[Zope-CMF] Trust Metrics in Python (pymmetry)
Chris Withers
Mon, 02 Apr 2001 09:36:27 +0100
"Michael R. Bernstein" wrote:
> This would seem like great addition to the CMF (I know, I
> know, patches accepted) and/or Swishdot. I haven't looked at
> the code yet to see if this is something that I should
> attempt with my current level of Zope Zen, but it looks
> promising.
Cool... I'll try and take a look some time soon.
I finally got to customising a CMF Instance last night, and it rocks :-)
I'm trying to decide whether to get the initial Swishdot skin done now (and
maybe in time for the competition... ;-) or try and get it done using ZPT (now
that 1.0 has landed)
What do people think?
PS: Anyone good with GoLive here that I can badger?