[Zope-PTK] PTK on Windows NT?
Wolfgang Strobl
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 17:50:10 +0100
Preface: I'm new to Zope, and I'm new to this list, so beare with me.
After successfully installing Zope (2.1.2-win32-x86) on a Windows
2000 system, I found PTK (pre0.3) and decided to give it a try.
After installing PTK by unpacking it into the directory where zope
was installed, I proceeded as recommended in the PTK PTK.html
"Installing PTK Software", by restarting Zope.
Now the docs say "When the PTK is correctly installed you will
see Portal as a new kind of object in the add list for a Zope folder."
Sorry, there isn't. There is no new Object type named "Portal" in
the drop down list.
Now sentence later it says "If you have installed the PKT software
but don't see "Portal" listed, got to the Control panel in the Zope
site, look at the Products folder, and see if the PTK software is
listed as a broken product.
It isn't. It is listed as a working (nonbroken) project, there.
Just to check whether installing a product works at all, I fetched
another random product from zope.org (ZCalendar). This indeed
_does_ add a new object (named ZCalendar) to the "add" dropdown
Then I tried the very same procedure on a Windows NT 4.0
installation (Windows 2000 is still beta, after all), but in vain. Same
result (product is visible, isn't brocken, but no "Portal" to add) there.
I'm stuck.
o ( Wolfgang.Strobl@gmd.de (+49 2241) 14-2394
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