[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/2.10/ - Merge r76767 from trunk. Fixes collector issue #1441, adding a configuration option to enable Microsoft WebFolders to work with Zope again, disabled by default.

Sidnei da Silva sidnei at enfoldsystems.com
Wed Jun 27 08:59:32 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 77126:
   - Merge r76767 from trunk. Fixes collector issue #1441, adding a configuration option to enable Microsoft WebFolders to work with Zope again, disabled by default.

  U   Zope/branches/2.10/doc/CHANGES.txt
  U   Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/handlers.py
  U   Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/tests/test_schema.py
  U   Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml
  U   Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/Resource.py
  U   Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/__init__.py
  U   Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/tests/testResource.py
  U   Zope/branches/2.10/skel/etc/zope.conf.in

Modified: Zope/branches/2.10/doc/CHANGES.txt
--- Zope/branches/2.10/doc/CHANGES.txt	2007-06-27 12:54:42 UTC (rev 77125)
+++ Zope/branches/2.10/doc/CHANGES.txt	2007-06-27 12:59:31 UTC (rev 77126)
@@ -8,6 +8,13 @@
     Bugs fixed
+      - Collector #1441: WebDAV compatibility with Windows Web Folders
+        restored by adding a configuration variable that controls the
+        sending of the non-standard MS-Author-Via and Public
+        headers. Thanks for PatrickD for the the hard work coming up
+        with an initial patch.  
+        (http://zope.org/Collectors/Zope/1441)
       - Fixed bug in ZPublisher.BaseRequest with persistent site managers. An
         EndRequestEvent was thrown after the ZODB connection was already
         closed and thus the site manager not being available anymore.
@@ -1319,9 +1326,9 @@
        x86_64 systems
      - ZReST: the charset used in the rendered HTML was not set to the
-       corresponding output_encoding property of the ZReST instance. In addition
-       changing the encodings through the Properties tab did not re-render
-       the HTML.
+       corresponding output_encoding property of the ZReST
+       instance. In addition changing the encodings through the
+       Properties tab did not re-render the HTML.
      - Collector #1234: an exception triple passed to LOG() was not
        propagated properly to the logging module of Python

Modified: Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/handlers.py
--- Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/handlers.py	2007-06-27 12:54:42 UTC (rev 77125)
+++ Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/handlers.py	2007-06-27 12:59:31 UTC (rev 77126)
@@ -150,6 +150,14 @@
 def http_header_max_length(value):
     return value
+def enable_ms_author_via(value):
+    import webdav
+    webdav.enable_ms_author_via = value
+def enable_ms_public_header(value):
+    import webdav
+    webdav.enable_ms_public_header = value
 def catalog_getObject_raises(value):
     if value is not None:

Modified: Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/tests/test_schema.py
--- Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/tests/test_schema.py	2007-06-27 12:54:42 UTC (rev 77125)
+++ Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/tests/test_schema.py	2007-06-27 12:59:31 UTC (rev 77126)
@@ -95,6 +95,50 @@
         self.assertEqual(items, [("FEARFACTORY", "rocks"), ("NSYNC","doesnt")])
+    def test_ms_author_via(self):
+        import webdav
+        from Zope2.Startup.handlers import handleConfig
+        default_setting = webdav.enable_ms_author_via
+        try:
+            conf, handler = self.load_config_text("""\
+                instancehome <<INSTANCE_HOME>>
+                enable-ms-author-via true
+                """)
+            handleConfig(None, handler)
+            self.assert_(webdav.enable_ms_author_via == True)
+            conf, handler = self.load_config_text("""\
+                instancehome <<INSTANCE_HOME>>
+                enable-ms-author-via false
+                """)
+            handleConfig(None, handler)
+            self.assert_(webdav.enable_ms_author_via == False)
+        finally:
+            webdav.enable_ms_author_via = default_setting
+    def test_ms_public_header(self):
+        import webdav
+        from Zope2.Startup.handlers import handleConfig
+        default_setting = webdav.enable_ms_public_header
+        try:
+            conf, handler = self.load_config_text("""\
+                instancehome <<INSTANCE_HOME>>
+                enable-ms-public-header true
+                """)
+            handleConfig(None, handler)
+            self.assert_(webdav.enable_ms_public_header == True)
+            conf, handler = self.load_config_text("""\
+                instancehome <<INSTANCE_HOME>>
+                enable-ms-public-header false
+                """)
+            handleConfig(None, handler)
+            self.assert_(webdav.enable_ms_public_header == False)
+        finally:
+            webdav.enable_ms_public_header = default_setting
     def test_path(self):
         p1 = tempfile.mktemp()
         p2 = tempfile.mktemp()

