[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/ Removed various persistent product related code and options. The `enable-product-installation` `zope.conf` setting is now a no-op.

Hanno Schlichting hannosch at hannosch.eu
Sat Jul 2 14:08:33 EDT 2011

Log message for revision 122065:
  Removed various persistent product related code and options. The `enable-product-installation` `zope.conf` setting is now a no-op.

  U   Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/ApplicationManager.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/FactoryDispatcher.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/Product.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/ProductContext.py
  D   Zope/trunk/src/App/ProductRegistry.py
  D   Zope/trunk/src/App/RefreshFuncs.py
  D   Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/readme.dtml
  D   Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/refresh.dtml
  D   Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/traceback.dtml
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/OFS/Application.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/OFS/ObjectManager.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/OFS/tests/testProductInit.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/OFS/tests/test_registerpackage.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/ZopeLite.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/App/startup.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml

Modified: Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst
--- Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@
+- Removed various persistent product related code and options. The
+  `enable-product-installation` `zope.conf` setting is now a no-op.
 - Changed the value for `default-zpublisher-encoding` and
   `management_page_charset` to `utf-8`.

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/ApplicationManager.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/ApplicationManager.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/ApplicationManager.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
-class ApplicationManager(Folder,CacheManager):
+class ApplicationManager(Folder, CacheManager):
     """System management
     __roles__ = ('Manager',)

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/FactoryDispatcher.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/FactoryDispatcher.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/FactoryDispatcher.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -98,13 +98,7 @@
-        productfolder = self.aq_acquire('_getProducts')()
-        try:
-            product = productfolder._product(name)
-        except AttributeError:
-            # If we do not have a persistent product entry, return 
-            product = Product(name)
+        product = Product(name)
         dispatcher=dispatcher_class(product, self.aq_parent, REQUEST)
         return dispatcher.__of__(self)

