[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/2.11/ Merged the slinkp-datetime-200007 branch: fix the DateTime(anotherDateTime) constructor to preserve timezones.

Paul Winkler slinkp at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 17:13:42 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 85834:
  Merged the slinkp-datetime-200007 branch: fix the DateTime(anotherDateTime) constructor to preserve timezones.

  U   Zope/branches/2.11/doc/CHANGES.txt
  U   Zope/branches/2.11/lib/python/DateTime/DateTime.py
  U   Zope/branches/2.11/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py

Modified: Zope/branches/2.11/doc/CHANGES.txt
--- Zope/branches/2.11/doc/CHANGES.txt	2008-04-28 21:06:37 UTC (rev 85833)
+++ Zope/branches/2.11/doc/CHANGES.txt	2008-04-28 21:13:38 UTC (rev 85834)
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
     Bugs Fixed
+      - Launchpad #200007: DateTime(anotherDateTime) now preserves the
+        timezone.
       - Launchpad #213311:  Handle "unsubscriptable object" errors
         during publishing traversal.

Modified: Zope/branches/2.11/lib/python/DateTime/DateTime.py
--- Zope/branches/2.11/lib/python/DateTime/DateTime.py	2008-04-28 21:06:37 UTC (rev 85833)
+++ Zope/branches/2.11/lib/python/DateTime/DateTime.py	2008-04-28 21:13:38 UTC (rev 85834)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
   (?:-?                             # one optional dash
    (?:                              # followed by:
     (?P<year_day>\d\d\d             #  three digits year day
-     (?!\d))                        #  when there's no fourth digit
+     (?!\d))                        #  when there is no fourth digit
    |                                # or:
     W                               #  one W
     (?P<week>\d\d)                  #  two digits week
@@ -586,12 +586,11 @@
                 DateTime instance.
                 t = arg.timeTime()
-                lt = safelocaltime(t)
-                tz = self.localZone(lt)
+                tz = arg.timezone()
                 ms = (t - math.floor(t))
                 s,d = _calcSD(t)
-                yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc=lt[:6]
-                sc=sc+ms
+                yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc = gmtime(t)[:6]
+                sc = sc + ms
             elif isinstance(arg, datetime):

Modified: Zope/branches/2.11/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py
--- Zope/branches/2.11/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py	2008-04-28 21:06:37 UTC (rev 85833)
+++ Zope/branches/2.11/lib/python/DateTime/tests/testDateTime.py	2008-04-28 21:13:38 UTC (rev 85834)
@@ -386,6 +386,19 @@
         d = DateTime('1999/04/12')
         self.assertEqual(DateTime(d), d)
+    def testCopyConstructorPreservesTimezone(self):
+        # test for https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope2/+bug/200007
+        # This always worked in the local timezone, so we need at least
+        # two tests with different zones to be sure at least one of them
+        # is not local.
+        d = DateTime('2004/04/04')
+        self.assertEqual(DateTime(d).timezone(), d.timezone())
+        d2 = DateTime('2008/04/25 12:00:00 EST')
+        self.assertEqual(DateTime(d2).timezone(), d2.timezone())
+        d3 = DateTime('2008/04/25 12:00:00 PST')
+        self.assertEqual(DateTime(d3).timezone(), d3.timezone())
     def testRFC822(self):
         # rfc822 conversion
         dt = DateTime('2002-05-02T08:00:00+00:00')

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