[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/ The zope.app removal project is long done
Hanno Schlichting
hannosch at hannosch.eu
Sat Mar 27 13:43:57 EDT 2010
Log message for revision 110240:
The zope.app removal project is long done
D Zope/trunk/check_zope_app_deps.sh
Deleted: Zope/trunk/ZOPE_APP_DEPENDENCIES.rst
--- Zope/trunk/ZOPE_APP_DEPENDENCIES.rst 2010-03-27 17:41:31 UTC (rev 110239)
+++ Zope/trunk/ZOPE_APP_DEPENDENCIES.rst 2010-03-27 17:43:56 UTC (rev 110240)
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-Zope2 Dependencies on ``zope.app`` Packages
-Zope2 depends on the following zope.app packages directly:
-- [X] zope.app.appsetup
- * Zope2.Startup
- * Zope.App.Startup
-- [X] zope.app.component
- * Products.Five (meta.zcml)
-- [X] zope.app.container
- * Products.Five.browser.adding (only indirect now)
- * Products.Five.browser.metaconfigure
- * Products/Five/browser/doc/products/ViewsTutorial/configure.zcml
-- [X] zope.app.form
- x Products.Five.form.* (should be factored out into a separate
- package, maybe ``five.formlib``)
-- [X] zope.app.pagetemplate
- * Products.PageTemplates.Expressions
- * Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile
- * Products.Five.browser.metaconfigure
-- [X] zope.app.publication
- * ZPublisher.BaseRequest (imports ``EndRequestEvent``)
- * Products.Five.component (imports ``BeforeTraverseEvent``;
- ZCML registers subscribers for ``IBeforeTraverseEvent``
- and ``IEndRequestEvent``)
-- [X] zope.app.publisher
- * ZPublisher.BaseRequest
- * Products.Five.browser.adding (for ``getMenu``)
- * Products/Five/browser/configure.zcml (for ``IMenuItemType``,
- ``MenuAccessView``, and ``IMenuAccessView``)
- * Products.Five.viewlet.metaconfigure (for ``viewmeta``)
- * Products.Five.form.metaconfigure (for ``menuItemDirective``)
- * Products.Five.fivedirectives (for ``IBasicResourceInformation``)
-- [X] zope.app.schema
- * Products.Five (imports ``zope.app.schema.vocabulary`` for
- side-effects ?!).
-- [X] zope.app.twisted
- * Zope2.Startup.datatypes (conditionally imports ``ServerFactory``)
- * Zope2.Startup.handlers (conditionally imports ``ServerType``,
- ``SSLServerType``, ``IServerType``; worse, conditionally imports
- ``zope.app.twisted.main`` for side effects, which includes pulling
- back ``zope.app.appsetup`` as well as adding ``zope.app.wsgi``?!)
-This shell script can be used to verify the direct dependencies::
- #! /bin/bash
- python=$(find src/ -name "*.py" | xargs grep -l "zope\.app")
- zcml=$(find src/ -name "*.zcml" | xargs grep -l "zope\.app")
- doctest=$(find src/ -name "*.txt" | grep -v "egg-info" |
- xargs grep -l "zope\.app")
- for f in $python $zcml $doctest; do
- echo ====================================================
- echo $f
- echo ====================================================
- grep "zope\.app" $f
- done
-Zope2 has transitive dependencies on these packages:
-- [X] zope.app.applicationcontrol
- * zope.traversing
- * zope.app.publication
- * zope.app.twisted
-- [X] zope.app.basicskin
- * zope.app.form
-- [X] zope.app.dependable
- * zope.container
- * zope.app.testing
-- [X] zope.app.exception
- * zope.app.publication
-- [X] zope.app.http
- * zope.app.publication
-- [X] zope.app.interface
- * zope.app.component
-- [X] zope.app.pagetemplate
- x zope.viewlet
- x zope.formlib
-- [X] zope.app.security
- * zope.viewlet
- * zope.traversing
- * zope.testbrowser
- * zope.app.*
-- [X] zope.app.testing
- * zope.viewlet
- * zope.copypastemve
- * zope.error
- * zope.dublincore
- * zope.formlib
- * zope.traversing
- * zope.testbrowser
- * zope.site
- * zope.app.*
-Zope2 Dependencies on ``zope`` Packages
-Zope2 depends on some packages only via transitive test dependencies.
-- [X] zope.copy
- * zope.location
- * zope.site
- * zope.copypastemove
-- [X] zope.copypastemove
- * zope.container
-- [X] zope.datetime
- * zope.app.form
- * zope.dublincore
-- [X] zope.dublincore
- * zope.lifecycleevent
-Questionable dependencies
-- [X] zope.authentication (seems to be used for some ILogin related stuff)
- * zope.publisher
-- [ ] zope.broken (this is merged into ZODB3 starting with the unreleased 3.10)
- o zope.container
-- [X] zope.cachedescriptors
- * zope.container
- * zope.formlib
-- [ ] zope.deferredimport (we should stop using it)
- o Zope2
-- [ ] zope.filerepresentation (only used for the IDirectoryFactory interface)
- o zope.container
- o zope.site
-Further merge tasks
-- [ ] zope.exceptions
- Our own zExceptions should be merged with it in some way. There's a good
- deal of similar code.
-The relationship between AccessControl and zope.security is unclear. Right now
-Five plugs in AccessControl into the zope.security machinery. But large parts
-of it aren't applicable like the entire zope.proxy machinery. The specific way
-of how "interactions" work with the zope.publisher are also pretty muddy.
-- [ ] zope.proxy
- o zope.annotation
- o zope.browserresource
- o zope.component
- o zope.deferredimport
- o zope.location
- o zope.pagetemplate
- o zope.publisher
- o zope.security
- o zope.traversing
-- [ ] zope.security
- o zope.authentication
- o zope.browsermenu
- o zope.browserpage
- o zope.browserresource
- o zope.component
- o zope.container
- o zope.pagetemplate
- o zope.ptresource
- o zope.publisher
- o zope.sendmail
- o zope.traversing
- o zope.viewlet
Deleted: Zope/trunk/check_zope_app_deps.sh
--- Zope/trunk/check_zope_app_deps.sh 2010-03-27 17:41:31 UTC (rev 110239)
+++ Zope/trunk/check_zope_app_deps.sh 2010-03-27 17:43:56 UTC (rev 110240)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-python=$(find src/ -name "*.py" | xargs grep -l "zope\.app")
-zcml=$(find src/ -name "*.zcml" | xargs grep -l "zope\.app")
-doctest=$(find src/ -name "*.txt" | grep -v "egg-info" |
- xargs grep -l "zope\.app")
-for f in $python $zcml $doctest; do
- echo ====================================================
- echo $f
- echo ====================================================
- grep "zope\.app" $f
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