Modified: Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml
--- Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml	2007-06-27 12:54:42 UTC (rev 77125)
+++ Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml	2007-06-27 12:59:31 UTC (rev 77126)
@@ -553,6 +553,63 @@
+  <key name="enable-ms-author-via" datatype="boolean" handler="enable_ms_author_via" default="off">
+     <description>
+     Set this directive to 'true' to enable the "MS-Author-Via" header
+     in response to an OPTIONS WebDAV request. Early versions of
+     Microsoft Web Folders and Microsoft Office require this header to
+     be present to be able to connect to Zope via WebDAV.
+     This is disabled by default since it makes a lot of standards-compliant
+     things unhappy AND it tricks Microsoft Office into trying to edit Office
+     files stored in Zope via WebDAV even when the user isn't allowed to edit
+     them and is only trying to download them.
+     Check this collector entry for more information:
+     http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/1441
+     Recent versions of Microsoft Web Folders, updated after January
+     2005, do not require this header anymore, and instead require a
+     "Public" header to be present in reply to the OPTIONS WebDAV
+     request.
+     (http://www.redmountainsw.com/wordpress/archives/webfolders-zope)
+     To get a recent Microsoft Web Folders implementation, refer to
+     Microsoft KB Article 907306.
+     (Software Update for Web Folders: May 18, 2007).
+     </description>
+     <metadefault>off</metadefault>
+  </key>
+  <key name="enable-ms-public-header" datatype="boolean" handler="enable_ms_public_header" default="off">
+     <description>
+     Set this directive to 'on' to enable sending the "Public" header
+     in response to an WebDAV OPTIONS request.
+     Though recent WebDAV drafts mention this header, the original
+     WebDAV RFC did not mention it as part of the standard. Very few
+     web servers out there include this header in their replies, most
+     notably IIS and Netscape Enterprise 3.6.
+     Since many best practices documents out in the web mention
+     turning off this header with the subject of "Mask Your Web Server
+     For Enhanced Security", this setting is off by
+     default. Presumably malicious people might take the presence of
+     this header as indication of an IIS Web Server and try to attack
+     your site, so be careful when turning it on.
+     Recent versions of Microsoft Web Folders, updated after January
+     2005, *do* require this header to be present in reply to the
+     OPTIONS WebDAV request.
+     (http://www.redmountainsw.com/wordpress/archives/webfolders-zope)
+     To get a recent Microsoft Web Folders implementation, refer to
+     Microsoft KB Article 907306.
+     (Software Update for Web Folders: May 18, 2007).
+     </description>
+     <metadefault>off</metadefault>
+  </key>
   <key name="dns-server" datatype=".dns_resolver" attribute="dns_resolver">
      Specify the IP address of your DNS server in order to cause resolved

Modified: Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/Resource.py
--- Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/Resource.py	2007-06-27 12:54:42 UTC (rev 77125)
+++ Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/Resource.py	2007-06-27 12:59:31 UTC (rev 77126)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@
 import mimetypes
 import sys
 import warnings
+import re
 from urllib import unquote
+import webdav
 import ExtensionClass
 from Globals import InitializeClass
 from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@
 from OFS.event import ObjectWillBeMovedEvent
 import OFS.subscribers
+ms_dav_agent = re.compile("Microsoft.*Internet Publishing.*")
 class Resource(ExtensionClass.Base, Lockable.LockableItem):
@@ -213,6 +216,15 @@
         RESPONSE.setHeader('Allow', ', '.join(self.__http_methods__))
         RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Length', 0)
         RESPONSE.setHeader('DAV', '1,2', 1)
+        # Microsoft Web Folders compatibility, only enabled if
+        # User-Agent matches.
+        if ms_dav_agent.match(REQUEST.get_header('User-Agent', '')):
+            if webdav.enable_ms_public_header:
+                RESPONSE.setHeader('Public', ', '.join(self.__http_methods__))
+            if webdav.enable_ms_author_via:
+                RESPONSE.setHeader('MS-Author-Via', 'DAV')
         return RESPONSE

Modified: Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/__init__.py
--- Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/__init__.py	2007-06-27 12:54:42 UTC (rev 77125)
+++ Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/__init__.py	2007-06-27 12:59:31 UTC (rev 77126)
@@ -36,3 +36,6 @@
    Microsoft, U.C. Irvine, Netscape, Novell.  February, 1999."""
 __version__='$Revision: 1.7 $'[11:-2]
+enable_ms_author_via = False
+enable_ms_public_header = False

