[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/ref
- doctree.txt: docutils.dtd:
soextblx.dtd: transforms.txt:
Andreas Jung
andreas at andreas-jung.com
Fri Oct 29 15:08:20 EDT 2004
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/ref
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv23727/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/ref
Added Files:
Tag: Zope-2_7-branch
doctree.txt docutils.dtd soextblx.dtd transforms.txt
Log Message:
moved docutils to lib/python/third_party
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/ref/doctree.txt === (4448/4848 lines abridged)
The Docutils Document Tree
A Guide to the Docutils DTD
:Author: David Goodger
:Contact: goodger at users.sourceforge.net
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:18 $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
.. contents:: :depth: 1
This document describes the XML data structure of Docutils_ documents:
the relationships and semantics of elements and attributes. The
Docutils document structure is formally defined by the `Docutils
Generic DTD`_ XML document type definition, docutils.dtd_, which is
the definitive source for details of element structural relationships.
This document does not discuss implementation details. Those can be
found in internal documentation (docstrings) for the
``docutils.nodes`` module, where the document tree data structure is
implemented in a class library.
The reader is assumed to have some familiarity with XML or SGML, and
an understanding of the data structure meaning of "tree". For a list
of introductory articles, see `Introducing the Extensible Markup
Language (XML)`_.
The reStructuredText_ markup is used for illustrative examples
throughout this document. For a gentle introduction, see `A
ReStructuredText Primer`_. For complete technical details, see the
`reStructuredText Markup Specification`_.
.. _Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/
.. _Docutils Generic DTD:
.. _Docutils DTD:
.. _docutils.dtd: docutils.dtd
.. _Introducing the Extensible Markup Language (XML):
.. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
.. _A ReStructuredText Primer: ../user/rst/quickstart.html
.. _reStructuredText Markup Specification: rst/restructuredtext.html
Element Hierarchy
.. contents:: :local:
Below is a simplified diagram of the hierarchy of elements in the
Docutils document tree structure. An element may contain any other
elements immediately below it in the diagram. Notes are written in
square brackets. Element types in parentheses indicate recursive or
one-to-many relationships; sections may contain (sub)sections, tables
contain further body elements, etc. ::
| document [may begin with a title, subtitle, docinfo, decoration] |
| +--------------------------------------+
| | sections [each begins with a title] |
| [body elements:] | (sections) |
| | - literal | - lists | | - hyperlink +------------+
| | blocks | - tables | | targets |
| para- | - doctest | - block | foot- | - sub. defs |
| graphs | blocks | quotes | notes | - comments |
| [text]+ | [text] | (body elements) | [text] |
| (inline +-----------+------------------+--------------+
| markup) |
The Docutils document model uses a simple, recursive model for section
structure. A document_ node may contain body elements and section_
elements. Sections in turn may contain body elements and sections.
The level (depth) of a section element is determined from its physical
nesting level; unlike other document models (``<h1>`` in HTML_,
``<sect1>`` in DocBook_, ``<div1>`` in XMLSpec_) the level is not
incorporated into the element name.
The Docutils document model uses strict element content models. Every
element has a unique structure and semantics, but elements may be
classified into general categories (below). Only elements which are
meant to directly contain text data have a mixed content model, where
text data and inline elements may be intermixed. This is unlike the
much looser HTML_ document model, where paragraphs and text data may
occur at the same level.
Structural Elements
Structural elements may only contain child elements; they do not
directly contain text data. Structural elements may contain body
elements or further structural elements. Structural elements can only
be child elements of other structural elements.
Category members: document_, section_, topic_, sidebar_
Structural Subelements
Structural subelements are child elements of structural elements.
Simple structuctural subelements (title_, subtitle_) contain text
data; the others are compound and do not directly contain text data.
Category members: title_, subtitle_, docinfo_, decoration_,
Bibliographic Elements
The docinfo_ element is an optional child of document_. It groups
bibliographic elements together. All bibliographic elements except
authors_ and field_ contain text data. authors_ contains further
bibliographic elements (most notably author_). field_ contains
field_name_ and field_body_ body subelements.
Category members: address_, author_, authors_, contact_, copyright_,
date_, field_, organization_, revision_, status_, version_
Decorative Elements
The decoration_ element is also an optional child of document_. It
groups together elements used to generate page headers and footers.
Category members: footer_, header_
Body Elements
Body elements are contained within structural elements and compound
body elements. There are two subcategories of body elements: simple
and compound.