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/Product.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/Product.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/Product.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -10,37 +10,9 @@
-"""Product objects
-# The new Product model:
-#   Products may be defined in the Products folder or by placing directories
-#   in lib/python/Products.
-#   Products in lib/python/Products may have up to three sources of information:
-#       - Static information defined via Python.  This information is
-#         described and made available via __init__.py.
-#       - Dynamic object data that gets copied into the Bobobase.
-#         This is contained in product.dat (which is obfuscated).
-#       - Static extensions supporting the dynamic data.  These too
-#         are obfuscated.
-#   Products may be copied and pasted only within the products folder.
-#   If a product is deleted (or cut), it is automatically recreated
-#   on restart if there is still a product directory.
-import os
 from AccessControl.class_init import InitializeClass
 from AccessControl.owner import UnownableOwner
-from AccessControl.SecurityInfo import ClassSecurityInfo
-from AccessControl.unauthorized import Unauthorized
-from App.special_dtml import DTMLFile
 from OFS.Folder import Folder
@@ -65,225 +37,3 @@
         return 0
-class Product(Folder):
-    """Model a product that can be created through the web.
-    """
-    security =  ClassSecurityInfo()
-    meta_type='Product'
-    icon='p_/Product_icon'
-    version=''
-    configurable_objects_=()
-    import_error_=None
-    manage_options = (
-        (Folder.manage_options[0],) +
-        tuple(Folder.manage_options[2:]) 
-        )
-    _properties = Folder._properties+(
-        {'id':'version', 'type': 'string'},
-        )
-    _reserved_names=('Help',)
-    def __init__(self, id, title):
-        from HelpSys.HelpSys import ProductHelp
-        self.id = id
-        self.title = title
-        self._setObject('Help', ProductHelp('Help', id))
-    security.declarePublic('Destination')
-    def Destination(self):
-        "Return the destination for factory output"
-        return self
-    security.declarePublic('DestinationURL')
-    def DestinationURL(self):
-        "Return the URL for the destination for factory output"
-        return self.REQUEST['BASE4']
-    manage_traceback = DTMLFile('dtml/traceback', globals())
-    manage_readme = DTMLFile('dtml/readme', globals())
-    def manage_get_product_readme__(self):
-        for name in ('README.txt', 'README.TXT', 'readme.txt'):
-            path = os.path.join(self.home, name)
-            if os.path.isfile(path):
-                return open(path).read()
-        return ''
-    def permissionMappingPossibleValues(self):
-        return self.possible_permissions()
-    def getProductHelp(self):
-        """Returns the ProductHelp object associated with the Product.
-        """
-        from HelpSys.HelpSys import ProductHelp
-        if not hasattr(self, 'Help'):
-            self._setObject('Help', ProductHelp('Help', self.id))
-        return self.Help
-    #
-    # Product refresh
-    #
-    _refresh_dtml = DTMLFile('dtml/refresh', globals())
-    def _readRefreshTxt(self, pid=None):
-        import Products
-        refresh_txt = None
-        if pid is None:
-            pid = self.id
-        for productDir in Products.__path__:
-            found = 0
-            for name in ('refresh.txt', 'REFRESH.txt', 'REFRESH.TXT'):
-                p = os.path.join(productDir, pid, name)
-                if os.path.exists(p):
-                    found = 1
-                    break
-            if found:
-                try:
-                    file = open(p)
-                    text = file.read()
-                    file.close()
-                    refresh_txt = text
-                    break
-                except:
-                    # Not found here.
-                    pass
-        return refresh_txt
-    def manage_performRefresh(self, REQUEST=None):
-        """ Attempts to perform a refresh operation.
-        """
-        from App.RefreshFuncs import performFullRefresh
-        if self._readRefreshTxt() is None:
-            raise Unauthorized, 'refresh.txt not found'
-        message = None
-        if performFullRefresh(self._p_jar, self.id):
-            from ZODB import Connection
-            Connection.resetCaches() # Clears cache in future connections.
-            message = 'Product refreshed.'
-        else:
-            message = 'An exception occurred.'
-        if REQUEST is not None:
-            return self.manage_refresh(REQUEST, manage_tabs_message=message)
-    def manage_enableAutoRefresh(self, enable=0, REQUEST=None):
-        """ Changes the auto refresh flag for this product.
-        """
-        from App.RefreshFuncs import enableAutoRefresh
-        if self._readRefreshTxt() is None:
-            raise Unauthorized, 'refresh.txt not created'
-        enableAutoRefresh(self._p_jar, self.id, enable)
-        if enable:
-            message = 'Enabled auto refresh.'
-        else:
-            message = 'Disabled auto refresh.'
-        if REQUEST is not None:
-            return self.manage_refresh(REQUEST, manage_tabs_message=message)
-    def manage_selectDependentProducts(self, selections=(), REQUEST=None):
-        """ Selects which products to refresh simultaneously.
-        """
-        from App.RefreshFuncs import setDependentProducts
-        if self._readRefreshTxt() is None:
-            raise Unauthorized, 'refresh.txt not created'
-        setDependentProducts(self._p_jar, self.id, selections)
-        if REQUEST is not None:
-            return self.manage_refresh(REQUEST)
-def initializeProduct(productp, name, home, app):
-    # Initialize a persistent product
-    assert doInstall()
-    fver = ''
-    if hasattr(productp, '__import_error__'):
-        ie = productp.__import_error__
-    else:
-        ie = None
-    # Retrieve version number from any suitable version.txt
-    for fname in ('version.txt', 'VERSION.txt', 'VERSION.TXT'):
-        try:
-            fpath = os.path.join(home, fname)
-            fhandle = open(fpath, 'r')
-            fver = fhandle.read().strip()
-            fhandle.close()
-            break
-        except IOError:
-            continue
-    old = None
-    products = app.Control_Panel.Products
-    try:
-        if ihasattr(products, name):
-            old=getattr(products, name)
-            if ihasattr(old,'version') and old.version==fver:
-                if hasattr(old, 'import_error_') and \
-                   old.import_error_==ie:
-                    # Version hasn't changed. Don't reinitialize.
-                    return old
-    except:
-        pass
-    f = fver and (" (%s)" % fver)
-    product=Product(name, 'Installed product %s%s' % (name, f))
-    if old is not None:
-        app._manage_remove_product_meta_type(product)
-        products._delObject(name)
-        for id, v in old.objectItems():
-            try:
-                product._setObject(id, v)
-            except:
-                pass
-    products._setObject(name, product)
-    product.home = home
-    if ie:
-        product.import_error_=ie
-        product.title='Broken product %s' % name
-        product.icon='p_/BrokenProduct_icon'
-        product.manage_options=(
-            {'label':'Traceback', 'action':'manage_traceback'},
-            )
-    for name in ('README.txt', 'README.TXT', 'readme.txt'):
-        path = os.path.join(home, name)
-        if os.path.isfile(path):
-            product.manage_options=product.manage_options+(
-                {'label':'README', 'action':'manage_readme'},
-                )
-            break
-    # Ensure this product has a refresh tab.
-    found = 0
-    for option in product.manage_options:
-        if option.get('label') == 'Refresh':
-            found = 1
-            break
-    if not found:
-        product.manage_options = product.manage_options + (
-            {'label':'Refresh', 'action':'manage_refresh'},
-            )
-    return product
-def ihasattr(o, name):
-    return hasattr(o, name) and o.__dict__.has_key(name)
-def doInstall():
-    from App.config import getConfiguration
-    return getConfiguration().enable_product_installation

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/ProductContext.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/ProductContext.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/ProductContext.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -190,9 +190,7 @@
               #           currently also required by the _verifyObjectPaste
               #           method of CopyContainers like Folders.
               'action': ('manage_addProduct/%s/%s' % (pid, name)),
-              # 'product': Used by ProductRegistry for TTW products and by
-              #            OFS.Application for refreshing products.
-              #            This key might not be available.
+              # 'product': No longer used
               'product': pid,
               # 'permission': Guards the add action.
               'permission': permission,

