[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/ Centralize interfaces defined in Products.ZCTextIndex.
Tres Seaver
tseaver at palladion.com
Wed Jun 10 18:29:12 EDT 2009
Log message for revision 100817:
Centralize interfaces defined in Products.ZCTextIndex.
o Leave BBB imports behind in old locations.
U Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/BaseIndex.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/CosineIndex.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/HTMLSplitter.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IIndex.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/INBest.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IPipelineElement.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IPipelineElementFactory.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IQueryParseTree.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IQueryParser.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/ISplitter.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/Lexicon.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/NBest.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/OkapiIndex.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/ParseTree.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/PipelineFactory.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/QueryParser.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/interfaces.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testParseTree.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testPipelineFactory.py
U Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testQueryParser.py
Modified: Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst
--- Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -11,14 +11,17 @@
-* Integrated zLOG package back into this package.
+- Centralize interfaces defined in Products.ZCTextIndex, leaving BBB
+ imports behind in old locations.
-* Updated documentation to new version number.
+- Integrated zLOG package back into this package.
+- Updated documentation to new version number.
Features Added
-* Updated packages:
+- Updated packages:
- zope.app.cache = 3.6.0
- zope.app.pagetemplate = 3.7.1
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/BaseIndex.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/BaseIndex.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/BaseIndex.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
from Persistence import Persistent
from zope.interface import implements
-from Products.ZCTextIndex.IIndex import IIndex
from Products.ZCTextIndex import WidCode
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IIndex
from Products.ZCTextIndex.SetOps import mass_weightedIntersection
from Products.ZCTextIndex.SetOps import mass_weightedUnion
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/CosineIndex.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/CosineIndex.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/CosineIndex.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
from BTrees.IIBTree import IIBucket
from zope.interface import implements
-from Products.ZCTextIndex.IIndex import IIndex
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IIndex
from Products.ZCTextIndex.BaseIndex import BaseIndex
from Products.ZCTextIndex.BaseIndex import inverse_doc_frequency
from Products.ZCTextIndex.BaseIndex import scaled_int
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/HTMLSplitter.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/HTMLSplitter.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/HTMLSplitter.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
from zope.interface import implements
-from Products.ZCTextIndex.ISplitter import ISplitter
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import ISplitter
from Products.ZCTextIndex.PipelineFactory import element_factory
class HTMLWordSplitter:
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IIndex.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IIndex.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IIndex.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -14,67 +14,4 @@
"""Index Interface."""
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class IIndex(Interface):
- """Interface for an Index."""
- def length():
- """Return the number of words in the index."""
- def document_count():
- """Return the number of documents in the index."""
- def get_words(docid):
- """Return a list of wordids for the given docid."""
- def search(term):
- """Execute a search on a single term given as a string.
- Return an IIBTree mapping docid to score, or None if all docs
- match due to the lexicon returning no wids for the term (e.g.,
- if the term is entirely composed of stopwords).
- """
- def search_phrase(phrase):
- """Execute a search on a phrase given as a string.
- Return an IIBtree mapping docid to score.
- """
- def search_glob(pattern):
- """Execute a pattern search.
- The pattern represents a set of words by using * and ?. For
- example, "foo*" represents the set of all words in the lexicon
- starting with "foo".
- Return an IIBTree mapping docid to score.
- """
- def query_weight(terms):
- """Return the weight for a set of query terms.
- 'terms' is a sequence of all terms included in the query,
- although not terms with a not. If a term appears more than
- once in a query, it should appear more than once in terms.
- Nothing is defined about what "weight" means, beyond that the
- result is an upper bound on document scores returned for the
- query.
- """
- def index_doc(docid, text):
- """Add a document with the specified id and text to the index. If a
- document by that id already exists, replace its text with the new
- text provided
- text may be either a string (Unicode or otherwise) or a list
- of strings from which to extract the terms under which to
- index the source document.
- """
- def unindex_doc(docid):
- """Remove the document with the specified id from the index"""
- def has_doc(docid):
- """Returns true if docid is an id of a document in the index"""
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IIndex # BBB
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/INBest.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/INBest.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/INBest.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -12,62 +12,4 @@
-"""NBest Interface.
-An NBest object remembers the N best-scoring items ever passed to its
-.add(item, score) method. If .add() is called M times, the worst-case
-number of comparisons performed overall is M * log2(N).
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class INBest(Interface):
- """Interface for an N-Best chooser."""
- def add(item, score):
- """Record that item 'item' has score 'score'. No return value.
- The N best-scoring items are remembered, where N was passed to
- the constructor. 'item' can by anything. 'score' should be
- a number, and larger numbers are considered better.
- """
- def addmany(sequence):
- """Like "for item, score in sequence: self.add(item, score)".