Category members: admonition_, attention_, block_quote_, bullet_list_,
caution_, citation_, comment_, danger_, definition_list_,
doctest_block_, enumerated_list_, error_, field_list_, figure_,
footnote_, hint_, image_, important_, line_block_, literal_block_,
note_, option_list_, paragraph_, pending_, raw_, rubric_,
substitution_definition_, system_message_, table_, target_, tip_,
Simple Body Elements
Simple body elements directly are empty or contain text data. Those
that contain text data may also contain inline elements. Such
elements therefore have a "mixed content model".
Category members: comment_, doctest_block_, image_, line_block_,
literal_block_, paragraph_, pending_, raw_, rubric_,
substitution_definition_, target_
Compound Body Elements
Compound body elements contain local substructure (body subelements)
and further body elements. They do not directly contain text data.
Category members: admonition_, attention_, block_quote_, bullet_list_,
caution_, citation_, danger_, definition_list_, enumerated_list_,
error_, field_list_, figure_, footnote_, hint_, important_, note_,
option_list_, system_message_, table_, tip_, warning_
Body Subelements
Compound body elements contain specific subelements (e.g. bullet_list_
contains list_item_). Subelements may themselves be compound elements
(containing further child elements, like field_) or simple data
elements (containing text data, like field_name_). These subelements
always occur within specific parent elements, never at the body
element level (beside paragraphs, etc.).
Category members (simple): attribution_, caption_, classifier_,
colspec_, field_name_, label_, option_argument_, option_string_, term_
Category members (compound): definition_, definition_list_item_,
description_, entry_, field_, field_body_, legend_, list_item_,
option_, option_group_, option_list_item_, row_, tbody_, tgroup_,
Inline Elements
[-=- -=- -=- 4448 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]
attribute lists of the following elements: address_, comment_,
doctest_block_, line_block_, literal_block_, raw_
The ``%inline.elements;`` parameter entity contains an OR-list of all
`inline elements`_.
Entity definition:
.. parsed-literal::
emphasis_ | strong_ | literal_
| reference_ | footnote_reference_ | citation_reference_
| substitution_reference_ | title_reference_
| abbreviation_ | acronym_ | subscript_ | superscript_
| inline_ | problematic_ | generated_
| target_ | image_ | raw_
The ``%additional.inline.elements;`` parameter entity can be used by
wrapper DTDs to extend ``%inline.elements;``.
Via `%text.model;`_, the ``%inline.elements;`` parameter entity is
indirectly employed in the content models of the following elements:
abbreviation_, acronym_, address_, attribution_, author_, caption_,
classifier_, contact_, copyright_, date_, doctest_block_, emphasis_,
generated_, inline_, line_block_, literal_block_, organization_,
paragraph_, problematic_, raw_, reference_, revision_, rubric_,
status_, strong_, subscript_, substitution_definition_,
substitution_reference_, subtitle_, superscript_, target_, term_,
title_, title_reference_, version_
The ``%reference.atts;`` parameter entity groups together the refuri_,
refid_, and refname_ attributes.
Entity definition:
.. parsed-literal::
The ``%additional.reference.atts;`` parameter entity can be used by
wrapper DTDs to extend ``%additional.reference.atts;``.
The citation_reference_, footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_
elements directly employ the ``%reference.att;`` parameter entity in
their attribute lists.
The ``%refid.att;`` parameter entity contains the refid_ attribute, an
internal reference to the `id`_ attribute of another element.
Entity definition:
.. parsed-literal::
The title_ and problematic_ elements directly employ the
``%refid.att;`` parameter entity in their attribute lists.
Via `%reference.atts;`_, the ``%refid.att;`` parameter entity is
indirectly employed in the attribute lists of the citation_reference_,
footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_ elements.
The ``%refname.att;`` parameter entity contains the refname_
attribute, an internal reference to the `name`_ attribute of another
element. On a `target`_ element, ``refname`` indicates an indirect
target which may resolve to either an internal or external
Entity definition:
.. parsed-literal::
The substitution_reference_ element directly employs the
``%refname.att;`` parameter entity in its attribute list.
Via `%reference.atts;`_, the ``%refname.att;`` parameter entity is
indirectly employed in the attribute lists of the citation_reference_,
footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_ elements.
The ``%refuri.att;`` parameter entity contains the refuri_ attribute,
an external reference to a URI/URL.
