[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Packages/Signals - WinSignalHandler.py: Signals.py:

Sidnei da Silva sidnei at awkly.org
Tue Apr 12 23:08:57 EDT 2005

Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/Signals
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv19174

Modified Files:
      Tag: Zope-2_7-branch
Added Files:
      Tag: Zope-2_7-branch
Log Message:

* Implement a signal mechanism for Windows utilising Windows 'Named Events'.
  See comments in WinSignalHandler.py for details.
* As Windows can not rename an open file, when the 'reopen' signal is
  received try and call a 'rotate' method rather than a reopen.  Rotation
  itself is implemented in zLOG.LogHandler

=== Added File Packages/Signals/WinSignalHandler.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.

"""Signal handling dispatcher for Windows."""

# This code "simulates" Unix signals via Windows events.  When a signal is
# registered, we simply create a global named event for that signal.  The
# signal can be set by any user with the correct permission opening and
# setting the event.
# One event is used per signal, and the event name is based on both the
# Zope process ID and the signal number.  For example, assuming a process
# ID of 123, a SIGINT handler would create an event called "Zope-123-2" 
# (as signal.SIGINT==2).  The logfile reopen handler uses an event named
# "Zope-123-12" (as the logfile handler uses SIGUSR2, which == 12)

# The following program will send such an event:
#   import sys, win32event
#   hev = win32event.OpenEvent(win32event.EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, 0, sys.argv[1])
#   win32event.SetEvent(hev)
# A good way to get the PID is to read the var/*.pid file for the app.

# This code is only the generic signal mechanism for Windows.
# The signal handlers are still external, just like for other platforms.

# NOTE: There is one huge semantic difference between these "signals"
# and signals on Unix.  On Windows, the signals are delivered asynchronously
# to a thread inside this module.  This thread calls the event handler 
# directly - there is no magic to switch the call back to the main thread.
# If this is a problem (not currently, but likely later), one option may be 
# to add yet another asyncore handler - the thread in this module could 
# then "post" the request to the main thread via this asyncore handler.

import sys, os
import signal
import threading
import asyncore
import atexit
import Lifetime

# SetConsoleCtrlHandler not in early pywin32 versions - Signals.py will
# catch the import error.
from win32api import SetConsoleCtrlHandler
import win32con
import win32event
import pywintypes
import ntsecuritycon

# PEP 282/Z3 style logging.
import zLOG
def _log(msg, severity=zLOG.INFO, error=None):
    zLOG.LOG("WinSignalHandler", severity, msg, "", error)
class Logger:
    def error(self, msg):
        _log(msg, zLOG.ERROR)
    def exception(self, msg):
        _log(msg, zLOG.ERROR, error=sys.exc_info())
    def warn(self, msg):
        _log(msg, zLOG.PROBLEM)
    def info(self, msg):
        _log(msg, zLOG.INFO)
    def debug(self, msg):
        _log(msg, zLOG.DEBUG)

# We simulate signals via win32 named events.  This is the event name
# prefix we use - the "signal number" is appended to this name.
event_name_prefix = "Zope-%d-" % os.getpid()

# For Windows 2000 and later, we prefix "Global\" to the name, so that
# it works correctly in a Terminal Services environment.
winver = sys.getwindowsversion()
# sys.getwindowsversion() -> major, minor, build, platform_id, ver_string
# for platform_id, 2==VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
if winver[0] >= 5 and winver[3] == 2:
    event_name_prefix = "Global\\" + event_name_prefix

def createEventSecurityObject():
    # Create a security object giving World read/write access,
    # but only "Owner" modify access.
    sa = pywintypes.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()
    sidEveryone = pywintypes.SID()
    sidEveryone.SetSubAuthority(0, ntsecuritycon.SECURITY_WORLD_RID)
    sidCreator = pywintypes.SID()
    sidCreator.SetSubAuthority(0, ntsecuritycon.SECURITY_CREATOR_OWNER_RID)

    acl = pywintypes.ACL()
    acl.AddAccessAllowedAce(win32event.EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, sidEveryone)
    acl.AddAccessAllowedAce(ntsecuritycon.FILE_ALL_ACCESS, sidCreator)

    sa.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(1, acl, 0)
    return sa

def wakeSelect():
    """Interrupt a sleeping asyncore 'select' call"""
    # What is the right thing to do here?  
    # asyncore.close_all() works, but I fear that would
    # prevent the poll based graceful cleanup code from working.
    # This seems to work :)
    for fd, obj in asyncore.socket_map.items():
        if hasattr(obj, "pull_trigger"):

class SignalHandler:

    def __init__(self):
        self.registry = {}
        self.event_handles = {}
        self.admin_event_handle = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
        self.shutdown_requested = False
        # Register a "console control handler" for Ctrl+C/Break notification.
        # Start the thread that is watching for events.
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self.signalCheckerThread)
        # If something goes terribly wrong, don't wait for this thread!
        self.signal_thread = thread

    def shutdown(self):
        # Shutdown our signal watcher thread.
        logger.debug("signal handler shutdown starting.")
        self.shutdown_requested = 1
        # sadly, this can deadlock at shutdown when Ctrl+C is used
        # (although not then the event is used to trigger shutdown)
        # at least in build 204.  Further updates as they come to hand...
        # Remove the Windows control handler
        #SetConsoleCtrlHandler(consoleCtrlHandler, 0)
        self.signal_thread.join(5) # should never block for long!