- This is simply faster than calling add() len(seq) times.
- """
- def getbest():
- """Return the (at most) N best-scoring items as a sequence.
- The return value is a sequence of 2-tuples, (item, score), with
- the largest score first. If .add() has been called fewer than
- N times, this sequence will contain fewer than N pairs.
- """
- def pop_smallest():
- """Return and remove the (item, score) pair with lowest score.
- If len(self) is 0, raise IndexError.
- To be cleaer, this is the lowest score among the N best-scoring
- seen so far. This is most useful if the capacity of the NBest
- object is never exceeded, in which case pop_smallest() allows
- using the object as an ordinary smallest-in-first-out priority
- queue.
- """
- def __len__():
- """Return the number of (item, score) pairs currently known.
- This is N (the value passed to the constructor), unless .add()
- has been called fewer than N times.
- """
- def capacity():
- """Return the maximum number of (item, score) pairs.
- This is N (the value passed to the constructor).
- """
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import INBest # BBB
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IPipelineElement.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IPipelineElement.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IPipelineElement.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -12,18 +12,4 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class IPipelineElement(Interface):
- def process(source):
- """Provide a text processing step.
- Process a source sequence of words into a result sequence.
- """
- def processGlob(source):
- """Process, passing through globbing metacharaters.
- This is an optional method; if it is not used, process() is used.
- """
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IPipelineElement # BBB
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IPipelineElementFactory.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IPipelineElementFactory.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IPipelineElementFactory.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -12,28 +12,4 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class IPipelineElementFactory(Interface):
- """Class for creating pipeline elements by name"""
- def registerFactory(group, name, factory):
- """Registers a pipeline factory by name and element group.
- Each name can be registered only once for a given group. Duplicate
- registrations will raise a ValueError
- """
- def getFactoryGroups():
- """Returns a sorted list of element group names
- """
- def getFactoryNames(group):
- """Returns a sorted list of registered pipeline factory names
- in the specified element group
- """
- def instantiate(group, name):
- """Instantiates a pipeline element by group and name. If name is not
- registered raise a KeyError.
- """
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IPipelineElementFactory # BBB
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IQueryParseTree.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IQueryParseTree.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IQueryParseTree.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -12,41 +12,4 @@
-"""Query Parser Tree Interface."""
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class IQueryParseTree(Interface):
- """Interface for parse trees returned by parseQuery()."""
- def nodeType():
- """Return the node type.
- This is one of 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT', 'ATOM', 'PHRASE' or 'GLOB'.
- """
- def getValue():
- """Return a node-type specific value.
- For node type: Return:
- 'AND' a list of parse trees
- 'OR' a list of parse trees
- 'NOT' a parse tree
- 'ATOM' a string (representing a single search term)
- 'PHRASE' a string (representing a search phrase)
- 'GLOB' a string (representing a pattern, e.g. "foo*")
- """
- def terms():
- """Return a list of all terms in this node, excluding NOT subtrees."""
- def executeQuery(index):
- """Execute the query represented by this node against the index.
- The index argument must implement the IIndex interface.
- Return an IIBucket or IIBTree mapping document ids to scores
- (higher scores mean better results).
- May raise ParseTree.QueryError.
- """
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IPipelineElementFactory # BBB
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IQueryParser.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IQueryParser.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/IQueryParser.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -12,42 +12,4 @@
-"""Query Parser Interface."""
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class IQueryParser(Interface):
- """Interface for Query Parsers."""
- def parseQuery(query):
- """Parse a query string.
- Return a parse tree (which implements IQueryParseTree).
- Some of the query terms may be ignored because they are
- stopwords; use getIgnored() to find out which terms were
- ignored. But if the entire query consists only of stop words,
- or of stopwords and one or more negated terms, an exception is
- raised.
- May raise ParseTree.ParseError.
- """
- def getIgnored():
- """Return the list of ignored terms.
- Return the list of terms that were ignored by the most recent
- call to parseQuery() because they were stopwords.
- If parseQuery() was never called this returns None.
- """
- def parseQueryEx(query):
- """Parse a query string.
- Return a tuple (tree, ignored) where 'tree' is the parse tree
- as returned by parseQuery(), and 'ignored' is a list of
- ignored terms as returned by getIgnored().
- May raise ParseTree.ParseError.
- """
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IQueryParser # BBB
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/ISplitter.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/ISplitter.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/ISplitter.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -12,10 +12,4 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class ISplitter(Interface):
- """A splitter."""
- def process(text):
- """Run the splitter over the input text, returning a list of terms."""
