "Re: [Doc-SIG]
  Documentation tool":

      it would be quite hard to add a new param to this method without
      realising you should document it

- Frederic Giacometti's `iPhrase Python documentation conventions`_ is
  an attachment to his Doc-SIG post of 2001-05-30.

.. _PEP 257: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0257.html
.. _JavaDoc: http://java.sun.com/j2se/javadoc/
.. _pythondoc: http://starship.python.net/crew/danilo/pythondoc/
.. _Grouch: http://www.mems-exchange.org/software/grouch/
.. _epydoc: http://epydoc.sf.net/
.. _iPhrase Python documentation conventions:

   Local Variables:
   mode: indented-text
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   sentence-end-double-space: t
   fill-column: 70

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev/testing.txt ===
 Docutils_ Testing

:Author: Felix Wiemann
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:16 $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.

.. _Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/

.. contents::

This document describes how the tests are organized and how to add new
tests or modify existing tests.

Unit Tests

Unit tests test single functions or modules (i.e. whitebox testing).

XXX Some details to be written.

Setting Up For Testing

Recent versions of Python's ``unittest.py`` module have an annoying
new "feature", where newlines in test failure output are displayed as
``\n`` (two characters) instead of as actual newlines.  This means
that test failure output is unreadable and unuseable.  Earlier
versions didn't have this feature, and the output could easily be
copied and pasted into test data modules.  Revision ` of
unittest.py`__ works well.  Download it, place it in the ``test/``
directory, and enjoy much better output.

__ http://cvs.sf.net/viewcvs.py/*checkout*/python/python/dist/src/Lib/unittest.py?rev=

.. _functional::

Functional Tests

The directory ``test/functional/`` contains data for functional tests.

Performing functional testing means testing the Docutils system as a
whole (i.e. blackbox testing).

Directory Structure

+ ``functional/`` The main data directory.

  + ``input/`` The input files.

    - ``some_test.txt``, for example.

  + ``output/`` The actual output.

    - ``some_test.html``, for example.

  + ``expected/`` The expected output.

    - ``some_test.html``, for example.

  + ``tests/`` The config files for processing the input files.

    - ``some_test.py``, for example.

    - ``_default.py``, the `default configuration file`_.

The Testing Process

When running ``test_functional.py``, all config files in
``functional/some_test.py`` are processed.

An example of what this means:

Provided ``functional/tests/some_test.py`` reads like this::

    # Source and destination file names.
    test_source = "some_test.txt"
    test_destination = "some_test.html"

    # Keyword parameters passed to publish_file.
    reader_name = "standalone"
    parser_name = "rst"
    writer_name = "html"
    settings_overrides['output-encoding'] = 'utf-8'

The two variables ``test_source`` and ``test_destination`` contain the
input file name (relative to ``functional/input/``) and the output
file name (relative to ``functional/output/`` and
``functional/expected/``).  Note that the file names can be chosen
arbitrarily.  However, the file names in ``functional/output/`` *must*
match the file names in ``functional/expected/``.

All other variables are passed as keyword arguments to
``docutils.core.publish_file``, so you can set reader, parser,
writer and anything else you want to configure.

Note that ``settings_overrides`` is already initialized as an empty
dictionary *before* the execution of the config file.  This is done in
order to allow subsequent assignments to ``settings_overrides`` in the
`default configuration file`_ and in the actual configuration file.

Creating New Tests

In order to create a new test, put the input test file into
``functional/input/``.  Then create a config file in
``functional/tests/`` which sets at least input and output file names,
reader, parser and writer.

Now run ``test_functional.py``.  The test will fail, of course,
because you do not have an expected output yet.

However, an output file will be generated in ``functional/output/``.
Check this output file for validity and correctness.  Then copy the
file to ``functional/expected/``.

If you run ``test_functional.py`` later and the actual output doesn't
match the expected output anymore, the test will fail.

If this is the case and you made an intentional change, check the
actual output for validity and correctness and copy it to
``functional/expected/``, overwriting the old expected output.

.. _default configuration file:

The Default Configuration File

The file ``functional/tests/_default.py`` contains default settings.
It is executed just before the actual configuration files, which has
the same effect as if the contents of ``_default.py`` were prepended
to every configuration file.

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev/todo.txt ===
 Docutils_ To Do List

:Author: David Goodger (with input from many); open to all Docutils
:Contact: goodger at python.org
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:16 $
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.

.. _Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/

.. contents::

Priority items are marked with "@" symbols.  The more @s, the higher
the priority.  Items in question form (containing "?") are ideas which
require more thought and debate; they are potential to-do's.

Many of these items are awaiting champions.  If you see something
you'd like to tackle, please do!  If there's something you'd like to
see done but are unable to implement it yourself, `please consider
contributing`__ in other ways.

__ http://docutils.sf.net/#please-contribute


* Always high priority: `FIX BUGS!`__

  __ ../../BUGS.html

* Include substitution files for character entities, produced by the
  tools/unicode2rstsubs.py.  As static data, these files could go
  inside the docutils package somewhere.

* A Python Source Reader component (Python auto-documentation) will be
  added.  See the document `"Plan for Enthought API Documentation
  Tool"`__ for details.  If you'd like to help, let me know!

  __ enthought-plan.html

* `Nested inline markup`_.


* Refactor

  - Rename methods & variables according to the `Python coding
    conventions <policies.html#python-coding-conventions>`_.

  - The name-to-id conversion and hyperlink resolution code needs to be
    checked for correctness and refactored.  I'm afraid it's a bit of
    a spaghetti mess now.

* Language modules: in accented languages it may be useful to have
  both accented and unaccented entries in the ``bibliographic_fields``
  mapping for versatility.

* Add a "--strict-language" option & setting: no English fallback for
  language-dependent features.

* Add internationalization to _`footer boilerplate text` (resulting
  from "--generator", "--source-link", and "--date" etc.), allowing

* Need a Unicode to HTML entities codec for HTML writer?  No, the
  "xmlcharrefreplace" output error handler is sufficient.
  Make it the default for HTML & XML writers?

* Add validation?  See http://pytrex.sourceforge.net, RELAX NG, pyRXP.

* Ask Python-dev for opinions (GvR for a pronouncement) on special
  variables (__author__, __version__, etc.): convenience vs. namespace
  pollution.  Ask opinions on whether or not Docutils should recognize
  & use them.

* In ``docutils.readers.get_reader_class`` (& ``parsers`` &
  ``writers`` too), should we be importing "standalone" or
  "docutils.readers.standalone"?  (This would avoid importing
  top-level modules if the module name is not in docutils/readers.
  Potential nastiness.)

* @@@ Perhaps store a _`name-to-id mapping file`?  This could be
  stored permanently, read by subsequent processing runs, and updated
  with new entries.  ("Persistent ID mapping"?)

* Perhaps the ``Component.supports`` method should deal with
  individual features ("meta" etc.) instead of formats ("html" etc.)?

* Add _`object numbering and object references` (tables & figures).
  These would be the equivalent of DocBook's "formal" elements.

  We may need _`persistent sequences`, such as chapter numbers.  See
  `OpenOffice.org XML`_ "fields".  Should the sequences be automatic
  or manual (user-specifyable)?

  We need to name the objects:

  - "name" option for the "figure" directive? ::

        .. figure:: image.png
           :name: image's name

    Same for the "table" directive::

        .. table:: optional title here
           :name: table's name

           =====  =====
             x    not x
           =====  =====
           True   False
           False  True
           =====  =====

    This would also allow other options to be set, like border
    styles.  The same technique could be used for other objects.

