[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/2.9/lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/tests/test_caching.py First attempts at documenting ZSQL method cache behaviour.

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Fri Nov 17 07:30:36 EST 2006

Log message for revision 71150:
  First attempts at documenting ZSQL method cache behaviour.
  The tests pass but XXX marks stuff that needs fixing.

  A   Zope/branches/2.9/lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/tests/test_caching.py

Added: Zope/branches/2.9/lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/tests/test_caching.py
--- Zope/branches/2.9/lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/tests/test_caching.py	2006-11-17 10:02:54 UTC (rev 71149)
+++ Zope/branches/2.9/lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/tests/test_caching.py	2006-11-17 12:30:35 UTC (rev 71150)
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+from pprint import pprint
+from time import time
+from unittest import TestCase,TestSuite,makeSuite
+class DummyDB:
+    conn_num = 1
+    def query(self,*args):
+        return ('result for:',)+args
+    def hook_method(self):
+        conn_to_use = 'conn'+str(self.conn_num)
+        self.conn_num += 1
+        return conn_to_use
+class DummyTime:
+    def __init__(self,t):
+        self.t = float(t)
+    def __call__(self):
+        return self.t
+class TestCaching(TestCase):
+    echo = False
+    def setUp(self):
+        from Shared.DC.ZRDB import DA
+        self.DA = DA
+        self.da = DA.DA('da','title','conn_id','arg1 arg2','some sql')
+        # set the da's caching parameters
+        self.da.cache_time_ = 10
+        self.da.max_cache_ = 2
+    def _do_query(self,query,time):
+        try:
+            self.DA.time = DummyTime(time)
+            result = self.da._cached_result(DummyDB(),query)
+        finally:
+            self.DA.time = time
+        self.assertEqual(result,('result for:',)+query)
+    def _check_mapping(self,expected,actual):
+        missing = []
+        extra = []
+        different = []
+        for key,value in expected.items():
+            try:
+                ai = actual[key]
+            except KeyError:
+                missing.append(key)
+            else:
+                if ai!=value:
+                    different.append('%r: %r != %r' % (key,value,ai))
+        for key in actual.keys():
+            try:
+                expected[key]
+            except KeyError:
+                extra.append(key)
+        result = []
+        if different:
+            different.sort()
+            result.append("Mismatching, key: (expected != actual):")
+            for r in different:
+                result.append(r)
+        if missing:
+            missing.sort()
+            result.append("The following keys were missing from actual:")
+            for r in missing:
+                result.append(repr(r))
+        if extra:
+            extra.sort()
+            result.append("The following extra keys were found in actual:")
+            for r in extra:
+                result.append(repr(r))
+        return result
+    def _check_cache(self,cache,tcache):
+        if self.echo:
+            print "cache:"
+            pprint(self.da._v_cache[0])
+            print "tcache:"
+            pprint(self.da._v_cache[1])
+            print
+        result = []
+        r = self._check_mapping(cache,self.da._v_cache[0])
+        if r:
+            result.append("cache didn't match expected:")
+            result.extend(r)
+        r = self._check_mapping(tcache,self.da._v_cache[1])
+        if r:
+            result.append("tcache didn't match expected:")
+            result.extend(r)
+        if result:
+            self.fail('\n\n'+'\n'.join(result))
+    def test_same_query_different_seconds(self):
+        # this tests a sequence set of requests for the same
+        # query, but where the item returned is always in the cache
+        self._check_cache({},{})
+        for t in range(1,6):
+            self._do_query(('query',),t)
+            self._check_cache(
+                {('query', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1,('result for:', 'query'))},
+                {1: ('query', '\nDBConnId: None')}
+                )
+    def test_same_query_same_second(self):
+        # this tests a sequence set of requests for the same
+        # query, but where the item returned is always in the cache
+        # and where the queries all occur in the same second, so
+        # tickling the potential cache time rounding problem
+        self._check_cache({},{})
+        for t in range(11,16,1):
+            t = float(t)/10
+            self._do_query(('query',),t)
+            self._check_cache(
+                {('query', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.1,('result for:', 'query'))},
+                {1: ('query', '\nDBConnId: None')}
+                )
+    def test_different_queries_different_second(self):
+        # This tests different queries being fired into the cache
+        # in sufficient volume to excercise the purging code
+        # XXX this demonstrates newer cached material being incorrectly
+        #     dumped due to the replacement of Bucket with dict
+        self._check_cache({},{})
+        # one
+        self._do_query(('query1',),1.1)
+        self._check_cache(
+            {('query1', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.1,('result for:', 'query1'))},
+            {1: ('query1', '\nDBConnId: None')}
+            )
+        # two
+        self._do_query( ('query2',),3.2)
+        self._check_cache(
+            {('query1', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.1,('result for:', 'query1')),
+             ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'): (3.2,('result for:', 'query2')),},
+            {1: ('query1', '\nDBConnId: None'),
+             3: ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'),}
+            )
+        # three
+        self._do_query(('query3',),4.3)
+        self._check_cache(
+            {('query1', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.1,('result for:', 'query1')),
+             ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'): (3.2,('result for:', 'query2')),
+             ('query3', '\nDBConnId: None'): (4.3,('result for:', 'query3')),},
+            {1: ('query1', '\nDBConnId: None'),
+             3: ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'),
+             4: ('query3', '\nDBConnId: None'),}
+            )
+        # four - now we drop our first cache entry, this is an off-by-one error
+        self._do_query(('query4',),8.4)
+        self._check_cache(
+            {('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'): (3.2,('result for:', 'query2')),
+             ('query3', '\nDBConnId: None'): (4.3,('result for:', 'query3')),
