[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Products.Five/trunk/ Merge of traversal refactoring. five:traversable and five:defaultViewable are no

Lennart Regebro regebro at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 13:57:48 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 67728:
  Merge of traversal refactoring. five:traversable and five:defaultViewable are no 
  longer needed.

  U   Products.Five/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  U   Products.Five/trunk/browser/TrustedExpression.py
  U   Products.Five/trunk/browser/adding.py
  U   Products.Five/trunk/browser/configure.zcml
  U   Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/cps_test_localizer.txt
  U   Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/defaultview.zcml
  U   Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_defaultview.py
  U   Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_recurse.py
  U   Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_traversable.py
  U   Products.Five/trunk/configure.zcml
  U   Products.Five/trunk/doc/directives.txt
  U   Products.Five/trunk/doc/localsite.txt
  U   Products.Five/trunk/doc/manual.txt
  U   Products.Five/trunk/doc/products/FiveMiscTutorial/configure.zcml
  U   Products.Five/trunk/doc/products/ViewsTutorial/configure.zcml
  U   Products.Five/trunk/fiveconfigure.py
  U   Products.Five/trunk/form/tests/configure.zcml
  U   Products.Five/trunk/formlib/tests/configure.zcml
  U   Products.Five/trunk/tests/directives.zcml
  U   Products.Five/trunk/tests/test_viewable.py
  U   Products.Five/trunk/tests/testing/folder.py
  U   Products.Five/trunk/tests/testing/simplecontent.py
  U   Products.Five/trunk/tests/viewable.txt
  U   Products.Five/trunk/traversable.py
  U   Products.Five/trunk/viewable.py

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- Products.Five/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
 * fiveconfigure.py: replaced zLOG with logging module
+* five:defaultViewable and five:traversable are now unessecary, as the 
+  functionality exists in the Zope core publisher from Zope 2.10 and up.
 Five 1.4b (2006-03-31)

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/browser/TrustedExpression.py
--- Products.Five/trunk/browser/TrustedExpression.py	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/browser/TrustedExpression.py	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -29,6 +29,19 @@
 ModuleImporter = SecureModuleImporter
+from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
+from zope.interface import implements, Interface
+from zope.app.publication.browser import setDefaultSkin
+from zope.app.traversing.namespace import nsParse
+from zope.app.traversing.namespace import namespaceLookup
+from zope.component import queryMultiAdapter
+class FakeRequest(dict):
+  implements(IBrowserRequest)
+  def getURL(self):
+    return "http://codespeak.net/z3/five"
 def trustedTraverse(ob, path, ignored,):
   if not path: return self
@@ -40,7 +53,11 @@
   if isinstance(path, str): path = path.split('/')
   else: path=list(path)
-  REQUEST={'TraversalRequestNameStack': path}
+  REQUEST = get(ob, 'REQUEST', None)
+  if REQUEST is None:
+    REQUEST=FakeRequest()
+  setDefaultSkin(REQUEST)
+  REQUEST['TraversalRequestNameStack'] = path
@@ -64,6 +81,17 @@
+    if name and name[:1] in '@+':
+      # Process URI segment parameters.
+      ns, nm = nsParse(name)
+      if ns:
+        try:
+          o = namespaceLookup(ns, nm, object, REQUEST).__of__(object)
+        except TraversalError:
+          raise KeyError(name)
+        object = o
+        continue
     t=get(object, '__bobo_traverse__', M)
     if t is not M: o=t(REQUEST, name)
@@ -71,7 +99,11 @@
       if o is M:
         try: o = object[name]
         except (AttributeError, TypeError): # better exception
-          raise AttributeError(name)
+            o = queryMultiAdapter((object, REQUEST), Interface, name)
+            if o is not None:
+                o = o.__of__(object)
+            else:
+                raise AttributeError(name)
     object = o
   return object