Entity definition:
.. parsed-literal::
Via `%reference.atts;`_, the ``%refuri.att;`` parameter entity is
indirectly employed in the attribute lists of the citation_reference_,
footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_ elements.
The ``%section.elements;`` parameter entity contains an OR-list of all
section_-equivalent elements. ``%section.elements;`` is itself
contained within the `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity.
Entity definition:
.. parsed-literal::
The ``%additional.section.elements;`` parameter entity can be used
by wrapper DTDs to extend ``%section.elements;``.
Via `%structure.model;`_, the ``%section.elements;`` parameter entity
is indirectly employed in the content models of the document_ and
section_ elements.
The ``%structure.model;`` parameter entity encapsulates the
hierarchical structure of a document and of its constituent parts.
See the discussion of the `element hierarchy`_ above.
Entity definition:
.. parsed-literal::
( ( (`%body.elements;`_ | topic_ | sidebar_)+,
(transition_, (`%body.elements;`_ | topic_ | sidebar_)+ )*,
(`%section.elements;`_)* )
| (`%section.elements;`_)+ )
Each document_ or section_ contains either:
- multiple body elements, topics, and/or sidebars, optionally
interspersed with transitions (but transitions cannot occur at the
beginning or end, nor may there be two transitions in a row),
followed by zero or more sections; or
- one or more sections (whose contents are recursively the same as this
The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity is directly employed in the
content models of the document_ and section_ elements.
The ``%text.model;`` parameter entity is used by many elements to
represent text data mixed with `inline elements`_.
Entity definition:
.. parsed-literal::
(#PCDATA | `%inline.elements;`_)*
The ``%text.model;`` parameter entity is directly employed in the
content models of the following elements: abbreviation_, acronym_,
address_, author_, caption_, classifier_, contact_, copyright_, date_,
doctest_block_, emphasis_, field_name_, generated_, line_block_,
literal_block_, organization_, paragraph_, problematic_, raw_,
reference_, revision_, status_, strong_, substitution_definition_,
substitution_reference_, subtitle_, target_, term_, title_, version_
Local Variables:
mode: indented-text
indent-tabs-mode: nil
sentence-end-double-space: t
fill-column: 70
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/ref/docutils.dtd ===
Docutils Generic DTD
:Author: David Goodger
:Contact: goodger at users.sourceforge.net
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:18 $
:Copyright: This DTD has been placed in the public domain.
:Filename: docutils.dtd
More information about this DTD (document type definition) and the
Docutils project can be found at http://docutils.sourceforge.net/.
The latest version of this DTD is available from
The formal public identifier for this DTD is::
+//IDN docutils.sourceforge.net//DTD Docutils Generic//EN//XML
Parameter Entities
Parameter entities are used to simplify the DTD (reduce duplication)
and to allow the DTD to be customized by wrapper DTDs. Parameter
entities beginning with "additional" are meant to allow easy extension
by wrapper DTDs.
<!-- Attributes
================================================================== -->
<!-- Boolean: no if zero(s), yes if any other value. -->
<!ENTITY % yesorno "NMTOKEN">
<!-- Emphasize that the attribute value must be a number. -->
<!ENTITY % number "NMTOKEN">
<!ENTITY % additional.basic.atts "">
Attributes shared by all elements in this DTD:
- `id` is a unique identifier, typically assigned by the system.
- `name` is an identifier assigned in the markup.
- `dupname` is the same as `name`, used when it's a duplicate.
- `source` is the name of the source of this document or fragment.
- `class` is used to transmit individuality information forward.
<!ENTITY % basic.atts
%additional.basic.atts; ">
<!-- External reference to a URI/URL. -->
<!ENTITY % refuri.att
" refuri CDATA #IMPLIED ">
<!-- Internal reference to the `id` attribute of an element. -->
<!ENTITY % refid.att
" refid IDREF #IMPLIED ">
<!-- Space-separated list of id references, for backlinks. -->
<!ENTITY % backrefs.att
" backrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED ">
Internal reference to the `name` attribute of an element. On a
'target' element, 'refname' indicates an indirect target which may
resolve to either an internal or external reference.
