[Zope-PTK] FYI: Review of current snapshot
Paul Everitt
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 09:13:36 -0500
This is mainly for Mike, but we are trying to chat in public.
PTK Notes
13 Jan 2000
Reviewing last night's snapshot. Some thoughts...
Need an icon.
Name in add list should change from "ZopeOrg Portal" to just
The first page of the Add ZopeOrg Portal should look a lot better,
more like the wizard I have in the mockup. BTW, just to be clear,
I predict that _Guests_ will be creating portals as well as
Each page of every wizard should have: the name of the Wizard
(e.g. Add Portal) and the name of the step. This lets people
report problems easier than "on page three of the wizard..."
The second page should have the same look as the mockup.
Obviously we'll need to get around to creating some different
layouts and themes. As for the text on these pages, Mike, I can
write it for you if you'd like. One of the pages should allow an
optional upload of a logo.
Boy, the HTML I wrote for that stupid header bar sucks, doesn't
wrap well when in a frame. Page 3 of the add portal wizard has a
nice look&feel but doesn't look so good in a frame. 'Address'
should be 'Email Address' or 'Email'.
Do you think we need to replace "Next" submit buttons with
Can we combine the last two steps and let them create an account
that is also the person the email comes from?
The "Finished!" page should have the:
o public URL
o management URL
o a reminder that they should "log out", which probably means
closing all browser windows :^(
On to the portal page...
Make the home page look like my mockup, the one with all the
sample Zope text. Take all the controls out and put them in the
"Portal Box" (formerly known as the "Member Box") with "Guest" as
the heading. "Log out" (and all the controls below it) shouldn't
appear unless someone is logged in.
Clicking on "Log In" takes me to a page with no title. It should
say something clever like, "Log In" :^) Concerning the last
paragraph, I think the cookies should be by default long-term
cookies that include the password.
I see URLs like "join_form". I think we need to get away from not
having .html in our object ids. I think it just confuses people.
However, it makes it inconvenient to access things from Python
The "Become a member" form needs to explain better what is
o a random password will be assigned
o the person will receive an email with initial login
The email that is sent should provide a hyperlink that, when
clicked on, takes them directly to the "Login success" page.
Probably means a URL that passes in the username and password.
The login success page should, if this is the first login, let
people change their password, then explain what they can expect
from the site.
Why does the users see a warning in red about "automatically
generated form" when changing preferences? Also, preferences
should display last login and various roles.
The Undo link doesn't work. :^)
The Portal Box should have "Advanced" as an option, which goes to
Clicking on My Stuff goes to /desktop, but I get the portal home
page. On the home page, "Manage Your Member folder" goes to
/Members/me/Members/Anonymous User/manage. Thus, I don't see a
way to get to the desktop. :^( I'll switch over to the URL on your
I can't really tell, but are the images being cached on the
browser (hope so)?
Jakob Nielssen
When on the desktop, the place for the portal name (beside the
graphic) is taken up by the name of the current document
(e.g. Wizard).
We're not calling them "Formatted Documents", they are just
The textarea for typing in content is WAY too wide! Yikes! I'd
like to see the "wider" and "taller" buttons which grap a
preference that is editable on preferences. Also, people should
be able to choose from the three formats, per the "Member Adds
Document" use case.
The hyperlink between the icon for the document and the text
covers some whitespace in between, which sticks a line out from
under the icon. This happens on NS on Linux, but I believe it
also happens for NS on NT (I've seen it before).
The "first page, last page" navigation should only appear if there
are more desktop items than can appear (ten in each column).
When viewing an item, the Portal Box should say, "Manage Page",
not "Edit this item". There shouldn't be a separate "Manage Page"
that goes to manage_main. Also, looks like the title of the page
takes over the spot for the portal's title.
Editing a page should have "Save" instead of "Commit". Also, how
does one get *out* of editing a page?
The operation to edit a page should have a nicer URL than
"user_edit" :^)
Should every folder have some default items to edit things like
the home page of the folder, the submenu, etc?
Why does "Advanced Mode" show up on the desktop page but not the
Wizard page?
As noted in the PTK Guide, each piece of content (a portal, a
member, a document) should have id, title (optional), and
_description_ (optional).