Deleted: Zope/trunk/src/App/ProductRegistry.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/ProductRegistry.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/ProductRegistry.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-# Product registry and new product factory model.  There will be a new
-# mechanism for defining actions for meta types.  If an action is of
-# the form:
-#  manage_addProduct-name-factoryid
-# Then the machinery that invokes an add-product form
-# will return:
-# ....what?
-class ProductRegistryMixin:
-    # This class implements a protocol for registering products that
-    # are defined through the web.
-    # This class is a mix-in class for the top-level application object.
-    def _manage_remove_product_meta_type(self, product,
-                                         id=None, meta_type=None):
-        r=[]
-        pid=product.id
-        for mt in self._getProductRegistryMetaTypes():
-            if 'product' in mt:
-                if mt['product']==pid and (
-                    meta_type is None or meta_type==mt['name']):
-                    continue
-                elif meta_type==mt['name']: continue
-                r.append(mt)
-        self._setProductRegistryMetaTypes(tuple(r))
-    def _constructor_prefix_string(self, pid):
-        return 'manage_addProduct/%s/' % pid
-    def _manage_add_product_meta_type(self, product, id, meta_type,
-                                      permission=''):
-        pid=product.id
-        meta_types=self._getProductRegistryMetaTypes()
-        for mt in meta_types:
-            if mt['name']==meta_type:
-                if 'product' not in mt: mt['product']=pid
-                if mt['product'] != pid:
-                    raise ValueError, (
-                        'The type <em>%s</em> is already defined.' % meta_type)
-                mt['action']='%s%s' % (
-                    self._constructor_prefix_string(pid), id)
-                if permission: mt['permission']=permission
-                return
-        mt={
-            'name': meta_type,
-            'action': ('%s%s' % (
-                self._constructor_prefix_string(pid), id)),
-            'product': pid
-            }
-        if permission: mt['permission']=permission
-        self._setProductRegistryMetaTypes(meta_types+(mt,))
-    # HACK - sometimes an unwrapped App object seems to be passed as
-    # self to these methods, which means that they dont have an aq_aquire
-    # method. Until Jim has time to look into this, this aq_maybe method
-    # appears to be an effective work-around...
-    def aq_maybe(self, name):
-        if hasattr(self, name):
-            return getattr(self, name)
-        return self.aq_acquire(name)
-    def _manage_add_product_data(self, type, product, id, **data):
-        values=filter(
-            lambda d, product=product, id=id:
-            not (d['product']==product and d['id']==id),
-            list(self.aq_maybe('_getProductRegistryData')(type))
-            )
-        data['product']=product
-        data['id']=id
-        values.append(data)
-        self.aq_maybe('_setProductRegistryData')(type, tuple(values))
-    def _manage_remove_product_data(self, type, product, id):
-        values=filter(
-            lambda d, product=product, id=id:
-            not (d['product']==product and d['id']==id),
-            self.aq_maybe('_getProductRegistryData')(type)
-            )
-        self.aq_maybe('_setProductRegistryData')(type, tuple(values))
-class ProductRegistry(ProductRegistryMixin):
-    # This class implements a protocol for registering products that
-    # are defined through the web.  It also provides methods for
-    # getting hold of the Product Registry, Control_Panel.Products.
-    # This class is a mix-in class for the top-level application object.
-    def _getProducts(self): return self.Control_Panel.Products
-    _product_meta_types=()
-    def _getProductRegistryMetaTypes(self):
-        return self._product_meta_types
-    def _setProductRegistryMetaTypes(self, v):
-        self._product_meta_types=v
-    def _getProductRegistryData(self, name):
-        return getattr(self, '_product_%s' % name)
-    def _setProductRegistryData(self, name, v):
-        name='_product_%s' % name
-        if hasattr(self, name):
-            return setattr(self, name, v)
-        else:
-            raise AttributeError, name