<!ENTITY % refname.att
" refname NMTOKENS #IMPLIED ">
<!ENTITY % additional.reference.atts "">
<!-- Collected hyperlink reference attributes. -->
<!ENTITY % reference.atts
" %refuri.att;
%additional.reference.atts; ">
<!-- Unnamed hyperlink. -->
<!ENTITY % anonymous.att
" anonymous %yesorno; #IMPLIED ">
<!-- Auto-numbered footnote or title. -->
<!ENTITY % auto.att
" auto CDATA #IMPLIED ">
<!-- XML standard attribute for whitespace-preserving elements. -->
<!ENTITY % fixedspace.att
" xml:space (default | preserve) #FIXED 'preserve' ">
<!-- Element OR-Lists
============================================================= -->
<!ENTITY % additional.bibliographic.elements "">
<!ENTITY % bibliographic.elements
" author | authors | organization | address | contact
| version | revision | status | date | copyright
| field
%additional.bibliographic.elements; ">
<!ENTITY % additional.section.elements "">
<!ENTITY % section.elements
" section
%additional.section.elements; ">
<!ENTITY % additional.body.elements "">
<!ENTITY % body.elements
" paragraph | literal_block | doctest_block | line_block | block_quote
| table | figure | image | footnote | citation | rubric
| bullet_list | enumerated_list | definition_list | field_list
| option_list
| attention | caution | danger | error | hint | important | note
| tip | warning | admonition
| reference | target | substitution_definition | comment | pending
| system_message | raw
%additional.body.elements; ">
<!ENTITY % additional.inline.elements "">
<!ENTITY % inline.elements
" emphasis | strong | literal
| reference | footnote_reference | citation_reference
| substitution_reference | title_reference
| abbreviation | acronym | subscript | superscript
| inline | problematic | generated
| target | image | raw
%additional.inline.elements; ">
<!-- Element Content Models
================================================================== -->
<!ENTITY % structure.model
" ( ( (%body.elements; | topic | sidebar)+,
(transition, (%body.elements; | topic | sidebar)+ )*,
(%section.elements;)* )
| (%section.elements;)+ ) ">
<!ENTITY % text.model
" (#PCDATA | %inline.elements;)* ">
<!-- Table Model
This DTD uses the Exchange subset of the CALS-table model (OASIS
Technical Memorandum 9901:1999 "XML Exchange Table Model DTD",
<!ENTITY % calstblx PUBLIC
"-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN"
<!-- These parameter entities customize the table model DTD. -->
<!ENTITY % bodyatt " %basic.atts; "> <!-- table elt -->
<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att " %basic.atts; ">
<!ENTITY % tbl.thead.att " %basic.atts; ">
<!ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att " %basic.atts; ">
<!ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att " %basic.atts; ">
<!ENTITY % tbl.row.att " %basic.atts; ">
<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl " (%body.elements;)* ">
<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.att
" %basic.atts;
morecols %number; #IMPLIED ">
Root Element
<!-- Optional elements may be generated by internal processing. -->
<!ELEMENT document
((title, subtitle?)?, docinfo?, decoration?, %structure.model;)>
<!ATTLIST document %basic.atts;>
Title Elements
<!ELEMENT title %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST title
<!ELEMENT subtitle %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST subtitle %basic.atts;>
Bibliographic Elements
<!-- Container for bibliographic elements. May not be empty. -->
<!ELEMENT docinfo (%bibliographic.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST docinfo %basic.atts;>
<!-- Container for bibliographic elements. May not be empty.
