[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/hotfixes/Hotfix_20080812/trunk/README.txt added

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Wed Aug 13 02:21:24 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 89782:

  A   Zope/hotfixes/Hotfix_20080812/trunk/README.txt

Added: Zope/hotfixes/Hotfix_20080812/trunk/README.txt
--- Zope/hotfixes/Hotfix_20080812/trunk/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Zope/hotfixes/Hotfix_20080812/trunk/README.txt	2008-08-13 06:21:23 UTC (rev 89782)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+Hotfix-20080812 README
+    PythonScripts in Zope 2 can be misused for shutting down a complete Zope 2
+    instance or misused for a local denial-of-service attack. This issue affects
+    only those Zope 2 instances where users have unrestricted access to the ZMI and
+    the ability to edit PythonScripts. This should usually not be the case for
+    instances where the Manager access is granted only to trusted persons. 
+    A PythonScript containing
+          raise SystemExit
+    will immediately shutdown the current Zope instance
+    A PythonScript containing
+          return 'foo'.encode('test.testall')
+    would import the 'test' module of Python and execute all tests
+    (could be misused for a denial-of-service attack). Also other modules
+    could possibly be imported.
+  Affected Versions
+    - Zope 2.7.0 to Zope 2.11.2
+    - Earlier versions of Zope 2 are affected as well, but no new
+      releases for older major Zope releases (Zope 2.6 and earlier) will
+      be made. This Hotfix may work for older versions, but this has not
+      been tested.
+  Installing the Hotfix
+    This hotfix is installed as a standard Zope2 product.  The following
+    examples assume that your Zope instance is located at
+    '/var/zope/instance':  please adjust according to your actual
+    instance path.  Also note that hotfix products are *not* intended
+    for installation into the "software home" of your Zope.
+      1. Unpack the tarball / zipfile for the Hotfix into a temporary
+         location::
+          $ cd /tmp
+          $ tar xzf ~/Hotfix_20080812.tar.gz
+      2. Copy or move the product directory from the unpacked directory
+         to the 'Products' directory of your Zope instance::
+          $ cp -a /tmp/Hotfix_20080812/ /var/zope/instance/Products/
+      3. Restart Zope::
+          $ /var/zope/instance/bin/zopectl restart
+  Uninstalling the Hotfix
+    After upgrading Zope to one of the fixed versions, you should remove
+    this hotfix product from your Zope instance.
+      1. Remove the product directory from your instance 'Products'::
+          $ rm -rf /var/zope/instance/Products/Hotfix_20080812/
+      2. Restart Zope::
+          $ /var/zope/instance/bin/zopectl restart
+  References
+      http://www.zope.org/advisories/advisory-2008-08-12

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