[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py Coverage for App.ApplicationManager.DebugManager.

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Wed Apr 7 21:21:29 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 110619:
  Coverage for App.ApplicationManager.DebugManager.

  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py	2010-04-08 01:21:26 UTC (rev 110618)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py	2010-04-08 01:21:28 UTC (rev 110619)
@@ -129,6 +129,119 @@
         self.assertEqual(values[2]._p_jar, None)
+class DebugManagerTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        import sys
+        self._sys = sys
+        self._old_sys_modules = sys.modules.copy()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self._sys.modules.clear()
+        self._sys.modules.update(self._old_sys_modules)
+    def _getTargetClass(self):
+        from App.ApplicationManager import DebugManager
+        return DebugManager
+    def _makeOne(self, id):
+        return self._getTargetClass()(id)
+    def _makeModuleClasses(self):
+        import sys
+        import types
+        from ExtensionClass import Base
+        class Foo(Base):
+            pass
+        class Bar(Base):
+            pass
+        class Baz(Base):
+            pass
+        foo = sys.modules['foo'] = types.ModuleType('foo')
+        foo.Foo = Foo
+        Foo.__module__ = 'foo'
+        foo.Bar = Bar
+        Bar.__module__ = 'foo'
+        qux = sys.modules['qux'] = types.ModuleType('qux')
+        qux.Baz = Baz
+        Baz.__module__ = 'qux'
+        return Foo, Bar, Baz
+    def test_refcount_no_limit(self):
+        import sys
+        dm = self._makeOne('test')
+        Foo, Bar, Baz = self._makeModuleClasses()
+        pairs = dm.refcount()
+        # XXX : Ugly empiricism here:  I don't know why the count is up 1.
+        foo_count = sys.getrefcount(Foo)
+        self.failUnless((foo_count+1, 'foo.Foo') in pairs)
+        bar_count = sys.getrefcount(Bar)
+        self.failUnless((bar_count+1, 'foo.Bar') in pairs)
+        baz_count = sys.getrefcount(Baz)
+        self.failUnless((baz_count+1, 'qux.Baz') in pairs)
+    def test_refdict(self):
+        import sys
+        dm = self._makeOne('test')
+        Foo, Bar, Baz = self._makeModuleClasses()
+        mapping = dm.refdict()
+        # XXX : Ugly empiricism here:  I don't know why the count is up 1.
+        foo_count = sys.getrefcount(Foo)
+        self.assertEqual(mapping['foo.Foo'], foo_count+1)
+        bar_count = sys.getrefcount(Bar)
+        self.assertEqual(mapping['foo.Bar'], bar_count+1)
+        baz_count = sys.getrefcount(Baz)
+        self.assertEqual(mapping['qux.Baz'], baz_count+1)
+    def test_rcsnapshot(self):
+        import sys
+        import App.ApplicationManager
+        from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime
+        dm = self._makeOne('test')
+        Foo, Bar, Baz = self._makeModuleClasses()
+        before = DateTime()
+        dm.rcsnapshot()
+        after = DateTime()
+        # XXX : Ugly empiricism here:  I don't know why the count is up 1.
+        self.failUnless(before <= App.ApplicationManager._v_rst <= after)
+        mapping = App.ApplicationManager._v_rcs
+        foo_count = sys.getrefcount(Foo)
+        self.assertEqual(mapping['foo.Foo'], foo_count+1)
+        bar_count = sys.getrefcount(Bar)
+        self.assertEqual(mapping['foo.Bar'], bar_count+1)
+        baz_count = sys.getrefcount(Baz)
+        self.assertEqual(mapping['qux.Baz'], baz_count+1)
+    def test_rcdate(self):
+        import App.ApplicationManager
+        dummy = object()
+        App.ApplicationManager._v_rst = dummy
+        dm = self._makeOne('test')
+        found = dm.rcdate()
+        App.ApplicationManager._v_rst = None
+        self.failUnless(found is dummy)
+    def test_rcdeltas(self):
+        dm = self._makeOne('test')
+        dm.rcsnapshot()
+        Foo, Bar, Baz = self._makeModuleClasses()
+        mappings = dm.rcdeltas()
+        self.assertEqual(len(mappings), 1)
+        mapping = mappings[0]
+        self.assertEqual(mapping['name'], 'ExtensionClass.Base')
+        self.failUnless('rc' in mapping)
+        self.failUnless('pc' in mapping)
+        self.assertEqual(mapping['delta'], mapping['rc'] - mapping['pc'])
+    #def test_dbconnections(self):  XXX -- TOO UGLY TO TEST
+    #def test_manage_profile_stats(self):  XXX -- TOO UGLY TO TEST
+    def test_manage_getSysPath(self):
+        import sys
+        dm = self._makeOne('test')
+        self.assertEqual(dm.manage_getSysPath(), list(sys.path))
 class DummyDBTab:
     def __init__(self, databases=None):
         self._databases = databases or {}
@@ -143,9 +256,9 @@
         return self._databases[name]
 def test_suite():
     return unittest.TestSuite((
+        unittest.makeSuite(DebugManagerTests),

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