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/browser/adding.py
--- Products.Five/trunk/browser/adding.py	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/browser/adding.py	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 from zExceptions import BadRequest
 from Products.Five import BrowserView
-from Products.Five.traversable import Traversable
 from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ZopeTwoPageTemplateFile
 from Acquisition import Implicit
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
                return True
        return False
-class ContentAdding(Adding, Traversable, SimpleItem):
+class ContentAdding(Adding, SimpleItem):
     menu_id = "add_content"

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/browser/configure.zcml
--- Products.Five/trunk/browser/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/browser/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 <configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-  <browser:defaultView name="index.html" />
+  <browser:defaultView for="Products.Five.interfaces.IBrowserDefault" 
+                       name="index.html" />

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/cps_test_localizer.txt
--- Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/cps_test_localizer.txt	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/cps_test_localizer.txt	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
   ...     <i18n:registerTranslations directory="locales" />
   ...   </configure>
-  ...   <five:traversable class="Products.CPSDefault.Portal.CPSDefaultSite" />
-  ... 
   ...   <adapter
   ...       for="zope.publisher.interfaces.http.IHTTPRequest"
   ...       provides="zope.i18n.interfaces.IUserPreferredLanguages"

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/defaultview.zcml
--- Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/defaultview.zcml	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/defaultview.zcml	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -2,34 +2,22 @@
-  <five:defaultViewable
-      class="Products.Five.tests.testing.simplecontent.SimpleContent" />
-  <browser:defaultView
+  <browser:page
+      class=".pages.SimpleView"
+      attribute="mouse"
+      permission="zope2.Public"
-      name="eagledefaultview.txt"
+      name="index.html"
-  <!-- this tests whether five:defaultViewable can be called on a class that
-       already provides __call__, such as our CallableSimpleContent -->
-  <five:defaultViewable
-      class="Products.Five.tests.testing.simplecontent.CallableSimpleContent" />
-  <!-- this tests whether five:defaultViewable can be called on a class that
-       already provides index_html, such as our IndexSimpleContent -->
-  <five:defaultViewable
-      class="Products.Five.tests.testing.simplecontent.IndexSimpleContent" />

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_defaultview.py
--- Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_defaultview.py	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_defaultview.py	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -46,8 +46,18 @@
       >>> uf = self.folder.acl_users
       >>> uf._doAddUser('manager', 'r00t', ['Manager'], [])
-    Test a simple default view:
+    BBB This is a test of backwards comaptibility with Five 1.3/Zope2.9.
+    The deprecated directive five:defaultViewable would before make
+    index.html the default view. Test that this is still the case.
+    five:defaultViewable goes away in Zope 2.12, and this test goes then too:
+      >>> import zope.deprecation
+      >>> zope.deprecation.__show__.off()
+      >>> zcml.load_string('''
+      ... <configure xmlns:five="http://namespaces.zope.org/five">
+      ...   <five:defaultViewable
+      ...     class="Products.Five.tests.testing.simplecontent.SimpleContent" />
+      ... </configure>''')    
+      >>> zope.deprecation.__show__.on()
       >>> print http(r'''
       ... GET /test_folder_1_/testoid HTTP/1.1
       ... Authorization: Basic manager:r00t
@@ -56,6 +66,23 @@
       The eagle has landed
+    But if we want to, we can specify another default view with 
+    browser:defaultView:
+      >>> zcml.load_string('''
+      ... <configure xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser">
+      ...   <browser:defaultView
+      ...     for="Products.Five.tests.testing.simplecontent.ISimpleContent"
+      ...     name="eagledefaultview.txt" />
+      ... </configure>''')
+      >>> print http(r'''
+      ... GET /test_folder_1_/testoid HTTP/1.1
+      ... Authorization: Basic manager:r00t
+      ... ''')
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      ...
+      The mouse has been eaten by the eagle
     This tests whether an existing ``index_html`` method is still
     supported and called:

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_recurse.py
--- Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_recurse.py	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_recurse.py	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -42,12 +42,8 @@
       ...         return 'foo'
-    Now we make the class default viewable and register a default view
-    name for it:
+    Now we register a default view name for the class:
-      >>> from Products.Five.fiveconfigure import classDefaultViewable
-      >>> classDefaultViewable(Recurse)
       >>> from zope.component import provideAdapter
       >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
       >>> from zope.component.interfaces import IDefaultViewName

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_traversable.py
--- Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_traversable.py	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/browser/tests/test_traversable.py	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -57,16 +57,6 @@
       ... <!-- make the zope2.Public permission work -->
       ... <meta:redefinePermission from="zope2.Public" to="zope.Public" />
-      ... 
-      ... <five:traversable
-      ...     class="Products.Five.tests.testing.fancycontent.FancyContent"
-      ...     />
-      ... <five:traversable
-      ...     class="Products.Five.browser.tests.test_traversable.SimpleClass"
-      ...     />
-      ... <five:traversable
-      ...     class="Products.Five.tests.testing.FiveTraversableFolder"
-      ...     />
       ... <!-- this view will never be found -->
       ... <browser:page
@@ -216,7 +206,6 @@
       ...       attribute="eagle"
       ...       permission="zope2.Public"
       ...       />
-      ...   <five:traversable class="OFS.Application.Application"/>
       ... </configure>'''
       >>> import Products.Five
       >>> from Products.Five import zcml

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/configure.zcml
--- Products.Five/trunk/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -29,12 +29,6 @@
-  <adapter
-      for="*"
-      factory=".viewable.BrowserDefault"
-      provides=".interfaces.IBrowserDefault"
-      />
   <!-- this is really lying, but it's to please checkContainer -->
   <five:implements class="OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager"
                    interface="zope.app.container.interfaces.IContainer" />

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/doc/directives.txt
--- Products.Five/trunk/doc/directives.txt	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/doc/directives.txt	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@
+This statement is now deprecated, since the functionality now is on Zope Core.
 Make a Zope 2 content class traversable in the Zope 3 manner using
 Five. This is used to attached views, resources and other things to
 Zope 2 objects.
@@ -144,6 +146,8 @@
+This statement is now deprecated, since the functionality now is on Zope Core.
 Make a Zope 2 content class use a Zope 3 default view when looking at
 it without any paths appended to it. This works then instead of
 ``index_html`` in Zope 2.

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/doc/localsite.txt
--- Products.Five/trunk/doc/localsite.txt	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/doc/localsite.txt	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -42,12 +42,7 @@
 the site manager to site; it is assumed that the site already knows
 how to get its site manager.
-Also note that in order for the view to work, the object's class needs
-to be Five-traversable, e.g. with the following ZCML statement:
-   <five:traversable class=".module.MyClass" />
 Custom site implementations

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/doc/manual.txt
--- Products.Five/trunk/doc/manual.txt	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/doc/manual.txt	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -260,28 +260,7 @@
 ``five`` in this case refers to the XML namespace for Five,
-We've provided another ZCML directive to make an object
-traversable. To make your MyClass traversable, let's assume it is in
-``mymodule``, in the same package as the zcml file we are editing::
-  <five:traversable class=".mymodule.MyClass" />
-To continue our example, to make Zope's ``Folder`` traversable through
-Five, you need to declare this in ZCML as well:
-  <five:traversable class="OFS.Folder.Folder"/>
-This makes Folder traverse in the Zope 3 way first, looking up views
-and other things, and then if they cannot be found, fall back on the
-regular Zope 2 traversal. It does this by overriding the
-``__bobo_traverse__`` hook. Old hooks that are already in place in an
-object will be stored and become the secondary fallback. This allows
-the ZMI to work still, but new views can be added on the fly.
-Note that at the point of writing it is only possible to make an object
-viewable through ZCML if this object does not already provide its own
-``__bobo_traverse__`` method.
 Views in Five are simple classes. The only requirements for a Five
 view class are:

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/doc/products/FiveMiscTutorial/configure.zcml
--- Products.Five/trunk/doc/products/FiveMiscTutorial/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/doc/products/FiveMiscTutorial/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
-<five:traversable class="OFS.Folder.Folder" />

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/doc/products/ViewsTutorial/configure.zcml
--- Products.Five/trunk/doc/products/ViewsTutorial/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/doc/products/ViewsTutorial/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -3,12 +3,8 @@
-  <five:traversable class="OFS.Application.Application"/>
   <!-- OFS.Folder.Folder views -->
-  <five:traversable class="OFS.Folder.Folder"/>
@@ -49,8 +45,6 @@
   <!-- .democontent.IDemoContent views -->
-  <five:traversable class=".democontent.DemoContent"/>
@@ -79,8 +73,6 @@
-  <five:defaultViewable class=".democontent.DemoContent"/>

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/fiveconfigure.py
--- Products.Five/trunk/fiveconfigure.py	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/fiveconfigure.py	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 import App.config
 import Products
+import zope.deprecation
 from zope.interface import classImplements, classImplementsOnly, implementedBy
 from zope.interface.interface import InterfaceClass
 from zope.configuration import xmlconfig
@@ -37,10 +38,9 @@
 from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import adapter
 from zope.app.security.interfaces import IPermission
-from Products.Five.viewable import Viewable
-from Products.Five.traversable import Traversable
 from Products.Five.bridge import fromZ2Interface
 from Products.Five.browser.metaconfigure import page
+from Products.Five.interfaces import IBrowserDefault
 debug_mode = App.config.getConfiguration().debug_mode
 LOG = logging.getLogger('Five')
@@ -111,74 +111,21 @@
 def isFiveMethod(m):
     return hasattr(m, '__five_method__')
-_traversable_monkies = []
-def classTraversable(class_):
-    # If a class already has this attribute, it means it is either a
-    # subclass of Traversable or was already processed with this
-    # directive; in either case, do nothing... except in the case were
-    # the class overrides __bobo_traverse__ instead of getting it from
-    # a base class. In this case, we suppose that the class probably
-    # didn't bother with the base classes __bobo_traverse__ anyway and
-    # we step __fallback_traverse__.
-    if hasattr(class_, '__five_traversable__'):
-        if (hasattr(class_, '__bobo_traverse__') and
-            isFiveMethod(class_.__bobo_traverse__)):
-            return
-    if (hasattr(class_, '__bobo_traverse__') and
-        not isFiveMethod(class_.__bobo_traverse__)):
-        # if there's an existing bobo_traverse hook already, use that
-        # as the traversal fallback method
-        setattr(class_, '__fallback_traverse__', class_.__bobo_traverse__)
-    setattr(class_, '__bobo_traverse__',
-            Traversable.__bobo_traverse__.im_func)
-    setattr(class_, '__five_traversable__', True)
-    # remember class for clean up
-    _traversable_monkies.append(class_)
 def traversable(_context, class_):
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = None,
-        callable = classTraversable,
-        args = (class_,)
-        )
-_defaultviewable_monkies = []
-def classDefaultViewable(class_):
-    # If a class already has this attribute, it means it is either a
-    # subclass of DefaultViewable or was already processed with this
-    # directive; in either case, do nothing... except in the case were
-    # the class overrides the attribute instead of getting it from
-    # a base class. In this case, we suppose that the class probably
-    # didn't bother with the base classes attribute anyway.
-    if hasattr(class_, '__five_viewable__'):
-        if (hasattr(class_, '__browser_default__') and
-            isFiveMethod(class_.__browser_default__)):
-            return
-    if hasattr(class_, '__browser_default__'):
-        # if there's an existing __browser_default__ hook already, use that
-        # as the fallback
-        if not isFiveMethod(class_.__browser_default__):
-            setattr(class_, '__fallback_default__', class_.__browser_default__)
-    if not hasattr(class_, '__fallback_default__'):
-        setattr(class_, '__fallback_default__',
-                Viewable.__fallback_default__.im_func)
-    setattr(class_, '__browser_default__',
-            Viewable.__browser_default__.im_func)
-    setattr(class_, '__five_viewable__', True)
-    # remember class for clean up
-    _defaultviewable_monkies.append(class_)
+    warnings.warn("The five:traversable statement is no longer needed " \
+                  "and will be removed in Zope 2.12",
+                  DeprecationWarning)
 def defaultViewable(_context, class_):
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = None,
-        callable = classDefaultViewable,
-        args = (class_,)
-        )
+    if zope.deprecation.__show__():
+        warnings.warn("The five:defaultViewable statement is no longer "     \
+                  "needed and will be removed in Zope 2.12. \n If you rely " \
+                  "on it to make 'index.html' the default view, replace it " \
+                  "with <browser:defaultView name='index.html' />",
+                  DeprecationWarning, 2)
+    implements(_context, class_, (IBrowserDefault,))
 def createZope2Bridge(zope2, package, name):
     # Map a Zope 2 interface into a Zope3 interface, seated within 'package'
     # as 'name'.
@@ -279,17 +226,6 @@
         except (AttributeError, KeyError):
-def untraversable(class_):
-    """Restore class's initial state with respect to traversability"""
-    killMonkey(class_, '__bobo_traverse__', '__fallback_traverse__',
-               '__five_traversable__')
-def undefaultViewable(class_):
-    """Restore class's initial state with respect to being default
-    viewable."""
-    killMonkey(class_, '__browser_default__', '__fallback_default__',
-               '__five_viewable__')
 def unregisterClass(class_):
     delattr(class_, 'meta_type')
@@ -298,16 +234,7 @@
 def cleanUp():
-    global _traversable_monkies
-    for class_ in _traversable_monkies:
-        untraversable(class_)
-    _traversable_monkies = []
-    global _defaultviewable_monkies
-    for class_ in _defaultviewable_monkies:
-        undefaultViewable(class_)
-    _defaultviewable_monkies = []
     global _register_monkies
     for class_ in _register_monkies:

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/form/tests/configure.zcml
--- Products.Five/trunk/form/tests/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/form/tests/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
   <meta:redefinePermission from="zope2.Public" to="zope.Public" />
   <!-- browser forms -->
-  <five:traversable class=".schemacontent.FieldContent" />
@@ -20,8 +19,6 @@
-  <five:traversable class=".schemacontent.ComplexSchemaContent" />

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/formlib/tests/configure.zcml
--- Products.Five/trunk/formlib/tests/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/formlib/tests/configure.zcml	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -6,11 +6,7 @@
-    <five:traversable class="OFS.Folder.Folder" />
-    <five:traversable class=".content.Content" />

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/tests/directives.zcml
--- Products.Five/trunk/tests/directives.zcml	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/tests/directives.zcml	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -7,22 +7,6 @@
-  <!-- this is a test whether five:traversable can be called more than
-       once on a class; SimpleContent inherits from Traversable, so
-       one directive suffices here -->
-  <five:traversable class="Products.Five.tests.testing.simplecontent.SimpleContent" />
-  <!-- this is a test whether the *directive* can be called more than
-       once without raising a conflicting configuration exception -->
-  <five:traversable class="Products.Five.tests.testing.simplecontent.SimpleContent" />
-  <!-- this tests whether five:traversable can be called on a class that
-       already provides __bobo_traverse__, such as our FancyContent -->
-  <five:traversable class="Products.Five.tests.testing.fancycontent.FancyContent" />
   <!-- Testing the vocabulary directive -->

