[Zope-PTK] Search broken: returns all entries?
Tres Seaver
Tue, 08 Feb 2000 08:52:53 -0600
Mike Pelletier wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Tres Seaver wrote:
> > The "quick search" field in the standard PTK header dumps the whole
> > catalog -- I couldn't find a way to get any of the advanced search
> > stuff to filter, either.
> >
> > Just FYI -- I do have the demo portal up and running. Thanks for a
> > cool product, DC!
> This is fixed. The catalog creation bug should also finally be
> fixed. I had appearently screwed up the check-in.
I've been thinking about that one, just in general, trying to figure out which
of the many WTDI (ways to do it) works best -- I think I will add a thumb rule
to my list of Zopeisms as follows:
* Any use of "manage_*" methods from within Python (not PythonMethods,
though -- they don't have access to the Right Stuff) is highly suspect,
and signals a need to refactor somewhere. This includes just about
any method which takes REQUEST or RESPONSE as explicit parameters.
Tres Seaver tseaver@palladion.com 713-523-6582
Palladion Software http://www.palladion.com