    A preliminary "table" directive has been implemented, supporting
    table titles.  Perhaps the name should derive from the title.

  - The object could also be done this way::

        .. _figure name:

        .. figure:: image.png

    This may be a more general solution, equally applicable to tables.
    However, explicit naming using an option seems simpler to users.

  We'll also need syntax for object references.  See `OpenOffice.org
  XML`_ "reference fields":

  - Parameterized substitutions?  For example::

        See |figure (figure name)| on |page (figure name)|.

        .. |figure (name)| figure-ref:: (name)
        .. |page (name)| page-ref:: (name)

    The result would be::

        See figure 3.11 on page 157.

    But this would require substitution directives to be processed at
    reference-time, not at definition-time as they are now.  Or,
    perhaps the directives could just leave ``pending`` elements
    behind, and the transforms do the work?  How to pass the data
    through?  Too complicated.

  - An interpreted text approach is simpler and better::

        See :figure:`figure name` on :page:`figure name`.

    The "figure" and "page" roles could generate appropriate
    boilerplate text.  The position of the role (prefix or suffix)
    could also be utilized.

    See `Interpreted Text`_ below.

  .. _OpenOffice.org XML: http://xml.openoffice.org/

* Think about _`large documents` made up of multiple subdocument
  files.  Issues: continuity (`persistent sequences`_ above),
  cross-references (`name-to-id mapping file`_ above and `targets in
  other documents`_ below).

  When writing a book, the author probably wants to split it up into
  files, perhaps one per chapter (but perhaps even more detailed).
  However, we'd like to be able to have references from one chapter to
  another, and have continuous numbering (pages and chapters, as
  applicable).  Of course, none of this is implemented yet.  There has
  been some thought put into some aspects; see `the "include"
  directive`__ and the `Reference Merging`_ transform below.

  When I was working with SGML in Japan, we had a system where there
  was a top-level coordinating file, book.sgml, which contained the
  top-level structure of a book: the <book> element, containing the
  book <title> and empty component elements (<preface>, <chapter>,
  <appendix>, etc.), each with filename attributes pointing to the
  actual source for the component.  Something like this::

      <book id="bk01">
      <title>Title of the Book</title>
      <preface inrefid="pr01"></preface>
      <chapter inrefid="ch01"></chapter>
      <chapter inrefid="ch02"></chapter>
      <chapter inrefid="ch03"></chapter>
      <appendix inrefid="ap01"></appendix>

  (The "inrefid" attribute stood for "insertion reference ID".)

  The processing system would process each component separately, but
  it would recognize and use the book file to coordinate chapter and
  page numbering, and keep a persistent ID to (title, page number)
  mapping database for cross-references.  Docutils could use a similar
  system for large-scale, multipart documents.

  __ ../ref/rst/directives.html#including-an-external-document-fragment

  Aahz's idea:

      First the ToC::

          .. ToC-list::

      Then a sample use::

          .. include:: ToC.txt

          As I said earlier in chapter :chapter:`Objects.txt`, the
          reference count gets increased every time a binding is made.

      Which produces::

          As I said earlier in chapter 2, the
          reference count gets increased every time a binding is made.

      The ToC in this form doesn't even need to be references to actual
      reST documents; I'm simply doing it that way for a minimum of
      future-proofing, in case I do want to add the ability to pick up
      references within external chapters.

  Perhaps, instead of ToC (which would overload the "contents"
  directive concept already in use), we could use "manifest".  A
  "manifest" directive might associate local reference names with

      .. manifest::
         intro: Introduction.txt
         objects: Objects.txt
         data: Data.txt
         control: Control.txt

  Then the sample becomes::

      .. include:: manifest.txt

      As I said earlier in chapter :chapter:`objects`, the
      reference count gets increased every time a binding is made.

* Add testing for Docutils' front end tools?

* Changes to sandbox/davidg/infrastructure/docutils-update?

  - Modify the script to only update the snapshots if files have
    actually changed in CVS (saving some SourceForge server cycles).

  - Make passing the test suite a prerequisite to snapshot update,
    but only if the process is completely automatic.

  - Rewrite in Python?

* Publisher: "Ordinary setup" shouldn't requre specific ordering; at
  the very least, there ought to be error checking higher up in the
  call chain.  [Aahz]

  ``Publisher.get_settings`` requires that all components be set up
  before it's called.  Perhaps the I/O *objects* shouldn't be set, but
  I/O *classes*.  Then options are set up (``.set_options``), and
  ``Publisher.set_io`` (or equivalent code) is called with source &
  destination paths, creating the I/O objects.

  Perhaps I/O objects shouldn't be instantiated until required.  For
  split output, the Writer may be called multiple times, once for each
  doctree, and each doctree should have a separate Output object (with
  a different path).  Is the "Builder" pattern applicable here?

* Perhaps I/O objects should become full-fledged components (i.e.
  subclasses of ``docutils.Component``, as are Readers, Parsers, and
  Writers now), and thus have associated option/setting specs and

* Multiple file I/O suggestion from Michael Hudson: use a file-like
  object or something you can iterate over to get file-like objects.

* Add an "--input-language" option & setting?  Specify a different
  language module for input (bibliographic fields, directives) than
  for output.  The "--language" option would set both input & output

* Auto-generate reference tables for language-dependent features?
  Could be generated from the source modules.  A special command-line
  option could be added to Docutils front ends to do this.  (Idea from
  Engelbert Gruber.)

* Change the "class" attribute of elements (set with
  Element.set_class) to a list?

* Enable feedback of some kind from internal decisions, such as
  reporting the successful input encoding.  Modify runtime settings?
  System message?  Simple stderr output?

* Rationalize Writer settings (HTML/LaTeX/PEP) -- share settings.

* The "docutils.conf" included with Docutils should become complete,
  with examples of every setting (many/most commented out).  It's
  currently sparse, requiring doc lookups.

* Merge docs/user/latex.txt info into tools.txt and config.txt.

* Add an "--include file" command-line option (config setting too?),
  equivalent to ".. include:: file" as the first line of the doc text?
  Especially useful for character entity sets, text transform specs,
  boilerplate, etc.

* Parameterize the Reporter object or class?  See the `2004-02-18
  "rest checking and source path"`_ thread.

  .. _2004-02-18 "rest checking and source path":

* Add a "disable_transforms" setting?  And a dummy Writer subclass
  that does nothing when its .write() method is called?  Would allow
  for easy syntax checking.  See the `2004-02-18 "rest checking and
  source path"`_ thread.

* Add a generic meta-stylesheet mechanism?  An external file could
  associate style names ("class" attributes) with specific elements.
  Could be generalized to arbitrary output attributes; useful for HTML
  & XMLs.  Aahz implemented something like this in

* William Dode suggested that table cells be assigned "class"
  attributes by columns, so that stylesheets can affect text
  alignment.  Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way (in HTML
  at least) to leverage the "colspec" elements (HTML "col" tags) by
  adding classes to them.  The resulting HTML is very verbose::

      <td class="col1">111</td>
      <td class="col2">222</td>

  At the very least, it should be an option.  People who don't use it
  shouldn't be penalized by increases in their HTML file sizes.

  Table rows could also be assigned classes (like odd/even).  That
  would be easier to implement.

  How should it be implemented?

