[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/mk/zope.mk Stop hiding the line that builds version.txt.

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Fri Jan 13 10:46:51 EST 2006

Log message for revision 41301:
  Stop hiding the line that builds version.txt.
  Don't know why it was hidden before, but can't think of a
  reason, and the lack of makefile output showing its creation
  just confused the heck out of me for 10 minutes ;-).

  U   Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/mk/zope.mk

Modified: Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/mk/zope.mk
--- Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/mk/zope.mk	2006-01-13 15:25:28 UTC (rev 41300)
+++ Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/mk/zope.mk	2006-01-13 15:46:50 UTC (rev 41301)
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 	cd "$(SRC_DIR)/$(ZOPEDIRNAME)" && \
 		"$<" install.py install --no-compile --home=../../build \
-	@echo Zope $(ZOPEVERSION) > $@
+	echo Zope $(ZOPEVERSION) > $@
 	$(TOUCH) $@
 # This merely unpacks the Zope tarball.

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