[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/ Move to InnoSetup 5.

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Sat Jan 14 22:39:13 EST 2006

Log message for revision 41314:
  Move to InnoSetup 5.
  Besides that there's no future in relying on obsolete
  versions of tools, version 5 introduced a vastly easier
  way to manage the custom dialog pages Zope wants.  That
  allowed getting rid of about 60 lines of inscrutable
  Pascal code.  Of course the code that replaces them is also
  inscrutable, but there's about 60 fewer lines of it to
  torture future generations ;-).

  U   Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/README.txt
  U   Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/etc/zope.iss.in
  U   Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/mk/common.mk

Modified: Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/README.txt
--- Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/README.txt	2006-01-14 15:50:49 UTC (rev 41313)
+++ Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/README.txt	2006-01-15 03:39:13 UTC (rev 41314)
@@ -24,10 +24,9 @@
 needed to compile Zope's Python C extensions compatible with Python 2.4
 (and 2.5, when that's released).
-Install InnoSetup 4.2 from www.jrsofware.org (into its default location).
-Versions earlier than 4.0.11 are known to not work; any 4.2.x release
-or later should be fine.  Inno 5.x versions do *not* work (it appears the
-Inno "custom dialog" mechanism has changed in an incompatible way)
+Install InnoSetup 5.1.5 (or later) from www.jrsoftware.org, into its
+default location.  Inno 4.x (or earlier) cannot work:  Inno 5 introduced a
+vastly simpler way to create the custom dialog pages we want.
 'svn switch' to, or check out, the Zope tag for which an installer is to be