  * There could be writer options (column classes & row classes) with
    standard values.

  * The table directive could grow some options.  Something like
    ":cell-classes: col1 col2 col3" (either must match the number of
    columns, or repeat to fill?)  and ":row-classes: odd even" (repeat
    to fill; body rows only, or header rows too?).

  Probably per-table directive options are best.  The "class" values
  could be used by any writer, and applying such classes to all tables
  in a document with writer options is too broad.

* Make the csv-table directive work with Python 2.1/2.2.  (See the
  discussion_ on the mailing list.)

  .. _discussion: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.text.docutils.user/1319

* The docutils.nodes.Element APIs could use some simplification.  For
  example, ``node[x]`` is ambiguous (different results if x is a
  string or an integer).  Replace with ``node[int]`` and

* Add file-specific settings support to config files, like::

      [file index.txt]
      compact-lists: no

  Is this even possible?  Should the criterion be the name of the
  input file or the output file?

* The "validator" support added to OptionParser is very similar to
  "traits_" in SciPy_.  Perhaps something could be done with them?
  (Had I known about traits when I was implementing docutils.frontend,
  I may have used them instead of rolling my own.)

  .. _traits: http://old.scipy.org/site_content/traits
  .. _SciPy: http://www.scipy.org/


User Docs

What else is needed?

Developer Docs

* Complete `Docutils Runtime Settings <../api/runtime-settings.html>`_.

* @@@ Improve the internal module documentation (docstrings in the
  code).  Specific deficiencies listed below.

  - docutils.parsers.rst.states.State.build_table: data structure
    required (including StringList).

  - docutils.parsers.rst.states: more complete documentation of parser

* docs/ref/doctree.txt: DTD element structural relationships,
  semantics, and attributes.  In progress; element descriptions to be

* Document the ``pending`` elements, how they're generated and what
  they do.

* Document the transforms (perhaps in docstrings?): how they're used,
  what they do, dependencies & order considerations.

* Document the HTML classes used by html4css1.py.

* Write an overview of the Docutils architecture, as an introduction
  for developers.  What connects to what, why, and how.  Either update
  PEP 258 (see PEPs_ below) or as a separate doc.

* Give information about unit tests.  Maybe as a howto?

* Document the docutils.nodes APIs.

* Complete the docs/api/publisher.txt docs.


* Creating Docutils Writers

* Creating Docutils Readers

* Creating Docutils Transforms

* Creating Docutils Parsers

* Using Docutils as a Library


* Complete PEP 258 Docutils Design Specification.

  - Fill in the blanks in API details.

  - Specify the nodes.py internal data structure implementation?

        [Tibs:] Eventually we need to have direct documentation in
        there on how it all hangs together - the DTD is not enough
        (indeed, is it still meant to be correct?  [Yes, it is.

* Rework PEP 257, separating style from spec from tools, wrt Docutils?
  See Doc-SIG from 2001-06-19/20.

Python Source Reader


* Analyze Tony Ibbs' PySource code.

* Analyze Doug Hellmann's HappyDoc project.

* Investigate how POD handles literate programming.

* Take the best ideas and integrate them into Docutils.

Miscellaneous ideas:

* If we can detect that a comment block begins with ``##``, a la
  JavaDoc, it might be useful to indicate interspersed section headers
  & explanatory text in a module.  For example::

      """Module docstring."""

      # Constants
      # =========

      a = 1
      b = 2

      # Exception Classes
      # =================

      class MyException(Exception): pass

      # etc.

* Should standalone strings also become (module/class) docstrings?
  Under what conditions?  We want to prevent arbitrary strings from
  becomming docstrings of prior attribute assignments etc.  Assume
  that there must be no blank lines between attributes and attribute
  docstrings?  (Use lineno of NEWLINE token.)

  Triple-quotes are sometimes used for multi-line comments (such as
  commenting out blocks of code).  How to reconcile?

* HappyDoc's idea of using comment blocks when there's no docstring
  may be useful to get around the conflict between `additional
  docstrings`_ and ``from __future__ import`` for module docstrings.
  A module could begin like this::

      #!/usr/bin/env python
      # :Author: Me
      # :Copyright: whatever

      """This is the public module docstring (``__doc__``)."""

      # More docs, in comments.
      # All comments at the beginning of a module could be
      # accumulated as docstrings.
      # We can't have another docstring here, because of the
      # ``__future__`` statement.

      from __future__ import division

  Using the JavaDoc convention of a doc-comment block beginning with
  ``##`` is useful though.  It allows doc-comments and implementation

  .. _additional docstrings:

* HappyDoc uses an initial comment block to set "parser configuration
  values".  Do the same thing for Docutils, to set runtime settings on
  a per-module basis?  I.e.::

      # Docutils:setting=value

  Could be used to turn on/off function parameter comment recognition
  & other marginal features.  Could be used as a general mechanism to
  augment config files and command-line options (but which takes

* Multi-file output should be divisible at arbitrary level.

* Support all forms of ``import`` statements:

  - ``import module``: listed as "module"
  - ``import module as alias``: "alias (module)"
  - ``from module import identifier``: "identifier (from module)"
  - ``from module import identifier as alias``: "alias (identifier
    from module)"
  - ``from module import *``: "all identifiers (``*``) from module"

* Have links to colorized Python source files from API docs?  And
  vice-versa: backlinks from the colorized source files to the API

* In summaries, use the first *sentence* of a docstring if the first
  line is not followed by a blank line.

reStructuredText Parser

Also see the `... Or Not To Do?`__ list.

__ rst/alternatives.html#or-not-to-do

* The parser doesn't know anything about double-width characters such
  as Chinese hanza & Japanese kanji/kana.  Also, it's dependent on
  whitespace and punctuation as markup delimiters, which may not be
  applicable in these languages.

  Python 2.4 introduces the iswide() and width() string methods, so
  this problem will be resolved later, when Python 2.4 is being used
  more widely.

* Clean up the code; refactor as required.

* Add motivation sections for constructs in spec.

* Document title should grow an implicit target.

* Allow very long titles (on two or more lines)?

* And for the sake of completeness, should definition list terms be
  allowed to be very long (two or more lines) also?

* Support generic hyperlink references to _`targets in other
  documents`?  Not in an HTML-centric way, though (it's trivial to say
  ``http://www.example.com/doc#name``, and useless in non-HTML
  contexts).  XLink/XPointer?  ``.. baseref::``?  See Doc-SIG

* .. _adaptable file extensions:

  In target URLs, it would be useful to not explicitly specify the
  file extension.  If we're generating HTML, then ".html" is
  appropriate; if PDF, then ".pdf"; etc.  How about using ".*" to
  indicate "choose the most appropriate filename extension?  For

      .. _Another Document: another.*

  Should the choice be from among existing files only?  Documents
  only, or objects (images, etc.) also?  (How to differentiate?
  Element context [within "image"]?)

  This may not be just a parser issue though; it may need framework

  Mailing list thread: `Images in both HTML and LaTeX`__

  __ http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.text.docutils.user/1239

* Implement the header row separator modification to table.el.  (Wrote
  to Takaaki Ota & the table.el mailing list on 2001-08-12, suggesting
  support for "=====" header rows.  On 2001-08-17 he replied, saying
  he'd put it on his to-do list, but "don't hold your breath".)

* Tony says inline markup rule 7 could do with a *little* more
  exposition in the spec, to make clear what is going on for people
  with head colds.

