[Zope-PTK] Membership 0.6.0 (and user object format)
Tom Schwaller
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 02:46:15 +0200
Kevin Dangoor wrote:
> Hmm... I just updated my Zope... I didn't have a Manager set up, but I was
> able to login as the superuser just fine (using LM's cookie auth). Are you
> still using ZPatterns 0.3, or have you moved to 0.4?
Membership 0.6.0 works fine with ZPAtterns-3.0 for me to
(with Zope-2.2b1), but I'm struggling to find out, how to
get and manage the User-Data from an SQL-Database.
I used GUF (with MySLQ) till now, but it is broken
with Zope-2.2b1, so I want to move to
a LoginManager based approach (Membership-* seems perfect for that
ans is very usefull demo-code for ZPatterns, which is quite
hard to understand (I do not seem to be the only one struggling with
it :-))). Is somebody running a SQL-based Usermanagment-System with
Zope-2.2b or has even implemented it with Membership-*
If yes, some code and hints would really be welcome.
Tom Schwaller