[Zope-PTK] Re: [Zope-dev] ZPatterns 0.3.0 and LoginManager 0.8.5 now
Phillip J. Eby
Sat, 06 May 2000 11:16:26 -0500
At 03:17 PM 5/5/00 -0700, Michel Pelletier wrote:
>I think you're going to run into a pretty serious documentation need, I
>honestly haven't been able to understand what's been going on so far,
>and I was at your RIPP talk. ;)
>From my poor presentation logic at the talk, I would think it might have
been more hindrance than help anyway. :)
>I have created a section of the
>InterfaceWiki just for you:
>And I filled in some structure:
>I can problem sketch out rack and rackmountable, but the plug in stuff
>is kinda wild.
I was in the process of setting up a ZPatterns wiki in my zope.org home,
but its focus is more on conceptual introduction to the patterns and how to
use them. But I don't suppose that interface docs would be out of place in
the interface wiki. :) I'm in the process of moving right now (my house)
and may be short on time for several days, so it may be a while before I
can add much, though.
It appears that you've done some looking at the code; please do let us know
if you have any comments or spot any subtle misunderstandings on our part
of how the Zope framework is actually supposed to work.