* @@ Fix the parser's indentation handling to conform with the
  stricter definition in the spec.  (Explicit markup blocks should be
  strict or forgiving?)

* @@ Tighten up the spec for indentation of "constructs using complex
  markers": field lists and option lists?  Bodies may begin on the
  same line as the marker or on a subsequent line (with blank lines
  optional).  Require that for bodies beginning on the same line as
  the marker, all lines be in strict alignment.  Currently, this is

      :Field-name-of-medium-length: Field body beginning on the same
          line as the field name.

  This proposal would make the above example illegal, instead
  requiring strict alignment.  A field body may either begin on the
  same line::

      :Field-name-of-medium-length: Field body beginning on the same
                                    line as the field name.

  Or it may begin on a subsequent line::

          Field body beginning on a line subsequent to that of the
          field name.

  This would be especially relevant in degenerate cases like this::

          It would be very difficult to align the field body with
          the left edge of the first line if it began on the same
          line as the field name.

* Allow for variant styles by interpreting _`indented lists` as if
  they weren't indented?  For example, currently the list below will
  be parsed as a list within a block quote::


        * list item 1
        * list item 2

  But a lot of people seem to write that way, and HTML browsers make
  it look as if that's the way it should be.  The parser could check
  the contents of block quotes, and if they contain only a single
  list, remove the block quote wrapper.  There would be two problems:

  1. What if we actually *do* want a list inside a block quote?

  2. What if such a list comes immediately after an indented
     construct, such as a literal block?

  Both could be solved using empty comments (problem 2 already exists
  for a block quote after a literal block).  But that's a hack.

  Perhaps a runtime setting, allowing or disabling this convenience,
  would be appropriate.  But that raises issues too:

      User A, who writes lists indented (and their config file is set
      up to allow it), sends a file to user B, who doesn't (and their
      config file disables indented lists).  The result of processing
      by the two users will be different.

  It may seem minor, but it adds ambiguity to the parser, which is

  See the `Doc-SIG discussion starting 2001-04-18`__ with Ed Loper's
  "Structuring: a summary; and an attempt at EBNF", item 4 (and
  follow-ups, here__ and here__).  Also `docutils-users,
  2003-02-17`__ and `beginning 2003-08-04`__.

  __ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/doc-sig/2001-April/001776.html
  __ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/doc-sig/2001-April/001789.html
  __ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/doc-sig/2001-April/001793.html
  __ http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=3838913
  __ http://sf.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=2957175&forum_id=11444

* Make the parser modular.  Allow syntax constructs to be added or
  disabled at run-time.  Or is subclassing enough?

* Continue to report (info, level 1) enumerated lists whose start
  value is not ordinal-1?

* Generalize the "doctest block" construct (which is overly
  Python-centric) to other interactive sessions?  "Doctest block"
  could be renamed to "I/O block" or "interactive block", and each of
  these could also be recognized as such by the parser:

  - Shell sessions::

        $ cat example1.txt
        A block beginning with a "$ " prompt is interpreted as a shell
        session interactive block.  As with Doctest blocks, the
        interactive block ends with the first blank line, and wouldn't
        have to be indented.

  - Root shell sessions::

        # cat example2.txt
        A block beginning with a "# " prompt is interpreted as a root
        shell session (the user is or has to be logged in as root)
        interactive block.  Again, the block ends with a blank line.

  Other standard (and unambiguous) interactive session prompts could
  easily be added (such as "> " for WinDOS).

  Tony Ibbs spoke out against this idea (2002-06-14 Doc-SIG thread
  "docutils feedback").

* Should the "doctest" element go away, and the construct simply be a
  front-end to generic literal blocks?

* Add support for pragma (syntax-altering) directives.

  Some pragma directives could be local-scope unless explicitly
  specified as global/pragma using ":global:" options.

* Remove leading numbers from section titles for implicit link names?
  A section titled "3. Conclusion" could then be referred to by
  "``Conclusion_``" (i.e., without the "3.").

* `Syntax for line blocks`__ (currently a directive)?

  __ rst/alternatives.html#syntax-for-line-blocks

* Implement auto-enumerated lists?  See `Auto-Enumerated Lists`__.

  __ rst/alternatives.html#auto-enumerated-lists

* Support whitespace in angle-bracketed standalone URLs according to
  Appendix E ("Recommendations for Delimiting URI in Context") of `RFC

  .. _RFC 2396: http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt

* Use the vertical spacing of the source text to determine the
  corresponding vertical spacing of the output?

* [From Mark Nodine]  For cells in simple tables that comprise a
  single line, the justification can be inferred according to the
  following rules:

  1. If the text begins at the leftmost column of the cell,
     then left justification, ELSE
  2. If the text begins at the rightmost column of the cell,
     then right justification, ELSE
  3. Center justification.

  The onus is on the author to make the text unambiguous by adding
  blank columns as necessary.  There should be a parser setting to
  turn off justification-recognition (normally on would be fine).

  Decimal justification?

* Make enumerated list parsing more strict, so that this would parse
  as a paragraph with an info message::

      1. line one
      3. line two

* Generalize the "target-notes" directive into a command-line option
  somehow?  See docutils-develop 2003-02-13.

* Include the _`character entity substitution definition files`
  `temporarily stored here <http://docutils.sf.net/tmp/charents/>`__,
  perhaps in a ``docutils/parsers/rst/includes/`` directory.  See
  `misc.include`_ below.

* Should ^L (or something else in reST) be defined to mean
  force/suggest page breaks in whatever output we have?

  A "break" or "page-break" directive would be easy to add.  A new
  doctree element would be required though (perhaps "break").  The
  final behavior would be up to the Writer.  The directive argument
  could be one of page/column/recto/verso for added flexibility.

  Currently ^L (Python's "\f") characters are treated as whitespace.
  They're converted to single spaces, actually, as are vertical tabs
  (^K, Python's "\v").  It would be possible to recognize form feeds
  as markup, but it requires some thought and discussion first.  Are
  there any downsides?  Many editing environments do not allow the
  insertion of control characters.  Will it cause any harm?  It would
  be useful as a shorthand for the directive.

  It's common practice to use ^L before Emacs "Local Variables"

         Local Variables:
         mode: indented-text
         indent-tabs-mode: nil
         sentence-end-double-space: t
         fill-column: 70

  These are already present in many PEPs and Docutils project
  documents.  From the Emacs manual (info):

      A "local variables list" goes near the end of the file, in the
      last page.  (It is often best to put it on a page by itself.)

  It would be unfortunate if this construct caused a final blank page
  to be generated (for those Writers that recognize the page breaks).
  We'll have to add a transform that looks for a "break" plus zero or
  more comments at the end of a document, and removes them.

* Could the "break" concept above be extended to inline forms?
  E.g. "^L" in the middle of a sentence could cause a line break.
  Only recognize it at the end of a line (i.e., "\f\n")?

  Or is formfeed inappropriate?  Perhaps vertical tab ("\v"), but even
  that's a stretch.  Can't use carriage returns, since they're
  commonly used for line endings.

* Allow a "::"-only paragraph (first line, actually) to introduce a
  literal block without a blank line?  (Idea from Paul Moore.) ::

          This is a literal block

  Is indentation enough to make the separation between a paragraph
  which contains just a ``::`` and the literal text unambiguous?
  There's one problem with this concession.  What if one wants a
  definition list item which defines the term "::"?  We'd have to
  escape it.  Currenty, "\::" doesn't work (although it should;
  **bug**), and ":\:" is misinterpreted as a field name (name "\";
  also a **bug**).  Assuming these bugs are squashed, I suppose it's a
  useful special case.  It would only be reasonable to apply it to
  "::"-only paragraphs though.  I think the blank line is visually
  necessary if there's text before the "::"::

      The text in this paragraph needs separation
      from the literal block following::
          This doesn't look right.

