[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCatalog/tests/test_catalog.py Reorder catalog tests and note methods with missing coverage

Hanno Schlichting hannosch at hannosch.eu
Sun Aug 1 11:06:14 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 115336:
  Reorder catalog tests and note methods with missing coverage

  U   Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCatalog/tests/test_catalog.py

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCatalog/tests/test_catalog.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCatalog/tests/test_catalog.py	2010-08-01 14:51:43 UTC (rev 115335)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Products/ZCatalog/tests/test_catalog.py	2010-08-01 15:06:14 UTC (rev 115336)
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
                      'del index failed')
-class TestCatalogObject(CatalogBase, unittest.TestCase):
+class TestCatalog(CatalogBase, unittest.TestCase):
     upper = 1000
@@ -217,6 +217,84 @@
     def tearDown(self):
         self._catalog = None
+    # clear
+    # updateBrains
+    # __getitem__
+    # __setstate__
+    # useBrains
+    # getIndex
+    # updateMetadata
+    def testCatalogObjectUpdateMetadataFalse(self):
+        ob = dummy(9999)
+        self._catalog.catalogObject(ob, `9999`)
+        brain = self._catalog(num=9999)[0]
+        self.assertEqual(brain.att1, 'att1')
+        ob.att1 = 'foobar'
+        self._catalog.catalogObject(ob, `9999`, update_metadata=0)
+        brain = self._catalog(num=9999)[0]
+        self.assertEqual(brain.att1, 'att1')
+        self._catalog.catalogObject(ob, `9999`)
+        brain = self._catalog(num=9999)[0]
+        self.assertEqual(brain.att1, 'foobar')
+    def uncatalog(self):
+        for x in range(0, self.upper):
+            self._catalog.uncatalogObject(`x`)
+    def testUncatalogFieldIndex(self):
+        self.uncatalog()
+        a = self._catalog(att1='att1')
+        self.assertEqual(len(a), 0, 'len: %s' % len(a))
+    def testUncatalogTextIndex(self):
+        self.uncatalog()
+        a = self._catalog(att2='att2')
+        self.assertEqual(len(a), 0, 'len: %s' % len(a))
+    def testUncatalogKeywordIndex(self):
+        self.uncatalog()
+        a = self._catalog(att3='att3')
+        self.assertEqual(len(a), 0, 'len: %s' % len(a))
+    def testBadUncatalog(self):
+        try:
+            self._catalog.uncatalogObject('asdasdasd')
+        except Exception:
+            self.fail('uncatalogObject raised exception on bad uid')
+    def testUncatalogTwice(self):
+        self._catalog.uncatalogObject(`0`)
+        def _second(self):
+            self._catalog.uncatalogObject(`0`)
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, _second)
+    def testCatalogLength(self):
+        for x in range(0, self.upper):
+            self._catalog.uncatalogObject(`x`)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self._catalog), 0)
+    def testUniqueValuesForLength(self):
+        a = self._catalog.uniqueValuesFor('att1')
+        self.assertEqual(len(a), 1, 'bad number of unique values %s' % a)
+    def testUniqueValuesForContent(self):
+        a = self._catalog.uniqueValuesFor('att1')
+        self.assertEqual(a[0], 'att1', 'bad content %s' % a[0])
+    # hasuid
+    # recordify
+    # instantiate
+    # getMetadataForRID
+    # getIndexDataForRID
+    # make_query
+    # _sorted_search_indexes
+    # search
+    # sortResults
+    # _get_sort_attr
+    # _getSortIndex
+    # searchResults
     def testResultLength(self):
         a = self._catalog(att1='att1')
         self.assertEqual(len(a), self.upper,
@@ -254,51 +332,6 @@
         self.assertEqual(len(a), self.upper,
                          'should be %s, but is %s' % (self.upper, len(a)))
-    def testUncatalogFieldIndex(self):
-        self.uncatalog()
-        a = self._catalog(att1='att1')
-        self.assertEqual(len(a), 0, 'len: %s' % len(a))
-    def testUncatalogTextIndex(self):
-        self.uncatalog()
-        a = self._catalog(att2='att2')
-        self.assertEqual(len(a), 0, 'len: %s' % len(a))
-    def testUncatalogKeywordIndex(self):
-        self.uncatalog()
-        a = self._catalog(att3='att3')
-        self.assertEqual(len(a), 0, 'len: %s' % len(a))
-    def testBadUncatalog(self):
-        try:
-            self._catalog.uncatalogObject('asdasdasd')
-        except Exception:
-            self.fail('uncatalogObject raised exception on bad uid')
-    def testUniqueValuesForLength(self):
-        a = self._catalog.uniqueValuesFor('att1')
-        self.assertEqual(len(a), 1, 'bad number of unique values %s' % a)
-    def testUniqueValuesForContent(self):
-        a = self._catalog.uniqueValuesFor('att1')
-        self.assertEqual(a[0], 'att1', 'bad content %s' % a[0])
-    def testUncatalogTwice(self):
-        self._catalog.uncatalogObject(`0`)
-        self.assertRaises(Exception, '_second')
-    def testCatalogLength(self):
-        for x in range(0, self.upper):
-            self._catalog.uncatalogObject(`x`)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self._catalog), 0)
-    def _second(self):
-        self._catalog.uncatalogObject(`0`)
-    def uncatalog(self):
-        for x in range(0, self.upper):
-            self._catalog.uncatalogObject(`x`)
     def testGoodSortIndex(self):
         upper = self.upper
         a = self._catalog(att1='att1', sort_on='num')
@@ -309,18 +342,16 @@
     def testBadSortIndex(self):
         from Products.ZCatalog.Catalog import CatalogError
-        self.assertRaises(CatalogError, self.badsortindex)
+        def badsortindex():
+            self._catalog(sort_on='foofaraw')
+        self.assertRaises(CatalogError, badsortindex)
-    def badsortindex(self):
-        self._catalog(sort_on='foofaraw')
     def testWrongKindOfIndexForSort(self):
         from Products.ZCatalog.Catalog import CatalogError
-        self.assertRaises(CatalogError, self.wrongsortindex)
+        def wrongsortindex():
+            self._catalog(sort_on='att2')
+        self.assertRaises(CatalogError, wrongsortindex)
-    def wrongsortindex(self):
-        self._catalog(sort_on='att2')
     def testTextIndexQWithSortOn(self):
         upper = self.upper
         a = self._catalog(sort_on='num', att2='att2')
@@ -390,20 +421,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(a.actual_result_count, self.upper)
         self.assertEqual(a[0].num, self.upper - 1)
-    def testUpdateMetadataFalse(self):
-        ob = dummy(9999)
-        self._catalog.catalogObject(ob, `9999`)
-        brain = self._catalog(num=9999)[0]
-        self.assertEqual(brain.att1, 'att1')
-        ob.att1 = 'foobar'
-        self._catalog.catalogObject(ob, `9999`, update_metadata=0)
-        brain = self._catalog(num=9999)[0]
-        self.assertEqual(brain.att1, 'att1')
-        self._catalog.catalogObject(ob, `9999`)
-        brain = self._catalog(num=9999)[0]
-        self.assertEqual(brain.att1, 'foobar')
 class TestRangeSearch(CatalogBase, unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -577,7 +595,7 @@
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestCatalogObject))
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestCatalog))

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