Deleted: Zope/trunk/src/App/RefreshFuncs.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/RefreshFuncs.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/RefreshFuncs.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-Functions for refreshing products.
-from logging import getLogger
-import os
-import sys
-from time import time
-from traceback import format_exception
-from ExtensionClass import Base
-from Persistence import PersistentMapping
-LOG = getLogger('RefreshFuncs')
-global_classes_timestamp = 0
-products_mod_times = {}
-_marker = []  # create a new marker object.
-refresh_exc_info = {}
-class dummyClass:
-    pass
-class dummyClass2(Base):
-    pass
-def dummyFunc():
-    pass
-ClassTypes = (type(dummyClass), type(dummyClass2))
-ModuleType = type(sys)
-FuncType = type(dummyFunc)
-next_auto_refresh_check = 0
-AUTO_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 2  # 2 seconds.
-# Functions for storing and retrieving the auto-refresh state for
-# each product.
-def _getCentralRefreshData(jar, create=0):
-    root = jar.root()
-    if root.has_key('RefreshData'):
-        rd = root['RefreshData']
-    else:
-        rd = PersistentMapping()
-        if create:
-            root['RefreshData'] = rd
-    return rd
-def isAutoRefreshEnabled(jar, productid):
-    rd = _getCentralRefreshData(jar)
-    ids = rd.get('auto', None)
-    if ids:
-        return ids.get(productid, 0)
-    else:
-        return 0
-def enableAutoRefresh(jar, productid, enable):
-    productid = str(productid)
-    rd = _getCentralRefreshData(jar, 1)
-    ids = rd.get('auto', None)
-    if ids is None:
-        if enable:
-            rd['auto'] = ids = PersistentMapping()
-        else:
-            return
-    if enable:
-        ids[productid] = 1
-    else:
-        if ids.has_key(productid):
-            del ids[productid]
-def listAutoRefreshableProducts(jar):
-    rd = _getCentralRefreshData(jar)
-    auto = rd.get('auto', None)
-    if auto:
-        ids = []
-        for k, v in auto.items():
-            if v:
-                ids.append(k)
-        return ids
-    else:
-        return ()
-def getDependentProducts(jar, productid):
-    rd = _getCentralRefreshData(jar)
-    products = rd.get('products', None)
-    if products is None:
-        return ()
-    product = products.get(productid, None)
-    if product is None:
-        return ()
-    return product.get('dependent_products', ())
-def setDependentProducts(jar, productid, dep_ids):
-    productid = str(productid)
-    rd = _getCentralRefreshData(jar, 1)
-    products = rd.get('products', None)
-    if products is None:
-        rd['products'] = products = PersistentMapping()
-    product = products.get(productid, None)
-    if product is None:
-        products[productid] = product = PersistentMapping()
-    product['dependent_products'] = tuple(map(str, dep_ids))
-# Functions for performing refresh.
-def getReloadVar(module):
-    reload_var = getattr(module, '__refresh_module__', _marker)
-    if reload_var is _marker:
-        reload_var = getattr(module, '__reload_module__', _marker)
-    if reload_var is _marker:
-        reload_var = 1
-    return reload_var
-def listRefreshableModules(productid):
-    prefix = "Products.%s" % productid
-    prefixdot = prefix + '.'
-    lpdot = len(prefixdot)
-    rval = []
-    for name, module in sys.modules.items():
-        if module and (name == prefix or name[:lpdot] == prefixdot):
-            reload_var = getReloadVar(module)
-            if reload_var:
-                rval.append((name, module))
-    return rval
-def logBadRefresh(productid):
-    exc = sys.exc_info()
-    try:
-        LOG.error('Exception while refreshing %s' % productid, exc_info=exc)
-        if hasattr(exc[0], '__name__'):
-            error_type = exc[0].__name__
-        else:
-            error_type = str(exc[0])
-        error_value = str(exc[1])
-        info = ''.join(format_exception(exc[0], exc[1], exc[2], limit=200))
-        refresh_exc_info[productid] = (error_type, error_value, info)
-    finally:
-        exc = None
-def performRefresh(jar, productid):
-    '''Attempts to perform a refresh operation.
-    '''
-    refresh_exc_info[productid] = None
-    setupModTimes(productid)  # Refresh again only if changed again.
-    modlist = listRefreshableModules(productid)
-    former_modules = {}
-    try:
-        # Remove modules from sys.modules but keep a handle
-        # on the old modules in case there's a problem.
-        for name, module in modlist:
-            m = sys.modules.get(name, None)
-            if m is not None:
-                former_modules[name] = m
-                del sys.modules[name]
-        # Reimport and reinstall the product.
-        from OFS import Application
-        Application.reimport_product(productid)
-        app = jar.root()['Application']
-        Application.reinstall_product(app, productid)
-        return 1
-    except:
-        # Couldn't refresh.  Reinstate removed modules.
-        for name, module in former_modules.items():
-            sys.modules[name] = module
-        raise
-def performSafeRefresh(jar, productid):
-    try:
-        LOG.info('Refreshing product %s' % productid)
-        if not performRefresh(jar, productid):
-            return 0
-    except:
-        logBadRefresh(productid)
-        return 0
-    else:
-        return 1
-def performFullRefresh(jar, productid):
-    # Refresh dependent products also.
-    if performSafeRefresh(jar, productid):
-        dep_ids = getDependentProducts(jar, productid)
-        for dep_id in dep_ids:
-            if isAutoRefreshEnabled(jar, dep_id):
-                if not performSafeRefresh(jar, dep_id):
-                    return 0
-    else:
-        return 0
-    return 1
-def getLastRefreshException(productid):
-    return refresh_exc_info.get(productid, None)
-# Functions for quickly scanning the dates of product modules.
-def tryFindProductDirectory(productid):
-    import Products
-    path_join = os.path.join
-    isdir = os.path.isdir
-    exists = os.path.exists
-    for products_dir in Products.__path__:
-        product_dir = path_join(products_dir, productid)
-        if not isdir(product_dir): continue
-        if not exists(path_join(product_dir, '__init__.py')):
-            if not exists(path_join(product_dir, '__init__.pyc')):
-                continue
-        return product_dir
-    return None
-def tryFindModuleFilename(product_dir, filename):
-    # Try different variations of the filename of a module.
-    path_join = os.path.join
-    isdir = os.path.isdir
-    exists = os.path.exists
-    found = None
-    fn = path_join(product_dir, filename + '.py')
-    if exists(fn):
-        found = fn
-    if not found:
-        fn = fn + 'c'
-        if exists(fn):
-            found = fn
-    if not found:
-        fn = path_join(product_dir, filename)
-        if isdir(fn):
-            fn = path_join(fn, '__init__.py')
-            if exists(fn):
-                found = fn
-            else:
-                fn = fn + 'c'
-                if exists(fn):
-                    found = fn
-    return found
-def setupModTimes(productid):
-    mod_times = []
-    product_dir = tryFindProductDirectory(productid)
-    if product_dir is not None:
-        modlist = listRefreshableModules(productid)
-        path_join = os.path.join
-        exists = os.path.exists
-        for name, module in modlist:
-            splitname = name.split( '.')[2:]
-            if not splitname:
-                filename = '__init__'
-            else:
-                filename = apply(path_join, splitname)
-            found = tryFindModuleFilename(product_dir, filename)
-            if found:
-                try: mtime = os.stat(found)[8]
-                except: mtime = 0
-                mod_times.append((found, mtime))
-    products_mod_times[productid] = mod_times
-def checkModTimes(productid):
-    # Returns 1 if there were changes.
-    mod_times = products_mod_times.get(productid, None)
-    if mod_times is None:
-        # Initialize the mod times.
-        setupModTimes(productid)
-        return 0
-    for filename, mod_time in mod_times:
-        try: mtime = os.stat(filename)[8]
-        except: mtime = 0
-        if mtime != mod_time:
-            # Something changed!
-            return 1
-    return 0
-# Functions for performing auto-refresh.
-def checkAutoRefresh(jar):
-    '''
-    Returns the IDs of products that need to be auto-refreshed.
-    '''
-    # Note: this function is NOT allowed to change the database!
-    global next_auto_refresh_check
-    now = time()
-    if next_auto_refresh_check and next_auto_refresh_check > now:
-        # Not enough time has passed.
-        return ()
-    next_auto_refresh_check = now + AUTO_REFRESH_INTERVAL
-    rd = _getCentralRefreshData(jar)
-    ids = rd.get('auto', None)
-    if not ids:
-        return ()
-    auto_refresh_ids = []
-    for productid in ids.keys():
-        if checkModTimes(productid):
-            auto_refresh_ids.append(productid)
-    return auto_refresh_ids
-def finishAutoRefresh(jar, productids):
-    # This function is allowed to change the database.
-    for productid in productids:
-        performFullRefresh(jar, productid)
-def autoRefresh(jar):
-    # Must be called before there are any changes made
-    # by the connection to the database!
-    import transaction
-    auto_refresh_ids = checkAutoRefresh(jar)
-    if auto_refresh_ids:
-        finishAutoRefresh(jar, auto_refresh_ids)
-        from ZODB import Connection
-        Connection.resetCaches()
-        transaction.commit()
-        jar._resetCache()
-        transaction.begin()
-def setupAutoRefresh(jar):
-    # Install hook.
-    from App.ZApplication import connection_open_hooks
-    connection_open_hooks.append(autoRefresh)
-    # Init mod times.
-    checkAutoRefresh(jar)