  Another idea.  Would it be worthwhile to allow literal blocks to
  begin without a newline after the "::"?  Example::

      ::  while True:
              print 'hello world'

  Perhaps.  Perhaps not.

* Add new syntax for _`nested inline markup`?  Or extend the parser to
  parse nested inline markup somehow?  See the `collected notes

* Drop the backticks from embedded URIs with omitted reference text?
  Should the angle brackets be kept in the output or not? ::


  Probably not worth the trouble.

* Add ``^superscript^`` inline markup?  The only common non-markup
  uses of "^" I can think of are as short hand for "superscript"
  itself and for describing control characters ("^C to cancel").  The
  former supports the proposed syntax, and it could be argued that the
  latter ought to be literal text anyhow (e.g. "``^C`` to cancel").

* Add _`math markup`.  We should try for a general solution, that's
  applicable to any output format.  Using a standard, such as MathML_,
  would be best.  TeX (or itex_) would be acceptable as a *front-end*
  to MathML.  See `the culmination of a relevant discussion

  Both a directive and an interpreted text role will be necessary (for
  each markup).  Directive example::

      .. itex::
         \alpha_t(i) = P(O_1, O_2, \dots O_t, q_t = S_i \lambda)

  The same thing inline::

      The equation in question is :itex:`\alpha_t(i) = P(O_1, O_2,
      \dots O_t, q_t = S_i \lambda)`.

  .. _MathML: http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/
  .. _itex: http://pear.math.pitt.edu/mathzilla/itex2mmlItex.html

* How about a syntax for alternative hyperlink behavior, such as "open
  in a new window" (as in HTML's ``<a target="_blank">``)?  Double
  angle brackets might work for inline targets::

      The `reference docs <<url>>`__ may be handy.

  But what about explicit targets?

  The MoinMoin wiki uses a caret ("^") at the beginning of the URL
  ("^" is not a legal URI character).  That could work for both inline
  and explicit targets::

      The `reference docs <^url>`__ may be handy.

      .. _name: ^url

* Allow _`transitions` between sections?  A transition immediately
  preceding a section title could be interpreted as a sibling of that
  section.  The context would obviate the need for a special
  directive.  The document model would have to accommodate the

      <!ENTITY % structure.model
        " ( ( (%body.elements; | topic | sidebar)+,
              (transition, (%body.elements; | topic | sidebar)+ )*,
              (transition?, (%section.elements;))* )
          | (transition?, (%section.elements;))+ ) ">

* Add an option to allow arbitrary URI schemes (not just those in
  urischemes.py)?  This would make text like "signal:noise" into a

* Add an option to add URI schemes at runtime.

* _`Segmented lists`::

      : segment : segment : segment
      : segment : segment : very long
      : segment : segment : segment

  The initial colon (":") can be thought of as a type of bullet

  We could even have segment titles::

      :: title  : title   : title
      : segment : segment : segment
      : segment : segment : segment

  This would correspond well to DocBook's SegmentedList.  Output could
  be tabular or "name: value" pairs, as described in DocBook's docs.

* Allow backslash-escaped colons in field names::

      :Case Study\: Event Handling: This chapter will be dropped.

* _`footnote spaces`:

  When using superscripted footnote references, the space looks ugly.
  We could automatically activate --trim-footnote-reference-space when
  --footnote-references=superscript (or --use-latex-footnotes for the
  LaTeX writer) is supplied.

  There should be also an option to deactivate the space-trimming,
  e.g. --leave-footnote-reference-space.  The implementation logic is
  a bit tricky: --leave-footnote-reference-space can't just be
  "settings.trim_footnote_reference_space = False", because of the
  automatic activation, unless the order of options is significant.
  If the order is significant, the automatic activation has to take
  place in the option-handling code.  But config files are handled
  after the fact, so order can't be relied upon there.  So they have
  to be two independent settings.

* Enable _`tables inside XML comments`, where "--" ends comments.  I
  see three implementation possibilities:

  1. Make the table syntax characters into "table" directive options.
     This is the most flexible but most difficult, and we probably
     don't need that much flexibility.

  2. Substitute "~" for "-" with a specialized directive option
     (e.g. ":tildes:").

  3. Make the standard table syntax recognize "~" as well as "-", even
     without a directive option.  Individual tables would have to be
     internally consistent.

  Directive options are preferable to configuration settings, because
  tables are document-specific.  A pragma directive would be another
  approach, to set the syntax once for a whole document.


Directives below are often referred to as "module.directive", the
directive function.  The "module." is not part of the directive name
when used in a document.

* Allow directives to be added at run-time?

* Use the language module for directive option names?

* Add "substitution_only" and "substitution_ok" function attributes,
  and automate context checking?

* Change directive functions to directive classes?  Superclass'
  ``__init__()`` could handle all the bookkeeping.

* Implement options on existing directives:

  - Add a "name" option to directives, to set an author-supplied

  - All directives that produce titled elements should grow implicit
    reference names based on the titles.

  - _`images.image`: "border"?

    _`Units of measure`?  (See `docutils-users, 2003-03-02
    <http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.docutils.user/154>`__, and
    `docutils-develop, 2004-04-29

  - _`images.figure`: "title" and "number", to indicate a formal

  - _`parts.sectnum`: "local"?, "start", "refnum"

    A "local" option could enable numbering for sections from a
    certain point down, and sections in the rest of the document are
    not numbered.  For example, a reference section of a manual might
    be numbered, but not the rest.  OTOH, an all-or-nothing approach
    would probably be enough.

    The "start" option will specify the sequence set to use at the
    same time as the starting value, for the first part of the section
    number (i.e., section, not subsection).  For example::

        .. sectnum: :start: 1

        .. sectnum: :start: A

        .. sectnum: :start: 5

        .. sectnum: :start: I

    The first one is the default: start at 1, numbered.  The second
    one specifies letters, and start at "A".  The third specifies
    numbers, start at 5.  The last example could signal Roman
    numerals, although I don't know if they'd be applicable here.
    Enumerated lists already do all this; perhaps that code could be

    Here comes the tricky part.  The "sectnum" directive should be
    usable multiple times in a single document.  For example, in a
    long document with "chapter" and "appendix" sections, there could
    be a second "sectnum" before the first appendix, changing the
    sequence used (from 1,2,3... to A,B,C...).  This is where the
    "local" concept comes in.  This part of the implementation can be
    left for later.

    A "refnum" option (better name?) would insert reference names
    (targets) consisting of the reference number.  Then a URL could be
    of the form ``http://host/document.html#2.5`` (or "2-5"?).  Allow
    internal references by number?  Allow name-based *and*
    number-based ids at the same time, or only one or the other (which
    would the table of contents use)?  Usage issue: altering the
    section structure of a document could render hyperlinks invalid.

  - _`parts.contents`: Add a "suppress" or "prune" option?  It would
    suppress contents display for sections in a branch from that point
    down.  Or a new directive, like "prune-contents"?

    Add an option to include topics in the TOC?  Another for sidebars?
    See docutils-develop 2003-01-29.

