[Zope-PTK] ptk \ Access question

Dave Marchette d.marchette@efortress.com
Sat, 3 Jun 2000 13:31:03 -0700

Very new b here.

Playing with the PTK demo.  Trying to connect it to an Access 2k database.
Intalled z odbc. On NT 4 used odbc in ctl panel to create and connect to
empty database.  I then try to create a new demo portal by pointing it to
the new database.

After running through the 'wizard' for portal creating I get an error that
the users field does not exist or some such thing as zodbc error.

Odd thing is that it works fine when I use the internal Zope database.

Too new to understand why this does not work.  I assumed that it would work
based on the fact that it worked with the internal database.

Missing something,
