[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Products.Five/branches/zope33-port/travers Different approach to traversing to views: Use an IPublishTraverse

Philipp von Weitershausen philikon at philikon.de
Thu Apr 27 17:18:37 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 67675:
  Different approach to traversing to views: Use an IPublishTraverse
  adapter.  There's enough code in Zope 3 that expects sane ITraverser/ITraversable
  behaviour, which the current FiveTraversable didn't provide (it just looked
  up views, nothing else). Just looking up views is the responsibility of
  an IPublishTraverse adapter.
  I guess this will only be a temporary solution until Lennart gets his traversal
  refactoring work done

  U   Products.Five/branches/zope33-port/traversable.py
  U   Products.Five/branches/zope33-port/traversing.zcml

Modified: Products.Five/branches/zope33-port/traversable.py
--- Products.Five/branches/zope33-port/traversable.py	2006-04-27 21:02:23 UTC (rev 67674)
+++ Products.Five/branches/zope33-port/traversable.py	2006-04-27 21:18:37 UTC (rev 67675)
@@ -15,19 +15,17 @@
-from zope.component import getMultiAdapter, ComponentLookupError
+import zope.publisher.interfaces
 from zope.interface import implements, Interface
-from zope.publisher.interfaces import ILayer
+from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
 from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
 from zope.publisher.browser import setDefaultSkin
-from zope.traversing.interfaces import ITraverser, ITraversable
-from zope.traversing.adapters import DefaultTraversable
-from zope.traversing.adapters import traversePathElement
 from zope.app.interface import queryType
+from zope.app.publication.publicationtraverse import PublicationTraverse
+import zExceptions
 import Products.Five.security
 from Products.Five import fivemethod
-from zExceptions import NotFound
 class FakeRequest(dict):
@@ -63,7 +61,7 @@
                 return self.__fallback_traverse__(REQUEST, name)
             except (AttributeError, KeyError):
-            except NotFound:
+            except zExceptions.NotFound:
                 # OFS.Application.__bobo_traverse__ calls
                 # REQUEST.RESPONSE.notFoundError which sets the HTTP
                 # status code to 404
@@ -98,34 +96,10 @@
         # Con Zope 3 into using Zope 2's checkPermission
-        # Use the ITraverser adapter (which in turn uses ITraversable
-        # adapters) to traverse to a view.  Note that we're mixing
-        # object-graph and object-publishing traversal here, but Zope
-        # 2 has no way to tell us when to use which...
-        # TODO Perhaps we can decide on object-graph vs.
-        # object-publishing traversal depending on whether REQUEST is
-        # a stub or not?
-            return ITraverser(self).traverse(
-                path=[name], request=REQUEST).__of__(self)
-        except (ComponentLookupError, LookupError,
-                AttributeError, KeyError, NotFound):
+            ob = PublicationTraverse().traverseName(REQUEST, self, name)
+            return removeSecurityProxy(ob).__of__(self)
+        except zope.publisher.interfaces.NotFound:
         raise AttributeError(name)
-class FiveTraversable(DefaultTraversable):
-    def traverse(self, name, furtherPath):
-        context = self._subject
-        __traceback_info__ = (context, name, furtherPath)
-        # Find the REQUEST
-        REQUEST = getattr(context, 'REQUEST', None)
-        if not IBrowserRequest.providedBy(REQUEST):
-            REQUEST = FakeRequest()
-            setDefaultSkin(REQUEST)
-        # Try to lookup a view
-        try:
-            return getMultiAdapter((context, REQUEST), Interface, name)
-        except ComponentLookupError:
-            pass

Modified: Products.Five/branches/zope33-port/traversing.zcml
--- Products.Five/branches/zope33-port/traversing.zcml	2006-04-27 21:02:23 UTC (rev 67674)
+++ Products.Five/branches/zope33-port/traversing.zcml	2006-04-27 21:18:37 UTC (rev 67675)
@@ -4,24 +4,17 @@
   <!-- define default namespace adapters, etc. -->
   <include package="zope.traversing" />
-  <!-- use ITraverser/ITraversable duo for both publishing traversal
-       and object graph traversal; this should change in the future,
-       publishing traversal should use IPublishTraverse -->
-  <adapter
-      for="*"
-      factory=".traversable.FiveTraversable"
-      provides="zope.traversing.interfaces.ITraversable"
+  <view
+      for="zope.interface.Interface"
+      type="zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest"
+      provides="zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserPublisher"
+      factory="zope.app.publication.traversers.SimpleComponentTraverser"
+      permission="zope.Public"
+      allowed_interface="zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserPublisher"
-      factory="zope.traversing.adapters.Traverser"
-      provides="zope.traversing.interfaces.ITraverser"
-      />
-  <adapter
-      for="*"

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