Eventual replacement for docinfo? -->
<!ELEMENT info (%bibliographic.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST info %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT author %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST author %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT authors ((author, organization?, address?, contact?)+)>
<!ATTLIST authors %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT organization %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST organization %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT address %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST address
<!ELEMENT contact %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST contact %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT version %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST version %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT revision %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST revision %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT status %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST status %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT date %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST date %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT copyright %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST copyright %basic.atts;>
Decoration Elements
<!ELEMENT decoration (header?, footer?)>
<!ATTLIST decoration %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT header (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST header %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT footer (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST footer %basic.atts;>
Structural Elements
<!ELEMENT section
(title, subtitle?, info?, decoration?, %structure.model;)>
<!ATTLIST section %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT topic (title?, (%body.elements;)+)>
<!ATTLIST topic %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT sidebar (title, subtitle?, (%body.elements;)+)>
<!ATTLIST sidebar %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT transition EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST transition %basic.atts;>
Body Elements
<!ELEMENT paragraph %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST paragraph %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT bullet_list (list_item+)>
<!ATTLIST bullet_list
<!ELEMENT enumerated_list (list_item+)>
<!ATTLIST enumerated_list
enumtype (arabic | loweralpha | upperalpha
| lowerroman | upperroman)
start %number; #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT list_item (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST list_item %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT definition_list (definition_list_item+)>
<!ATTLIST definition_list %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT definition_list_item (term, classifier?, definition)>
<!ATTLIST definition_list_item %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT term %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST term %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT classifier %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST classifier %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT definition (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST definition %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT field_list (field+)>
<!ATTLIST field_list %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT field (field_name, field_body)>
<!ATTLIST field %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT field_name %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST field_name %basic.atts;>
<!-- May be empty. -->
<!ELEMENT field_body (%body.elements;)*>
<!ATTLIST field_body %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT option_list (option_list_item+)>
<!ATTLIST option_list %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT option_list_item (option_group, description)>
<!ATTLIST option_list_item %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT option_group (option+)>
<!ATTLIST option_group %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT option (option_string, option_argument*)>
<!ATTLIST option %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT option_string (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST option_string %basic.atts;>
`delimiter` contains the text preceding the `option_argument`: either
the text separating it from the `option_string` (typically either "="
or " ") or the text between option arguments (typically either "," or
" ").
<!ELEMENT option_argument (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST option_argument
delimiter CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT description (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST description %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT literal_block %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST literal_block
<!ELEMENT line_block %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST line_block
<!ELEMENT block_quote ((%body.elements;)+, attribution?)>
<!ATTLIST block_quote %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT attribution %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST attribution %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT doctest_block %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST doctest_block
<!ELEMENT attention (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST attention %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT caution (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST caution %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT danger (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST danger %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT error (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST error %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT hint (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST hint %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT important (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST important %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT note (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST note %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT tip (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST tip %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT warning (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST warning %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT admonition (title, (%body.elements;)+)>
<!ATTLIST admonition %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT footnote (label?, (%body.elements;)+)>
<!ATTLIST footnote
<!ELEMENT citation (label, (%body.elements;)+)>
<!ATTLIST citation
<!ELEMENT label (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST label %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT rubric %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST rubric %basic.atts;>
<!-- Empty except when used as an inline element. -->
<!ELEMENT target %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST target
<!ELEMENT substitution_definition %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST substitution_definition %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST comment
<!ELEMENT pending EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST pending %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT figure (image, ((caption, legend?) | legend)) >
<!ATTLIST figure
width %number; #IMPLIED>
<!-- Also an inline element. -->
<!ATTLIST image
height %number; #IMPLIED
width %number; #IMPLIED
scale %number; #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT caption %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST caption %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT legend (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST legend %basic.atts;>
Table elements: table, tgroup, colspec, thead, tbody, row, entry.
<!-- Used to record processing information. -->
<!ELEMENT system_message (%body.elements;)+>
<!ATTLIST system_message
level %number; #IMPLIED
line %number; #IMPLIED
<!-- Used to pass raw data through the system. Also inline. -->
<!ELEMENT raw %text.model;>
Inline Elements
Inline elements occur within the text contents of body elements. Some
nesting of inline elements is allowed by these definitions, with the
following caveats:
- An inline element may not contain a nested element of the same type
(e.g. <strong> may not contain another <strong>).
- Nested inline elements may or may not be supported by individual
applications using this DTD.
- The inline elements <footnote_reference>, <citation_reference>,
<literal>, and <image> do not support nesting.
<!ELEMENT emphasis %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST emphasis %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT strong %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST strong %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT literal (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST literal %basic.atts;>
<!-- Can also be a body element, when it contains an "image" element. -->
<!ELEMENT reference %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST reference
<!ELEMENT footnote_reference (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST footnote_reference
<!ELEMENT citation_reference (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST citation_reference
<!ELEMENT substitution_reference %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST substitution_reference
<!ELEMENT title_reference %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST title_reference %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT abbreviation %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST abbreviation %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT acronym %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST acronym %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT superscript %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST superscript %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT subscript %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST subscript %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT inline %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST inline %basic.atts;>
<!ELEMENT problematic %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST problematic
<!ELEMENT generated %text.model;>
<!ATTLIST generated %basic.atts;>
Local Variables:
mode: sgml
indent-tabs-mode: nil
fill-column: 70
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/ref/soextblx.dtd ===
OASIS XML Exchange Table Model Declaration Module
:Date: 1999-03-15
<!-- This set of declarations defines the XML version of the Exchange
Table Model as of the date shown in the Formal Public Identifier
(FPI) for this entity.
