[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/ Simplify buildout and include development helpers into the default config

Hanno Schlichting hannosch at hannosch.eu
Mon Oct 5 15:23:45 EDT 2009

Log message for revision 104806:
  Simplify buildout and include development helpers into the default config

  U   Zope/trunk/alltests.cfg
  U   Zope/trunk/buildout.cfg
  D   Zope/trunk/dependencies.cfg
  U   Zope/trunk/versions.cfg

Modified: Zope/trunk/alltests.cfg
--- Zope/trunk/alltests.cfg	2009-10-05 19:23:19 UTC (rev 104805)
+++ Zope/trunk/alltests.cfg	2009-10-05 19:23:45 UTC (rev 104806)
@@ -1,91 +1,2 @@
-# Run tests of all packages that would have their tests run in a Zope-trunk
-# SVN checkout.
 extends = buildout.cfg
-parts += alltests allpy
-recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
-eggs =
-    Zope2
-    Acquisition
-    DateTime
-    ExtensionClass
-    Persistence
-    RestrictedPython
-    tempstorage
-    zope.annotation
-    zope.authentication
-    zope.broken
-    zope.browser
-    zope.cachedescriptors
-    zope.component
-    zope.componentvocabulary
-    zope.configuration
-    zope.container
-    zope.contentprovider
-    zope.contenttype
-    zope.copy
-    zope.datetime
-    zope.deferredimport
-    zope.deprecation
-    zope.dottedname
-    zope.dublincore
-    zope.error
-    zope.event
-    zope.exceptions
-    zope.filerepresentation
-    zope.formlib
-    zope.hookable
-    zope.i18n
-    zope.i18nmessageid
-    zope.index
-    zope.interface
-    zope.lifecycleevent
-    zope.location
-    zope.minmax
-    zope.modulealias
-    zope.pagetemplate
-    zope.password
-    zope.processlifetime
-    zope.proxy
-    zope.publisher
-    zope.schema
-    zope.security
-    zope.sendmail
-    zope.sequencesort
-    zope.session
-    zope.site
-    zope.size
-    zope.structuredtext
-    zope.tal
-    zope.tales
-    zope.testbrowser
-    zope.thread
-    zope.traversing
-    zope.viewlet
-    zope.app.form
-    zope.app.pagetemplate
-    zope.app.publication
-    zope.app.publisher
-    zope.app.schema
-# Fetch undeclared ftests dependencies
-    zope.app.applicationcontrol
-    zope.app.exception
-    zope.app.http
-    zope.app.principalannotation
-    zope.app.securitypolicy
-    zope.app.zptpage
-    zope.app.zcmlfiles
-    python-gettext
-defaults = ['--module', '!^(zope[.]app)[.]']
-recipe = zc.recipe.egg
-eggs = ${alltests:eggs}
-interpreter = allpy
-scripts = allpy

Modified: Zope/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- Zope/trunk/buildout.cfg	2009-10-05 19:23:19 UTC (rev 104805)
+++ Zope/trunk/buildout.cfg	2009-10-05 19:23:45 UTC (rev 104806)
@@ -1,24 +1,124 @@
-develop =
-    .
+develop = .
 parts =
+    alltests
+    allpy
+    dependencies
 extends = versions.cfg
 unzip = true
 recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
 eggs = Zope2
 recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
 eggs = Zope2
 recipe = zc.recipe.egg
 eggs = Zope2
 interpreter = zopepy
 scripts = zopepy
+recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
+eggs =
+    Zope2
+    Acquisition
+    DateTime
+    ExtensionClass
+    Persistence
+    RestrictedPython
+    tempstorage
+    zope.annotation
+    zope.authentication
+    zope.broken
+    zope.browser
+    zope.cachedescriptors
+    zope.component
+    zope.componentvocabulary
+    zope.configuration
+    zope.container
+    zope.contentprovider
+    zope.contenttype
+    zope.copy
+    zope.datetime
+    zope.deferredimport
+    zope.deprecation
+    zope.dottedname
+    zope.dublincore
+    zope.error
+    zope.event
+    zope.exceptions
+    zope.filerepresentation
+    zope.formlib
+    zope.hookable
+    zope.i18n
+    zope.i18nmessageid
+    zope.index
+    zope.interface
+    zope.lifecycleevent
+    zope.location
+    zope.minmax
+    zope.modulealias
+    zope.pagetemplate
+    zope.password
+    zope.processlifetime
+    zope.proxy
+    zope.publisher
+    zope.schema
+    zope.security
+    zope.sendmail
+    zope.sequencesort
+    zope.session
+    zope.site
+    zope.size
+    zope.structuredtext
+    zope.tal
+    zope.tales
+    zope.testbrowser
+    zope.thread
+    zope.traversing
+    zope.viewlet
+    zope.app.form
+    zope.app.pagetemplate
+    zope.app.publication
+    zope.app.publisher
+    zope.app.schema
+# Fetch undeclared ftests dependencies
+    zope.app.applicationcontrol
+    zope.app.exception
+    zope.app.http
+    zope.app.principalannotation
+    zope.app.securitypolicy
+    zope.app.zptpage
+    zope.app.zcmlfiles
+    python-gettext
+defaults = ['--module', '!^(zope[.]app)[.]']
+recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+eggs = ${alltests:eggs}
+interpreter = allpy
+scripts = allpy
+recipe = z3c.recipe.depgraph
+eggs = ${alltests:eggs}
+variants = base tred
+exclude =
+    ClientForm
+    docutils
+    mechanize

Deleted: Zope/trunk/dependencies.cfg
--- Zope/trunk/dependencies.cfg	2009-10-05 19:23:19 UTC (rev 104805)
+++ Zope/trunk/dependencies.cfg	2009-10-05 19:23:45 UTC (rev 104806)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-extends = alltests.cfg
-parts += dependencies
-recipe = z3c.recipe.depgraph
-eggs = ${alltests:eggs}
-variants = base tred
-exclude =
-    ClientForm
-    docutils
-    mechanize

Modified: Zope/trunk/versions.cfg
--- Zope/trunk/versions.cfg	2009-10-05 19:23:19 UTC (rev 104805)
+++ Zope/trunk/versions.cfg	2009-10-05 19:23:45 UTC (rev 104806)
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 ExtensionClass = 2.11.3
 Persistence = 2.11.1
 tempstorage = 2.11.2
+tl.eggdeps = 0.4
+z3c.recipe.depgraph = 0.3
 # Zope Toolkit KGS overrides
 zope.app.publisher = 3.9.0

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