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/tests/test_viewable.py
--- Products.Five/trunk/tests/test_viewable.py	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/tests/test_viewable.py	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
 def test_defaultView():
-    Testing default view functionality
+    This tests the default view functionality. It also tests the deprecated 
+    BrowserDefault class. References to BrowserDefault can be removed in 2.12.
     Take a class Foo and an interface IFoo:
@@ -40,20 +41,31 @@
     and default view names for everything and IFoo objects in particular:
+      >>> from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import adapter
+      >>> from Products.Five.viewable import BrowserDefault
+      >>> from Products.Five.interfaces import IBrowserDefault
+      >>> from zope.interface import Interface
+      >>> provideAdapter(BrowserDefault, (Interface,), IBrowserDefault)
       >>> provideAdapter(u'index.html', (None, IBrowserRequest), IDefaultViewName)
       >>> provideAdapter(u'foo.html', (IFoo, IBrowserRequest), IDefaultViewName)
     Now take a BrowserDefault for an instance of Foo::
+      >>> import zope.deprecation
       >>> foo = Foo()
       >>> from Products.Five.viewable import BrowserDefault
+      >>> zope.deprecation.__show__.off()
       >>> bd = BrowserDefault(foo)
+      >>> zope.deprecation.__show__.on()
     For now the default view name is index.html, like we set above:
       >>> from Products.Five.traversable import FakeRequest
       >>> request = FakeRequest()
+      >>> from zope.app.publisher.browser import queryDefaultViewName
+      >>> queryDefaultViewName(foo, request)
+      u'index.html'
       >>> obj, path = bd.defaultView(request)
       >>> obj is foo
@@ -64,6 +76,9 @@
       >>> from zope.interface import directlyProvides
       >>> directlyProvides(foo, IFoo)
+      >>> queryDefaultViewName(foo, request)
+      u'foo.html'
       >>> obj, path = bd.defaultView(request)
       >>> obj is foo

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/tests/testing/folder.py
--- Products.Five/trunk/tests/testing/folder.py	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/tests/testing/folder.py	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 from OFS.Folder import Folder
 from OFS.interfaces import IFolder
 from zope.interface import implements
-from Products.Five.traversable import Traversable
 class NoVerifyPasteFolder(Folder):
     """Folder that does not perform paste verification.
@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@
     folder.id = id
     folder.title = title
-class FiveTraversableFolder(Traversable, Folder):
+class FiveTraversableFolder(Folder):
     """Folder that is five-traversable

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/tests/testing/simplecontent.py
--- Products.Five/trunk/tests/testing/simplecontent.py	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/tests/testing/simplecontent.py	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
 from zope.interface import Interface, implements
-from Products.Five.traversable import Traversable
 class ISimpleContent(Interface):
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@
 class IIndexSimpleContent(ISimpleContent):
-class SimpleContent(Traversable, SimpleItem):
+class SimpleContent(SimpleItem):
     meta_type = 'Five SimpleContent'

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/tests/viewable.txt
--- Products.Five/trunk/tests/viewable.txt	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/tests/viewable.txt	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@
 Now make the class default viewable:
-  >>> from Products.Five.fiveconfigure import classDefaultViewable
-  >>> from OFS.Folder import Folder
-  >>> classDefaultViewable(Folder)
+  >>> #from Products.Five.fiveconfigure import classDefaultViewable
+  >>> #from OFS.Folder import Folder
+  >>> #classDefaultViewable(Folder)
 And try it again:

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/traversable.py
--- Products.Five/trunk/traversable.py	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/traversable.py	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
+import warnings
+import zope.deprecation
 from zope.component import getMultiAdapter, ComponentLookupError
 from zope.interface import implements, Interface
 from zope.publisher.interfaces import ILayer
@@ -58,6 +62,13 @@
         # 2. Otherwise do attribute look-up or, if that doesn't work,
         #    key item lookup.
+        if zope.deprecation.__show__():
+            warnings.warn("The view lookup done by Traversable." \
+                          "__bobo_traverse__ is now done by the standard " \
+                          "traversal. This class is no longer needed and "
+                          "will be removed in Zope 2.12.",
+                          DeprecationWarning, 2)
         if hasattr(self, '__fallback_traverse__'):
                 return self.__fallback_traverse__(REQUEST, name)
@@ -119,6 +130,14 @@
 class FiveTraversable(DefaultTraversable):
+    def __init__(self, subject):
+        if zope.deprecation.__show__():
+            warnings.warn("The FiveTraversable class is no longer needed, " \
+                          "and will be removed in Zope 2.12.",
+                  DeprecationWarning, 2)
+        self._subject = subject
     def traverse(self, name, furtherPath):
         context = self._subject
         __traceback_info__ = (context, name, furtherPath)