This set of declarations may be referred to using a public external
entity declaration and reference as shown in the following three
<!ENTITY % calstblx
PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN">
If various parameter entities used within this set of declarations
are to be given non-default values, the appropriate declarations
should be given before calling in this package (i.e., before the
"%calstblx;" reference).
<!-- The motivation for this XML version of the Exchange Table Model
is simply to create an XML version of the SGML Exchange Table
Model. By design, no effort has been made to "improve" the model.
This XML version incorporates the logical bare minimum changes
necessary to make the Exchange Table Model a valid XML DTD.
<!-- The XML version of the Exchange Table Model differs from
the SGML version in the following ways:
The following parameter entities have been removed:
- tbl.table.excep, tbl.hdft.excep, tbl.row.excep, tbl.entry.excep
There are no exceptions in XML. The following normative statement
is made in lieu of exceptions: the exchange table model explicitly
forbids a table from occurring within another table. If the
content model of an entry includes a table element, then this
cannot be enforced by the DTD, but it is a deviation from the
exchange table model to include a table within a table.
- tbl.hdft.name, tbl.hdft.mdl, tbl.hdft.excep, tbl.hdft.att
The motivation for these elements was to change the table
header/footer elements. Since XML does not allow element declarations
to contain name groups, and the exchange table model does not
allow a table to contain footers, the continued presence of these
attributes seems unnecessary.
The following parameter entity has been added:
- tbl.thead.att
This entity parameterizes the attributes on thead. It replaces
the tbl.hdft.att parameter entity.
Other miscellaneous changes:
- Tag ommission indicators have been removed
- Comments have been removed from declarations
- NUMBER attributes have been changed to NMTOKEN
- NUTOKEN attributes have been to changed to NMTOKEN
- Removed the grouping characters around the content model
parameter entry for the 'entry' element. This is necessary
so that an entry can contain #PCDATA and be defined as an
optional, repeatable OR group beginning with #PCDATA.
<!-- This entity includes a set of element and attribute declarations
that partially defines the Exchange table model. However, the model
is not well-defined without the accompanying natural language
description of the semantics (meanings) of these various elements,
attributes, and attribute values. The semantic writeup, also available
from SGML Open, should be used in conjunction with this entity.
<!-- In order to use the Exchange table model, various parameter entity
declarations are required. A brief description is as follows:
%yesorno In ATTLIST of: An attribute declared value
almost all elements for a "boolean" attribute
%paracon In content model of: The "text" (logical content)
<entry> of the model group for <entry>
%titles In content model of: The "title" part of the model
table element group for the table element
%tbl.table.name In declaration of: The name of the "table"
table element element
%tbl.table-titles.mdl In content model of: The model group for the title
table elements part of the content model for
table element
%tbl.table.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
table elements model for table element,
often (and by default) defined
in terms of %tbl.table-titles.mdl
and tgroup
%tbl.table.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
table element table element
%bodyatt In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
table element table element (for backward
compatibility with the SGML
%tbl.tgroup.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
<tgroup> model for <tgroup>
%tbl.tgroup.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
4 <tgroup> <tgroup> element
%tbl.thead.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
<thead> <thead> element
%tbl.tbody.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
<tbody> <tbody> element
%tbl.colspec.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
<colspec> <colspec> element
%tbl.row.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
<row> model for <row>
%tbl.row.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
<row> <row> element
%tbl.entry.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
<entry> model for <entry>
%tbl.entry.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
<entry> <entry> element
This set of declarations will use the default definitions shown below
for any of these parameter entities that are not declared before this
set of declarations is referenced.
<!-- These definitions are not directly related to the table model, but are
used in the default CALS table model and may be defined elsewhere (and
prior to the inclusion of this table module) in the referencing DTD. -->
<!ENTITY % yesorno 'NMTOKEN'> <!-- no if zero(s), yes if any other value -->
<!ENTITY % titles 'title?'>
<!ENTITY % paracon '#PCDATA'> <!-- default for use in entry content -->
The parameter entities as defined below change and simplify the CALS table
model as published (as part of the Example DTD) in MIL-HDBK-28001. The
resulting simplified DTD has support from the SGML Open vendors and is
therefore more interoperable among different systems.