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import ISplitter # BBB
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/Lexicon.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/Lexicon.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/Lexicon.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
from Persistence import Persistent
from zope.interface import implements
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import ILexicon
from Products.ZCTextIndex.StopDict import get_stopdict
from Products.ZCTextIndex.ParseTree import QueryError
from Products.ZCTextIndex.PipelineFactory import element_factory
-from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import ILexicon
class Lexicon(Persistent):
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/NBest.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/NBest.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/NBest.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
from bisect import bisect
from zope.interface import implements
-from Products.ZCTextIndex.INBest import INBest
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import INBest
class NBest:
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/OkapiIndex.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/OkapiIndex.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/OkapiIndex.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
from BTrees.Length import Length
from zope.interface import implements
-from Products.ZCTextIndex.IIndex import IIndex
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IIndex
from Products.ZCTextIndex.BaseIndex import BaseIndex
from Products.ZCTextIndex.BaseIndex import inverse_doc_frequency
from Products.ZCTextIndex.BaseIndex import scaled_int
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/ParseTree.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/ParseTree.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/ParseTree.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
from BTrees.IIBTree import difference
from zope.interface import implements
-from Products.ZCTextIndex.IQueryParseTree import IQueryParseTree
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IQueryParseTree
from Products.ZCTextIndex.SetOps import mass_weightedIntersection
from Products.ZCTextIndex.SetOps import mass_weightedUnion
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/PipelineFactory.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/PipelineFactory.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/PipelineFactory.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
from zope.interface import implements
-from Products.ZCTextIndex.IPipelineElementFactory \
- import IPipelineElementFactory
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IPipelineElementFactory
class PipelineElementFactory:
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/QueryParser.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/QueryParser.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/QueryParser.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
from zope.interface import implements
-from Products.ZCTextIndex.IQueryParser import IQueryParser
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IQueryParser
from Products.ZCTextIndex import ParseTree
# Create unique symbols for token types.
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/interfaces.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/interfaces.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/interfaces.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -92,3 +92,238 @@
"""Lexicon for ZCTextIndex.
+class ISplitter(Interface):
+ """A splitter."""
+ def process(text):
+ """Run the splitter over the input text, returning a list of terms.
+ """
+class IPipelineElement(Interface):
+ def process(source):
+ """Provide a text processing step.
+ Process a source sequence of words into a result sequence.
+ """
+ def processGlob(source):
+ """Process, passing through globbing metacharaters.
+ This is an optional method; if it is not used, process() is used.
+ """
+class IPipelineElementFactory(Interface):
+ """Class for creating pipeline elements by name"""
+ def registerFactory(group, name, factory):
+ """Registers a pipeline factory by name and element group.
+ Each name can be registered only once for a given group. Duplicate
+ registrations will raise a ValueError
+ """
+ def getFactoryGroups():
+ """Returns a sorted list of element group names
+ """
+ def getFactoryNames(group):
+ """Returns a sorted list of registered pipeline factory names
+ in the specified element group
+ """
+ def instantiate(group, name):
+ """Instantiates a pipeline element by group and name. If name is not
+ registered raise a KeyError.
+ """
+class IQueryParseTree(Interface):
+ """Interface for parse trees returned by parseQuery()."""
+ def nodeType():
+ """Return the node type.
+ This is one of 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT', 'ATOM', 'PHRASE' or 'GLOB'.
+ """
+ def getValue():
+ """Return a node-type specific value.
+ For node type: Return:
+ 'AND' a list of parse trees
+ 'OR' a list of parse trees
+ 'NOT' a parse tree
+ 'ATOM' a string (representing a single search term)
+ 'PHRASE' a string (representing a search phrase)
+ 'GLOB' a string (representing a pattern, e.g. "foo*")
+ """
+ def terms():
+ """Return a list of all terms in this node, excluding NOT subtrees."""
+ def executeQuery(index):
+ """Execute the query represented by this node against the index.
+ The index argument must implement the IIndex interface.
+ Return an IIBucket or IIBTree mapping document ids to scores
+ (higher scores mean better results).
+ May raise ParseTree.QueryError.
+ """
+class IQueryParser(Interface):
+ """Interface for Query Parsers."""
+ def parseQuery(query):
+ """Parse a query string.
+ Return a parse tree (which implements IQueryParseTree).
+ Some of the query terms may be ignored because they are
+ stopwords; use getIgnored() to find out which terms were
+ ignored. But if the entire query consists only of stop words,
+ or of stopwords and one or more negated terms, an exception is
+ raised.
+ May raise ParseTree.ParseError.
+ """
+ def getIgnored():
+ """Return the list of ignored terms.
+ Return the list of terms that were ignored by the most recent
+ call to parseQuery() because they were stopwords.
+ If parseQuery() was never called this returns None.
+ """
+ def parseQueryEx(query):
+ """Parse a query string.
