[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/ Removed deprecated support for specifying ``__ac_permissions__``, ``meta_types`` and ``methods`` in a product's ``__init__``.

Hanno Schlichting hannosch at hannosch.eu
Sat Jun 5 16:10:57 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 113171:
  Removed deprecated support for specifying ``__ac_permissions__``, ``meta_types`` and ``methods`` in a product's ``__init__``.

  U   Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst
  U   Zope/trunk/src/OFS/Application.py

Modified: Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst
--- Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst	2010-06-05 20:03:30 UTC (rev 113170)
+++ Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst	2010-06-05 20:10:56 UTC (rev 113171)
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
+- Removed deprecated support for specifying ``__ac_permissions__``,
+  ``meta_types`` and ``methods`` in a product's ``__init__``.
 - Remove remaining support classes for defining permissions TTW.
 - Moved ``TaintedString`` into the new AccessControl.tainted module.

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/OFS/Application.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/OFS/Application.py	2010-06-05 20:03:30 UTC (rev 113170)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/OFS/Application.py	2010-06-05 20:10:56 UTC (rev 113171)
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 from logging import getLogger
 from cgi import escape
 from StringIO import StringIO
-from warnings import warn
 import Products
 import App.Product
@@ -663,66 +662,19 @@
             # expected to implement a method named 'initialize' in
             # their __init__.py that takes the ProductContext as an
             # argument.
-            productObject=App.Product.initializeProduct(
+            productObject = App.Product.initializeProduct(
                 product, product_name, package_dir, app)
-            context=ProductContext(productObject, app, product)
+            context = ProductContext(productObject, app, product)
             # Look for an 'initialize' method in the product.
-            initmethod=pgetattr(product, 'initialize', None)
+            initmethod = pgetattr(product, 'initialize', None)
             if initmethod is not None:
-            permissions={}
-            new_permissions={}
-            if pgetattr(product, '__ac_permissions__', None) is not None:
-                warn("__init__.py of %s has a long deprecated "
-                     "'__ac_permissions__' attribute. '__ac_permissions__' "
-                     "is now ignored by install_product. Please use "
-                     "registerClass instead."
-                     % product.__name__,
-                     DeprecationWarning)
-            if pgetattr(product, 'meta_types', None) is not None:
-                warn("__init__.py of %s has a long deprecated 'meta_types' "
-                     "attribute. 'meta_types' is now ignored by "
-                     "install_product. Please use registerClass instead."
-                     % product.__name__,
-                     DeprecationWarning)
-            if pgetattr(product, 'methods', None) is not None:
-                warn("__init__.py of %s has a long deprecated 'methods' "
-                     "attribute. 'methods' support might be removed in Zope "
-                     "2.11 or a later feature release. Please use the "
-                     "'legacy' argument of registerClass instead if the "
-                     "methods are constructors. Or refactor the product "
-                     "using adapters." % product.__name__,
-                     DeprecationWarning)
-            for name,method in pgetattr(
-                product, 'methods', {}).items():
-                if not hasattr(Folder.Folder, name):
-                    setattr(Folder.Folder, name, method)
-                    if name[-9:]!='__roles__': # not Just setting roles
-                        if (permissions.has_key(name) and
-                            not folder_permissions.has_key(
-                                permissions[name])):
-                            permission=permissions[name]
-                            if new_permissions.has_key(permission):
-                                new_permissions[permission].append(name)
-                            else:
-                                new_permissions[permission]=[name]
-            if new_permissions:
-                new_permissions=new_permissions.items()
-                for permission, names in new_permissions:
-                    folder_permissions[permission]=names
-                new_permissions.sort()
-                Folder.Folder.__ac_permissions__=tuple(
-                    list(Folder.Folder.__ac_permissions__)+new_permissions)
             if not doInstall():
-                transaction.get().note('Installed product '+product_name)
+                transaction.get().note('Installed product ' + product_name)
         except KeyboardInterrupt:

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