        self.registry = None
        self.event_handles = None
        self.admin_event_handle = None
        logger.debug("signal handler shutdown complete.")

    def consoleCtrlHandler(self, ctrlType):
        """Called by Windows on a new thread whenever a console control 
           event is raised."""
        logger.debug("Windows control event %d" % ctrlType)
        sig = None
        if ctrlType == win32con.CTRL_C_EVENT:
            # user pressed Ctrl+C or someone did GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent
            sig = signal.SIGINT
        elif ctrlType == win32con.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT:
            sig = signal.SIGTERM
        elif ctrlType == win32con.CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT:
            # Console is about to die.
            # CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT gives us 5 seconds before displaying
            # the "End process" dialog - so treat as 'fast'
            sig = signal.SIGTERM
        elif ctrlType in (win32con.CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT, 
            # MSDN says:
            # "Note that this signal is received only by services. 
            # Interactive applications are terminated at logoff, so 
            # they are not present when the system sends this signal."
            # We can therefore ignore it (our service framework 
            # manages shutdown in this case)
            logger.info("Unexpected windows control event %d" % ctrlType)
        # Call the signal handler - we could also do it asynchronously
        # by setting the relevant event, but we need it synchronous so
        # that we don't wake the select loop until after the shutdown
        # flags have been set.
        result = 0
        if sig is not None and self.registry.has_key(sig):
            self.signalHandler(sig, None)
            result = 1 # don't call other handlers.
        return result

    def signalCheckerThread(self):
        while not self.shutdown_requested:
            handles = [self.admin_event_handle]
            signums = [None]
            for signum, handle in self.event_handles.items():
            rc = win32event.WaitForMultipleObjects(handles, False,
            logger.debug("signalCheckerThread awake with %s" % rc)
            signum = signums[rc - win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0]
            if signum is None:
                # Admin event - either shutdown, or new event object created.
                logger.debug("signalCheckerThread calling %s" % signum)
                self.signalHandler(signum, None)
                logger.debug("signalCheckerThread back")
        logger.debug("signalCheckerThread stopped")

    def registerHandler(self, signum, handler):
        """Register a handler function that will be called when the process
           recieves the signal signum. The signum argument must be a signal
           constant such as SIGTERM. The handler argument must be a function
           or method that takes no arguments."""
        items = self.registry.get(signum)
        if items is None:
            items = self.registry[signum] = []
            # Create an event for this signal.
            event_name = event_name_prefix + str(signum)
            sa = createEventSecurityObject()
            hevent = win32event.CreateEvent(sa, 0, 0, event_name)
            self.event_handles[signum] = hevent
            # Let the worker thread know there is a new handle.
            signame = get_signal_name(signum)
            logger.debug("Installed sighandler for %s (%s)" % (signame, event_name))
        items.insert(0, handler)

    def getRegisteredSignals(self):
        """Return a list of the signals that have handlers registered. This
           is used to pass the signals through to the ZDaemon code."""
        return self.registry.keys()

    def signalHandler(self, signum, frame):
        """Meta signal handler that dispatches to registered handlers."""
        signame = get_signal_name(signum)
        logger.info("Caught signal %s" % signame)

        for handler in self.registry.get(signum, []):
            # Never let a bad handler prevent the standard signal
            # handlers from running.
            try: handler()
            except SystemExit, rc:
                # On Unix, signals are delivered to the main thread, so a 
                # SystemExit does the right thing.  On Windows, we are on
                # our own thread, so throwing SystemExit there isn't a great
                # idea.  Just shutdown the main loop.
                logger.debug("Trapped SystemExit(%s) - doing Lifetime shutdown" % (rc,))
                logger.exception("A handler for %s failed!'" % signame)
            wakeSelect() # trigger a walk around the Lifetime loop.

_signals = None

def get_signal_name(n):
    """Return the symbolic name for signal n.

