[Zope-PTK] [Fwd: Re: [Zope-PTK] New tool proposal: portal_events]
Tres Seaver
Wed, 23 Aug 2000 11:22:17 -0400
*My apologies -- I neglected to CC the PTK list on this reply.*
Andrew Wilcox wrote:
> > class PortalEventSink:
> > def notify( eventType, payload=None, **kw ):
> > """ Process an event from an event source.
> >
> > 'eventType' -- meant to be easily tested for filtering;
> > may be a well-known constant, a class object, etc.
> >
> > 'payload' -- event data (or a lazy proxy therefore).
> >
> > 'kw' -- meta-data about the event, especially useful
> > for filtering.
> Do consider having an "Event" class with a single "event" object passed to
> notify(). Using an object-oriented approach would include these advantages:
> * Event data would be encapsulated in the Event object, so it would be easy
> to add new data elements in the future without breaking existing code.
Of course an inheritance-based solution is actually slighly *more*
inflexible than one which leverages Python's dynamism. My proposal
is actually motivated by the CORBA NotificationService, which has
a very similar signature, passing "filterable" meta-data separately
from the payload. Their service was developed after extensive
experience with strongly-typed event hierarchies, and makes some
good tradeoffs, it seems to me.
> * It is easy to classify and filter on event types, simply by having
> subclasses of Event such as: ObjectAddedEvent, a subclass of
> ObjectManagerEvent, a subclass of Event.
Filtering based on inheritance classifications has two drawbacks:
* Either you *don't* know all the event types ahead of time, in
which case you must do *really slow* testing for each base
class you *do* know about; you can then use only the services
provided by those bases. Note that subscribers have a "moral
obligation" to take as little time as possible during the
notification; their processing is (at least in a naive
implementation) blocks the completion of the transaction.
* Or, you *do* know all the event types, in which case you are
going to dispatch on the type directly; this is exactly the
case for the signature I proposed, except that the subscriber
has to do more work.
> * If you are filtering on **kw, you may not know if a keyword of a
> particular name is being used in the same way by different events.
The 'eventType' parameter (which may, indeed, be a class object)
will dictate what keywords, if any, are passed with a given event.
> Instead, create an interface that defines the meaning of common meta-data.
> Put the common meta-data elements into a mixin class that can then be
> subclassed by any Event class that provides those meta-data elements. Now
> it is easy to tell if you're getting the meta-data you want to filter on,
> and you don't have to worry about the event type. (Er, was that very
> clear? Perhaps an example?)
> * You will find in your client code that there are operations that you do
> over and over again in reference to the event. With an Event class, you
> can easily refactor your code to make the common operations methods of the
> class, simplifying your client code.
This may be so, for a specific portal; one of the problems of the PTK
is to provide extensible mechanisms for implementing such behavior, without
imposing policies rigid enough to defeat the extensibility. Given the
API I originally specified, for instance, it would be simple to deploy
a portal which passed the kind of Event objects you describe as the payload
paramter, passing their class object as the eventType; all "custom" code
in the portal would use the payload object directly, while the "framework"
code would continue to dispatch on eventType.
Thanks for the feedback!
Tres Seaver tseaver@digicool.com
Digital Creations "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.org