[Zope-PTK] Lot of questions

Mike Pelletier mike@digicool.com
Wed, 5 Apr 2000 13:04:03 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Andre Fucs de Miranda wrote:

> Hi!

  G'day, and welcome to PTK land.

> 	1st: I must use Wizards to create documents, news, links, etc?

  Yes, that is presently the only way to add PTK content objects.
Sometime before 04/21, the PTK will be fixed so that you can add and
manage these objects through the Zope Managerment Interface as well.

> 	2nd: How do I create documents, news, links, etc under a differnt
> folder, not a user forlder, justa another folder.

  You have to make sure the folder you are attempting to add items to
is a 'PortalFolder', rather than a plain 'Folder'.  This is not really
desirable, but I think I now know enough to eliminate the need for

  You can add, for example, a Document to a folder by adding
'/Wizards/Document' to the Document's URL.  You can prompt the user
for the kind of object to add by appending simply '/Wizards' to the
folder's URL.  So, if you have a folder at http://server/portal/folder,
http://server/portal/folder/Wizards/Document will present the Document

> 	3rd: How do I delete a document without index? Well... I have touched
> my SiteIndex... something wrong happened. :-)

  Hmm.  Let me guess, if you try to delete an uncataloged object, it
complains, 'Cannot unindex object' or some such thing?  Sounds like my
fault.  Please create a Tracker issue.


Mike Pelletier                          email: mike@digicool.com
Mild mannered software developer          icq: 7127228
by day, super villain by night.         phone: 519-884-2434