[Zope-PTK] Discussion Problems with PTK
Shane Hathaway
Wed, 06 Sep 2000 11:10:51 -0400
Andy Dawkins wrote:
> So it seems that the DTML_method doesn't have access to the DiscussionItems,
> why is this? My discussion_thread_view is indirectly owned by my Portal
> Manager (aka Me)
I see the problem now. Try this patch:
RCS file: /cvs-repository/ZopePTK/PTKDemo/Discussions.py,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 Discussions.py
--- Discussions.py 2000/08/11 19:56:50 1.2
+++ Discussions.py 2000/09/06 15:10:32
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
if not hasattr(home, 'Correspondence'):
location = home.Correspondence
+ location.manage_permission('View', ['Anonymous'], 1)
+ location.manage_permission('Access contents information',
+ ['Anonymous'], 1)
# Find an unused id in location
id = int(DateTime().timeTime())
You see, each member folder has permissions set so that by default, no
one can look at its contents. The "Correspondence" folders should have
the opposite policy.
BTW adding skip_unauthorized is probably the right thing to do.