Deleted: Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/readme.dtml
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/readme.dtml	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/readme.dtml	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<dtml-var manage_page_header>
-<dtml-var manage_tabs>
-<dtml-var manage_get_product_readme__ fmt=structured-text>
-<dtml-var manage_page_footer>

Deleted: Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/refresh.dtml
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/refresh.dtml	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/refresh.dtml	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-  Arguments for this method:
-   id, refresh_txt, error_type, error_value, error_tb, devel_mode,
-   auto_refresh_enabled, auto_refresh_other, dependent_products,
-   loaded_modules
-<dtml-let form_title="'Refresh product: ' + id">
-<dtml-if manage_page_header>
- <dtml-var manage_page_header>
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">
- <html lang="en">
- <head>
- <title>&dtml-form_title;</title>
- </head>
- <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#000099" vlink="#555555">
- <h3>&dtml-form_title;</h3>
-<dtml-var manage_tabs>
-<dtml-if expr="refresh_txt == _.None">
- <p>The refresh function, designed to ease the development of Zope
- products, is not currently enabled for this product.
- To make it available, put a file named "refresh.txt" in the &dtml-id;
- product directory.  Please note that not all products are
- compatible with the refresh function.</p>
- <dtml-if error_type>
-  <p><b>An exception occurred during the last refresh.</b><br />
-   Exception type: <b>&dtml-error_type;</b> <br />
-   Exception value: <b>&dtml-error_value;</b>
-  </p>
-  <pre>&dtml-error_tb;</pre>
-  <hr />
- </dtml-if>
- <form action="&dtml-absolute_url;" method="POST">
-  <table border="0">
-   <tr>
-    <td valign="top">
-     <dtml-if expr="_.string.strip(refresh_txt)">
-      <p>
-       <b>Important information about refreshing this product:</b><br />
-       <dtml-var refresh_txt fmt="structured-text">
-      </p>
-     </dtml-if>
-     <div align="center"><input type="submit"
-         name="manage_performRefresh:method" value="Refresh this product" />
-     </div>
-     <p>
-      <dtml-if auto_refresh_enabled>
-       <dtml-if devel_mode>
-       Auto refresh is enabled.  Zope will repeatedly scan for
-       changes to the Python modules that make up this product and
-       execute a refresh when needed.
-       <dtml-else>
-       Although auto refresh is enabled, Zope is not in development
-       mode so auto refresh is not available.  Use the "-D" argument
-       when starting Zope to enable development mode.
-       </dtml-if>
-      <dtml-else>
-       Auto refresh is disabled.  Enable auto refresh
-       to cause Zope to frequently scan this product for changes.
-       Note that auto refresh can slow down Zope considerably
-       if enabled for more than a few products.
-      </dtml-if>
-      <br />
-      <dtml-let checked="auto_refresh_enabled and 'checked' or ' '">
-       <input type="checkbox" name="enable" value="1" &dtml-checked; />
-       Auto refresh mode &nbsp;
-       <input type="submit" name="manage_enableAutoRefresh:method"
-              value="Change" />
-      </dtml-let>
-     </p>
-     <dtml-if auto_refresh_other>
-      <p>Select dependent auto-refreshable products to be refreshed
-      simultaneously.<br />
-      <dtml-in auto_refresh_other sort>
-       <dtml-let checked="(_['sequence-item'] in dependent_products) and
-         'checked' or ' '">
-        <input type="checkbox" name="selections:list"
-         value="&dtml-sequence-item;" &dtml-checked; />
-       </dtml-let>
-      </dtml-in>
-      <input type="submit" name="manage_selectDependentProducts:method"
-       value="Change" />
-      </p>
-     </dtml-if>
-    </td>
-    <td valign="top" class="row-hilite">
-     <p><b>Refreshable product modules:</b></p>
-     <ul>
-      <dtml-in loaded_modules sort>
-       <li>&dtml-sequence-item;</li>
-      </dtml-in>
-     </ul>
-    </td>
-   </tr>
-  </table>
- </form>
-<dtml-if manage_page_footer>
-  <dtml-var manage_page_footer>
-  </body></html>

