[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/andig-catalog-report/src/Products/ZCatalog/ Change the determine_value_indexes function to actually do what it promises

Hanno Schlichting hannosch at hannosch.eu
Sat Jul 24 11:40:08 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 115018:
  Change the determine_value_indexes function to actually do what it promises

  U   Zope/branches/andig-catalog-report/src/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogReport.py
  U   Zope/branches/andig-catalog-report/src/Products/ZCatalog/tests/testCatalog.py

Modified: Zope/branches/andig-catalog-report/src/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogReport.py
--- Zope/branches/andig-catalog-report/src/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogReport.py	2010-07-24 15:23:19 UTC (rev 115017)
+++ Zope/branches/andig-catalog-report/src/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogReport.py	2010-07-24 15:40:08 UTC (rev 115018)
@@ -20,25 +20,26 @@
 writelock = allocate_lock()
 reports = {}
 LOG = logging.getLogger('CatalogReport')
 def determine_value_indexes(catalog):
     # This function determines all indexes whose values should be respected
-    # in the prioritymap key. A index type needs to be registered in the
-    # VALUETYPES module global and the number of unique values needs to be
+    # in the report key. The number of unique values for the index needs to be
     # lower than the MAX_DISTINCT_VALUES watermark.
     valueindexes = []
     for name, index in catalog.indexes.items():
         if IUniqueValueIndex.providedBy(index):
-            if len(index) < MAX_DISTINCT_VALUES:
-                # Checking for len of an index should be fast. It's a stored
-                # BTrees.Length value and requires no calculation.
+            values = index.uniqueValues()
+            if values and len(values) < MAX_DISTINCT_VALUES:
+                # Only consider indexes which actually return a number
+                # greater than zero
     return frozenset(valueindexes)
 def make_key(catalog,request):
     valueindexes = determine_value_indexes(catalog)

Modified: Zope/branches/andig-catalog-report/src/Products/ZCatalog/tests/testCatalog.py
--- Zope/branches/andig-catalog-report/src/Products/ZCatalog/tests/testCatalog.py	2010-07-24 15:23:19 UTC (rev 115017)
+++ Zope/branches/andig-catalog-report/src/Products/ZCatalog/tests/testCatalog.py	2010-07-24 15:40:08 UTC (rev 115018)
@@ -870,11 +870,10 @@
         self.zcat.addIndex('title', 'TextIndex')
         self.zcat._catalog.vocabulary = vocabulary
-        for i in range(10):
+        for i in range(9):
             obj = zdummy(i)
             obj.big = i > 5
             self.zcat.catalog_object(obj, str(i))
      def test_ReportLength(self):
          """ tests the report aggregation """
@@ -912,7 +911,7 @@
      def test_ReportKey(self):
          """ tests the query keys for uniqueness """
          # query key 1
          key = ('sort_on', ('big', 'True'))
@@ -933,22 +932,19 @@
          # query key 3
          key = ('sort_on', ('num', '[3, 4, 5]'))
-         self.zcat.searchResults(num=[5,4,3],sort_on='num')
-         self.zcat.searchResults(num=(3,4,5),sort_on='num')
+         self.zcat.searchResults(num=[5,4,3], sort_on='num')
+         self.zcat.searchResults(num=(3,4,5), sort_on='num')
          r = self.zcat.getCatalogReport()[0]
-         #print 'hits: %(counter)s, mean duration: %(duration)3.2fms, key: %(query)s' % r
-         self.assertEqual(r['query'],key)
-         self.assertEqual(r['counter'],2)  
+         self.assertEqual(r['query'], key)
+         self.assertEqual(r['counter'], 2)
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
     suite.addTest( unittest.makeSuite( TestAddDelColumn ) )

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