Modified: Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/tests/testResource.py
--- Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/tests/testResource.py	2007-06-27 12:54:42 UTC (rev 77125)
+++ Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/webdav/tests/testResource.py	2007-06-27 12:59:31 UTC (rev 77126)
@@ -1,6 +1,24 @@
 import unittest
+MS_DAV_AGENT = "Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider DAV"
+def make_request_response(environ=None):
+    from StringIO import StringIO
+    from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import HTTPRequest
+    from ZPublisher.HTTPResponse import HTTPResponse
+    if environ is None:
+        environ = {}
+    stdout = StringIO()
+    stdin = StringIO()
+    resp = HTTPResponse(stdout=stdout)
+    environ.setdefault('SERVER_NAME', 'foo')
+    environ.setdefault('SERVER_PORT', '80')
+    environ.setdefault('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET')
+    req = HTTPRequest(stdin, environ, resp)
+    return req, resp
 class TestResource(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_z3interfaces(self):
@@ -12,7 +30,61 @@
         verifyClass(IDAVResource, Resource)
         verifyClass(IWriteLock, Resource)
+    def test_ms_author_via(self):
+        import webdav
+        from webdav.Resource import Resource
+        default_settings = webdav.enable_ms_author_via
+        try:
+            req, resp = make_request_response()
+            resource = Resource()
+            resource.OPTIONS(req, resp)
+            self.assert_(not resp.headers.has_key('ms-author-via'))
+            webdav.enable_ms_author_via = True
+            req, resp = make_request_response()
+            resource = Resource()
+            resource.OPTIONS(req, resp)
+            self.assert_(not resp.headers.has_key('ms-author-via'))
+            req, resp = make_request_response(
+                environ={'USER_AGENT': MS_DAV_AGENT})
+            resource = Resource()
+            resource.OPTIONS(req, resp)
+            self.assert_(resp.headers.has_key('ms-author-via'))
+            self.assert_(resp.headers['ms-author-via'] == 'DAV')
+        finally:
+            webdav.enable_ms_author_via = default_settings
+    def test_ms_public_header(self):
+        import webdav
+        from webdav.Resource import Resource
+        default_settings = webdav.enable_ms_public_header
+        try:
+            req, resp = make_request_response()
+            resource = Resource()
+            resource.OPTIONS(req, resp)
+            self.assert_(not resp.headers.has_key('public'))
+            webdav.enable_ms_public_header = True
+            req, resp = make_request_response()
+            resource = Resource()
+            resource.OPTIONS(req, resp)
+            self.assert_(not resp.headers.has_key('public'))
+            self.assert_(resp.headers.has_key('allow'))
+            req, resp = make_request_response(
+                environ={'USER_AGENT': MS_DAV_AGENT})
+            resource = Resource()
+            resource.OPTIONS(req, resp)
+            self.assert_(resp.headers.has_key('public'))
+            self.assert_(resp.headers.has_key('allow'))
+            self.assert_(resp.headers['public'] == resp.headers['allow'])
+        finally:
+            webdav.enable_ms_public_header = default_settings
 def test_suite():
     return unittest.TestSuite((

Modified: Zope/branches/2.10/skel/etc/zope.conf.in
--- Zope/branches/2.10/skel/etc/zope.conf.in	2007-06-27 12:54:42 UTC (rev 77125)
+++ Zope/branches/2.10/skel/etc/zope.conf.in	2007-06-27 12:59:31 UTC (rev 77126)
@@ -443,7 +443,71 @@
 #     http-header-max-length 16384
+# Directive: enable-ms-author-via
+# Description:
+#     Set this directive to 'true' to enable the "MS-Author-Via" header
+#     in response to an OPTIONS WebDAV request. Early versions of
+#     Microsoft Web Folders and Microsoft Office require this header to
+#     be present to be able to connect to Zope via WebDAV.
+#     This is disabled by default since it makes a lot of standards-compliant
+#     things unhappy AND it tricks Microsoft Office into trying to edit Office
+#     files stored in Zope via WebDAV even when the user isn't allowed to edit
+#     them and is only trying to download them.
+#     Check this collector entry for more information:
+#     http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/1441
+#     Recent versions of Microsoft Web Folders, updated after January
+#     2005, do not require this header anymore, and instead require a
+#     "Public" header to be present in reply to the OPTIONS WebDAV
+#     request.
+#     (http://www.redmountainsw.com/wordpress/archives/webfolders-zope)
+#     To get a recent Microsoft Web Folders implementation, refer to
+#     Microsoft KB Article 907306.
+#     (Software Update for Web Folders: May 18, 2007).
+# Default: off
+# Example:
+#    enable-ms-author-via on
+# Directive: enable-ms-public-header
+# Description:
+#     Set this directive to 'on' to enable sending the "Public" header
+#     in response to an WebDAV OPTIONS request.
+#     Though recent WebDAV drafts mention this header, the original
+#     WebDAV RFC did not mention it as part of the standard. Very few
+#     web servers out there include this header in their replies, most
+#     notably IIS and Netscape Enterprise 3.6.
+#     Since many best practices documents out in the web mention
+#     turning off this header with the subject of "Mask Your Web Server
+#     For Enhanced Security", this setting is off by
+#     default. Presumably malicious people might take the presence of
+#     this header as indication of an IIS Web Server and try to attack
+#     your site, so be careful when turning it on.
+#     Recent versions of Microsoft Web Folders, updated after January
+#     2005, *do* require this header to be present in reply to the
+#     OPTIONS WebDAV request.
+#     (http://www.redmountainsw.com/wordpress/archives/webfolders-zope)
+#     To get a recent Microsoft Web Folders implementation, refer to
+#     Microsoft KB Article 907306.
+#     (Software Update for Web Folders: May 18, 2007).
+# Default: off
+# Example:
+#    enable-ms-public-header on
 # Directive: automatically-quote-dtml-request-data
 # Description:

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