Modified: Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/etc/zope.iss.in
--- Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/etc/zope.iss.in	2006-01-14 15:50:49 UTC (rev 41313)
+++ Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/etc/zope.iss.in	2006-01-15 03:39:13 UTC (rev 41314)
@@ -69,175 +69,129 @@
-    PasswordPrompts, PasswordValues: array of String;
-    PasswordChars: array of char;
-    Password: string;
+    { custom dialog pages }
-    DataDirValues: array of String;
-    DataDir:  String;
+    { for selecting an instance home directory }
+    InstanceDirPage: TInputDirWizardPage;
-function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
-    { set up password data structures }
-    SetArrayLength(PasswordPrompts, 2);
-    PasswordPrompts[0] := 'Password:';
-    PasswordPrompts[1] := 'Confirm password:';
-    SetArrayLength(PasswordValues, 2);
-    PasswordValues[0] := '';
-    PasswordValues[1] := '';
-    SetArrayLength(PasswordChars, 2);
-    PasswordChars[0] := '*';
-    PasswordChars[1] := '*';
-    Password := '';
+    { for specifying the password for the "admin" account }
+    AdminPwdPage: TInputQueryWizardPage;
-    { set up data dir data structures }
-    SetArrayLength(DataDirValues, 1);
-    DataDir := '';
-    Result := True;
-function CollectInstanceDir(): Boolean;
-    Next: Boolean;
-    DirOk: Boolean;
+procedure InitializeWizard;
-    DirOk := True;
-    ScriptDlgPageSetSubCaption1('Select where Zope instance files should be installed');
-    ScriptDlgPageSetSubCaption2('Select the folder to which you would like Setup to install Zope "instance" files, then click Next.');
+    { The instance directory page follows the standard "select additional
+      tasks" page. }
+    InstanceDirPage := CreateInputDirPage(wpSelectTasks,
+        'Instance Setup',
+        'Select where Zope instance files should be installed',
+        'Select the folder to which you would like Setup to install ' +
+            'Zope "instance" files, then click Next.',
+        False,
+        '');
+    InstanceDirPage.Add('');
-    if DataDir = '' then DataDir := 'C:\Zope-Instance';
-    if DataDirValues[0] <> '' then DataDirValues[0] := '';
+    { The admin password page follows our instance directory page. }
+    AdminPwdPage := CreateInputQueryPage(InstanceDirPage.ID,
+        'Instance Setup',
+        'Specify administrator password',
+        'The login name for your Zope administrator ' +
+            'account is "admin". When you first connect to the Zope ' +
+            'management interface, you will need to login using the ' +
+            '"admin" username and the password you specify below.');
+    AdminPwdPage.Add('Password:', True);
+    AdminPwdPage.Add('Confirm password:', True);
-	{ Ask for a dir until the user has approved one or clicked Back or Cancel }
-    Next:= InputDir(False, DataDirValues[0], DataDir);
-    if Next and FileOrDirExists(DataDir) then DirOk := False;
-    while Next and not DirOk do begin
-        if DataDir = '' then begin
-            DirOk := False;
-            MsgBox(SetupMessage(msgInvalidPath), mbError, MB_OK);
-        end;
-        if FileOrDirExists(DataDir) then begin
-            DirOk := MsgBox('Directory Exists' #13#13 'The directory ' +
-                DataDir + ' already exists.  Would you like to create ' +
-                'instance files in that directory anyway?',
-                mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = idYes;
-        end;
-        if not DirOk then Next := InputDir(False, DataDirValues[0], DataDir);
-    end;
-	Result := Next;
+    { Set default values; use settings from last time when possible. }
+    InstanceDirPage.Values[0] := GetPreviousData('InstanceDir',
+                                                 'C:\Zope-Instance');
+    AdminPwdPage.Values[0] := '';
+    AdminPwdPage.Values[1] := '';
-function CollectPassword(): Boolean;
-    Next: Boolean;
-    gotPassword: Boolean;
+procedure RegisterPreviousData(PreviousDataKey: Integer);
-    ScriptDlgPageSetSubCaption1('Specify administrator password');
-	ScriptDlgPageSetSubCaption2('The login name for your Zope administrator ' +
-	    'account is "admin". When you first connect to the Zope management ' +
-	    'interface, you will need to login using the "admin" username and ' +
-	    'the password you specify below.');
-    gotPassword := False;
-    repeat
-        Next := InputQueryArrayEx(PasswordPrompts, PasswordChars, PasswordValues);
-        if Next then begin
-            if PasswordValues[0] = '' then
-                MsgBox('You must enter an administrator password', mbError, MB_OK)
-            else if PasswordValues[0] <> PasswordValues[1] then
-                MsgBox('Please try again -- the passwords don''t match',
-                       mbError, MB_OK)
-            else begin
-                gotPassword := True;
-                Password := PasswordValues[0]
-            end
-        end;
-    until gotPassword or not Next;
-    Result := Next;
+    { Store settings so we can restore them next time. }
+    { Note that we deliberately don't store the admin password across
+      runs!  We want that to vanish when the installer finishes. }
+    SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, 'InstanceDir', InstanceDirPage.Values[0]);
 function DoInstanceHome(): Boolean;
-    S : String;
+    S: String;
     S := WizardSelectedComponents(False);
     Result := Pos('instance', S) <> 0;
-function DoService(): Boolean;
-    S : String;
+function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean;
-    S := WizardSelectedTasks(False);
-    Result := Pos('service', S) <> 0;
+    { Skip pages that shouldn't be shown. }
+    if (PageID = InstanceDirPage.ID) or (PageID = AdminPwdPage.ID) then
+        Result := not DoInstanceHome()
+    else
+        Result := False;
-function DontDoService(): Boolean;
-    Result := not DoService();
-function ScriptDlgPages(CurPage: Integer; BackClicked: Boolean): Boolean;
+function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
-    Next	      : Boolean;
-    CurSubPage : Integer;
+    temp: String;
-    Next:=True;
-    if ( (not BackClicked and (CurPage = wpSelectTasks)) or (BackClicked and (CurPage = wpReady))  )
-        and DoInstanceHome() then begin
-        if not BackClicked then CurSubPage:=0 else CurSubPage:=1;
+    { Validate pages before allowing the user to proceed. }
+    Result := True;  // innocent until proven guilty
-        ScriptDlgPageOpen();
-        ScriptDlgPageSetCaption('Instance Setup');
-        while (CurSubPage >=0) and (CurSubPage <=1) and not Terminated do begin
-            case CurSubPage of
-                0: Next := CollectInstanceDir();
-                1: Next := CollectPassword();
-            end;
-	        if Next then CurSubPage := CurSubPage +1 else CurSubPage := CurSubPage -1;
-        end;
-        if not BackClicked then
-            Result := Next
-        else
-            Result := not Next;
-        ScriptDlgPageClose(not Result);
-    end;
-    Result := Next;
+    if CurPageID = InstanceDirPage.ID then begin
+        temp := InstanceDirPage.Values[0];
+        if temp = '' then begin
+            Result := False;
+            MsgBox(SetupMessage(msgInvalidPath), mbError, MB_OK);
+        end
+        else if FileOrDirExists(temp) then begin
+            Result := MsgBox('Directory Exists' #13#13 'The directory ' +
+                temp + ' already exists.  Would you like to create ' +
+                'instance files in that directory anyway?',
+                mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = idYes;
+        end
+    end
+    else if CurPageID = AdminPwdPage.ID then begin
+        temp := AdminPwdPage.Values[0];
+        if temp = '' then begin
+            Result := False;
+            MsgBox('You must enter an administrator password',
+                   mbError, MB_OK);
+        end
+        else if temp <> AdminPwdPage.Values[1] then begin
+            Result := False;
+            MsgBox('Please try again -- the passwords don''t match',
+                   mbError, MB_OK)
+        end
+    end
-function NextButtonClick(CurPage: Integer): Boolean;
+function DoService(): Boolean;
+    S: String;
-    Result := ScriptDlgPages(CurPage, False);
+    S := WizardSelectedTasks(False);
+    Result := Pos('service', S) <> 0;
-function BackButtonClick(CurPage: Integer): Boolean;
+function DontDoService(): Boolean;
-    Result := ScriptDlgPages(CurPage, True);
+    Result := not DoService();
 function GetPassword(Default: String): String;
-    Result := Password;
+    Result := AdminPwdPage.Values[0];
-function GetDataDir(Default	:  String):String;
+function GetDataDir(Default: String):String;
-    Result := DataDir;
-end; { GetInstanceDir }
+    Result := InstanceDirPage.Values[0];
 function IsAdministrator(): Boolean;
     Result := IsAdminLoggedOn();

Modified: Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/mk/common.mk
--- Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/mk/common.mk	2006-01-14 15:50:49 UTC (rev 41313)
+++ Zope/branches/tim-2.9-windows-installer/inst/WinBuilders/mk/common.mk	2006-01-15 03:39:13 UTC (rev 41314)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
-ISS_DIR=$(CYGROOT)/Progra~1/Inno Setup 4
+ISS_DIR=$(CYGROOT)/Progra~1/Inno Setup 5
 # We need a version that understands cygwin paths, so /bin/

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