Deleted: Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/traceback.dtml
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/traceback.dtml	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/dtml/traceback.dtml	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<dtml-var manage_page_header>
-<dtml-var manage_tabs>
-<h3>Import Traceback</h3>
-<dtml-var manage_page_footer>

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -350,11 +350,6 @@
         am = self._makeOne()
         self.assertEqual(am.sys_platform(), sys.platform)
-    def test_ctor_initializes_Products(self):
-        from App.Product import ProductFolder
-        am = self._makeOne()
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(am.Products, ProductFolder))
     def test__canCopy(self):
         am = self._makeOne()

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/OFS/Application.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/OFS/Application.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/OFS/Application.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -13,14 +13,11 @@
 """Application support
-import os, sys, traceback
+import os, sys
 from logging import getLogger
 from cgi import escape
-from StringIO import StringIO
 import Products
-import App.Product
-import App.ProductRegistry
 import transaction
 from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
 from AccessControl.class_init import InitializeClass
@@ -29,7 +26,6 @@
 from App.ApplicationManager import ApplicationManager
 from App.config import getConfiguration
 from App import FactoryDispatcher
-from App.Product import doInstall
 from DateTime import DateTime
 from HelpSys.HelpSys import HelpSys
 from OFS.metaconfigure import get_packages_to_initialize
@@ -56,7 +52,6 @@
 class Application(ApplicationDefaultPermissions,
-                  App.ProductRegistry.ProductRegistry,
     """Top-level system object"""
@@ -292,7 +287,6 @@
         global APP_MANAGER
         APP_MANAGER = ApplicationManager()
-        APP_MANAGER.Products=App.Product.ProductFolder()
         app = self.getApp()
@@ -498,46 +492,33 @@
             self.commit('Added virtual_hosting')
     def install_products(self):
-        app = self.getApp()
-        # this defers to a function for b/c reasons
-        return install_products(app)
+        return install_products()
     def install_standards(self):
         app = self.getApp()
         # this defers to a  function for b/c reasons
         return install_standards(app)
-def install_products(app):
-    # Install a list of products into the basic folder class, so
-    # that all folders know about top-level objects, aka products
+def install_products(app=None):
     folder_permissions = get_folder_permissions()
-    meta_types=[]
-    done={}
-    debug_mode = getConfiguration().debug_mode
-    transaction.get().note('Prior to product installs')
-    transaction.commit()
-    products = get_products()
-    for priority, product_name, index, product_dir in products:
+    meta_types = []
+    done = {}
+    for priority, product_name, index, product_dir in get_products():
         # For each product, we will import it and try to call the
         # intialize() method in the product __init__ module. If
         # the method doesnt exist, we put the old-style information
         # together and do a default initialization.
-        if done.has_key(product_name):
+        if product_name in done:
-        done[product_name]=1
+        done[product_name] = 1
         install_product(app, product_dir, product_name, meta_types,
-                        folder_permissions, raise_exc=debug_mode)
+                        folder_permissions)
     # Delayed install of packages-as-products
     for module, init_func in tuple(get_packages_to_initialize()):
-        install_package(app, module, init_func, raise_exc=debug_mode)
+        install_package(app, module, init_func)
-    Products.meta_types=Products.meta_types+tuple(meta_types)
+    Products.meta_types = Products.meta_types + tuple(meta_types)
 def get_products():
@@ -564,68 +545,47 @@
     return products
-def import_products():
-    # Try to import each product, checking for and catching errors.
-    done={}
-    products = get_products()
-    debug_mode = getConfiguration().debug_mode
-    for priority, product_name, index, product_dir in products:
-        if done.has_key(product_name):
+def import_products():
+    done = {}
+    for priority, product_name, index, product_dir in get_products():
+        if product_name in done:
             LOG.warn('Duplicate Product name: '
                      'After loading Product %s from %s, '
                      'I skipped the one in %s.' % (
                     `product_name`, `done[product_name]`, `product_dir`) )
-        done[product_name]=product_dir
-        import_product(product_dir, product_name, raise_exc=debug_mode)
+        done[product_name] = product_dir
+        import_product(product_dir, product_name)
     return done.keys()
-def import_product(product_dir, product_name, raise_exc=0, log_exc=1):
+def import_product(product_dir, product_name, raise_exc=None):
-    _st=type('')
-    silly=('__doc__',)
-    have_module=modules.has_key
-    try:
-        package_dir=path_join(product_dir, product_name)
-        if not isdir(package_dir): return
-        if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.py')):
-            if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.pyc')):
-                if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.pyo')):
-                    return
+    package_dir = path_join(product_dir, product_name)
+    if not isdir(package_dir):
+        return
-        pname="Products.%s" % product_name
-        try:
-            product=__import__(pname, global_dict, global_dict, silly)
-            if hasattr(product, '__module_aliases__'):
-                for k, v in product.__module_aliases__:
-                    if not have_module(k):
-                        if type(v) is _st and have_module(v): v=modules[v]
-                        modules[k]=v
-        except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            raise
-        except:
-            exc = sys.exc_info()
-            if log_exc:
-                LOG.error('Could not import %s' % pname,
-                          exc_info=exc)
-            f=StringIO()
-            traceback.print_exc(100,f)
-            f=f.getvalue()
-            try: modules[pname].__import_error__=f
-            except: pass
-            if raise_exc:
-                raise exc[0], exc[1], exc[2]
-    finally:
-        exc = None
+    if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.py')):
+        if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.pyc')):
+            if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.pyo')):
+                return
+    pname = "Products.%s" % product_name
+    product = __import__(pname, global_dict, global_dict, ('__doc__', ))
+    if hasattr(product, '__module_aliases__'):
+        for k, v in product.__module_aliases__:
+            if k not in modules:
+                if isinstance(v, str) and v in modules:
+                    v = modules[v]
+                modules[k] = v
 def get_folder_permissions():
     for p in Folder.Folder.__ac_permissions__:
@@ -635,106 +595,57 @@
 def install_product(app, product_dir, product_name, meta_types,
-                    folder_permissions, raise_exc=0, log_exc=1):
+                    folder_permissions, raise_exc=None):