  - _`misc.include`:

    - @@@ Allow whitespace in paths (just not at line boundaries).

    - "encoding" option?  Take default from runtime settings.  Use
      Input component to read it in?

    - Option to select a range of lines?

    - Option to label lines?

    - Default directory for "built-in includes", using the C syntax
      ``#include <name>``?

          Use C-preprocessor semantics for locating include files?
          E.g., ``.. include:: file.txt`` will read another file into
          the current one, relative to the current file's directory,
          and ``.. include:: <standard>`` will read a standard include
          file from ``docutils/include/``.  (Should "quotes" be
          required around non-standard include files?)

          -- http://sf.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=1938401

      I now think that ``docutils/parsers/rst/include/`` is a better
      place for these files, since they're reStructuredText-specific.

      Keeping standard data files together with the package code makes
      sense to me.  It seems much less complex to implement than a
      separate system data directory, such as ``/usr/share/docutils``.
      Any reason a system data directory should be used?  How does
      Distutils handle data files?

      How about an environment variable, say RSTINCLUDEPATH or
      RSTPATH?  This could be combined with a setting/option to allow
      user-defined include directories.

      For a specific application, see the discussion of `character
      entity substitution definition files`_ above.

      Instead of C-include "<syntax>", perhaps a new "include-sys"

  - _`misc.raw`: "encoding" option?

  - _`misc.class`: @@@ Allow multiple classes (whitespace-separated)
    to be declared.

* Implement directives.  Each of the list items below begins with an
  identifier of the form, "module_name.directive_function_name".  The
  directive name itself could be the same as the
  directive_function_name, or it could differ.

  - _`html.imagemap` (Useful outside of HTML?  If not, replace with
    image only in non-HTML writers?)

  - _`parts.endnotes` (or "footnotes"): See `Footnote & Citation Gathering`_.

  - _`parts.citations`: See `Footnote & Citation Gathering`_.

  - _`misc.exec`: Execute Python code & insert the results.  Perhaps
    dangerous?  Call it "python" to allow for other languages?

  - _`misc.system`?: Execute an ``os.system()`` call, and insert the
    results (possibly as a literal block).  Definitely dangerous!  How
    to make it safe?  Perhaps such processing  should be left outside
    of the document, in the user's production system (a makefile or a
    script or whatever).  Or, the directive could be disabled by
    default and only enabled with an explicit command-line option or
    config file setting.  Even then, an interactive prompt may be
    useful, such as:

        The file.txt document you are processing contains a "system"
        directive requesting that the ``sudo rm -rf /`` command be
        executed.  Allow it to execute?  (y/N)

  - _`misc.eval`: Evaluate an expression & insert the text.  At parse
    time or at substitution time?  Dangerous?  Perhaps limit to canned
    macros; see text.date_ below.

  - _`misc.encoding`: Specify the character encoding of the input
    data.  But there are problems:

    - When it sees the directive, the parser will already have read
      the input data, and encoding determination will already have
      been done.

    - If a file with an "encoding" directive is edited and saved with
      a different encoding, the directive may cause data corruption.

  - _`misc.language`: Specify the language of a document.  There is a
    problem similar to the first problem listed for misc.encoding_,
    although to a lesser degree.

  - _`misc.settings`: Set any Docutils runtime setting from within a

  - _`misc.charents`: Equivalent to::

        .. include:: {includepath}/charents.txt

  - .. _conditional directives:

    Docutils already has the ability to say "use this content for
    Writer X" (via the "raw" directive), but it doesn't have the
    ability to say "use this content for any Writer other than X".  It
    wouldn't be difficult to add this ability though.

    My first idea would be to add a set of conditional directives.
    Let's call them "writer-is" and "writer-is-not" for discussion
    purposes (don't worry about implemention details).  We might

         .. writer-is:: text-only


                |   SNMP   |
                |   UDP    |
                |    IP    |
                | Ethernet |

         .. writer-is:: pdf

            .. figure:: protocol_stack.eps

         .. writer-is-not:: text-only pdf

            .. figure:: protocol_stack.png

    This could be an interface to the Filter transform

    The ideas in `adaptable file extensions`_ above may also be
    applicable here.

    Here's an example of a directive that could produce multiple
    outputs (*both* raw troff pass-through *and* a GIF, for example)
    and allow the Writer to select. ::

        .. eqn::

           delim %%
           %sum from i=o to inf c sup i~=~lim from {m -> inf}
           sum from i=0 to m sup i%
           delim off

  - _`body.qa` (directive a.k.a. "faq", "questions"): Questions &
    Answers.  Implement as a generic two-column marked list?  As a
    standalone (non-directive) construct?  (Is the markup ambiguous?)
    Add support to parts.contents.

    New elements would be required.  Perhaps::

        <!ELEMENT question_list (question_list_item+)>
        <!ATTLIST question_list
            numbering  (none | local | global)
            start     NUMBER    #IMPLIED>
        <!ELEMENT question_list_item (question, answer*)>
        <!ELEMENT question %text.model;>
        <!ELEMENT answer (%body.elements;)+>

    Originally I thought of implementing a Q&A list with special

        Q: What am I?

        A: You are a question-and-answer

        Q: What are you?

        A: I am the omniscient "we".

    Where each "Q" and "A" could also be numbered (e.g., "Q1").
    However, a simple enumerated or bulleted list will do just fine
    for syntax.  A directive could treat the list specially; e.g. the
    first paragraph could be treated as a question, the remainder as
    the answer (multiple answers could be represented by nested
    lists).  Without special syntax, this directive becomes low

  - _`body.example`: Examples; suggested by Simon Hefti.  Semantics as
    per Docbook's "example"; admonition-style, numbered, reference,
    with a caption/title.

  - _`body.index`: Index targets.

    Were I writing a book with an index, I guess I'd need two
    different kinds of index targets: inline/implicit and
    out-of-line/explicit.  For example::

        In this `paragraph`:index:, several words are being
        `marked`:index: inline as implicit `index`:index:

        .. index:: markup
        .. index:: syntax

        The explicit index directives above would refer to
        this paragraph.  It might also make sense to allow multiple
        entries in an ``index`` directive:

        .. index::

    The words "paragraph", "marked", and "index" would become index
    entries pointing at the words in the first paragraph.  The index
    entry words appear verbatim in the text.  (Don't worry about the
    ugly ":index:" part; if indexing is the only/main application of
    interpreted text in your documents, it can be implicit and
    omitted.)  The two directives provide manual indexing, where the
    index entry words ("markup" and "syntax") do not appear in the
    main text.  We could combine the two directives into one::

        .. index:: markup; syntax

    Semicolons instead of commas because commas could *be* part of the
    index target, like::

        .. index:: van Rossum, Guido

    Another reason for index directives is because other inline markup
    wouldn't be possible within inline index targets.

    Sometimes index entries have multiple levels.  Given::

        .. index:: statement syntax: expression statements

    In a hypothetical index, combined with other entries, it might
    look like this::

        statement syntax
            expression statements ..... 56
            assignment ................ 57
            simple statements ......... 58
            compound statements ....... 60

    Inline multi-level index targets could be done too.  Perhaps
    something like::

        When dealing with `expression statements <statement syntax:>`,
        we must remember ...

    The opposite sense could also be possible::

        When dealing with `index entries <:multi-level>`, there are
        many permutations to consider.

    Also "see / see also" index entries.


        Here's a paragraph.