    Returns 'signal n' if there is no SIG name bound to n in the signal
    global _signals
    if _signals is None:
        _signals = {}
        for k, v in signal.__dict__.items():
            startswith = getattr(k, 'startswith', None)
            if startswith is None:
            if startswith('SIG') and not startswith('SIG_'):
                _signals[v] = k
        # extra ones that aren't (weren't?) in Windows.
        for name, val in ("SIGHUP", 1), ("SIGUSR1", 10), ("SIGUSR2", 12):
            if not _signals.has_key(name):
                _signals[val] = name

    return _signals.get(n, 'signal %d' % n)

# The win32 ConsoleCtrlHandler
def consoleCtrlHandler(ctrlType):
    return SignalHandler.consoleCtrlHandler(ctrlType)

# The SignalHandler is actually a singleton.
SignalHandler = SignalHandler()

# Need to be careful at shutdown - the 'signal watcher' thread which triggers 
# the shutdown may still be running when the main thread terminates and 
# Python starts cleaning up.

=== Packages/Signals/Signals.py => ===
--- Packages/Signals/Signals.py:	Wed Nov 12 15:42:00 2003
+++ Packages/Signals/Signals.py	Tue Apr 12 23:08:56 2005
@@ -17,8 +17,28 @@
-from SignalHandler import SignalHandler
+# Interesting signals and associated actions...
+#  SIGHUP  (1)  - restart
+#  SIGINT  (2)  - shutdown clean
+#  SIGUSR1 (10) - pack (reserved, not used)
+#  SIGUSR2 (12) - log reopen
+#  SIGTERM (15) - shutdown fast
+import os
 import zLOG
+if os.name == 'nt':
+    try:
+        from WinSignalHandler import SignalHandler
+    except ImportError:
+        msg = ('Can not install signal handlers.  Please install '
+               '(or upgrade) your pywin32 installation '
+               '(https://sf.net/projects/pywin32)')
+        zLOG.LOG('Z2', zLOG.PROBLEM, msg)
+        SignalHandler = None
+    from SignalHandler import SignalHandler
 import sys
 import Lifetime
@@ -51,6 +71,22 @@
     zLOG.LOG('Z2', zLOG.INFO, "Log files reopened successfully")
+# On Windows, a 'reopen' is useless - the file can not be renamed
+# while open, so we perform a trivial 'rotate'.
+def logfileRotateHandler():
+    """Rotate log files on SIGUSR2. Only called on Windows. This is
+       registered first if we are on Windows, so it should be called
+       after all other SIGUSR2 handlers."""
+    zLOG.LOG('Z2', zLOG.DEBUG, "Log files rotation starting...")
+    from zLOG.EventLogger import event_logger
+    from ZServer.AccessLogger import access_logger
+    from ZServer.DebugLogger import debug_logger
+    for logger in (event_logger, access_logger, debug_logger):
+        for handler in logger.logger.handlers:
+            if hasattr(handler, 'rotate') and callable(handler.rotate):
+                handler.rotate()
+    zLOG.LOG('Z2', zLOG.INFO, "Log files rotation complete")
 def packHandler():
     """ Packs the main database.  Not safe to call under a signal
     handler, because it blocks the main thread """
@@ -64,16 +100,35 @@
         zLOG.LOG('Z2', zLOG.INFO,
                  'Call to pack failed!', error=sys.exc_info())
 def registerZopeSignals():
-    import signal
-    SignalHandler.registerHandler(signal.SIGTERM, shutdownFastHandler)
-    SignalHandler.registerHandler(signal.SIGINT, shutdownHandler)
-    SignalHandler.registerHandler(signal.SIGHUP, restartHandler)
-    SignalHandler.registerHandler(signal.SIGUSR2, logfileReopenHandler)
+    from signal import SIGTERM, SIGINT
+    try:
+        from signal import SIGHUP, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2
+    except ImportError:
+        # Windows doesn't have these (but also doesn't care what the exact
+        # numbers are)
+        SIGHUP = 1
+        SIGUSR1 = 10
+        SIGUSR2 = 12
+    if not SignalHandler:
+        return
+    SignalHandler.registerHandler(SIGTERM, shutdownFastHandler)
+    SignalHandler.registerHandler(SIGINT, shutdownHandler)
+    if os.name != 'nt':
+        SignalHandler.registerHandler(SIGUSR2, logfileReopenHandler)
+        SignalHandler.registerHandler(SIGHUP, restartHandler)
+    else:
+        # See comment above - Windows 'rotates' rather than 'reopens'
+        SignalHandler.registerHandler(SIGUSR2, logfileRotateHandler)
+        # Restart not currently implemented on Windows (the service itself 
+        # generally is restarted when necessary)
     # SIGUSR1 is nominally reserved for pack, but we dont have an
     # implementation that is stable yet because if the signal handler
     # fires it will be caught in the main thread and all network operations
     # will cease until it's finished.
-    #SignalHandler.registerHandler(signal.SIGUSR1, packHandler)
+    # (The above is *not* True for Windows - a different thread is used to
+    # catch the signals.  This probably could be switched on for Windows
+    # if anyone cares)
+    #SignalHandler.registerHandler(SIGUSR1, packHandler)

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