     from App.ProductContext import ProductContext
-    silly=('__doc__',)
-    if 1:  # Preserve indentation for diff :-)
-        package_dir=path_join(product_dir, product_name)
-        __traceback_info__=product_name
-        if not isdir(package_dir): return
-        if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.py')):
-            if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.pyc')):
-                if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.pyo')):
-                    return
-        try:
-            product=__import__("Products.%s" % product_name,
-                               global_dict, global_dict, silly)
+    package_dir=path_join(product_dir, product_name)
+    __traceback_info__=product_name
+    if not isdir(package_dir): return
+    if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.py')):
+        if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.pyc')):
+            if not exists(path_join(package_dir, '__init__.pyo')):
+                return
-            # Install items into the misc_ namespace, used by products
-            # and the framework itself to store common static resources
-            # like icon images.
-            misc_=pgetattr(product, 'misc_', {})
-            if misc_:
-                if isinstance(misc_, dict):
-                    misc_=Misc_(product_name, misc_)
-                Application.misc_.__dict__[product_name]=misc_
+    product=__import__("Products.%s" % product_name,
+                       global_dict, global_dict, ('__doc__', ))
-            # Here we create a ProductContext object which contains
-            # information about the product and provides an interface
-            # for registering things like classes and help topics that
-            # should be associated with that product. Products are
-            # expected to implement a method named 'initialize' in
-            # their __init__.py that takes the ProductContext as an
-            # argument.
-            do_install = doInstall()
-            if do_install:
-                productObject = App.Product.initializeProduct(
-                    product, product_name, package_dir, app)
-                context = ProductContext(productObject, app, product)
-            else:
-                # avoid any persistent connection
-                productObject = FactoryDispatcher.Product(product_name)
-                context = ProductContext(productObject, None, product)
+    # Install items into the misc_ namespace, used by products
+    # and the framework itself to store common static resources
+    # like icon images.
+    misc_ = pgetattr(product, 'misc_', {})
+    if misc_:
+        if isinstance(misc_, dict):
+            misc_=Misc_(product_name, misc_)
+        Application.misc_.__dict__[product_name]=misc_
-            # Look for an 'initialize' method in the product.
-            initmethod = pgetattr(product, 'initialize', None)
-            if initmethod is not None:
-                initmethod(context)
+    productObject = FactoryDispatcher.Product(product_name)
+    context = ProductContext(productObject, None, product)
-            if do_install:
-                transaction.get().note('Installed product ' + product_name)
-                transaction.commit()
+    # Look for an 'initialize' method in the product.
+    initmethod = pgetattr(product, 'initialize', None)
+    if initmethod is not None:
+        initmethod(context)
-        except Exception:
-            if log_exc:
-                LOG.error('Couldn\'t install %s' % product_name,
-                           exc_info=sys.exc_info())
-            transaction.abort()
-            if raise_exc:
-                raise
-def install_package(app, module, init_func, raise_exc=False, log_exc=True):
+def install_package(app, module, init_func, raise_exc=None):
     """Installs a Python package like a product."""
     from App.ProductContext import ProductContext
-    try:
-        do_install = doInstall()
-        name = module.__name__
-        if do_install:
-            product = App.Product.initializeProduct(module,
-                                                    name,
-                                                    module.__path__[0],
-                                                    app)
-        else:
-            product = FactoryDispatcher.Product(name)
-            app = None
+    name = module.__name__
+    product = FactoryDispatcher.Product(name)
+    product.package_name = name
-        product.package_name = name
+    if init_func is not None:
+        newContext = ProductContext(product, None, module)
+        init_func(newContext)
-        if init_func is not None:
-            newContext = ProductContext(product, app, module)
-            init_func(newContext)
+    package_initialized(module, init_func)
-        package_initialized(module, init_func)
-        if do_install:
-            transaction.get().note('Installed package %s' % module.__name__)
-            transaction.commit()
-    except Exception:
-        if log_exc:
-            LOG.error("Couldn't install %s" % module.__name__,
-                      exc_info=True)
-        transaction.abort()
-        if raise_exc:
-            raise
 def install_standards(app):
     # Check to see if we've already done this before
     if getattr(app, '_standard_objects_have_been_added', 0):
@@ -774,58 +685,16 @@
         transaction.get().note('Installed standard objects')
-def reinstall_product(app, product_name):
-    folder_permissions = get_folder_permissions()
-    meta_types=[]
-    transaction.get().note('Prior to product reinstall')
-    transaction.commit()
-    for product_dir in Products.__path__:
-        product_names=os.listdir(product_dir)
-        product_names.sort()
-        if product_name in product_names:
-            removeProductMetaTypes(product_name)
-            install_product(app, product_dir, product_name, meta_types,
-                            folder_permissions, raise_exc=1, log_exc=0)
-            break
-    Products.meta_types=Products.meta_types+tuple(meta_types)
-    InitializeClass(Folder.Folder)
-def reimport_product(product_name):
-    for product_dir in Products.__path__:
-        product_names=os.listdir(product_dir)
-        product_names.sort()
-        if product_name in product_names:
-            import_product(product_dir, product_name,
-                           raise_exc=1, log_exc=0)
-            break
-def removeProductMetaTypes(pid):
-    """Unregisters the meta types registered by a product.
-    """
-    meta_types = Products.meta_types
-    new_mts = []
-    changed = 0
-    for meta_type in meta_types:
-        if meta_type.get('product', None) == pid:
-            # Remove this meta type.
-            changed = 1
-        else:
-            new_mts.append(meta_type)
-    if changed:
-        Products.meta_types = tuple(new_mts)
 def pgetattr(product, name, default=install_products, __init__=0):
-    if not __init__ and hasattr(product, name): return getattr(product, name)
+    if not __init__ and hasattr(product, name):
+        return getattr(product, name)
     if hasattr(product, '__init__'):
-        if hasattr(product, name): return getattr(product, name)
+        if hasattr(product, name):
+            return getattr(product, name)
-    if default is not install_products: return default
+    if default is not install_products:
+        return default
-    raise AttributeError, name
+    raise AttributeError(name)