+ Return a tuple (tree, ignored) where 'tree' is the parse tree
+ as returned by parseQuery(), and 'ignored' is a list of
+ ignored terms as returned by getIgnored().
+ May raise ParseTree.ParseError.
+ """
+class IIndex(Interface):
+ """Interface for an Index."""
+ def length():
+ """Return the number of words in the index."""
+ def document_count():
+ """Return the number of documents in the index."""
+ def get_words(docid):
+ """Return a list of wordids for the given docid."""
+ def search(term):
+ """Execute a search on a single term given as a string.
+ Return an IIBTree mapping docid to score, or None if all docs
+ match due to the lexicon returning no wids for the term (e.g.,
+ if the term is entirely composed of stopwords).
+ """
+ def search_phrase(phrase):
+ """Execute a search on a phrase given as a string.
+ Return an IIBtree mapping docid to score.
+ """
+ def search_glob(pattern):
+ """Execute a pattern search.
+ The pattern represents a set of words by using * and ?. For
+ example, "foo*" represents the set of all words in the lexicon
+ starting with "foo".
+ Return an IIBTree mapping docid to score.
+ """
+ def query_weight(terms):
+ """Return the weight for a set of query terms.
+ 'terms' is a sequence of all terms included in the query,
+ although not terms with a not. If a term appears more than
+ once in a query, it should appear more than once in terms.
+ Nothing is defined about what "weight" means, beyond that the
+ result is an upper bound on document scores returned for the
+ query.
+ """
+ def index_doc(docid, text):
+ """Add a document with the specified id and text to the index. If a
+ document by that id already exists, replace its text with the new
+ text provided
+ text may be either a string (Unicode or otherwise) or a list
+ of strings from which to extract the terms under which to
+ index the source document.
+ """
+ def unindex_doc(docid):
+ """Remove the document with the specified id from the index"""
+ def has_doc(docid):
+ """Returns true if docid is an id of a document in the index"""
+class INBest(Interface):
+ """NBest chooser Interface.
+ An NBest object remembers the N best-scoring items ever passed to its
+ .add(item, score) method. If .add() is called M times, the worst-case
+ number of comparisons performed overall is M * log2(N).
+ """
+ def add(item, score):
+ """Record that item 'item' has score 'score'. No return value.
+ The N best-scoring items are remembered, where N was passed to
+ the constructor. 'item' can by anything. 'score' should be
+ a number, and larger numbers are considered better.
+ """
+ def addmany(sequence):
+ """Like "for item, score in sequence: self.add(item, score)".
+ This is simply faster than calling add() len(seq) times.
+ """
+ def getbest():
+ """Return the (at most) N best-scoring items as a sequence.
+ The return value is a sequence of 2-tuples, (item, score), with
+ the largest score first. If .add() has been called fewer than
+ N times, this sequence will contain fewer than N pairs.
+ """
+ def pop_smallest():
+ """Return and remove the (item, score) pair with lowest score.
+ If len(self) is 0, raise IndexError.
+ To be cleaer, this is the lowest score among the N best-scoring
+ seen so far. This is most useful if the capacity of the NBest
+ object is never exceeded, in which case pop_smallest() allows
+ using the object as an ordinary smallest-in-first-out priority
+ queue.
+ """
+ def __len__():
+ """Return the number of (item, score) pairs currently known.
+ This is N (the value passed to the constructor), unless .add()
+ has been called fewer than N times.
+ """
+ def capacity():
+ """Return the maximum number of (item, score) pairs.
+ This is N (the value passed to the constructor).
+ """
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testParseTree.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testParseTree.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testParseTree.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
def _conforms(self, klass):
from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
- from Products.ZCTextIndex.IQueryParseTree import IQueryParseTree
+ from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IQueryParseTree
verifyClass(IQueryParseTree, klass)
def test_ParseTreeNode_conforms_to_IQueryParseTree(self):
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testPipelineFactory.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testPipelineFactory.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testPipelineFactory.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
from unittest import TestCase, TestSuite, main, makeSuite
-from Products.ZCTextIndex.IPipelineElement import IPipelineElement
+from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IPipelineElement
from Products.ZCTextIndex.PipelineFactory import PipelineElementFactory
from zope.interface import implements
Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testQueryParser.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testQueryParser.py 2009-06-10 22:10:07 UTC (rev 100816)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCTextIndex/tests/testQueryParser.py 2009-06-10 22:29:12 UTC (rev 100817)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
def testInterfaces(self):
from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
- from Products.ZCTextIndex.IQueryParser import IQueryParser
+ from Products.ZCTextIndex.interfaces import IQueryParser
from Products.ZCTextIndex.QueryParser import QueryParser
verifyClass(IQueryParser, QueryParser)
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