        .. index:: paragraph

    (The "index" directive above actually targets the *preceding*
    object.)  The directive should produce something like this XML::

        <index_entry text="paragraph"/>
        Here's a paragraph.

    This kind of content model would also allow true inline

        Here's a `paragraph`:index:.

    If the "index" role were the default for the application, it could be

        Here's a `paragraph`.

    Both of these would result in this XML::

        Here's a <index_entry>paragraph</index_entry>.

  - _`body.literal`: Literal block, possibly "formal" (see `object
    numbering and object references`_ above).  Possible options:

	- "highlight" a range of lines

	- "number" or "line-numbers"

    - "styled" could indicate that the directive should check for
      style comments at the end of lines to indicate styling or

      Specific derivatives (i.e., a "python-interactive" directive)
      could interpret style based on cues, like the ">>> " prompt and
      "input()"/"raw_input()" calls.

	See docutils-users 2003-03-03.

  - _`body.sidebar`: Add to the already implemented directive.  Allow
    internal section structure, with adornment styles independent of
    the main document.

  - _`body.list-table`: See `List-Driven Tables

  - _`colorize.python`: Colorize Python code.  Fine for HTML output,
    but what about other formats?  Revert to a literal block?  Do we
    need some kind of "alternate" mechanism?  Perhaps use a "pending"
    transform, which could switch its output based on the "format" in
    use.  Use a factory function "transformFF()" which returns either
    "HTMLTransform()" instance or "GenericTransform" instance?

    If we take a Python-to-HTML pretty-printer and make it output a
    Docutils internal doctree (as per nodes.py) instead of HTML, then
    each output format's stylesheet (or equivalent) mechanism could
    take care of the rest.  The pretty-printer code could turn this
    doctree fragment::

         <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
         print 'This is Python code.'
         for i in range(10):
             print i

    into something like this ("</>" is end-tag shorthand)::

         <literal_block xml:space="preserve" class="python">
         <keyword>print</> <string>'This is Python code.'</>
         <keyword>for</> <identifier>i</> <keyword
         >in</> <expression>range(10)</>:
             <keyword>print</> <expression>i</>

    But I'm leaning toward adding a single new general-purpose
    element, "phrase", equivalent to HTML's <span>.  Here's the
    example rewritten using the generic "phrase"::

        <literal_block xml:space="preserve" class="python">
        <phrase class="keyword">print</> <phrase
         class="string">'This is Python code.'</>
        <phrase class="keyword">for</> <phrase
         class="identifier">i</> <phrase class="keyword">in</> <phrase
            <phrase class="keyword">print</> <phrase

    It's more verbose but more easily extensible and more appropriate
    for the case at hand.  It allows us to edit style sheets to add
    support for new formats, not the Docutils code itself.

    Perhaps a single directive with a format parameter would be

        .. colorize:: python

           print 'This is Python code.'
           for i in range(10):
               print i

    But directives can have synonyms for convenience.  "format::
    python" was suggested, but "format" seems too generic.

  - _`text.date`: Datestamp.  For substitutions.  The directive could
    be followed by a formatting string, using strftime codes.  Default
    is "%Y-%m-%d" (ISO 8601 date), but time fields can also be used.

    - Combined with the "include" directive, implement canned macros?

          .. include:: <macros>

          Today's date is |date|.

      Where "macros" contains ``.. |date| date::``, among others.

  - _`text.time`: Timestamp.  For substitutions.  Shortcut for
    ``.. date:: %H:%M``.  Date fields can also be used.

  - _`pysource.usage`: Extract a usage message from the program,
    either by running it at the command line with a ``--help`` option
    or through an exposed API.  [Suggestion for Optik.]

Interpreted Text

Interpreted text is entirely a reStructuredText markup construct, a
way to get around built-in limitations of the medium.  Some roles are
intended to introduce new doctree elements, such as "title-reference".
Others are merely convenience features, like "RFC".

All supported interpreted text roles must already be known to the
Parser when they are encountered in a document.  Whether pre-defined
in core/client code, or in the document, doesn't matter; the roles
just need to have already been declared.  Adding a new role often
involves adding a new element to the DTD and may require extensive
support, therefore such additions should be well thought-out.  There
should be a limited number of roles.

The only place where no limit is placed on variation is at the start,
at the Reader/Parser interface.  Transforms are inserted by the Reader
into the Transformer's queue, where non-standard elements are
converted.  Once past the Transformer, no variation from the standard
Docutils doctree is possible.

An example is the Python Source Reader, which will use interpreted
text extensively.  The default role will be "Python identifier", which
will be further interpreted by namespace context into <class>,
<method>, <module>, <attribute>, etc. elements (see pysource.dtd),
which will be transformed into standard hyperlink references, which
will be processed by the various Writers.  No Writer will need to have
any knowledge of the Python-Reader origin of these elements.

* Alan Jaffray suggested (and I agree) that it would be sensible to:

  - have a directive and/or command-line option to specify a default
    role for interpreted text
  - allow the reST processor to take an argument for the default role
    (this will be subsumed by the above via the runtime settings
  - issue a warning when processing documents with no default role
    which contain interpreted text with no explicitly specified role
    (there will always be a default role, so this won't happen)

* Add explicit interpreted text roles for the rest of the implicit
  inline markup constructs: named-reference, anonymous-reference,
  footnote-reference, citation-reference, substitution-reference,
  target, uri-reference (& synonyms).

* Add directives for each role as well?  This would allow indirect
  nested markup::

      This text contains |nested inline markup|.

      .. |nested inline markup| emphasis::

         nested ``inline`` markup

* Implement roles:

  - "acronym" and "abbreviation": Associate the full text with a short
    form.  Jason Diamond's description:

        I want to translate ```reST`:acronym:`` into ``<acronym
        title='reStructuredText'>reST</acronym>``.  The value of the
        title attribute has to be defined out-of-band since you can't
        parameterize interpreted text.  Right now I have them in a
        separate file but I'm experimenting with creating a directive
        that will use some form of reST syntax to let you define them.

    Should Docutils complain about undefined acronyms or

    What to do if there are multiple definitions?  How to
    differentiate between CSS (Content Scrambling System) and CSS
    (Cascading Style Sheets) in a single document?  David Priest

        The short answer is: you don't.  Anyone who did such a thing
        would be writing very poor documentation indeed.  (Though I
        note that `somewhere else in the docs`__, there's mention of
        allowing replacement text to be associated with the
        abbreviation.  That takes care of the duplicate
        acronyms/abbreviations problem, though a writer would be
        foolish to ever need it.)

        __ `inline parameter syntax`_

    How to define the full text?  Possibilities:

    1. With a directive and a definition list? ::

           .. acronyms::

                  Docstring Processing System

       Would this list remain in the document as a glossary, or would
       it simply build an internal lookup table?  A "glossary"
       directive could be used to make the intention clear.
       Acronyms/abbreviations and glossaries could work together.

       Then again, a glossary could be formed by gathering individual
       definitions from around the document.

    2. Some kind of `inline parameter syntax`_? ::

           `reST <reStructuredText>`:acronym: is `WYSIWYG <what you
           see is what you get>`:acronym: plaintext markup.

