[Zope-CMF] Newbie Questions
Meilicke, Scott
Wed, 11 Apr 2001 11:51:16 -0700
I can offer a couple thoughts...
-----Original Message-----
From: Rolander, Dan [mailto:Dan.Rolander@marriott.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:29 AM
To: 'zope-cmf@zope.org'
Subject: [Zope-CMF] Newbie Questions
Okay, I've been playing with CMF for awhile, and I've figured out how to
customize the skins and how to maneuver around a CMF portal and use the
basic functions. I'd like to use it to build a intranet community website
for knowledge sharing. Here are some questions I have (forgive me if the
answers are obvious-- I'm still new at this):
o There was a lot of information on www.zope.org for PTK that is missing on
cmf.zope.org. For instance, the ZWiki. After reading the Everitt/Mannheimer
interview on oss4lib, it seems they plan to integrate the best aspects of
Wiki into CMF. So is the ZWiki forum for CMF/PTK being dropped
intentionally? If not, what is the vision for how other products such as
Wiki or Squishdot should or could be integrated into a CMF website? Does it
make sense to do that?
o The ability for users to create custom areas of the site and maintain
their own content is cool, but how do other uses discover that content? Is
posting a news item the best and/or only way? How should topics be used on a
site basis? How do users know what keywords have been entered as metadata to
give them a clue as to what to search for?
I use a manager account for the front page, topics/news to expose content,
and direct links to those topics. I'll probably put in a dtml chunck in the
metadata page to make the Subject field a drop down list of current Subjects
in the db (search the mailing list archives for the code - either Shane or
Tres put a few examples up a week or two ago). I would also include a link
to flip a variable on the template so the user could input a new Subject if
the existing ones aren't cutting it.
You can also use the News_Box code as an example to expose other types of
o If a user (for whatever reason) leaves the community, what becomes of
their content? Can it be transferred to another user?
o When a user creates content, can they assign edit rights to other users?
o How can a user create content that will be accessible from a common area
of the web site? Does the site manager need to put it there and create a
link to it?
o How does cmf.zope.org automatically create an index_html page for new
users? My new CMF instance doesn't do this.
Mine does - zope 2.3.1, CMF 1.0 tarball.
That's enough questions for now, but I'm sure I'll have more as I learn more
about this product. Thanks for helping.
Thanks for asking - I've had just about every one of these questions, but
haven't asked them...