These following declarations provide the Exchange default definitions
for these entities. However, these entities can be redefined (by giving
the appropriate parameter entity declaration(s) prior to the reference
to this Table Model declaration set entity) to fit the needs of the
current application.
Note, however, that changes may have significant effect on the ability to
interchange table information. These changes may manifest themselves
in useability, presentation, and possible structure information degradation.
<!ENTITY % tbl.table.name "table">
<!ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "%titles;,">
<!ENTITY % tbl.table-main.mdl "tgroup+">
<!ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl "%tbl.table-titles.mdl; %tbl.table-main.mdl;">
<!ENTITY % tbl.table.att "
pgwide %yesorno; #IMPLIED ">
<!ENTITY % bodyatt "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.mdl "colspec*,thead?,tbody">
<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.thead.att "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.row.mdl "entry+">
<!ENTITY % tbl.row.att "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "(%paracon;)*">
<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.att "">
<!-- ===== Element and attribute declarations follow. ===== -->
Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY % tbl.table.name "table"
ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "%titles;,"
ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl "%tbl.table-titles; tgroup+"
ENTITY % tbl.table.att "
pgwide %yesorno; #IMPLIED "
<!ELEMENT %tbl.table.name; (%tbl.table.mdl;)>
<!ATTLIST %tbl.table.name;
frame (top|bottom|topbot|all|sides|none) #IMPLIED
colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.mdl "colspec*,thead?,tbody"
ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att ""
<!ELEMENT tgroup (%tbl.tgroup.mdl;) >
<!ATTLIST tgroup
colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att ""
<!ELEMENT colspec EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST colspec
colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY % tbl.thead.att ""
<!ELEMENT thead (row+)>
<!ATTLIST thead
valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att ""
<!ELEMENT tbody (row+)>
<!ATTLIST tbody
valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY % tbl.row.mdl "entry+"
ENTITY % tbl.row.att ""
<!ELEMENT row (%tbl.row.mdl;)>
rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY % paracon "#PCDATA"
ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "(%paracon;)*"
ENTITY % tbl.entry.att ""
<!ELEMENT entry %tbl.entry.mdl;>
<!ATTLIST entry
colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/third_party/docutils/docs/ref/transforms.txt ===
Docutils Transforms
:Author: David Goodger
:Contact: goodger at users.sourceforge.net
:Revision: $Revision: $
:Date: $Date: 2004/10/29 19:08:18 $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
.. contents::
For background about transforms and the Transformer object, see `PEP
.. _PEP 258: ../peps/pep-0258.html#transformer
Transforms Listed in Priority Order
============================== ============================ ========
Transform: module.Class Added By Priority
============================== ============================ ========
misc.class "class" (d/p) 210
references.Substitutions standalone (r), pep (r) 220
frontmatter.DocTitle standalone (r) 320
frontmatter.DocInfo standalone (r) 340
peps.Headers pep (r) 360
peps.Contents pep (r) 380
references.ChainedTargets standalone (r), pep (r) 420
references.AnonymousHyperlinks standalone (r), pep (r) 440
references.IndirectHyperlinks standalone (r), pep (r) 460
peps.TargetNotes pep (r) 520
references.TargetNotes peps.TargetNotes (t/p) 0
misc.CallBack peps.TargetNotes (t/p) 1
references.TargetNotes "target-notes" (d/p) 540
references.Footnotes standalone (r), pep (r) 620
references.ExternalTargets standalone (r), pep (r) 640
references.InternalTargets standalone (r), pep (r) 660
parts.SectNum "sectnum" (d/p) 710
parts.Contents "contents" (d/p), 720
peps.Contents (t/p)
peps.PEPZero peps.Headers (t/p) 760
components.Filter "meta" (d/p) 780
universal.Decorations Transformer 820
universal.FinalChecks Transformer 840
universal.Messages Transformer 860
universal.FilterMessages Transformer 870
universal.TestMessages DocutilsTestSupport 880
misc.CallBack n/a 990
============================== ============================ ========
* (r): Reader
* (d): Directive
* (t): Transform
* (/p): Via a "pending" node
Transform Priority Range Categories
==== ==== ================================================
---------- ------------------------------------------------
>From To Category
==== ==== ================================================
0 99 immediate execution (added by another transform)
100 199 very early (non-standard)
200 299 very early
300 399 early
400 699 main
700 799 late
800 899 very late
900 999 very late (non-standard)
==== ==== ================================================
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