       .. _inline parameter syntax:

    3. A combination of 1 & 2?

       The multiple definitions issue could be handled by establishing
       rules of priority.  For example, directive-based lookup tables
       have highest priority, followed by the first inline definition.
       Multiple definitions in directive-based lookup tables would
       trigger warnings, similar to the rules of `implicit hyperlink

       __ ../ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#implicit-hyperlink-targets

  - "annotation": The equivalent of the HTML "title" attribute.  This
    is secondary information that may "pop up" when the pointer hovers
    over the main text.  A corresponding directive would be required
    to associate annotations with the original text (by name, or
    positionally as in anonymous targets?).

  - "figure", "table", "listing", "chapter", "page", etc: See `object
    numbering and object references`_ above.

  - "term"?: Unfamiliar or specialized terminology.

  - "glossary-term": This would establish a link to a glossary.  It
    would require an associated "glossary-entry" directive, whose
    contents could be a definition list::

        .. glossary-entry::


    This would allow entries to be defined anywhere in the document,
    and collected (via a "glossary" directive perhaps) at one point.

Unimplemented Transforms

* _`Footnote & Citation Gathering`

  Collect and move footnotes & citations to the end of a document.
  (Separate transforms.)

* _`Hyperlink Target Gathering`

  It probably comes in two phases, because in a Python context we need
  to *resolve* them on a per-docstring basis [do we? --DG], but if the
  user is trying to do the callout form of presentation, they would
  then want to group them all at the end of the document.

* _`Reference Merging`

  When merging two or more subdocuments (such as docstrings),
  conflicting references may need to be resolved.  There may be:

  * duplicate reference and/or substitution names that need to be made
    unique; and/or
  * duplicate footnote numbers that need to be renumbered.

  Should this be done before or after reference-resolving transforms
  are applied?  What about references from within one subdocument to
  inside another?

* _`Document Splitting`

  If the processed document is written to multiple files (possibly in
  a directory tree), it will need to be split up.  Internal references
  will have to be adjusted.

  (HTML only?  Initially, yes.  Eventually, anything should be

  Idea: insert a "destination" attribute into the root element of each
  split-out document, containing the path/filename.  The Output object
  or Writer will recognize this attribute and split out the files
  accordingly.  Must allow for common headers & footers, prev/next,
  breadcrumbs, etc.

* _`Navigation`

  If a document is split up, each segment will need navigation links:
  parent, children (small TOC), previous (preorder), next (preorder).
  Part of `Document Splitting`_?

* _`List of System Messages`

  The ``system_message`` elements are inserted into the document tree,
  adjacent to the problems themselves where possible.  Some (those
  generated post-parse) are kept until later, in
  ``document.messages``, and added as a special final section,
  "Docutils System Messages".

  Docutils could be made to generate hyperlinks to all known
  system_messages and add them to the document, perhaps to the end of
  the "Docutils System Messages" section.

  Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:

      I'd like to propose that both parse- and transformation-time
      messages are included in the "Docutils System Messages" section.
      If there are no objections, I can make the change.

  The advantage of the current way of doing things is that parse-time
  system messages don't require a transform; they're already in the
  document.  This is valuable for testing (unit tests,
  tools/quicktest.py).  So if we do decide to make a change, I think
  the insertion of parse-time system messages ought to remain as-is
  and the Messages transform ought to move all parse-time system
  messages (remove from their originally inserted positions, insert in
  System Messages section).

* _`Index Generation`

HTML Writer

* Construct a _`templating system`, as in ht2html/yaptu, using
  directives and substitutions for dynamic stuff?  Or a specialized
  writer to generate .ht & links.h files for ht2html?

  This is an overly generic, ambitious, and unnecessary idea.  The two
  systems, ht2html & yaptu, represent different approaches to
  templating.  Ht2html stiches bits of HTML together to make unified
  web pages.  Yaptu is for generic programmable text replacement.
  Templating should simply be left to other systems.  Users can choose
  a templating system to apply to their reStructuredText documents as
  best serves their interests.

* Add more support for <link> elements, especially for navigation

* Make the admonitions more distinctive and varied.

* Make the "class" attributes optional?  Implies no stylesheet?

* Base list compaction on the spacing of source list?  Would require
  parser support.  (Idea: fantasai, 16 Dec 2002, doc-sig.)

* Add a tool tip ("title" attribute?) to footnote back-links
  identifying them as such.  Text in Docutils language module.

* Add an option to restrict the document title to <head><title> only,
  and not include it in the document body.  Subtitle?

* Insert a comment at the top of HTML files that describes how to deal
  with the broken servers w.r.t. encodings?  Perhaps something like

      If your browser is showing gibberish, the server may be broken.
      Try manually setting the character coding to "UTF-8".  In
      Mozilla/Firefox, do ...  In Internet Explorer, do ...
      For details, see <URL>.

Front-End Tools

* What about if we don't know which Reader and/or Writer we are
  going to use?  If the Reader/Writer is specified on the
  command-line?  (Will this ever happen?)

  Perhaps have different types of front ends:

  a) _`Fully qualified`: Reader and Writer are hard-coded into the
     front end (e.g. ``pep2html [options]``, ``pysource2pdf

  b) _`Partially qualified`: Reader is hard-coded, and the Writer is
     specified a sub-command (e.g. ``pep2 html [options]``,
     ``pysource2 pdf [options]``).  The Writer is known before option
     processing happens, allowing the OptionParser to be built
     dynamically.  Alternatively, the Writer could be hard-coded and
     the Reader specified as a sub-command (e.g. ``htmlfrom pep

  c) _`Unqualified`: Reader and Writer are specified as subcommands
     (e.g. ``publish pep html [options]``, ``publish pysource pdf
     [options]``).  A single front end would be sufficient, but
     probably only useful for testing purposes.

  d) _`Dynamic`: Reader and/or Writer are specified by options, with
     defaults if unspecified (e.g. ``publish --writer pdf
     [options]``).  Is this possible?  The option parser would have
     to be told about new options it needs to handle, on the fly.
     Component-specific options would have to be specified *after*
     the component-specifying option.

  Allow common options before subcommands, as in CVS?  Or group all
  options together?  In the case of the `fully qualified`_
  front ends, all the options will have to be grouped together
  anyway, so there's no advantage (we can't use it to avoid
  conflicts) to splitting common and component-specific options

* Parameterize help text & defaults somehow?  Perhaps a callback?  Or
  initialize ``settings_spec`` in ``__init__`` or ``init_options``?

* Disable common options that don't apply?

* Implement the "sectnum" directive as a command-line option also?

* @@@ Come up with better names for the most-used tools, and install
  them as scripts.

* Create a single dynamic_ or unqualified_ front end that can be

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=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/dev/website.txt ===
 Docutils Web Site
:Author: David Goodger; open to all Docutils developers
:Contact: goodger at python.org
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:16 $
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.

The Docutils web site, <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/>, is
maintained automatically by the docutils-update script, run as an
hourly cron job (by user "goodger").  The script will process any .txt
file which is newer than the corresponding .html file in the project's
web directory on SourceForge (``/home/groups/d/do/docutils/htdocs/``).
For a new .txt file, just SSH to SourceForge and ::

    touch filename.html
    chmod g+w filename.html
    sleep 1
    touch filename.txt

The script will take care of the rest within an hour.  Thereafter
whenever the .txt file is modified (checked in to CVS), the .html will
be regenerated automatically.

After adding directories to CVS, allow the script to run once to
create the directories in the filesystem before preparing for HTML
processing as described above.

The docutils-update__ script is in CVS as

__ http://docutils.sf.net/sandbox/davidg/infrastructure/docutils-update

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   mode: indented-text
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   sentence-end-double-space: t
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