[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/Products/ZReST/tests -
__init__.py: test_ZReST.py:
Tres Seaver
tseaver at palladion.com
Mon Jul 10 17:28:30 EDT 2006
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/Products/ZReST/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv7924/lib/python/Products/ZReST/tests
Added Files:
Tag: Zope-2_7-branch
__init__.py test_ZReST.py
Log Message:
- Backport tests and fixes for ReST file inclusion vulnerability.
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/Products/ZReST/tests/__init__.py ===
""" Unit tests for ZReST product.
$Id: __init__.py,v 2006/07/10 21:28:29 tseaver Exp $
=== Added File Zope/lib/python/Products/ZReST/tests/test_ZReST.py ===
""" Unit tests for ZReST objects
$Id: test_ZReST.py,v 2006/07/10 21:28:29 tseaver Exp $
import unittest
class TestZReST(unittest.TestCase):
def _getTargetClass(self):
from Products.ZReST.ZReST import ZReST
return ZReST
def _makeOne(self, id='test', *args, **kw):
return self._getTargetClass()(id=id, *args, **kw)
def test_include_directive_raises(self):
resty = self._makeOne()
resty.source = 'hello world\n .. include:: /etc/passwd'
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, resty.render)
def test_raw_directive_disabled(self):
resty = self._makeOne()
resty.source = '.. raw:: html\n\n %s\n' % EXPECTED
resty.render() # don't raise, but don't work either
result = resty.formatted
self.failIf(EXPECTED in result)
self.failUnless(""raw" directive disabled" in result)
from cgi import escape
self.failUnless(escape(EXPECTED) in result)
def test_raw_directive_file_directive_raises(self):
resty = self._makeOne()
resty.source = '.. raw:: html\n :file: inclusion.txt'
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, resty.render)
def test_raw_directive_url_directive_raises(self):
resty = self._makeOne()
resty.source = '.. raw:: html\n :url: http://www.zope.org/'
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, resty.render)
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
return suite
if __name__ == '__main__':
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