[Zope-PTK] Re: PTK security
Fabio Forno
Mon, 21 Aug 2000 16:08:27 +0200
Shane Hathaway wrote:
> > 2. security and catalog was changed after portalcontent state
> > changed . and It all done by system automatically.
> That's right, and that's what we need to look at now. The old method
> was strange, but it worked. See previous postings for details.
I've thougth a bit about it. If we want to keep the Zope securiy
mechanism, the only way is to keep private content and published content
in separate trees, with the latter having also the Anynonous (or Member
or whatever you want) role with the view permission. Each time an item
gets published it is copied authomatically into the public area and
catalogued. Then, each time the domunt state is changed the two copies
will have different modidications, accordingly to the roles of the
- the document is changed by a contributor without the Reviewer Role:
the published copy remains unchanged and it is synvhronized opnly when a
Reviewer grants the content
- the document is changed by a contributor with the Reviewer Role: both
copies remains synchronized with the new content
- Then all ather changes (deletion, change of publishing state, i.e made
private again) could be granted to all contributors and reflected also
to the published copy, or only to a Reviewer accordingly to the chosen
In this moment with this approach I see only one problem. For reviewers
and owners the documents are catalogued twice, but I think It could be
possible to filter them easily