+             ('query4', '\nDBConnId: None'): (8.4,('result for:', 'query4')),},
+            {3: ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'),
+             4: ('query3', '\nDBConnId: None'),
+             8: ('query4', '\nDBConnId: None'),}
+            )
+        # five - now we drop another cache entry
+        self._do_query(('query5',),9.5)
+        # XXX oops - because dicts have an arbitary ordering, we dumped the wrong key!
+        self._check_cache(
+            {('query3', '\nDBConnId: None'): (4.3,('result for:', 'query3')),
+             ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'): (3.2,('result for:', 'query2')),
+             ('query5', '\nDBConnId: None'): (9.5,('result for:', 'query5')),},
+            {4: ('query3', '\nDBConnId: None'),
+             3: ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'),
+             9: ('query5', '\nDBConnId: None'),}
+            )
+    def test_different_queries_same_second(self):
+        # This tests different queries being fired into the cache
+        # in the same second.
+        # XXX The demonstrates a memory leak in the cache code
+        self._check_cache({},{})
+        # one
+        self._do_query(('query1',),1.0)
+        self._check_cache(
+            {('query1', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.0,('result for:', 'query1'))},
+            {1: ('query1', '\nDBConnId: None')}
+            )
+        # two
+        self._do_query( ('query2',),1.1)
+        self._check_cache(
+            {('query1', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.0,('result for:', 'query1')),
+             ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.1,('result for:', 'query2')),},
+            {1.0: ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'),}
+            )
+        # three
+        self._do_query(('query3',),1.2)
+        self._check_cache(
+            {('query1', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1,('result for:', 'query1')),
+             ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.1,('result for:', 'query2')),
+             ('query3', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.2,('result for:', 'query3')),},
+            {1: ('query3', '\nDBConnId: None'),}
+            )
+        # four - now we drop our first cache entry, this is an off-by-one error
+        self._do_query(('query4',),1.3)
+        self._check_cache(
+            # XXX - oops, why is query1 here still?
+            {('query1', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1,('result for:', 'query1')),
+             ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.1,('result for:', 'query2')),
+             ('query3', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.2,('result for:', 'query3')),
+             ('query4', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.3,('result for:', 'query4')),},
+            {1: ('query4', '\nDBConnId: None'),}
+            )
+        # five - now we drop another cache entry
+        self._do_query(('query5',),1.4)
+        self._check_cache(
+            # XXX - oops, why are query1 and query2 here still?
+            {('query1', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1,('result for:', 'query1')),
+             ('query2', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.1,('result for:', 'query2')),
+             ('query3', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.2,('result for:', 'query3')),
+             ('query4', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.3,('result for:', 'query4')),
+             ('query5', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.4,('result for:', 'query5')),},
+            {1: ('query5', '\nDBConnId: None'),}
+            )
+    def test_connection_hook(self):
+        # XXX excercises the nonsense of the connection id cache descriminator
+        self._do_query(('query1',),1.1)
+        # XXX this should be '\nDBConnId: conn_id'
+        self._check_cache(
+            {('query1', '\nDBConnId: None'): (1.1,('result for:', 'query1'))},
+            {1: ('query1', '\nDBConnId: None')}
+            )
+        del self.da._v_cache
+        self.da.connection_hook='hook_method'
+        # XXX this should be '\nDBConnId: conn1'
+        self._do_query(('query1',),1.1)
+        self._check_cache(
+            {('query1', '\nDBConnId: hook_method'): (1.1,('result for:', 'query1'))},
+            {1: ('query1', '\nDBConnId: hook_method')}
+            )
+        del self.da._v_cache
+        # XXX this should be '\nDBConnId: conn2'
+        self._do_query(('query1',),1.1)
+        self._check_cache(
+            {('query1', '\nDBConnId: hook_method'): (1.1,('result for:', 'query1'))},
+            {1: ('query1', '\nDBConnId: hook_method')}
+            )
+class DummyDA:
+    def __call__(self):
+        # we return None here, because this should never actually be called
+        return None
+    sql_quote__ = "I don't know what this is."
+class Hook:
+    conn_num = 1
+    def __call__(self):
+        conn_to_use = 'conn'+str(self.conn_num)
+        self.conn_num += 1
+        return conn_to_use
+class TestCacheKeys(TestCase):
+    def _cached_result(self,DB__,query):
+        self.cache_key = query
+        # we return something that can be safely turned into an empty Result
+        return ((),())
+    def setUp(self):
+        from Shared.DC.ZRDB.DA import DA
+        self.da = DA('da','title','conn_id','arg1 arg2','some sql')
+        self.da._cached_result = self._cached_result
+        self.da.conn_id = DummyDA()
+        # These need to be set so DA.__call__ tries for a cached result
+        self.da.cache_time_ = 1
+        self.da.max_cache_ = 1
+    def test_default(self):
+        self.da()
+        self.assertEqual(self.cache_key,('some sql',1000))
+    def test_different_max_rows(self):
+        self.da.max_rows_ = 123
+        self.da()
+        self.assertEqual(self.cache_key,('some sql',123))
+    def test_connection_hook(self):
+        self.da.connection_hook = 'hook_method'
+        self.da.hook_method = Hook()
+        self.da.conn1 = DummyDA()
+        self.da()
+        # XXX the connection id should be added to the cache key here
+        self.assertEqual(self.cache_key,('some sql',1000))
+        self.da.conn2 = DummyDA()
+        self.da()
+        # XXX the connection id should be added to the cache key here
+        self.assertEqual(self.cache_key,('some sql',1000))
+def test_suite():
+    suite = TestSuite()
+    suite.addTest(makeSuite(TestCaching))
+    suite.addTest(makeSuite(TestCacheKeys))
+    return suite

Property changes on: Zope/branches/2.9/lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/tests/test_caching.py
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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