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/viewable.py
--- Products.Five/trunk/viewable.py	2006-04-28 17:11:47 UTC (rev 67727)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/viewable.py	2006-04-28 17:57:47 UTC (rev 67728)
@@ -27,81 +27,19 @@
 _marker = object
-class Viewable:
-    """A mixin to make an object viewable.
-    """
-    __five_viewable__ = True
+import warnings
+import zope.deprecation
-    def __fallback_default__(self, request):
-        """Try to dispatch to existing index_html or __call__"""
-        if getattr(self, 'index_html', None):
-            return self, ('index_html',)
-        if getattr(self, 'fallback_call__', None):
-            return self, ('fallback_call__',)
-        # XXX Should never get this far. But if it does?
-    # def fallback_call__(self, *args, **kw):
-    #    """By default, return self"""
-    #    return self
-    # we have a default view, tell zpublisher to go there
-    def __browser_default__(self, request):
-        obj = self
-        path = None
-        if request['REQUEST_METHOD'] not in ('GET', 'POST'):
-            return obj, [request['REQUEST_METHOD']]
-        try:
-            obj, path = IBrowserDefault(self).defaultView(request)
-        except ComponentLookupError:
-            pass
-        if path:
-            if len(path) == 1 and path[0] == '__call__':
-                return obj, ('fallback_call__',)
-            return obj, path
-        return self.__fallback_default__(request)
-    __browser_default__.__five_method__ = True
-    # this is technically not needed because ZPublisher finds our
-    # attribute through __browser_default__; but we also want to be
-    # able to call pages from python modules, PythonScripts or ZPT
-    # def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
-    #    """ """
-    #    request = kw.get('REQUEST')
-    #    if not IBrowserRequest.providedBy(request):
-    #        request = getattr(self, 'REQUEST', None)
-    #        if not IBrowserRequest.providedBy(request):
-    #            request = FakeRequest()
-    #    obj, path = self.__browser_default__(request)
-    #    if path and not simpleRecursion():
-    #        meth = obj.unrestrictedTraverse(path)
-    #        if meth is not None:
-    #            return meth(*args, **kw)
-    #    return self.fallback_call__(*args, **kw)
-    # __call__.__five_method__ = True
-# def simpleRecursion():
-#     # This tests for simple recursion, which can easily happen
-#     # in CMF, like the following:
-#     # - Object has a method named 'view'
-#     # - 'view' method calls '__call__'
-#     # - five:viewable overrides call to use '__browser_default__'
-#     #   to find a default view and call it
-#     # - defaultView is set to 'view'
-#     # Bang. Infinite recursion.
-#     stack = inspect.stack()
-#     try:
-#         if len(stack) < 4:
-#             return False
-#         if stack[2][1:4] == stack[4][1:4]:
-#             return True
-#     finally:
-#         del stack
-#     return False
 class BrowserDefault(object):
     def __init__(self, context):
+        if zope.deprecation.__show__():
+            warnings.warn("The BrowserDefault class is no longer needed and "  \
+                          "will be removed in Zope 2.12. \n If you rely on "   \
+                          "it to get the default view, replace the call with " \
+                          "zope.app.publisher.browser.queryDefaultViewName",
+                          DeprecationWarning, 2)
         self.context = context
     def defaultView(self, request):

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