Nitin Borwankar
Mon, 10 Apr 2000 19:22:28 -0500
YAPPA - Yet Another PTK Portal Announcement.
After gallons of blood sweat and tears, I along with the stalwart
at CodeIt Computing would like to announce EnterLinux, the Enterprise
Linux Vortal.
Based on the PTK framework with some extensions, plus other areas,
EnterLinux is intended to be a focus for the Enterprise User of Linux.
Community contributed howto, FAQ and other high-value content is meant
to be the differentiating component along with an "On Linux"
focus for existing Open Source technologies. Other areas will also be
from a Linux focus
for the Enterprise user. There is also a rating system for content that
can ultimately be extended to any object on the site.
Search is via Ultraseek Zope DA, we are also using Amos' RSS Channels
for news from
other OSS and Linux sites. There will soon be a Linux Guru of the Week
area using Tres Seaver's
ZGotW. product.
All in all Zope is awesome - we built this pretty much from scratch in
eight weeks.
The site is merely functional and not filled out with content.
Please *DO NOT* circulate the URL widely - we are not yet in full public
mode but would like
"peer review" and feedback for a 3-4 weeks before we go public beta.
The base URL www.enterlinux.com is password protected. Please use
and register.
Feedback to me nitin@borwankar.com or the list preferred although the
site says to send it to webmaster.
Thanks to all the folks at Digital Creations and to the extended Zope
We intend to give back by making an "zAuctions" product out of our
current code and making
it Open Source.
Please participate and let us know what you think.
Nitin Borwankar,
nitin@borwankar.com ( mail.enterlinux.com not yet in global DNS maps)
Co-founder, CTO EnterLinux.com