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/OFS/ObjectManager.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/OFS/ObjectManager.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/OFS/ObjectManager.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -210,14 +210,6 @@
         import Products
         external_candidates = []
-        # Look at _product_meta_types, if there is one
-        _pmt=()
-        if hasattr(self, '_product_meta_types'): _pmt=self._product_meta_types
-        elif hasattr(self, 'aq_acquire'):
-            try: _pmt=self.aq_acquire('_product_meta_types')
-            except:  pass
-        external_candidates.extend(list(_pmt))
         # Look at all globally visible meta types.
         for entry in getattr(Products, 'meta_types', ()):
             if ( (interfaces is not None) or (entry.get("visibility", None)=="Global") ):

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/OFS/tests/testProductInit.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/OFS/tests/testProductInit.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/OFS/tests/testProductInit.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -221,23 +221,11 @@
         app = getApp()
         from OFS.Application import install_products
-        install_products(app)
+        install_products()
         obids = app.Control_Panel.Products.keys()
         self.assertEquals(obids, [])
-    def test_install_products_enabled(self):
-        self.makeFakeProducts()
-        cfg2 = cfg + '\nenable-product-installation on'
-        self.configure(cfg2)
-        app = getApp()
-        from OFS.Application import install_products
-        install_products(app)
-        obids = app.Control_Panel.Products.keys()
-        for name in FAKEPRODUCTS:
-            self.assert_(name in obids)
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
     suite.addTest( unittest.makeSuite( TestProductInit ) )

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/OFS/tests/test_registerpackage.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/OFS/tests/test_registerpackage.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/OFS/tests/test_registerpackage.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -51,9 +51,7 @@
       >>> import Zope2
       >>> from OFS.Application import install_products
-      >>> app = Zope2.app()
-      >>> install_products(app)
+      >>> install_products()
       pythonproduct2 initialized
     Make sure it is registered:

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/ZopeLite.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/ZopeLite.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/ZopeLite.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -176,11 +176,10 @@
     if _patched and not _installedProducts.has_key(name):
         for priority, product_name, index, product_dir in get_products():
             if product_name == name:
-                if not quiet: _print('Installing %s ... ' % product_name)
-                # We want to fail immediately if a product throws an exception
-                # during install, so we set the raise_exc flag.
+                if not quiet:
+                    _print('Installing %s ... ' % product_name)
                 install_product(_theApp, product_dir, product_name, meta_types,
-                                get_folder_permissions(), raise_exc=1)
+                                get_folder_permissions())
                 _installedProducts[product_name] = 1
                 Products.meta_types = Products.meta_types + tuple(meta_types)
@@ -207,10 +206,9 @@
     if _patched and not _installedPackages.has_key(name):
         for module, init_func in get_packages_to_initialize():
             if module.__name__ == name:
-                if not quiet: _print('Installing %s ... ' % module.__name__)
-                # We want to fail immediately if a package throws an exception
-                # during install, so we set the raise_exc flag.
-                install_package(_theApp, module, init_func, raise_exc=1)
+                if not quiet:
+                    _print('Installing %s ... ' % module.__name__)
+                install_package(_theApp, module, init_func)
                 _installedPackages[module.__name__] = 1
                 if not quiet:
                     _print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time() - start))

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/App/startup.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/App/startup.py	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/App/startup.py	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -127,10 +127,6 @@
     # Initialize the app object
     application = app()
-    if getConfiguration().debug_mode:
-        # Set up auto-refresh.
-        from App.RefreshFuncs import setupAutoRefresh
-        setupAutoRefresh(application._p_jar)
     # "Log off" as system user

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml
--- Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml	2011-07-02 17:12:27 UTC (rev 122064)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml	2011-07-02 18:08:30 UTC (rev 122065)
@@ -414,10 +414,7 @@
   <key name="enable-product-installation" datatype="boolean" default="off">
-     If this directive is turned on, Zope performs 'product installation'
-     (the registration of Python modules in various Products directories)
-     at startup. Only turn this on if your code relies on the Products section
-     in the Control_Panel to be populated.
+     BBB: This directive has no effect anymore.

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