[Zope-PTK] Integrating Membership with SMBUserFolder (was:
[Zope-PTK] Integratingzope portal toolkit and ntuserfolder)zope portal
toolkit and ntuserfolder)
Bill Anderson
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 10:47:29 -0600
Michael Bernstein wrote:
> Note: Because membership is not reintegrated with the PTK as of yet,
> joining does not create a member folder.
PortalMembershipSystem will not do this anyway. That would be up to
either the Upcoming CommunityMembershipSystem plugin for Memebrship.
This is where I part ways with how some of the PTK is going. PTK should
_not_ deal with user management at all. Now doing things based on a
trigger is fine, but having a member folder for content is a function
that the user management item should handle, as it is part of user
management, Why, you ask? Simple. What if you want a Member to be able
to change their name, and not have to rename all their content, etc.?
This is something CommunityMembershipSystem, will address: Usernames
that are not tied one-to-one with user ids.
"But in DemoPortal..."
The part that has become a problem, is that people are expecting
DemoPortal to _be_ the PTK. It isn't, nor should it. We have to remember
to seperate the Demo from the Product.
Membership is being built so that it can be used independently from the
PTK. Even once PTK support has been added, it must be able to stand on
it's own away from the PTK. As such, user management functions will be
implemented with that it mind.
Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they are easy to annoy,
and have the root password.