[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/Zope-2_8-branch/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py Added test for strftime with unicode pattern.

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Tue May 31 14:18:31 EDT 2005

[Florent Guillaume]
> Log message for revision 30570:
>  Added test for strftime with unicode pattern.
> Changed:
>  U   Zope/branches/Zope-2_8-branch/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py
> -=-
> Modified: Zope/branches/Zope-2_8-branch/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py
> ===================================================================
> --- Zope/branches/Zope-2_8-branch/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py     2005-05-31 14:30:17 UTC (rev 30569)
> +++ Zope/branches/Zope-2_8-branch/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py     2005-05-31 14:58:17 UTC (rev 30570)
> @@ -373,7 +373,10 @@
>         dt2 = DateTime('2040/01/30 11:33 GMT-2')
>         self.assertEqual(dt1.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'), dt2.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'))
> -
> +    def testStrftimeUnicode(self):
> +        dt = DateTime('2002-05-02T08:00:00+00:00')
> +        self.assertEqual(dt.strftime(u'Le %d/%m/%Y \xe0 %Hh%M'),
> +                         u'Le 02/05/2002 \xe0 10h00')


Is this a correct test?  It failed when I ran it today:

FAIL: testStrftimeUnicode (DateTime.tests.testDateTime.DateTimeTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Code\Zope\lib\python\DateTime\tests\testDateTime.py", line
379, in testStrftimeUnicode
    u'Le 02/05/2002 \xe0 10h00')
  File "C:\python23\lib\unittest.py", line 302, in failUnlessEqual
    raise self.failureException, \
AssertionError: u'Le 02/05/2002 \xe0 04h00' != u'Le 02/05/2002 \xe0 10h00'

Looks like the conversion produces a string depending on the time zone
in use on the box where the test is run; I'm in US Eastern, and

>>> import calendar
>>> ts = calendar.timegm((2002, 5, 2, 8, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1))
>>> import time
>>> time.ctime(ts)
'Thu May 02 04:00:00 2002'

here.  That is, the result I got is the correct result for my time
zone (4 west of UTC in daylight time).  The result the test wants is
two hours east of UTC -- which sounds suspiciously French to me

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